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I OFFICER'S CLUB ,I GOt r-.OCCER II I w. M. C. Il ORGANIZE" CITY COl.LEGE V s. Vol. 5 No.9 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Nov. 28, 1927 ~======~-~==~~=-~~~~= Dr. Hilton Ira Jones Managers of Debate "Green Gold Parrots" Baby Terrors Close COLLEGE CALENDAR Lectures in Alumni Selected for Season SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26. Plan State Tour Season With Victory Varsity Soccer game. City Hall The debating managers were elect- College va. Western Mllryland ed for the 1937-1928 season at the at 'Western Marylal~d, 3.45 p. Yes, t~eY're back again. And the DEFEAT YORK HIGH SCHOOL second meeting of the Inter-Ooneg- m. Social hours 6.30 to 9.00 prcverbtat nightingale isn't far- ahead hlte Debating Council in xusston Par- of them, either. Who? The weet- 40·6 TREATS LIFE AS A CHEMICAL 101', Thursday evening, November 17. eru Maryland Green and Gold Par- Western Maryland freshmen ended REACTION, 'rncmas W. Reed was tile choice for )IONDAY, NOVEMBER 28. rots. The members .of this orchestra their schedule last Saturday, wben Dr. Hilton I. Jones, popular scten- meu'e manage!', and Gertrude D. Women's Liter-ar-y aocteues are all past masters of the art ot they defeated the York High School titHe lecturer, !ipoke in Alumni Hall, Ranck was selected to be women's at 6.30 p. m. Syncopation. "Ned" Shriver, saxe- of York, Pa., 40·6. Tbe high school Monday eveurng; NovellJbe)' 21. His mauager-. The two managers will be- Men's J..tterarv Societies at nhoutst, played with tbe Mansion eleven, which had not lost a home theme war.. "Life is a chemical reac- gin WOI'k tuuuectatetv in prder to as 7.1ii p. m. Llouae Tea Gardena orcueatra of game atnca 1924, was completely cut- have tenatrve schedules Bi-ooklyn; Jap wetebeck, the pianist ready tlon which can be chemically con- TUESDAY, 'NOV:EMB:ER 29. won his laurela playing with tUe classed by the powerful Baby Terror trolled." soon as pcestbte. Johnson and Social Clubs 7.30 1-'. m. Grepstone Oien-nweuere of Niagara, team. wtutam Hubert K. Dr. Jones said that we are llOW at Bay, Jr .. were appointed hy prest- l<~a.lIs; Ken Brown, the trumpeter, The freshmen, emplOying straight the urreerscnt of the time when we dent J. P. Lambertson to ju-ccure WEDNESDA Y, NOVI~·~FER. 30 An- football, chalked up thirteen points off- tile Armstrong can control old age. Batbca search- judges for the Annual Inter-Society _lld of second acedemlc syncopated with or St. Petersburg, Flor- in the first quarter by slasbing end- tackle play and kle Agitators sweeping ed In vain for the fountain of y'[),uth Debate between Irving and Webster month. ida; George Baumgartner and Ed. runs. In the second quarter. they Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meet- but to dny we know that It is within which is scheduled by the college mnn. It is a chemical change pro- eatatogue ror uecemuer Tbese ings at 6.30 P. lll. "Warfield were well received mem- were hetd scoreless, while tbelr op- 2. dUi'ed ill the ])od},. With t.hese chern· ilPl)Qintments are in accord with the Le Cerde Francais in Mc- [WI'S at the Westminster Collegians; ponents made their only touchdown I('al changes the ductless glands Daniel Hall ?arlOi', 7 Mures and Frenchy De Haven, who presides on some well-execnted forward passes. have much to do. part of tlte constitution of the Coun- over the u'a),ls, is a former lliayer in The freshmen made another touch- rr the thyroid gland is too active, cil which states that It shall sponsor the "Poly" Follies. down In their quarter and three In '1'be orcbestra a state the individual is thin; If it is slug- Inter-society as well as Inter-colleg· College Players Make Wide tour. 