Page 26 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Weater;n Maryland College, WeBtmimter, Md, :-: :-: lltnrirty ]ntrr-(!lollrgintr Offi.eial newspaper of W)e~tern Maryland College, published on Wedn6lda,. during ID4r~pntlig4t I A REVlllW OF BOOKS, NrUJll the aeademie year by the atndente of Western Maryland Coll~e, Weatmluter, Maryland. Entered as aeeoud-elaaa matter at the Westminster Poatotll.e& .......... PLAYS AND LITE Subscription Price, S2.00 a Year. In McCall 'a Magazine there rceently Extensive plans are being made for appeared an article "Is YOuth Rebel I hal"e twelve books of the Modern the fourth annual observance of Father liuuat ' by Helen Taft Manning. This Library" before rue, wbich I propoee and Son Day, at Gettysburg College, on MANAGING STAFF article is, in our opinion, one of the best to review "a In George Jean Nlltha.n." November 12. Announcements have out Editor-in-Ohief ... · . J. Paul Lambertson, '28 if not the best W6 have ever read on "Wille!lburg, Ohio"---Sherwood An· been sent requesting to the parents to be of all the thetn students, uiuch preaect "Managing Editor .. . Hubert K. Johnson, '28 that liberty discussed qnoting question. almost We in its deeson. Excellent for the small town on the date set for the oceesrcn. It is it of the intelligentta. Asst. Ma.naging Editor. · .Bamuel H. Bryant, '28 entirety: "The Philosophy of William James." the plan to have the fathers register at Business Manager ... Earl B. Lippy, '29 "We have become so neeuatomed to -c-Have you ever tllkcn a eourae in the "Y" in the morning and also to Ass't Business Manager .. .. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 talk about Youth Movements and wild philosophy ~t Western hlArylanllf hal"ethenl attend elassea with their sons . be- day father, Advertising Ma.nager . · .. Marvin B. Sterling, '30 Young People that it muy seem super- "Modern AllH'rican a It will it be will a big be. u. new for the experience for cause of psychoneuroses. to whether Oirculation Manager .. ...• W. Edwin Warfield, '29 fluous younger as"k generation the really members are of as slight "The tonen Quel'u Pedaque"-Anatole same, and for those wha attended eollege our Asst. Oirculation Mana.gers ..... {ROY L. Robertson, '29 much inclined to shake off the leadership Franee. Subtle. Ironi('. Escapades it will afford :1lI opportunity to reeall J. A. Stach, '30 of their elders as is commonly suppos- of a. monk. the rluys wheu they too toiled in the Art Editor , , . . . . ."Pete" Gomsak, '30 ed. But middle-aged critics might well "Men, Women und Boats"-Stephen elass room . Sports Editor .... Clarence H. Bennett, '28 consider the ccnvent.ien for the fourteen Crane. Unusual use of adjectives, nrix- Associate Sports Editor . .... Maury H. McUains, '29 college newspapers ref.ently held at Am- ed with a fell' plots. The students at Georgetown Ilruvera- l,erst Co.J1ege. "Poems"-OSl'.ar Wilde. Another ity, who ar~ studying ll$tronomy, reo REPORTORIAL STAFF "These yQnng mon, who we may as· ease fOf the psychOAnalysts. centl,)" l"isited the observatory nnd were News Editors anme are representatil'e of nndergrad· Ego "Po€ms"-Walt ",Vhitmlln. Ditto. surprised and even thrilled when for tho eomplex. Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 \V. K. B,lrnes, '28 n:lte thought tit the present moment, de· "Po~1Il8"-Franeois VilIou, Ditto. firM time in their lives they saw a ploredcertflilltcndeneiesinllloderncol Ditto. planet in th,_, day time. UIJon dose and drinking including life the legiate Associate Editors "Beyond Life"--J"ames Branch Ca oi)ser\':ltipn they saw that the planet Ruth French, '28 Alvin Albright, '28 the 0"eremph3sis un athletie proweas. bell. Wfilt~n for a few ~hoieo spirits. had the form of a beautiful creeeent. Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Oscar L. Morris, '29 But they went OIl to IlSlJ€rt· "heir belief A Night. in the lJllxemburg,"-RenlY During the next quarter of the moon, edls Elizabeth H. Davis, '28 "Jap" Weisbeclt, 30 jhat these eampu$, did but. not were origil.ate on there the (Ie GOllTmont. Sophistiellted philosoph)'. th,_, obsenntory will be oIJened to the !"oHege brought el'cniugs De REPORTERS froll! without. It is from the older t.ier. "1111e Expurgated llllU]liu"~Tlteopile whiciJ Gau- ex· gtudenh them for an se"eta] opportnnity to ill order the to gi"e view edition, 1\1. