Page 25 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 25
:"): GAME WITH ARMISTIOE DAY HIGH POINT -STADIUM- CANCELLED ARMY-WESTERN MD. Vol. 5, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Nov. 10, 1927 Prominent Baritone to Give Numerous Extension Courses COLLEGE CALENDAR Terrors Win Fourth Annual Recital in Alumni Hall Offeredby Western Maryland Tilt From Loyola Eleven 26 - 0 I>'IHI)AY, NO\'E1.!BETI IJ- Vur~i!y 1-'ootbnll i.'lllll~, Port ee». MR. EDWIN SWAm' JmRB ON HELD IN WESTMINSTER, HAGIIRS· ni.IW, vs. WeSler!! "\lar~'11111(1 at the McMAINS STARS IN THE LAST TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 TOWN, OUMBERLAND Varsity to Face The Strong Ihltilll()rC Stadium 2.00 l'.i\L COLLEGE GAME Sneeer gnsne-c-Lafnyetre ~Ir. Edwin Swain, baritone, will pre Jtueresl iug 1I1Id v.duable work is Le All- Army Team on Friday 8ent a eoug recital in Alumni Hall 'juee ing doue in the \'«rinus e:dCUsion euurs- I'S. )!nry!nnd at Westerll Ouec again tlie Green and 6rn.,· "oJor~ tiny, November I;;. (_'S. which are given h,I' aoruc {If the in lIiHryJll1ltl, :!JIO ,p, 11. of LO,\'oln I}a,'e been dipped to rue Green Mr. Swain appears frequently in em- ~tru('tonl ut Weatern ~lnrrland College. Sot;,,1 H(,ur~'~ tl~30·9:00 1' . .\1. FOR..i.l1:ERWEST POINT STARS :lIlIlGoldof\\'ea1crnhlarylaad. to-te ns well ns in concert nnd opera. 'l'hia is the eight ,I:,,-ur for ulaeses-our IN LINE-UP 'But it W:lS " ~tubbora Loyola eleven Fr()Ul nn interview printed in the "Mus· or-hours at the eoltcgu. The ~the(]ult, !::iATUIWA L, NOVE~IlH~H J:!- that. went (IOll'll before Western llary icnl Courier", we learn thet he created this session folhlWS; ".h'rQsh" ft'\~bldl Il'lIflle--Ship 'I'hl.' Western i\1,ITJlnnd Gre~lJ Terrors ut Bnltimure Stadium the baritone role in "The Apocalypse" Historv, Profe~sor Band- )JBnI;l)Urg 'Normll.l ve. Weatem will hlln:: n fight on their hands Fri· when jt was given in the Tri·Cities, ere=-Monday, 7 I'. ~L M.urylund' "·FrQsh." dar whcn .!lley play the ,\ ll-Army after its producer hud won the $5,000 English Iib, (Shaliaspe'lrc), Miss Dry· Learn from Port Beuniug, Georgln. gUmeilltothetrneklllcettheymadeof p'rt~c, olTered by the Nntionnl Federll (]e.Jl-Tuesda:r, 'i P. U. ~\ONJ)AY, NOVEMBER 14- the UJ:!6 nor did they rnll over lion of ~1usie Clubs. 11is favorite role F"cneh 1·2, ~Irs. S<1!lders-Wedlles· WOJl\ell'S I,iterary Soei"li('Il:lt6:30 sflluell\.laHdon that re' in orntorio~ b Chrislinn, in Edgnr Still tiny, 'i P. M. 1'. ~1. Ye()llI~l1~ hns charnrterized their performance man Kell~~'~ "The Pilgrim's Prog t'renelJ, 3-4, Ml$s Atwood-\VedPes· ~(enls Lilerar.,· l:;u"i!'lies at 7 :.1;, tain uf t.he O~tt~·~burg. Albright ant! Dick reES." ,la,\', 7 P_}J, l'fnltcd from the emire nrmy. lie wa;r P. AI, :\II'. Swaiu hilS frequentlJ \.Ieen sci f11 ndd.itioll to tI,use elasses, thc 'reach· '''IC of th,> PlJlsfanding flgnr~lI in thu Loyola Fights ected for f~~ti\'lJI~ where the stundnrd in,!; of Manllal under Prof. 'l'UESDAY, NOVEmnJR jfj'- "r ~'ighting f(,r ~I'er)' ineh every minuie operas are given in concert form. E. G. E\.laugll, meets at W~stminster ~utial Cl!lb~, 'i::{O P. ~l. ~\~;~11\~:t'J:,;'~ ,~;;r~~'r{~;'C;orN~:I~e I,~nt~:: lhe g:tmc Lu)'ol:1 eurbeil to a great Among thc opera~ in which he has been Fligil School at .j_ p. lit. on MoudayE!'