'fhe is planning manager, the fourth, m.eanwhile holdIng their debating. bwlness iate gish he is rat. Dr. Jones held out. The two questions which will be Jap "\Yeislleck, is colTesponding with rivals scoreless. small hope for reducing by n\eans of d.e'\lated lnter-collegiately this year First Appearance various schOOlS engagements. For the freshmen, Ca.ptain Koch- iOl' diethlg. The thyroid has also a deal wltll whether private .Amerl('an The first two plays gIves by tbe Unlike most modern orcbestras, this loske, Klepacz and Ekaltes carried great eftect on mentality. It cretins, investments foreign countries are the main part of the attack. Falls itl a trype ot idiot, are fed a thyroid so- to be gI"en m.illtary protection by the Speech Department this year were VIle does not repee.t a dance tune In was tbe blgb school star. lution they become almost normal government and with tha advisahiiity presented by the College Players in an entire eveniDJ::. human beings. This thyroid solu- of abandoning tile primary sY!ltPm. Alumni Hall Oll Thursda.y evening, Every place the "Parrots" have The line up: tion, or thyroxin, can now be made November Z4, at that time the Pow- Iliayed, they have been most enthu- W. M. Freshmen York h,l~h synthetically; scientists are also der Puffs also made their first ap- siastically receivlli, The old students working to produce a synthetic so- Y. M. C. A. pearance of the year. The attractive will rememller them for their excel- Bates L. E. Murnane lution for the pitnJtary gland whiCh choruses which they sang befqr8 lent performance w1th the Jesters Wilker L. T. Sprenkle oontrols the growth of the skeleton. "Chiuese Custom.s" was the sub· oocll play added much to the enjoy- last spring. Usinger L. G. Gross Dr. Jones sketched a picture of what ject spoken upon by Mr. Chang, gl'Bd· ment of tbe program. GroswIth C. Wogan might happen in the raising 01 cat- ate stndent at the Seminary, at the "The \Vonder Hat," a harlequlnnde Kohout R. G. Schouck tle and other farm animals if this Y. M. C. A. meeting Wednesday ev- in one act, by Kenneth Goodman OFFICER'S CLUB ORGANIZED Griffith 1<. T. Sherman COllld be produced cheaply. ening. N'ovmher 16. Sawyer and Ben Hecht, was !he first Fox R. E. Lukens The chemicals of these ann other Mr. Chang mentioned many curious J)lay Ill'eSenteil. This delightful fan- 'rhe la.tter part of the Senior MiU- J{JenaC7. I.E Bo~ (tuQtJeS!>glands contl'Ql the involun- ways of tile Chinese, among which tasy was \'10Vt:l\ 1l.1'O ... u1.ol (be ftfli1i1jaT tal'y ClasS period Oil Tuesduy, No- Ekaites R. H. Fahs tary mUSCles which regulate every were tlte use of chop sticks, the servo bllt fascinating story of Harlequin vember 22, was d:evoted to the or· Kvchinske, Cap. F. B. Relker rundamental thing about the body. ing of SOUll last, and the practice and hIs sweetheart, Columbine. ganizatlon and reconnlssance of tile The score: 'rhis discovery, made by Dr. Sajous, of starting at the top of a IJage on Miss Mills l)Ortl'ayed the character omc~'s Club oC Western. Marylaod or Switzerland, was characterized by the left hand side aml ".'ritlng down of COlumbine, and Mr. Barnes that College R. O. T. C. unit. The clnb W. M. C. 13 0 720-40 o York High tbe speaker as the most tremendous In parallel columns. of Harlequin. Miss Leonard took the was first [ormed E;Oonafter the R. 6 0 0- 6 medical dlsoqvery or tbe last cen· Any Chinese who cuts off his ]lart 'of Margot, the practical miwled O. T. C. unit WaS established but tor Substltlttlon;:-W~sterlil Mai~land- tury. cue is regarded as baving succumb· attendant of Columhlne, wbile Mr. some reason or other fa.ll,ed to func.