Page 31 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westm:inllter, Md.. Page Three I SPORTS I Cagemen Drill For Hardest Season I SPORTS I Terrors Win Overwhelming CAGE SCHEDULE LARGEST EVER WESTERN MARYLAND 2--LAFAY· WESTERN MARYLAND FRESHMEN WHAT W. M. RIVALS DID TERROR BASKETBALL SATURDAY TEAM TO ETTE HARD FOUGHT GAME 2 WIN Victory From All-Army Team PLAY 23 CONTESTS The Western Maryland aoeeer sqllad FROM SHIFPENSBURG At Lell';~burg-W~shjngton and J'eff· Tho Western :Marylnnd College Baa- eueeeeetuuy cheeked the southern in NORMAL t'r$(ln rontiuued thelr winning streak by (Continued from Page One) ket Ball schedule for the 1927-28 season vaalon of the Lafayette College boot: defeating Bucknull, 19·3. \l'il\ open on Wednesday, December 7, era by holding I.hem to a 2·2 tie upen Western Maryland's Freshmen root- At Reading-Albright and Schuyl fccttve defense would 11O.,eproven of 1927, when the varsity will play the the old athletic field on the morning of bull team won a hard fougllt gnmc f rcrn kill staged a free-for-rill aeurtug gllUle, 110 avail against the mass of yenow Alumni, in tim Armory. Armistice Day.' This was in the nature Shlppcusburg Normal at Shippensburg, Albright eeoriug 28 points against the jersied protection fore and aft of the Tweutythree games have been sehed- of sweet revenge, for Western Mary· Penneylvanla, lnst Saturday, the fica! home teum's 20. Terror back. uled by Graduate JUanager If. B. (Bar- land wasUenten8·1in its first tilt with score being 18·i. The Shippensburg The (lfforts of the Army backs to ney) Speir. The schedule will have Lafnyette at, Easton. team could not stop the mud rushes of At Carlislc-:'Illllilenburg and Diekin- gain Lilrough lile 'l'error line were eight newcomers, in addition to every The first 1181£started with Lafayette the "Baby 'I'errcrs ' fleet and hea\'y 80n fought a h1lrd battle tbat the viII fruitless. 'flu! center of the line, bol- team the Terrors encountered last year. carrying all opposition beforo it to hitting backs, who aenred all three ltors \VOllill the lust minute on a field stered by the veteran }.fcRobie, dlp- Ameng the new colleges on the schedule score a field goal in five minutes of touehdowns in the first quarter. gonr. charged under the massive linemen to Penn State is the most important. The play. Prom that time on tile two teams Eknites kicked off for the "Baby At Gettysburg-Ihe trnditfcnal rivals, stop line bueka before they reached tue Nittany LIons ere rated ns one of the fougbt without evidence of a decided T()rrors" and the ball bounded out of :'1.11. St. Mary's and Gettysburg played line of scrimmage, while the. ends and best cage teams in the East. superiority Oil either side. The fine Morrell's greep- Pox recovered it for their annunl game, Ihe home team win. tackles frustrated Fort Benning's at Lafayette and Bucknell will be met teamwork of ure W. M. C. squad en' W. M. C. on the twenty-five yard line, ning 13 1.0 O. It was Fnther and Soc tempts to gain through their territory. enrty fn fna eeaaon. abled it to score twiee from the field. all(1 from there the "Baby Terrors" Day et the Bnttleflekl insfitutlon. Nn"~', University of ~Jary!and, Loy Army Favored to Win 0111.,Mt. 81. .Mnry's and Blue Ridge are Willis is eredtted with tlle first goal were not stopped untilKllepac~ was At Huntington-Loyola of BaUi· The Army ele"en was favored to will the slate teams that the Terror!:! will and Beauchamp scored the soeondfrom sent over for the firllt six points. Ship mere woa a hard fought battle from t.he kkk-off pI'nsburg Hgllin receil'ed from ·West.ern :Uaryland by most of tlui IlIa.". The schedule is the biggest ever a thrilling scrimmage in the meuth of but wer~ SOOIlforeed to pant. At. this Junia[ll, by the .'