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. Woodward, '28 ]1l~mbors of tlie famil~' or community plains itg reIJutation. moon and other planets. Dorothy Mellott, '28 Curvin 111. Seitz, '29 thnt ihe l)oys (and often the girls) "An Outline of Psycho·analysis." N. 11. Pennewell, '31 Casper P. Hart, '29 learn to drink lind it is from the alumni Wh~rein one cnn aeeonnt for the eleven Elsie 1\1. Held, '28 George E. Salter, '29 rllther than from the un(lge, :Ind h~sitat.e tQ ex· J<'ree State.) Oth~r cour${'~ have enrol1menh as "QndUl;t presumably unk,IlOII'U in haIJpier, Those of us who rellll'mber hcaring press tll~ir opinions before p~o{Jle who plltrrdtl.\"s. follows: Hi~tory, 9J; French, 90; ehem- Edwin Swnin sing "Absent"and "Roll· urc morc mature and much betteredueat- "NOli" it is true Illat college girls :>.fusit 1(l\"NS 'Ind lovers of good drama iatry. sn; and Greek and Latin, S;:l. ing Down to Rio", ut his last redial iu ed. It seems to H Ilumbn of us that it smuke lHore cignrettes, wear less cloth from el'llr), pnrt of Maryland will be at· TIle courses hal"ing the lowest attend· Alumni Hall, will not miss thl) oppor· would be a good idea to hll"e occasion· tracted b~' the operettn "My Mary· ance include German, physics, philos- in auto· tunity to hear him again next Tuesday al faculty diaeussion~ to ",hieb tlle stu ing and go on more late parties in 1910. land" which opened at the Anditorium ophy ~nd geology. 61'enillg. In addition ttl his fHme HK n (lents might listen. It i9 not tlull" we lHubiles than their predecessors '.rheAtre, Baltimore, )Id., this past ).(on singer, ).Ir. Swnl" l$ well known a8 a are nnduly curious about tbe private But for the most rart eollege girla 11av i1arel"Clling. euUl"etor and interpreter of negro folk ide~s of the f:!culty, 110r that we are been I'ery little dise'1.1'own imprcssiou -is that the bOy9 an~ The operetta WIIS written b~' Sigmund po~ing temn will debNte with Dart· girls !lOW in collq;e ~re, for tho most In a r~llfnt number of Scllool 111111 levol. llml1l!sllllrg nnd Dorothr Donally alld mouth, Hllmilton, Vllssar, Harvard, ,~(I(·j.eiy, Harlan C. Hinl's of the Univ· It is p('rf(·,·tly rrobabl~, ho\\'el'~r, thnt. part, bewildered nnd tronbled over the. eOJlI:ti"s nllm.1' 1l\u~ielll llits which ha\'e Yale, Princeton. The Dritish team ex· Qf definite ersity of Cin6nnati writl'll "The Ronor this is ol1e of th~ ideas that a stndl'nt l:ttk of "'hich they stlllldards 011 el'l'ry rigM side, and p~netrnled el'l'n into the hinterland. petted to debate ,tgainst thirty·three wrong fin~ Ry8tem and the Normal Curl'e", an ar should hegitateto expr{'ss. nnd that the morenollseientiollS are ask- BumI' of thrill nre "}1r. Cupid," American ~olleg~s and uni\"nsiti~5 duro tiele that is interesting enougll to quote: "WOll't You },lnrr~' )I~f" "The Same ing th~ir schedulerl st~y of two months. ing for J\lUr6 guidllnre nnd Uloro rc ":"0 individual is absolulelr houest EGOTISM .stridi(lHS r~Jlhor tlwu for more freedolll. Sih'er :\Ioon," "Th~ Mocking Bird" nnd,'r all eonditions. i\fueh dcponds on "The young lllen and women IIfC ~l1d "Olel john Burleyrorn. The work his immediate environment anll his ill' 'L'here are lillle~ whl'u we all yearn to flui!.e :IS docile alld as sim}lle in their tllso cont:lins "Your J.Jlwd an(l My T!J.~ Fot(]ham seismograph was treat· t~rpretati{ln of honesty. . .Modern 1!\' ;It p('l1ee with the world, exempt mental pr('~~i!:!U lodny as they e\'er LHnd," a number wh..ieh sounds like a ed ta the most violent shoc.ks it h,~s $tudenh 11!l\'e bcen tanght that. to fail fr()n, "II enemies. "'VI) seek those who were, and they take lhe world I'ery mueh rllUibinatiou of "Dixie" lIlid "Glory, el"l'r l'1ll'ouutered. The terrific earth· is di9gra('.eful anll to I}e t""I1JUhl is dis glor~', Hllll.'lui,,"; This number ha~ been 111Hlkl's ill Alaskll, which wns one of thl' SHnh us, 1lsking their rNISOIlS for doing :18 they find it. Tlw)" are not, trying to honest." mentioned ~s a new national Ilnt]lem. most ,·jolent in ~'cars, actull.lly shook the ~/I. smiling into their ineredulous fnees work Ollt n n~w philosophr of life nor Old Confl'(lerale. lind l' n. C. 's will The uorm1!1 ~IJrl"e of probability to upset ,,]d rreeds. They find ttlI'm· lll'elllrs of tlle seismograph out of posi· in the llmlle of good·will, hard·bent on grently ap]IT'_'~inte an rnsemble number, (grcutly hclun.'d by educational psych tion. the uu!ralllple(\ rOlld to sah·ation. \1(' ~~II'l'B in II re!lll~g~. chllnging world, with "The Boys in IJ11(la!so rhe fMt (ilogist~) shows that in till ordinary 'l'he tlrs\ shOCk last ..'tlforso\,enl1liu· uote thl'ir stilted \U~nller, their frigid lIl
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