. tvu,'hdoW11~. exteut ~ p""'erflll a!!n~k whkh ill15 not heard nrc Puglia.cei, Ca\'aUeria, The dasses arB not largc, but they 'meet Edwin Swnilt (l}uritolJe' singer), 'l'h~ line \hll'. wili oplin ugaillst West bern ~tu]lped short in two sea!!(lns, which Secret of SUZll.nlle, }'aust Butterfly. a reul need ill tllllt lhc~' ena\.lle \.lus~· "-'~'.ili/illg :11 Alumni Hall at 8:00 a\'erages J!ll pounds, :nnl hJ\s snowed Ulljter team nfrer tN\ln :lHd people to continue their educntioll ou When asked whether he prcferred frlllli to taekle goes higljer with wllidl ~l'Ul'eri against the\\'nsliillgton ulld opera or re(lital he replied: "Recital the COllege level wllilr "'i)rking at lhuir WEDN.ESDA Y. :;;"OVE,1,WER 16- ,m ""~age of !:!OO pounds. '('he baek .leffersull (It'fclls¢ thnl Pitt tOllldn't work to Die is like taking a book of vuta.tioll. \'. ,\1. ~nd r. W. ('. ,\. Acid is balnnccd win, "n avernge pierce .sltturda~·. pictures and holding t,h(' attention of thc Ext~usion cla~ses lU!vc been conducted nt(i:30T'.i\1. tlf 18(1 HO mAn dp\'i'Jling from OIT!'n"i\'~ly, LO~'olll wa~ hel"k~s---ex audience by IilJowing thelll. The pie in llagcutQwU for five y~nrs. 'i'his yea.r Lc .(:ertic 1;'n,i~,d5 dalla ~lcUa!l till:t-figurehymorc.tlHlntll'hl'"uhils. ~~'''! for" flurry in the s,'~onrl quarter tures must be consistently interesting, there are more than sixty persons, the jcll-bll P"r1'or i heures. jll the forwllrd wall Archie Pitly who ,If the _!'. grams, I try te prellent as lllans differ· lliswry, Profcs.sor SUlldcn; French, the Prof. Shroyer Speaks on ;\t l('ft, gu""l i~ \\'nrd wh" w~igh~ McMains Stars .\lIs. Sa.nd~rs. All dasses mcet ill ent pictures-so to speak-as is possi· :!!tlj l'O!lll,ill. Dilly ,lnll Wart! together \vilh Cllpt. O"'ille :o.:-eal, b::tektieJd hie. Tfl be frunk, reeital has been Antictam school on Tuesdays, 4 :45 to "The Sense 6f Being Lost" furnish weight Cllnllgh to "t"l'an:>'(]i- :,,·t', put of llo!' gnnw bl'(·un~1.' of :Ill iu my ono chief joy of singing, nlthough 9 P. 11. , --+- "('d chnrge fr~m the oppllsin}!' (ine. 1'1", ,jur,\' 11\l~tuiuctl I1t GcttySQILI'g I""t week, there is a magnifieent tllrlll .in CO·OFcr:t· .Last aeSgiOll, the work w~s I.'xt,en,l~d l'rtlbnble line-l,l!) for th" I.!;llmC' will b~: Ihe 'I'vrrors' stllr rulr; fl'll ~·l'stert1:l." t" CONTlNU_ES SERI~ OF SE~ONS tion. wIlen one. getA..Jn operll.. :1nd pM,_,);laud. by Professw' - ~1!l'lI~ryiatrd _tl,,,,,,,,,,u, ,,'1.'0 \\'91; ]ll.Oiyi.. g his ll,st g~ .. " trays a clmrncter in nssociation with nnd :\Irs. S~ndcr8, 'I'ho conducted clnss Clark "f "ullell:~ football-"~ur." 1l{Uains, .BUtlr)r L.1: other chnracters. However, in opera es llistory, French and Spanish on Pri Prl'( ShrO)'H of the \Veatnlinll!l'r Weinstock rCleran (juarterQa~k. lhi!te is a set portrayal to give, tradi- day evenings nnd Snturday mornings. Sellli!lar.,-.has st!l.rttd·\lnew>reriel!! of lhly L. '1'. ~lc.