Page 30 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Ma.ryla.nd College, Westmimter, Md. :-: :-: ]nler-(!Jllllegiale 1IJa ri eft! Official newspaper of W!estern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during News A REVIEW OF BOOKS, the aeademie year by the student' of Western Maryland ccnege, WutminBter, PLAYS AND LIFE Maryland. Entered as aeecnd-elaee matter at the Westminster Postl)ffiee. Several weeks ago at Bucknell 'Ilni- Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. BEAU GUS SAYS versity It damage in the Registrar's ''MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTRING" offioe of a permanent records and books Hell's Bells rillg every Sunday after· MANAGING STAFF noeu at three o'cloek. was eauaed by water leaking through Nau Britton, author of "The Prest- Editor-in-Chief ... .. J. Pan I Lambertson, '28 the ceiling. dent's Daughter", expresses her idea Managing Editor .. · Hubert K. Johnson, '28 A diploma from western Maryland It seems oertain tlmt this leakage of refinement, to the great joy of the intentionally students Asst. Mana.ging Editor. · Samuel H. Bryant, '28 and a dimo will get a fellow a cup of was caused thoughtless of the by disastrous Hearet papers: who were Business Manager ... .. Earl B. Lippy, '29 coffee almost anywhere. results and also who did not think that "I believe I ha\'o doue the best thing in tbe Ass't Business Manager. . ..... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 ill the end they woulrl have to foot the for eamo my ehild aud for all children declares. she etreumstaneee," Advertising Manager . . .. Marvin B. Sterling, '30 As a passion flower ahe is a century' bill. The Student Council expects to "And I don't feel I have been unfsritb- Circulation Manager .. · W. Edwin Warfield, '29 plant. make II. thorough investig!Ltion of the ful to the love I bore the President of · .{ROY L. Robertson, '29 situation and if possible to locate the tho United States. I feel that I have Asst. Circulation Managers. guilty ones. J. A. Stach, '30 You can't keep a good skirt down. net been guilty of bad taste." Art Editor . .... "Pete" Gomsak, '30 Sports Editor . . ... Clarence H. Bennett, '28 11 the Athletie dinner and the Behcl- The President of Gettysburg College And I wonder what "Big Bill" Associate Sports Editor .. .Meurv n. McMetne, '29 nrship dbuter are anything like II. few has anncuueed the donation of- one Thompson would say about our course of the other dinners it is quite likely thousand dollars to the college by Den- in Canadian History. REPORTORIAL STAFF that there will bo no touchdowns or no coneas Lucy Bit.tsburg, of Baltimore, News Editors to be used iu establishing a memorial Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 "A" students nl'-"t year. in honor of her father. Some of the A writer in the New York "Herald hallu- money is to be used for the memorial Tribune" has a aevere ease of Associa.te Editors while the other portdon [s to be devoted eiua tione: Ruth French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 1 rlo not see why we can't laugh iu to the purchasing of books for a hie- "Today tho college room is less like God ennld appreciate I think Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 as wellM a torieal section in the new library build a barn, more like a home. Thc furui- Elizabeth H. Davis, '28 "Jflp" Weisbeclt, 30 the reef of us. jn~ which as yet is not conetructed but ture-c-no longer 80 rought and ready- will be eo in a year. often inelndes!l good antique or two. REPOR1'ERS Fine prints are soattered along the: JI.I. Gertrude nalH~k,'28 Eugene C. 'Voodward, '28 A STORY wall where peuuants onee held gaudy Dorothy Uellott, '28 Curvin ]H. Seitz, '29 The students of Randolph·Yaeon sway. And the old bookshelf grown N. a. Penne"'ell, '31 Casper P. Hart, '29 Now there eame here once a nice wlll be fortunate this year iu having now into a bookease, contains at least Elsie M. Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 young fellow of ilyerage habitB. He n couple of first editions." 1'Ilargaret i\Iartignoni, '29 Preston W. Grant, '30 could easily sp~nd ten dollars a week Dr. N. I •. Southwick, a noted leoturer, with l\iary A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 liS he did not board on the hill. His especially twice on Shakespcarian year. plays, South- them during Dr. the Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. EatoD, '30 fathersenthimubontt.enorfiftcClI,I wick at the present. time is the presi· Tho "NoHtzer Prize" for the elever· Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William H. Brown, '30 dl) 110t r('Uleu,b!'r the e·xact amount, dol· cst simile of 1\)27 goes to Henry Lonis IMS a week out of which he I>,.