!Coreof 6 to O. foothnll faus because of the injuries "rranged for a Terror tellm. )jost of the goaL Lafayette's second gonl was sustained by Neal, Clllrk, and Havens I.he gallI'S will be pln)'ed away from the resnlt of a penalty kick awarded point, the "Baby 'ferrors" Btarted an· ill the Gettysburg and Loyola games, home. by the referel). other drh·~. They had ad"aneed the W. ).1. C. Freshmen Shippensburg but after the first five minutes of play The fir~~ basketball prll~tice II'U held Tile second half was all exciting af· bfill to Shippensburg's forty· he yard Normal. nny such fears thnt the Green and Gold WednesdllJ ev~ning with a Inrge number fair for both playeu 11Ild sideliners. line from where Capt. Lawreace, broke Bates L. E. Gotwalt awa)' on a sweeping taekle run of for· rooters entertniued were abandoned. (!f Cllndidates out. Things were espccially tense in thos., ty·fll·erards,foratouehdown. Long went in to kiek ali' faT West· The mea rcmaining from last Jl'IU'~ last five minutes when Lafayette gave Shippensburg tl,en kiCKed ofl', and Wilker L. T. Gotshall ern Maryland, and after the first play. squad, are: Ellis aud Broll, forwards; everything it had in a vain effort to Captain Lilwrenee returned the bull to Gi\'ler L. G. lntll.hell he was replaee(\ by Neal. Aitl)r ~n ex :'liachnmer, center ani! VnnBuren gUlll'd. break the tie. Two extra five-minute his thirty·fi,·e yard line before he W~B Groswith C. ),lateer ellange of kicks Western Maryland The other gUllr(l position is left vacant periods were playc(l in whiCh llotilsides brought down. Jhom there, the \\'.}.I. Kohout R. G. BlI.yard gainl)d possession of the ball on Anny's through thl.' graduatioll of Cap. Weigle. were unable to lind the "puuch" neees team started their march for the third Griflith R. T. Berkhllimer 30·yard line. A pass, Neal to Cham· Other members of lam year's !squad sary to win the game. bers, followl'd by two line blleks ClLr· who fire fighting for berths on the team touthdown, whieh WII8)lJnde by :Klrpatz. .Fox R. E. Forney The remaining part of the game was ril)d the ball to 5·yard line from wherl) lUI' forw~rds Pelton, ..1.1. Smith and Western Md. Lafayett.e 11 hnrd struggle between the two·tenms. T,ljwrenee (Capt.) Q. B. )'lorrell lIrillerrnn over for the first touchdown. Sulli\'an for\\'lIrd~; O'Lear, center; lloward O. Kelly i'lhippen!fburg ahowed more fight and KlepacI': L. H. Lllrimed ee) Neal kicked tIle try for point. Weinstoek, Keen alld Orovetz, guards. Hnrt J!. F. Garrett held the freshmen to rqual lerm~. Ship· Eknites R. B. )lcnt~ger Fort Benning again elected to reo Other candidates who made their flrat Smith L. F. Parklllan pl'nsl.)\Irg reech'ed a break of the game Koehinske F. B. Byers e{"ive the kick·off and again they tried appearance will gi,"e the letter men II Seitz R. H. Baer in the fOllrth qllarter and sr.ored its to gain tllrough the 'l'error's line, but harel hattle for theirpositiens. ),10811 Reed C. H. Bell touchdown. KlcpRcz was eMr)'ing the 'j'he8Core: if it wasn't Clark or Weinstoek who )Jac,hamer is eaptninj Earney Spier, Trice L. U. Potter ball Oll 1111Qnd run and was hrkled W. .\1. C. Freshmen-IS 0 0 O--IS stlJp}led tllem it was oue of t.he olher eoaeh 1\1lI1Uharlcy Summers, mannger. Benson O. R. Wendt fier~cl~·. Wltcn he hit the ground, he seven linemen, namely, McRobie, na· of the Terror rag~men. Sullh'an 1.R. Whittlesey lost th~ ball. Captain Larimer of Ship· Shippeusburg Normnl- 0 0 0 \'l)n8, VnnBuren, O'Lear, or Pelton. Beauchal!l[' C. li. Taylor penshurg picked up the ball :In(1 run !':uh~ W. ).1. C.-Tillman for Givler, The DlJughboys, unable to make any FIELD :BALL TOURNAMENT NEAR Willia 1. L. BerkQwitz the fifty yards fer their only tou~hdo\\,]l. Usinger fllr Wilker, Bush f'lrKerhinske, apI)reeiable gains through the line, re" END Holland O. L. Slaek Shippensburg NQrmal-Day for Forney, sOJ'ted 10 the aerial attaek, the greatest For Western ).