\Jains, who with his running, punt· Hon nna n. certain routine must be fol· Professor Jenkilli! is conducting' classes sen·lJons lu bc deii\'ercd nt the SUII?ay Wurd L. G. Vall Bnron iug alld fille s,lfmy plaJ~ waft [lfl 0111 lowed, while in recital more is left to in English and FrCHCh this Sll'!!sion on Lillds"y C. llsl'eus sl:lndilig figure "n nftl'rnoon. was Ollc tI,e imagina.tioll. As for oratorio, tha~ abOllt thc S:\lll~ schodule ns the one fol· e\,ellhtg 1311kcr C:unpel services. 'rhe Jell'ar~ H. G. :Ilaelialller of those who emue through with SOllie is a style of ita own; it is ehurehly, sa· 10we(1 last year. tr;xt is. (nken from A~tJl l{!:30, "What ~('()d "pill(·h·hittillg·' WhCll the 'i'er cred singing, nnd tho inspiration all· )!any of those ellroll~d in the cJass€s ",u~t I 110 to he M\'~dl" I.ast RUlld9," '1'rey H '1'. O'Le~r r"s' ~"oriug oppurluuiti1's rolled urOlInt! cordingly is different." rc(:eil'e cei'Ufieate eredit, \.Iut most of Ilight J'mf. Oll ., 1'h~ COOlU\.I~ ll. E. Pelton Jt WIIS '\1~.\I:,ins wh". \·"mng tlo" sig 1Jr. Swoin will bl' r('Il!~IllI.Jt!red \.lolh them nre interested onl)' ill col!ege \'e(lm'llI (~) Q. B. Miller nals and t['It!ri!,l11tillJ,t lre"cral ~xcelh'Ht for hi!! ill Bnyden's oratorio, creflit, and, of course the benefits n~ DeJln luge said ill onc of hiB recent Umbeq:;t'r L. 1I. Gomsak runs. druH' \\'ustl'rn ~1"r."l;llld to two "The Creation," which was presented CTuing from study. '\Vlh~n they hnvc l~()turc~ in lhi~ counlr,\", "The G know l)ine~pple,'olute ~!lke, cookics, signifir;u,wu of the lerm "lost" as nnr Anton 'I'ehekotr is 011(\ Of the llJaster~ nrth'd morE' tll:In 30 ~·ard9. Thc next ledge of tlw potentialities 0:1' Ilhemistry mints, nnts. 'In<:eStllrs uSl.'d it. In thc d~ys wlleu of (lQutllUljlorary l~nsliilln literature. instant T'llltm. Illld slipped clown the as a. cultUral subjeet and I1S a ea.reer i. 8teinwHy Stndio-fourth course: 'lJCll lYereuften lost in thcpaihs in thc ilis best knowll pllly_"'l'ho Sea Gull" "enter:lud t:'I. tenm to fat·.e an eX[!Hient'CU Wcbster l~st and thell saved throngh Goa. and laugh with him at thc Shlpidity tirleutally, wns throughout the game the The Irving 8ooie!), has already scl- trio. This year it_ is \\'ebstel¥ which "What shall I do to be savedl" is and naivete, as well as good.hearted- fiercest mlllfl: of ille spectlltors lUld cver ected the team which will represent it must produce a new combinafion to the cry goillg:u.uJl to the heavens today. lleu. of the people ~e kn!lw Sl) well. seen-intercepted II heave by Elllight. in December. Mnrvin B. Sterling, who argue with the seasoned Ir"ing men. It is all old cry nnd n new on!! too. Mi'~Kay is ta1ring'the part of'Step'an ]n that second qUllrter Loyols had was leader of thc Irving team last year, The Irving orutors will have all excellent Prof. Shroyer ho~-t{j-treat the subject Stepanovitch Tscbubukow; Miss Hut~ gaincd 108 yards-:-p1'actieally every will aet in that e£lpaeity again thilr year. chance to avenge the defeat which they more fn~;y jn f~.t~~ead4re6sq,s in,; Baker of N:itiID.fa..:.Stepanobna; and Mr. Mere. yt:rd on passing-which was all but 24 He "'ill be !Issisted by Messrs. Earl B. suffered from Webster year. Chapel.··· •. dith, 'Or -Ivan :Y:assiH~t()h -Lomov. (Continued on Three)
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