·wed lit· dent of EmerBon College of Oratory, a tie. He "31,t iu" on a poker game and Boston. :Menckon, wl,en he writes that cer' Worthy opinion~' Model management~· Correct news. \\'011 a little h"t witb prll~tice became The recitaJs are sponsored by the Y. tain artiele is "as devl)id of aetual !juiteadept. Jlewrotehis fotherthat M. C. A. and it is the desire of the or· ideas as a college yen". h" had :mother means of support and ganization to give the. students worth· E_D_I_T_O_R_I_A_LI to eut his ~llowancc in hslf. In a few while entertainments. weeks he 1\'a~ a masier at the game and Balzac always loved to give the fol· began to send small weeks home. Be· lowing advice to "would·be writers": her A PROPER RECOGNITION OT birth to narrowness wben the truth fore the end of the semester he was The president of Dartmouth has an· Have th~ a sweetl,eart it will and see improve once your n time; of SCHOLARSHIP about UB is as dazzling as a summer's sClldhlg his fMller dollarsn nouneed the gift to the college of a ycar. Write to her every day t.ho rest sun! It is not the world or the eollege week. Now he had a hard luck great chime of hens to be plaeed ill one 'week and eoul(l not s~nd home but style." \\'h('ne'\'~r anyl)ne suggesk a yell fer that is wreng. There is too muell the tower of the new $1,000,000 library, S("hl)larship, many of the girls titter and beauty and truth in their midst. Thero ten dollars. lie immetliatcly reeeived a which is ncar completion, and whieh telegram from his father which stated j.!'iggle and most of the men laugh out· is no great lack of worthiness and "If will be dedicated next spring. The SOlllcd~y I rt.m gOilig to r('ad, and right. The suggestiol' se~ms to be taken good. It is not because there is no rOll do not get to Wl)rk and poss dODor is Il. graduate of the college. The write revie,vI> of all my text·books, in· my me fifteen ~s a joke, nnd in £act it is runny. To light or t;rnthfulness. It is beeause, your e,our/les and withdraw S 1l!1 )'OU immediate· amount of tho gift is $40,OO{l. There eluding "An Anglo·S(Uon Reader". (lollars 1 wlil "rllh·rah" about tlle nehiel'ements of and ollly because, they Mnnot guide lIe are 15 bells in the ehimes, ranging from Also 1 would like to write n. brief the mind is absurd. '£he real scholllr theirhruall. l~·." t'/jsily made the fifteen dol· tllree tons to a few hundred pounds. opinion of each courae gh'eu at this llll'!> extra but strange to say did not does not earl' for sueh demonstration, eollege. PO$~ 1\ el)urse. After reading this and nor will he help to rreate it. I'neading this, the onl~' IllOr'lll eon find We do Jlot mean, of course, ihal CONCERNING CULTURE is this "Do lIOt pID~' poker with JlIllI, St. Johu's College, at Annapolis, has Last week I 811ggeater to the Editor sthOlllf~hip ,would go unrl'<'oguiJ!.e(l j for ,'Ol11e to my room aua we will sh{}()t. recently purchased tho old Pic.kney of tllis worthy pnper that we publish H'-is altogether fittillg Ih:lt tllO!I(' who Por a group of studenh in:l rollcgc Hnp." House for the purpose of aee.omodating n tabloid issue. Just think what a love,. study most (jutl thiuk best should b~ hon· of Liberal Arts, therc is an amazing the extra 50 students they expect to l.r atir t1iat would moke, with pllOtos ored. Bnt there are more :lppropriate in,lifTcroncc to things cultural. In h,n'e on hand next. year. It is also :wd big healllinca. ,,-Il,l'S of expre~8ing oppreeiatiou Of other words, the primary ohjeet of tho THE CYNIC SAYS s~ho13rship limn by sky·rocket y~lls. .'\ t curriculn of this college, "iz.; tho de· lenrned that the college iseontemJllat· Browll Uuin?tsity there is nn annual "elopment of a stude.nt's powers of cuI· It i8 rathor qneer that. this college iug the purchase of the old Peggy For the lIeAt. two weeks Baltimorq "Honors Da~'" on which the best &Ill t.ural appreciation, is not being aeeom· is not viewer} in its pwpcr light by the Stewart House. 11a:atreswill preaentpla.,'sthntl'irewell House dents of the University llre duly re(mg' plislled. -What /lre tho primary inter students thell!5elves. It is a good col· st~'le The and Pinkney has about eight is of rooms. eolonilll It worth going to see. Thia wn ....k D,e nized by the Pre!:rident and facnlty be ests of the majority of tho students~ lege; it is Il fine college: in fael, to also lws a large traet of ground sur· J\udit.orium plays Oil!' of G-el)rgc Ber· fore the whole litudent body. 