Page 28 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 28
Pag~ Four The GC!ldBug, Western Maryland College, Westmimter., Md. Alumni NrUl6 EDITED BY W. V. BELL AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI Phi Alpha Mu takes great pleasure ']'he Freshmen girls entertained at Ellen Gareelon spent the week-end in announeing that the "Misses Clara Browning Monday, November 7. Isa- at Annapolis. Any news teems concerning W. M. Plorenee Messick, '26, is teaching Conaway and Evelyn Smith have been bel Douglas read "The Twins"; Catb- Roberta Rowe attended the Loyola AlIll1llli will be gratefully received. mathematics in Washington High pledged to the dub. erlne Hobby SlIng "The Shadow game with l!er parents. Sehoul, Pr-ineeas Anne; Md. Match'. A Cinderella pantomime was Roy Spoerfeln, '27, was on the Hill presented by Hannah Hecht, Edna Jack Greth, ex·'29, was visiting on Miss Catharine Brown spent the last week-end. fie is now teaching Pickett, Margaret Hamilton, Edna week-end in BaltimorO'. PHILO the Hill over the week·end. chemistry and mathematics in Prtende- Hunt, Alice Helland, Christine- Hogan, Miss Sara Smith spent the week-end ville High School. Ruth Kelbaugh, aud Marga rut Kalb. Van Lathem lma returned from a Philo Literary Society met November visit to her home in Cheater, Penna. with friends in Belair. 7. The greater part of the evening After refreshments several new mum- Mrs. T. 11. Lewis and Miss Marjorie Ethel Parsous, '09, and Louise Tip· was devoted to a business meeting. Af, bel'S were admitted to Browning. Ann and Prnueee Haughly spent the Lewis were on the Hill l'Ilonday. ton, '18, visited on the Hill, Sunday. tel' the business meeting, Ruth week-cud nt their home in Frederica, Both are null' teaching at Reisterstown, Bchllncke, accompauted by Evangeline Y. M. O. A. Delaware. Crawford Shockley, e.x-'27, is working MAryland Lathem, Mlng ".A Rose in the Bud". Bruce Winder and Eloise Neck anter- in tho pcat-offlee at Salisbury, Md. In the noisiest section of those who ~- 'I'IIe Y. M. C. A. held its weekly meet- tulned Fri(jay night ill honor of Helen ~aw the. "Pcrrore' defeat Loyola in the ing on Wl:)dnesday evening, November "Miss Robinson ehnpercned a party of GAMMA BETA cm ~. The vtee-prealdent, Mr. Gccdhaud Dennie. eceda to the play down town last Ba lfimorn Stndium last Saturday the couspteuoua: presided. Thursday night. l'ollo"'ing graduates were Miss Iaancgle chaperoned a crowd J: W. Towuaend '16, F. G. Holloway Gamma Beta Chi is glad to announce _\fte)' the usual opening servlees of co-eds to the Loyola game on Sat- AU'red L.• Tones, '09, is principal uf '18, J~.D. Earhart. '24, C. E. Bish '25, the following men as its pledges: President J. P. Lumbertson led a dla- urday. the high school ntNantieoke, Md. lIJ J. M. Chalk '25, lI. A. Darby '25, Mr. ~ussio!l Oil whether or not modern dane- A ttwood, Evans, Gruewith, Bush, formerlv taught a.t Temple UniversitYI nnd Mrs. C_ T. Holt '25, E. E. Phares Borosl,i, Cook, Oravetz, 'I'Lll mau, Wil· Ing helps OUQ'S morals. Leaders of the eral Mnrgnrut Warn",r entertained eev- Philudnlphia. '~5, R. H. Reynolds '25, J. L. Weihrauch ker, KOllehinske, and Rebert. Roman Catholic and Episcopal Churches uf her elassmates at a birthday '25, E. D. AlIuutt '~5, M. E. Beahon The reeent Hallowe'en dance given us well ns laymen who disupprove of feed last Friday night. Emily Jones '27, -Walter Smith 'Z7, '25, F. 1. Terrell '25, B. S. Bennett '26, by the fraternity was on6 of the most dancing, were {{uoted. The questioll )fary T(atherine Street and "Happy" "Herb" Nichols '27, and "Cllalky" Han- S. L. Byhall] '2(;, J. E. Reamy '26, F. successful danaea ever given at W. lIf. was endorsed from its personal and Riekarlls spant a very pleasant week· nold '~7, wcre tltllong those present on '26, E. llI. c. social aBpe_'t_".