- McLea for Ba.tes, Attwood tor Us- ed to the foreign infiuellce." said Mr. Sterling had the role of PIerrot. Mr. tion until last )'ear. The officer's inger, WelUnger for Klepacz, Till- These ductless glands, in their Lamhertson as Punchlnello received club of the class of '27 made it ooe turn, are controlled by the subjective Chang. much applause from the audience. of the real dubs on the HlIl Slid to man for Wilker, Langridge for Fox, mind, but. only if the body is supplied 1'l\e second play, "The Marriage them much credit is .dne. Evans for Lawrenqa, Borowski for with proper vitamm foods. Vitamin EPISCOPAL CLUB PropOllal" by Anton Tchekoff, was Tile officers of this year hope to Ekaites, Bush for Kochlnske. for Gross, Lauer York High-Zllln insufficiency is ductless gland illsuf- The Episcopal Club of \Vestern preseuted by Mr. Ray as the farmer. continue the work of promoting a for Zinn, Ziun for Lauer, Lauer for ficiency. Maryland College had Its first meet- Stepan Stepanovitch, Miss Hnll as keener in,eres.'t in ~mlary circles, Sllel'man, Myers for Fahs. The subjective mind can be great· ing of the year at the Rectory, TllUrs- his daughter, Natalie Stepanovna, IJ.oth socially and Intellectually. Touchdowns - Kochlnske, Law- Iy influenced by suggestion !wtll duy, November 17, a date decided !llld M'r. Meredith as Ivan lJonior, Under the capable leadership of our r.ence, Klepacz, Groswith, Ekaltell from without and fr-om within/. A upon at the reclor's reception a the neighbor. Tb.e play gave a pic- newl)'-elected president E. L. Quinn, (2), Lukens. child can be made to becOlne largely llIonth ago. It was also decided a.t ture of every day life among Russiau a very success['ul season Is predicted. Points after touchdowns-Lawrence what the pal'ents wish by suggestion. !hat Urne, that the meetings should peasauts. Tile election was as follows: 4 (by dropkicks). By suggestion from within we can lJe of a social chara('ter, but !hat Botll plays received hearty ap· Referee-Houtz, Penn shape our own lives. The best tlDles dlscussto,ns lOr religion should he plause, testifying to aPI)reciaUon by President, Eghert L. Quinn prie--Regan, VHlanovn. Stal!e. Urn· for sucb suggestion are the last and held too. The November meeting the audience. Vice President John A. Mears the first hours of lIle day. The more than justified the wisdom .of Tile plays were under tile dIrec- Secretary Charles L. Goodhand Head linesman-Spangler, Ge;ttys- thoughts with which wje go to sleep th decision. Because of the inclem- tion of Miss Esther Sm~t!J, who has Treasurer Alviu T. Albright hurg. are the thoughts witll which the sub- ent weather, oill)' a few attended. gained a reputation for excellent conscious mind works all night. If They gathered around the open fire productions along this line. Stage Time of quarters-12 minutes. we fall asleep with a problem in our and chatted enthusiastically as they settings were prepared by Weldon MUSiCAL RECiTAL minds that problem will oflen be were led on by the illtectious Interest Damson, 'Wilmer Bell and Henry Tile ),lnplis of Miss Harris gave a soly.ed by morning. The first bour of Fat.hel' McCormick. Even when re- NIcklas. class recital in Plano in McDaniel Annual Clash of of the ,day is important because our freshments were served, buffet fash- Hall Parlor at 4.45 o'clock Thursday the re- Ion melltal attitude when we rise colors turned ill to the dining TOOill, to many lUore afternoon, November 17. Those who Sophs.Frosh, Dec. 1 library RSI, the whole day. If we think of un- questions and iexpresQ m01e opin- "Complete Salvation" took part IV,;>i e the Misses Wentz, E. pl.'easant thlngs or of failure, then Ions. Thursday, the 8th of Decembcr .Johnson, Garcjelon, Brengle, Bay, the day will probably be unpleasant is the date of the next meeting, Is Subject of Sermon Shri\'er, Caple, Reese and Halnes. The annual freshmen-sophomor,e for us and contain a large chance There were selections by Brahms, football clasSic will be played Thurs· for failure. If we think, "I cannot which will be held at the home of Prof. Shroyer