Page 32 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Four The Gold Bug, Wettern Maryland Oollege, Westmi.nJter, Md, Class, Club, and Society Doings !l\nll .qat Nut I Alumni NrlU5 EDITED BY W. V. BELL AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI w. W. takes great pleasure in an- GAMMA BETA CHI nouncing that the following girls have Heard in lhe library- Any news items concerning W. M. Flliza beth )1. Hickey. a graduate of been pledged to the club; Elizabeth Last Monday night, the following "I didn't see the boy who was Birt· Alumni will be gratefully received, Wrst()rn M.~"~'land Preparatory School Mitclleli, :Maybelle. Rinehart, Ruth mon becamo full-fledged members of ing with you. If it wllB--he is in 1!J2.J, "'I\~ married to Frederick M. Sehlineke and Helen Smith. the. Gamma Beta Cbi fmternity: Att· !lwfnlly cute lind nicc. Look over at Mabel,Yright, '26, is teaching in the Hopkins, Xovember 3, at Aberdeen, Md. wood, Evans, Groswith, Bush, Boroski, the table by the magazine rack. Watch high school at Hurlcek, Md. };Ir. HIld ).lrs. H{lpJcins wilt reside at Cook, Oravetz, Tillman, 'Wilker, Kos the boy in the red sweater. I don't The Culver ton, Washington, D. C. The poet-a Club will meet in Me· ehinske, and Rebert, "Buck" Fnn'pr, '26, is principal of Daniel Hall parlor Wednesday evening, Kn{lw who he is, but 1 think he has the high school at Hooper's Island, Md. Mabel Garrison, '03, was chosen by November 23, at eight o'clock. Greek IICCn trying to flirt. I can't tell wbeth Helen E. Hinckley, ex- '24, was mar- the New York Federation of Women's poetry, with special attention to the Jr· "r he is looking at me or SOUle one back ried to Herbert C. Baumgarten on octo- Dluba as soloist for its ennuet conven- Y. W. C. A. NOTES of me. At any rate l!e has looked in ric, wil l be discussed by Mr. Branche !JlJr 8, at l'leattie, \'ash. tion {Ill November 11. "1IJiss Garrison'~ Phillips, and Miss Elsie Held will read my direction at least four times." "agllg~lllef]ts this month include appear- 'The Y. W. C. A. {If the past n paper on Greek Tragedies. },In. Hildu R. Ostrom, wa~ married to nnces with the Cineiunati and Pb lladel- Btephena will play selections from "Or week was turuo!l into a song service. .'I.!ajor Andrew J. F. A., !llda Drchest r-e. Instead of the u~ulll program anum· W. P. ROBERTS IS NEW HEAD 011 October 1{1, at Bethel, M.d. phens with his Lute." ber of foyorite songs were offered. The "A fucully mal'tiug here looks like girls were ullowed to select their own Councll of Churches Chooses Men to Hazel D. Walbcck, '22, was married a W. 11. C. Alumni meeting" was are· Professor George. S. Wills spoke to pie~es. Everyone seemed to enjoy tbe Fill Places Made Vacant by Be- to Wil1inlll L. Mowlda during the past by The meeting of NOI'!!mber 14, wns Tllli COLLEGE snop Ammnnition, Paints, Oils, Shakespeure in 1673, t{l be sung by Dee· conducted by the girls of the two wings SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS STETSON RATS StOI'('S, Rnuges, FUTllaces, dcmonaasshcwllsretiriugtothebed of lieDauiel llull, who presented fI C. KROOP !rOll and Steel Products in which she wns strangled by Othello. prOgrUlll Ullld~ up of 10(':11 hllent. "H:uulet" is probably the m05t :!5 E. :Main St. lnterunUonal Made-to·.hlensmo Snih (E~lablished lS6G) "Bet!.y'· ~orman ~ang "Sunrise uud widely discnssed English dranUl because WI'$bllillster. "'Id. You." :\Iaude Heath g:l\'c II. r('~ding. of the ~onflkt of human emotions pur "Blltty at th~ Basehall Gnme." "?IInr· traYI'd. Durothy Grimm rend au otig· gnret Willinger gm'e a solo dllJJec, ar Koontz Confecturant iualpaper on "llo1Julet," diScussing tbe ~Olllponied ut 1he pinno b~' Grnee Jones. Westminster Savings Bank T. W. MATHER & SONS poiuh of eonfiiet aud dculiug witlJ the stJle, the psychology, the chllraelers, ::~;::~l::'~;i\t\~;~!h~~::\,:~~~~.ed II piano Capital ~50,000.OO and the art of the drama. 