[arylond, Koehinske's 8hul{"r for Lnll'rence, Frllak for Berk· grOUlld gaining play in football if exe Freshm&n Win Most GameH Seere h.Y peri\ld8: line bucking ~ouJd not be rivaled. The heimet, :\lycra for Baynrd, Edwards for eut('d eorrertl~'. Till' flr~t pass Wl!~ The frrshmen won their !lIst gjune "'~9teru ~!(l. 01 1 1 0 0 0-2 work nf Captain Lawrenrc and Klcpacz .\fit<'ll1'll. w(>re IIlso Outstnnding. Oil the line, lIIinu~ right windage plus elevation, wlt~n th~~' triumph\:d ol'er the juniors Lafayettl." 1 1 0 0 0 ()-.-~ Fox und Wilker shared lhe highr~t hOIl' 'fl.ll'~hdo",ns-K;lrpllez (2) Lawrence, howevrr, so Bilek Chambers grai)bl'd 2·1 on Wednesday. This game decided Lnrimer. Ihl' sphcriod nnd tha 60-~'ard morathon the t.'ontcst, making the fretlhmen win- Suhstitutions---Western Maryland: ors, for they beth pJuyed a high brand was on. Three soldiers tried to stop ners of the IOlIrnamcnt, liS they h::tve Tlater for Seitz, Stack for Trice, LOllg· of fOlltl,>nl!. Not only did tho!IC men Pllints lifter tOllchdown~Lnwrenee whole team tioned ]llu,\' well, but the llim, but six Terrors soon clipped out won ull three games th~y hal'e played. ridge (or Holland. Lafayctte----Walkcr pb."ed and 1I'0rked .~s "Il~. "\Vest.ern missed !l. placement. GOtwlllt made n Heir intentions and "Buek" crossed the 'fhe so},homorl)s downed the seniors for nerkewih;, Berkowitz for Walker. :'\farylfllHI IIlllde twelve first downs Illneemenl. goal line for th£' Berond touehdo\\,l~ 7.1 in the game pla~'ed Wrdnellday. S~oring---Western "Mnrylalld-Willis againsl fOllr lIIad{" b~' ShiJlP~nsburg (Em'knell), t'mpire---Short Rcferel' Neal kil'ke(l Ihe try for point. I~oth l~ltIns ghow~d hetter ,)l188 work (1), tiellue]t{lml' (1). Lafayett.e--1'ay· Xornu!l. The line np: -Dn"i3, (Penn Rtale), !lend Linesman 'The 'Terron scored two more touch· jh~lu in the }lre\·lous gllmes, and the lor (~). U('fl."rre Albert GOrlion, P. A. -Shorkey, (Gl'ttyablltg). downa before the half ended. Two long girls fought hart! during IllC feur quar 1,. (Continued lit bottom of lIe:<:tcolumn) rnns hy Neal plll'ed the way .for both tl'r!l, the third and fourth cluater of poinh. 1'lw jlllllor.seaior8 "tied" g~lI\e was "" sl'ored the third touchdown player! off Tllcsdny nfternoon during a from the l1·yard line, and Chamber!! si.x minute period. The juniors made crossed the Soldier's goal late in the one goal after II hord flgllt, making tIle second period nfter the baJI hnd l)een seorel·O. nd\'llnced to the l·~·:trd line. Neal, Miller, and Gomsak Bcored SOCOER GAME FRIDAY during the seeolld half to make the finn.l seore, Western :\laryland 48j Fort 'fhe .Baltimore Polytechnic tnst!hltl! Benning, O. S,Meer tMIlI wilT meet the IQI!albootere in II'hnt should pren' an intHrsting ~nd Oneo during th~ gamo tho Army Imd the ball ill the sllndow of the Terror's well Jllayed game Oil tM old Athletic goal. 'fhe offieinl ga,·o the bali to .Field, Friday (lft(>moon M -4o'cloek. Arm~' on Western Maryland's 5·yard line when Uiller missed a punt after INDIVIDUAL SOORING OF THE he had signalled for II. free eateh. They TERRORS were not able to gaia through the Ter· Chesterfield smokers ror line, however, and when YeomanB trird a forward pass Captain Neal in· Neill , tercepted it and ran 60 yards before he 1. 2. C. Chambers ,t.'; " 11 was driven out of bounda. 3. :\J.iller 3G donl change with Major General :MacArthur, command· ,. L:fllryland, Head ]ineSllll\ll-Victor SCbmidt. :E'ield Neal for lrllng, Norris for Clark, Ma· judge-Paul Menton. Time of qua."!:· ehamer for Van Buren, Wei6beek for terlt-13 minutes.
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