'l'ho rec· Abont. what do they talk' stat!' it clearly, it is a Chriatiau col· J\ard Shaw's earlier works, "The Doc· approrimoto ognition of scholars should, in our "When's the next football game'" lege. The welfare of the individual rounding it. The $21,750. cost of tor's Dilcmma·'. The pl~~' will prob. opinion, be done in II seho1srly mallner. student is takell to h~art, rea, closely the house lI'as "Got a date'" "Goin' to tbe modee'" llbl? not be a lmge box·office snoceu, These questions and their answers are to heart. A,-how shall I sny it-wise because it was writteu to give peo· the most prominent topics of COllvcr· aud benevolent pat.ernalism is main· pi!' II "pain in tIle Mind". LIFE'S ARTISTS ~ation. Allhl)ugh football, dates, and t(lined over the student body. They aro The IIpper elasses at t.he Virginia. Next week the Auditorium will hav~ modes are exeollent as seeondar~' or kept out {If mischief; they t.rained ),Jilitary Institute have decided tlmt II gtrong alhaetiou iu "Gentlemen Pre Iwzing shall When we are born God gives us a t,erlinry interests, on~e tlley becomc to l)e IHen and wl)!IIen, !tulios and gen· there men. be The no stlitelLl(l.nt of as the pre8ent first fer Bloudes", with the lovely June ~'ear paint brush and >1 picture called primlu'J' interests, they become objee· t1emen .. ,\ "enerable seholarly stmos· ed by the atuU('L1ta to the Superintend· \Vl\lker in the leadiug role. Those of "J,ife". ''Paint,'' He tells us, ''Paint!'' tiOllllble. phere IWL'v:ldes the fine old halla. The ent, W. H. Cocke, declilred that in the ~'Oll who Iwxe not rend thc uook should Somo with great understanding pro· It may be that the facnlty them' "ery age lends a dignity to the. build enjoy the play. tlLC eeed to do nsthey nre told. With sure· selves/vitally interest.ed in art, lIlusic, ings. The qnietness is conducive t.o future striking eadct uew code cadets "will by prohibit ea.· Ford's will have Otis Skinner ani! of auy old Hees and dexterity they color the rude and rlrama, have hitherto failed to seo thought aud to study. dets". Any \'iolation 1)£ the eo(il)' will Mrs. Fiske ill "The Merry Wives of sketches. Life lies before them, vi\'id thnt the student boa.v as a whole e:lre A large, well ligllted, well heated, rPsult ill ilUlllediato dismissal. TIm Windsor" this week, ~nd ne:l.--t week om1 well ventilated hall is u.l!ed for and colorful, aglow in 011 it!! !!trength. little ~bout these thing~. But now- l'iolations will be reported to the sup· ,fohn Golden will l)ring his "T1>.'0 Girls Others witl, uneertainity, doubting- ~<'.ultyl Give UB a desire fl)r ~.ul· the .lining hall. Here the palate is erintendent h~' thc cndets. themselves. Wanted". their own ability, awkwardly adminis· luro (b~ allY mcslls short of eriminal) pleased by an abundance of good food tering their pnillt. Life -ror them is ere we pe,ri~h! Yea, ore we die!! Even thc highest autllOril.y, the cata· weak and unde1ided, lneking color, de· logue, admits this. To show the tal· Nusbaum & Jordan crance of the nuthoritles, fish is served Yellow Jounlalism void of beauty. Then, too, tllero are HE APPAREL STYLE CENTER still otl,ers wIll) slnsh their paint in a IlIlII radiral enough on the principle on Fridays. An air of breediug and H the Wi.scOllsin ])aily Cardi"lll is hllpless way, heedless of the drops that r(>finement hovcrs I)\'er the cntire hall. nngr,\' because }'. Louise Nardin, dean FOR WOl\!lEN of freedom of speeell to wish that I splutter upon anther's sketel" nnmina· To enter it is alml)$t os much pleasure of women, called it a "yellow aheet," 9·)1·13 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. might champion it in a fall!'n stagc 1ul of the violent color that mars their as to depart. it. hasn't sllOwn it. That may be due here--!l\'cu to say "ashes to ashes and OWI1 true dBion, lacking the delicacy dust to dust" would timely greet what Tllere is musie ill the air,-the RO'l' to the CllrdiJll.Il's general attitude, for whieh makes a fincr artist. They are Freedom of Speech wallows here. But Club band by daJ, and the musieal 11esi(les being one of the most alive ani! Prosperity Methods! the l,eadstrong, tbe unseeing. It is I am sorr)' to 5S}' that students must tinkle of ]lop bottles ond nsh·caus by interesting college papers ill the coun· they who knock their knueKles against night. AU in all, Western Maryland is try. it is olso Olle of the most liberal. ('orrt'Ctl~' and properly love freedom of fat!', who dip their brushes in another'8 a good collcge to be from. The CarilionJ carried a report of a It always pays to look your best. e:s intelleHu1l11y if "we are CARE AND THE QUICKEST ilin of their voiees. Otbers ealmot see . to strike a deHth blow at establislled sex SERVICE !,eeause of the l)liuding glare of their ~ institutious." paiut. It is they who worship toy Somr classes are 81) deucedly boring ALBERT" ABE" TOZZI gods, ",-ho caro ouly for things of flesh, that it is small wonder that many stu· READ, BOOST, College Representative of dents succumb tl) tho almost irresis· whose souls nre shrided things, lost in GAMMA BETA CHI GLUB R.QOM U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer futhom1ess depths. table desire to "doze off" fL few times. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 SWSCRIBE TO AND Estllb.1906 ·What makes them soT Where are the Far be it from us to ecnsuro these Diehl's Blue Ridge Tive ADVERTISE IN ALVIN T. ALBRIGHT, Represeni;l;tive l,earts of tllese people' Do they never sleepers; for mauy times we have come rR-E LEVINE HALl.! go bome to themselvos' What gives dangerously nea.r to joining their tanks. $2.25 QOr.D BUG
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