'I'he report Westminster's Leading Store was followed by a general diac.ussioll, in Tht· ueX1 two meetings will be !leo CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, Surplns "Enrned" 300,000.00 which thc ~Iub m~ml)ers IIrgned aon· I"oted to debating. :-Jex:t wel'k 'lllU' morous d~bate will be given on tha ccrning the questions of Hamlet's l~.TliOS. BABYLON, Presiilent. madnl'ss, Ophelia.'s virtue, end the Hesol\"ed: That round pillows 3re SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES lnLTO~ P. )!YERS, Vie-e Pres. 111llUsement whieh the drama. afforded an than square ones. The affirmll ARMY SHOES ti"e will be upheld hy the Misses Barues, .JACOB II. IIANDLEY, Treasnrer eighteenth eelltur~" llUdicuce. Elsie Held doscd tile program by 1f\lrphy ani! Riehards; the negative by reading Aet 1, of "llRmlet.' This thl' .\lisscs Engle, l~o\\"e and V. Smith. Security Service 'rhe ~hoes for the R. O. T. C. portion of the phl~' deals with the np· i{o!!C Todd will 1)1' timek~eJll'r nnd pellranee of the ghmn to the sentries. "Do!" R(lbert~ CIHlirlll!l.n. The follow· ./ :\liss llelU's interpretatiou of this ing \\'cek a serious debate will be gi"en, a College Special 15c the subjel"t of whIch will bOllllllQ\lneed seene re\-~ulad I·"ry dearly several char· Inter. nft('ristics of Sllllkespenre'a trngedies. )Jis~ 11irilllll Drytlen has eontributed to the Club sel'eral "ery rare th('lltre DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Jlrograms of ShakQspell.rl'·s plays. Pro· fessor George S. ,Vilis suggested that the Clnb members seeure as man.r pr{l "D!'lta Sigma K,."l.pp,l takes gre:lt grams of worth while present dny plays ple'18ure in annouufing of jllllt :\fiss )Jnry class as possible, beeauao they will be of great Virginia Reynolds the ·.Juuior \"alueto theclnb ill Jnteryears. has been informally 1'1e.ilged to the club. The next meeting will be hl'ld Decem ber 13, in :'Il.eDaniel Hall. The Club "Delta Sij!"ma Kappa olJl.'lled ils rnsh Columbia Jewelry Co. has been fortunate enough to havl' Dr. iug seasou last Thur,,(lnyafternoon lJy T Panl .Kaufmau, of Washington, eonsent giving 1111 Arahian Nights party. The A fllil selection of Christmas Gifts to speak. Dr. Kaufman is n profes· "Y" room, Ilttraetil'ely decornteil with tba.t will please everybody's taste. sor at tile Allll'riean UniYen,ity, and J'ed and yell()l\' erepe paper aud the president of the XHtionll.1 ShakeSpeare ui7.nrre costumes of the hostes9C5, ereat· Associutioll, the organization with cd a ehnrmiug an unusual atmoBphere. es which lh(> Western )iaryland Shakes· Aft!'"r the guests had been presente(l t{l penre Club 19 affiliated. The subject of the Sultan, n Turkis!l reast was served. NOTICE Dr. Kaufman 's spe~h, as well as the During the meal, some of the Arabian other parts of the program, will be an· sla"e girls ('ntedaiued the guests l)y [f JOu mwt the GOLU Bun t.his noulleedlaler. !ringing aud daneiug. year, kindly semI in yonr suhscrip- This week one {If the most d.istingu. tion iUHneiliately iD order to receive ishe
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