Page 29 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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GOt SOCOER GAME TERRORS CLOSE BALTIMORE POLY SEASON WITH VS. MUHLENBURG AT W.M. C. FRIDAY, 4, P. M. NOV. 24. Vol. 5, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Nov. 17, 1927 POPULAR ACTOR PAYS CAGE SCHEDULE LARGEST EVER Elaborate Program Made for COLLEGE CALENDAR LARGE AUDIENCEHEARS December 1-Alumni, at weetmtn- Commencement Exercises NOTEDBARITONE'SRECITAL TRIBUTE TO COLLEGE etee. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18-- December 10-Navy, at Annapolis. Soeial Hours: 6:30-9:00 P. 1.L STAR IN "MY MARYLAND" December 13-Lafayette, at west- PAR:ADE AND PAGEANT TO OELE· SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19- APPLAUSE BRINGS MANY minster. BRATE ENDOWMENT DRIVE ENCORES Mr. iloward Kyle, noted actor and Junuary 4-----PennState, at State Co], Varsity Soeeer Game-c-Franklin- Shakespearian reader, paid a visit- to lege. 'l'hat the Commencement in June will and Marshall "",s. Western Mary· Mr. Edwin Swain, a prominent New western Maryland oouege on Tll\trs" January 5--Bucknell, at Lewisburg. be the greatest in tbo history of the Inud,2:30. York baritonc, presented a song reo duy afternoon, November 10. As this January 6----Su9quehnuua, at Salinga college was predicted b~' President AI· Social Hours: 6:30-9,00 P. ]'1[. cital in Alumni Hall, 'I'ueeday evening, was :Hr. Kyle's first acquaintance with creve, Pa. bert Normlln Wnrd at the morning MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21- November 15. He was accompanied by a small college, his comments about our January 7--8t. Thomas, at Scrantou, clwpel, Monday, November 14. Mr. Ralph Douglaee. alma mater are doubly interesting. p". Tbe plans for the commeueement arc Women's Literary Societies at The first selections sung by "Mr. "I am iuallned to believe," said the January 10-BIUIl Ridge College, at "'011 under way nud thus far include 6:30 P.]'If. Swain were a reeitative entitled "And Westminster. a pnrude and a pageant. Representa· Meu'e Literary Societies at 1:15 God said, Let the "Caters" and an aria, visitor, "tJoat co-educational achoola, if P. M. they eau have the setting which west- January 12--Mt. St. Mary's, at Em- fives of all the gra(lunting classes are Dr. rune» "Rolling in Foaming Billowe", both ern J.larylnud College enjoys, nre fine mitsburg, Md. expected to be in tile parade, Miss 1. J'ones-c-Bcientific composed by Hayden. These were fol· for our ;;'oulh. Sueh scenery us you Jnnunry IG--Blue Ridge nt New Dorothy Elderdice is -writing n pn.geant Lecturer 11.L Alumni lIaU--8:00 P. lowed by a group of 001lgs, "Arisso ll. ha"e h(>reis an iuapirat.iou for the right wtndsor. depicting the history of Carroll Conn- do Benvenuto" by Diuz, "Rosa" by Tos· kind of liviu!" working, and loving. Jn nunry 19---Lebll.uon Valley, at ty and the significance of the college TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22- ti, "Uugeduld" by Schubert, ''Dahein'' "What impresses me most is the ut- Westminster. in its development.. Soeial Clubs j:30 P. M. b~' Raan. ruo~phere of wholesome sehool lifo .January 31-Loyoln College, at Bal· 'I'l1e purpose of. the gaIn. commence· Mr. Douglass tllell playcd three which I see all about me. There is a timore. ment is to celebrate the conclusion of \1;""E.DKESDAY,NOVEMBER- 23- piano solos, "Spanish Dunee" by Gran· conspicuous absence of that s(,>·called February 1-Penll 8tnte Forestr~·, at. tIm endownllmt campaign. Doet{)r Y. 1..f. ~lndY. w. C. .A.. meetiugs at ados, "Liebestraum" by Liszt, !l.ud 'eollegiate air' arouud the campus. You Westminster. Ward hopes to cOlllp1cte the drh'e by (1:30 P. M. "Poliehinelle" by Rachmaninoff. are Bet like n pure gem amollg your Febrnar;v 1, and to then receive the Scienee Club meeting ill Ghemistr~· The Ilext number sung by Mr. 1-'ebruary littlellills. Philadelphia. 