stfuk.e in Baker Chopin, Greig, Heller, Jnngman, Std· day, December 1. All treshmen who fail today because I have within my- Mrs. Jolin L. Reti'snider. Botb Falh- Chapel Sunday evening on "Complet- don, Koelling, Victor H'erbert sIl.d are under rules, and all sophomores self the power to succeed," then we er l\'1cCO\'mick and the members o! ed Salvation," the third in the series Durand. who wlll not bave made a varSity the club will he glne! to welcome to will succeed. ot s4rmons on tile subj,ect "What An outstanding feature of L'le pro- letter are eliglhle to play. these meetings anyone who is Inter- The teams are well matcbed an,d ested, regardless .of bls religion. shall I do to be saved?" 'fhe text for gram was a group of five little pieces a great battle is expected. The sopho- this sermon was taken from St. played by nine-year-old Doris Haines. LECTURE ON 'BALKAN STATIE Paul's Epistle to \.he Romans. She gave evidence of possessing real mores hnYe some men who have DEL.TA SIGMA KAPPA drilled with the Green Terrors. ThIs Wb,en Milton was writing his mas, talenl DECEMBER 9. Delta Sigma Kappa t.akes great terpiece, ''Paradise Lost," he reallz· All of tbe pupils exhibite-d credit- should offset the t9.amwork of the On December 9, in Alumni Hall. pleasure In announcing that Mary ed tile magnitUde of his task and In- ably yarious phases of teclunque f.nd yearlings wl10 bave boon drilling Mr. Joseph K. Falsom will give an Virginia Reynolds was formally vok,ed dtvine al.-d ITom the Holy tone work. Many played w1th es- ~ce Septem,ber. However, the lllustrated lecture on the suhject of pledged last Sunday ni,ght. Spirit. St. Paul, In bis equally great pecial ease and charm, showing fIr-, freshmen on the fresh\IIlen squad "Life snd Culture in Czechoslovakia." Misses Dorothy Johnson. Katbe· Epistle to the Romans, also labored cided mUSical ability. ontnumbered the sophomores who Mr. Falsonl was a Y. M. C. A. rep· rine Johnston and Charlotte Wheel- over a noble and lofty theme which al'e on the varsity squad, and tWs rssentath-e In Europe during the er entertained the club at tea lJIeeded higher In,ll'pin(tlon., and ~. should be a bandlcap to the sophs. World \Var, and he spent a year and Tburaday. Paul was inspired. His thought conception of 11le Trinity. )1un lias Tbe sophomores have one defoeat a half in Czechoslovakia. CondItions was always far ahead of his pen the idea that God was nnforglving on their record. This was In the in all of the Balkan States bave un- causing numerous rhetorical error's until Christ made His sUllreme sac- nature of a 20-0 trouncing at tlw I dergone numerOUS changes in recent The staff of The Gold Bug in Ius m.anuscript, but al;>ogiving his rifice and brought God's forgiveness. hands of the present junior aggre- years. Mr. Fa.lsom's lecture w1il II ~7t~t:e T;e::~:91:~:: t~:"7~:: ' . work a soul, for St. Paul wrote glow- However that may he, It is uot God gation. The recollection of this de· give many points of interest con- ingly the relatioushlp between Got! who must change now, but mall. It f~at should mak3 tile Bophs deter- bas heen sai(1 that cerning these changes. II of Novembel" 24 was omitted. and man. the death Oil Cal- was uncalled for, bnt Christ's sacrifice mine! not to let a sImilar result 0c- it must be ad- cur. He begins witb take The issue of t,oday w!1l The sacrillce h,-"s Tom: Does moonligbt heat? e of a Thursday Issue vary. This great. bistorical pvent mitted· that out of that good the world "Greasy" omclaJs of the game will be HAvens "Charlie" Neale, evolved the greatest this week. Prof: Well it It has IJlJ)st people ======= has given rise to many beliefs and dont seem very much atro.iil of it. I ideas, out of it has .crown the has ever known. and ''1Vb1tey'' Clarke.
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