Page 27 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Th,,6I'. I SPORTS I We're After The Army Now! I SPORTS I Terrors Win Fourth Annual November 7,1927 Western Maryland Frosh W. M. C. SOCOERITES TAKE OVER mKING A NEW SPORT STATE NORMAL 3-0 Hiking has now taken its pluee as cue Tilt from Loyola Squad 26-0 Editor, The Gold Bug, College, Lose to GeorgetowD 19-0 of the girls' sports on the llill, I\ncl Western Maryland soccer The \\~o~teru Maryland teum Westminster, Maryland won its fiint home game by defeating cre1ri..e outside of 'fried-W. 11. Hi; LO~'ol:t 26. Lawrence Q. H. ScnhlcJ' Holland O. R. Flook Cathl"rine Rend, )[arian Reihnider, tackle he wns held a foot short of n Completeil-W. 11. 7; Loyola 8. Kleplle? (capt.) Bozek Ruth S!lrtorions,Louise Shipley, Evelyn touchdown. Interccpteil-W. N. 3; Loyola 5. L. 11. Rd('l"('e-Siauffer; goals fronl field- ~mith, .\lati!(l;l. Thomllson, Nila Wal· Loyola, taking the ball on downs, hnd Yards lost by- Ekn.itis R. IT. Le!lry Sullivan, Langri(lgl'; substi- laee and Fr:.mces Ward. to kick from behind its own goal line PenaJties-W. ]If. OJ Lorola O. Kochiuski F. B. Driseoll '"tioo,--U"ltivh for Stol'er; Limc of nnd lie)[nins rlln the punt 1)IH'.k10 Fnmblcs-W. M. 3; Loyola 20. Scure h.l"qnurtl'fS- g"m('--~;; minute halves. yards to Loyola's 30·yard mark. Runbacks- New Star Theatre This time "\\leslern )Jarybtnd earrie(] Punts-W. M. 72; Loyola 53. W. .\I. C. }'rosll 0 11 0 !I-O the ball O\'er for a touc.hdown. First, Kick-off-W. M. 71; Loyola 81. GN'l"g~townPo~h 0 (j 13 0-1!) f6r Prosperity Methods! a iJasS to Chambers got 15 yar(]s of the Sub~titut~s: \\'. :"II. C.-BMh THURSDAY AND }'lUDA"l:- needed distauee. Rushing brought a first WHAT W. M. RIVALS DID LAST l{(lchinski, THlm~u for Kohout, L~ng- BEN HUlt (lown nnd then ChtHnbers nit guard for SATURDAY ridge fM Bate~, Bales for Longritlgc, It always pa.ys to look yonr best. tIle last yard an(l the first seore. Longridge for B;'IC~,~J,-Lca f(!T Long· Clean Clothes Crea.te Self Respect. 25c-35e-50e Long Takes Paes The "Kashington and Jefferson gallIe ridge, )!ilIer for 1"~wri'lH"i',t:sing!.'r for Clean Clothes Wear Longer. :Musie l)y Miss Small and Weslel'n :\Jaryland started its next with Pittsburgh, rosnlted in a scoreless GriJlilh. G~olgetO\l"n-N()leu for An· Clean Clothes Increase Your Prestige. }JjSB Gilligan drive when Long intercepted a Loyolll tie. Sehu~'lki1l WOll from Leil:mon Valle)" ~,'11ll0,DUga11for Senlzle,I', Bnymon for Clean Clothese Are More Healthfnl. pnss and ran fiHeC'nyllrlls before st.ep- ily t.he margin of a try for a point after L~l!ry, '\lcGne fot!.-D_J:isl'oll. Toueh· YOUR SUITS CLEANED AND SATURD.\Y- ping oul of bounds on Loyola's thirty- a touchdown. The final score wlla 7·6. down~-B()~ek (2), ~lncNally. Point PRESSED WITH THE BEST OF Buck .rones fi1;"c-ya.rllline. DiekillltQn took II ~6·6 Ineing by tile after tOIlI·lulown-DriS('flll (drop kick). OARE AND THE QUICKEST in On the second down )le)Jnins ogl.ill Gettysburg Bullets. J~der~e-Arlf·y. t:!HI'irL~.BrCl'r. SERVICE WAR HORSE took a ahort pass ilehind his own line, '\Iuhlenburg, Terror opponents on ALBERT "ABE" 'J'ozzr hroke ilet,,'een Bunting and Dudley, reo Thanksgiving Dar, '\'lere defeated by When :"lIONDAY AND TlJESDAY- ,-ersed his field when he got into the Ursinn~, 1,,_".0_. ~ _ MA.RY PICK~'ORD Collegc RcpreSClllati\'e of "ONE INCREASING PURPOSE" elesr and raced thirt~· yards aerosa the Wante(l :< Goud U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer j\[u~ie hy -"lrs. Noah Sehacffer goal line. INDIVIDUAL SCORING OF THE PHOTOGRAPH Estab.1900 Western Mnryland started its drive TERROR5 She sent for ..\LVIN 'r. ALBRIGHT, Reprcaent:ttiv(l 'l'IWRSDt\Y AND }'RIDAY- for the touchdown in the thitd qunrter Sereck S. Wilson LEVINE HALT, "ROUGH RIDERS" from LO~'ola's forty·yard mark, where Mdfainshad token a punt whillhLoyol1l liad to make from ilehind its own goal 1. Neal 41 2 C. Ohambera 33 Miller Seores 3. Miller 24. Off tackle dri\'ea and line plunge!, 4. Long 11 in which AkMains, Chamblll"s, Gomsak 5. Ellis 12 and Miller all figured, carried the ball 6. Weiustock to Loyola '8 eight·yard mark. At that 7. Gomsak point )Hllrr, who had ifllbstituted for 8. Smith Long, took the ilall on a (louble pass and 9. Haveus rcrerse IUld ran {)ntside of Healey for 10. R. Chamhers the touchdown. D. Mc;\falus A pass, ?tlillsr to Ellis, get 40 yards and put t.he ball on Loyola's twe·yard Totals 163 25 13 mark. Gomsuk got n y:
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