3-Dre.xd Institute, at check fllr $121i,OOO.0{lIronl the Roeke· Lecture room, 'i :30 P. :M. Swain 1,'as the Recitative and Aria, Knowl~dge of a place like the hills fellcr Foundation. ''I.Jend :i\fe Yonr Aid" by Gounod. of ·Wcstern Maryland must have ill' Februury 4--Temple UniYersitr, at Another phase of college acti'i'ity .:rHURSD ..\._Y,NOVEMBER :!-!--- .Mr. Swain conclude(l the program by fluenccd Shakespeare when he said Philadelphia. outlined by Doctor Ward was the in Varsit.,· football game, Western sillging a group 01' lighter sengs, in that there eould be found 'Tongues in FelJl"lUlry j'---Gett,~'sburg, I1t Welilt· angra.tiOll of two [\(lditional banquets ilfari'll1uil '·s. 1>Inhlenburg at AI· elnding "Invocation to Enos" 1)y Kurn· trees, books in tIle running brooks, min~ter. to be l,eJd ill tbe callege dining room lentown. steiner, "The Lark" by Ruhi.n..stciu, sermons in stones, and good ill every' this .\·r;lr. During tile first aemester a Speech Department presellt~ t,,·o "Little ).[ahee", a delightful North thing.' " minster. II!lllquet\\"ill begin'n iu htlnur of the pla."s in Alumni Ilall 7:45 P. M. Carolina mountain folk song arranged Somc of the students and faculty wil.! Febrnary Ii-Gettysburg, at Gettys· athleti~ ah1e of ~olll!ge life, which will by Bartholomew, and the amusing remember lIfr. K~'le !l.a i\[r. Friteloie, Imrg, Pn. be follnwed in the hcoud semester l>y "1fephistopheles' Song of the l~leu" by "1 am heaJ"tily in fU"or of WEBSTER SELECTS ITS Barbara's fatl,,)r in Ule production of "February 21-1Ift. St. :Maryo, at II. bll.ll'lUet ill l,onor of the seholastie 1\[ouss(,>rgsKy· "~ly :Maryland", whieh played in Bal Westminster. inh're~h. In addition to the numbers listed on timore :for (he llllst two weeks. He reo February 2-!---1I.laryland Ullivl'rsity, ~ol1cgc snld Presi(lellt Ward. INTER-SOCIETYDEBATERS t.he prCogrum,tIle encores given in reo tired from tlie stage some time ago, at. College Pu:rk, Md. The purpose the bAllquets is to gin.l spouse to the hearty apVlause wer~ but his 10\'e for it drew l,im back t.Q reeol,rnitioll to the tt"o most importn.llt nlso greatly enjoyed by the audience. take a pa.rt in this production. Februnry 2S-Loyola, at Wcstmin· ]lll11se~of tollcgo life, athletics and The \\'Uekly meeting of the ·Webster :i\Ir. Swain's clear tOlles, his perfect TllOsewl,o not SNlnllim on the ster. ~·holl1tl'ltip. Liternr~' Society was held Mondlly ~ontr"l of "(>ic<',and hin ~e3Jll\'V· man and Ben Hecht, It harlOachillgs of tl\<' Sermon on t.h", whill'noss of Christ, and therefore we tl,/ltpiledujlutelalofc1ovcntouch. determined to win. tance of diet, and t.he deereasing use Mount without tIle life of Jeaus for are ready to cast Him aside for some· downs for the Terror's lU(1Stdecisivo TIle sophomore-junior game was post· an eX(lmple. Truth alone eannot saye thlng else that will SOlve the group. \'ictory of tile current seaBOll. "Buek" poncil beellUse of rain. of medicine. us; we must h{l.\-ea personality ndded If we are to have social salvation, if Chsmbcrs got away for one of his usual The schedule for the rHm~ining gsmes Dr. Jones lectured at Chautauqua., N. to our motives Qlld ",·ills to nmko a suc· our nation is to be [I. Christiall D1I.t.ion, JOllg runs whcn he intercepted a pass is as follows: Y., Inat 811mmer a.nd his lecture was cess. 'We are saved througl, Cbrist. we must gh'c ourselves to God. The and ran 60 yards for a touchdown. TUEsday-junior-senior. considered one of the finest of the sea Out of Paul's words to tl'e joiler we COUlitry must give l'P its armameuts 'l'ilere was not a chanee of his being Wednesday-junior-sophomore. ~on. We!!tcrn Maryland is "ery for get the idon that Jesus is the Christ, because it has at last found Ollrist. We stopped when h(l snatched the pigskin Tbursday-junior-freahmen lind tunate in being able to have Dr. Jones the Savior, God; where wo cannot sce must realize tha.t the Sou of God goeo out of the air. The Soldier'S most ef· jor·sophomore. lactnrebere. Him, must be like Christ. God. likq forth fQr PC
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