~ _ <'nd nt the home of "Pat" Proskey. the Hi\llast. week-cnd. W. Waiter '2($, W. A. Weceh Royer A. '27, C. Plans are now being made for the Emily Richmond, a voice graduate of Hannold '27, U_ G. Williams '~7, H. R M. M. '27, Fng('r Thanksgiving Dan"e which will be halll Y. W. O. A. Among those WJl" lmd \'ompllny Sun· Wostcrn 1iarylnnd, is thc soprRne in BflLtt '27, M. L. Curling '27, B. C. Ford the evening of November ~5th. 1111\- day were: Virginia, Alice, and Charles a chnrch qnartet fit Derby, near New ':}7, D. L. Nygren '27, S. E. Rosenstock 'rhe SophoDlQre girls l,resented the Holland; HUllert Jchn~on, M:).~gar6t sic will he furnished by "Diehl's Blue Haven, Connceticnt. Slle has (( eleri '27, Mis. W. E. Lally '27, lL E. Rayme Ridge Five". program at lhe Y. W. C. A. serviee 011 Warner, and Ruth S!'.hlinekE·. cal position at Ysle University. '27, E. O. Lynch '27. November 2. After the reading of the Scriptnre lly Ruth Sartorins, Margar Professor Bertholf, former Deans cx- WEBSTER ot Leonard rend t he poem "How Did Warren and Easton, Carl Merrill, en- Westminster Stationery Store You Die". Rulh Slaley and Edna Pick '2!1, and Ernie Nuttall, ex-'29, aD The weekly meeting of Webster Lit· et.t, accompanied by Nila Wallacc, jo.,·ed onr team's \'ie.tory over Loyola .. UIT_,T.JY DITMAN, Prop. Shipley's eray Soe;ety was held Monday e,-cning, sang I, dnet, after wh::w a di.,.tlogue November 7 in Webster lial!. In llle was gi~'en by Virgini:1 Merrill and Vir Amflng tl!ose who spent the week·end Greeting C:lr(ls for all occasions absence of the President, Mr. Johuson, lI"iuia Schrivener. in Baltimore are: Evelyn Pusey, Dot A'l' 'l'HE FORKS Mellott. Helen Bntler, Mildred Carnes, the Vice-Preeideut., ),[r. ),[ereditb, pre· "Le Cercle Francais" met in McDfln' Lnufll Hutchins, Pnt Engle, Margnret sided. Religions exercises w()re comlue iel Hal! parlor Wednesday evening, EVERHART For Things to Please ted by Mr. SaJter. Mr. H. O. Smitll November the second, at seven o'elock. Martignoni, Kitty Tull, Victoria Smith, The Col/ege gave a very well prepared and foree· After the usuRl business meetiug, th(l Rnth Staley, Dot Wheelet, Anna ?lIllY fu] tall, on "Permanent Peace". Mr. program was c·ondu!lte(l l)y Dorothy Gallion, Mary Ruth Bolt. BARBER and BOBBER Your Palate Smith declared that the basi6 of the i\fellott, chairman of the committee for "Around the corner." hope for permancnt pence and the \Jnl)' the. week, King's Pharmacy prcventative of future wars lay in the Katherine Grumbine opened the pro· thelH'Y of Mass eduaation. ''Every poi gra.m br siuging ''T~a Chnuson de Flor- Babylon & Lippy Company D. S. GEHR aon has its anti(lote, every thrust cftn ian". Slle lVas ae,·ompan.ied by Dorothy The Rexall Store be parried except one-t.hat of the man Roberts at the piauo. M. R. Langley Wholesale and Retail Hardware, behind the rifle, Sufficient education re~d It paper on the French govern- !jii E. !lnin SL, Westminster, Md. would ~how him the folly of war and ment sinc" 1870. 'fhe members of til" _t'LORSll.£Ul SHOES Buil\liug ~I:\t.erials, Cutlery, would eneourage him to east aside the club then engaged in a general dis- Ammnnition, Pnints, Oils, ritle for the plow----Qr any otller symbol eus~ion of value and interest to all. Dr. A. J. Morrell STETSON HATS Sto,'es, Rnnges, FnrIllIMS, of universal peace." For the remain Following the discussion, Doroth.v GiJ· Iron Alld Steel Products dur of the time the meeting was given ligan reu(l a humorous monologne e.ri OHIROPRACTOR uyer to impromptu speeches, the sp('alt· titled "La Bello ct la Beto". "Des bous 110 E. 1I1:'in st. Pilolle 175 International ?[adoto·Measure Suita (Eslabli~he(ll866) ers being e:tlled upon hy the president. mot$", from current }'renell magazines, We"tmin&ter, Md. Practil!llily e"ery member present was were given by Alice SmnlL gi,'ea an ojJPortunity to !!peak. 1" thq All Illoml)crs iln:tlly joined in the HAVE YOUR SRm;/:) Rl!:PAlRED A1' snap lmsiuess session which followed tllO I'laywg of IIIl amu!!ing game, "Monsieur THE COLLEGE Westrninster Savings Bank r. W. MATHER& SONS regnlar meeling, Mr. H. B. Callahan ('t 1'I[ad.~Jl)e·. After the singiug of "La SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS C. KROOP Westminster's Leading Store walluacepted into membership. IIlarseilinille". Ule meeting adjonrned. CapitAl $50,000.00 :l5 E. Main at. Rurplus "l~arned" 300,000.00 AMERIOAN OHEMICAL SOCIETY OSCAR L. MORRIS IN AUTOMOBIL~ OFFERS $6000 IN PRIZES ACOIDENT Nusbaum & Jordan F. 'fHOS. BABYLON, President. MlLTON P. MYERS, Vice Pres. (Con tinned from Page OM) O~('ar T~. .'I[orris, a member of the THE APPAREL STYLE CEN'l'ER ARMY SHOES in aaademia reBearch or the field of .i"nior dags, was fn!· in Ihe neck and FOR WOMEN .T,\con 11. HANLlLEY, 'l'rensurer. PikeSl'ilie. The driver l;uV('1' I'cut orr to colh.'ge students A delicious Fruit and Nut Sundae street, New York Cit,y, on or before encounter£'d a mH parked on top of Topped with Whipped Cream hill lIua. ill nn utieluJlt to go aroulI(l March 1,1928. There ate six topics from which tll(, il. rAn headlollg into :1 lUll' whi~h hmj entrants may ehoose: The Relation 01; .iu~f stopped Illong.iele of tile parltPIJ Koontz Confecturant Griffin's Goodie Shoppe Chem.istry to the Enriehment of Life, "Duck," !i'.iid the dri"cr to Mor The l~ellltion of Chemistry to Agricul ,.is. But )j(lrris f:liled to duck qui~kl)' Soda Candy Tobacco :wd \\'('nt sniHng lhrungll Ih.· ture and Forestry, The Relatiou of tu ~ h~rlh lJ(·twecu the rll Chemistry to National Defence, TIle Relation of Ohemistry to tho llome, ,li:.\or hood :Lnd right feader. CIGARS, CIGARETTES. CANDY. and The Relatjon of Chemistr.,· to the ",f()rris ,,"ns hrought by II lJllssing Dcvelopmt:nt of lUI Industry or a Re- 1<> PikeS\'i!le ,,'her~ several stitches were Representing takeu in his !leek And his othpr ...ut~ source of tho United Slat.cs.. SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES tn~ate(l. Cha~;.~~rHouse Clothes Two of tliC 1927 prizes were won b.y freshmen from Goucher and tlieUniver· The two "lrrs were almost e.omplelc w1'(·d,s. sHy of Maryland. Other information concerniu'g the NOTIOE eontcat (lnd refercnee books for the ell' College Hall w.ys may bo obtained from )fiss Ward Ht:u at the librnry. ---- )'car, If yon kindly wnut seui! Ihe iH Gal.!) ~ub8erip- this Regular displays in club room .your W. MD. HIGH POINT GAME CAN- tionilllilledialelyinorderlo reeeive lile next copy. :1lllilsuh$eriptionto Smart Patterns in Neckwear OELLED Circulation 1Ilanager, 'I'UE GOLD Buo Hose and Golf Hose Coaeh Harlow has annonnced thnt Western )!arylnDd College the game with High Point, ",!)ich was ·Westminster, ~1"rY!!llld. scheduled to be played at Westminster Tuxedo's specially priced $25.00 on November 12, the day following tbn Name Terrors' clash with the All-Army team, has been canceled. That date will be "Shifty" Local Representative kept open on the Westminster card. The Street. caneellation was mntually agreod up- -FOR- on between the two schools. It is un- Columbia Jewelry Co. City derstood, however, that High Point Col- E. D. Michael Co., - Frederick, Md. lege will be on Western Maryland's A full selection of Christmas Gifts State scbedule next year. that will please everybody's ~stc.
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