Page 24 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page F01tr The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, WestmiJllter, Md. Alumni CI~~~:A~:u~PAandIt:~~di~"~~,m~'~:~:~IAttlt _qat Not I EDITED BY W. V. BELL AND MARGARET MARTIGNONl mcnt rathcr her as a joke. Dr. Elder· The Misses Eli'zabeth Clough, Ruth dice thinks "Thnt is merely R solace to Miss Lillian Dick, of' Lonaconing, was Staley, and Julia Willimna entertained their pride." Dr. Elderdiee said "bc· the week-end guest of Helen Smith. the Delta at n picnic on College Farm cause they know she ean lick them in Any news iteIWI concerning W. M. RCI". Wesley D. Adams, '06, was 11. :Miss Marjorie ",Vatkins, of Baltimore, last ThUrsd_"Y_.~ _ any debate, private or public." was the week-end gnest of Pat Prcekey. Alumni will be gra.tefully received. Spectator nt the home.-collling game sat- ul'da~', October ~2, 1927. This was the The statesmen of Germany do not first time he has returned to fhe"Hill" Y. M. C. A. want to talk pcltnea although they are Miss Elizabeth Wright, formerly of fOI' man)" years. He is uow pastor of anxious to apeak with Amerleans. "Ger the class of '20, visited the "Hill" Mr, and J.rrs. Klein Haddaway an- the Protestant Episcopal church in The weekly meeting of the Y. M. C. mnny is uiucceut of this Great 'War" Sunday. uouueed tllC birth of twin sons on Octo- Dednrcroft, Baltimore. A. was conducted by President Lambert· is the keynote of their ccnveraation. ber27, son wednesday evening, October the During the War the Kaiser was Duly a Kitty Brittingham entertained some> Among the alnmni who attended the twenty-aixth. After the opening songs, figure-head. 'file bureaucracy was the of her friendsatn ,'ery novel feed on Roberta Carnes, '::!O,motored to Get· game at Detfysburg, were; Evelyn Beat- the meeting was turned 0\'C1 to Wilson power ecntrulliug U!l!. army, the nay)" Snturdaj- nigh!. tysburg for the game and took a num- son, '25; John Wooden, '27; Virginia Barnes, chairman of the discussion the university, and thc church. With The senior history majors lire at- ber of the co-eds with her. Pittman, '20; Blauchc Ford, '27; Ba- group. Reports of the recent eonfer. the war came the inevitnble reactiou- tending very interesting lectures on old die Hosellsto~k, '27; Mrs. Margare' eece at the Uuiverstty of Delaware were the peasants revolted, and the Soeaal- Colonial ruemture, :Urs. Llarrj- I. Wurd, formerly ~USS Lally, ':-7; Bill Feddeman, '26; Seott given and the main issues discussed. tats got control of Berlin. A. B. Jones of the class of 1894, was Bennett, '26; George Benner, '27; Ben The three great parties in Germany 'l'he girls studying Latin are trying to elected to the regeney of Fort Dearborn Price, '25 j Chauneey Ntrthall, '26; Jesse are the Social Democrats, tile Center eOlll'incc the &<:ho01that Latin "is not chapter, D. A. H., when new officers Stene, '24; Virginia Hastings, '27; Bob FRENCH TABLE ESTABLISHED party, aud the Nationalists. Hinden· d0l'oluting, but evoluting." were recently ebosen. Reyuolds, '26; Marion Curling, '27. bnrg is the stateslllun who has secured Persons sitting lit wbles ncar the left· the mass of German peoplu to support Onion Hall celebrnted last Wcdnes· lI[rs. Roger J. Whiteford. '06, lind hill Western ){nryln.nd College WflS repre· hand end of the dining room have beeu fhe eonstiintiolJ illld to makc the gO\" dn.y with a sumptuous dinner in the wife were. the gucsts of and ·Mrs. sente(l at the World Conference on Faith startled recently by hearing sueh ex crnmcnt what it l~ Although kitcbclUletieof McD:miel Hal!. J. Pellrre Wantz, Ol'er the week-eud. and Order at Lausanne, Switzerland, pressions liS: (lue·thir(l Of the wants lhe Mr. Whiteford sang at thc morning seT· Augn~t 3·21, 1927, by two alumni. Protestant ellurch. viee at the){ethodist "Desircz·vous du pain'" kaiser back, lle ne,'er return as the I,ast 1.101ldn)' night the }~reshmen Hugh L. EldcrdicG, .\. M., D. D., L. "Un pen de bcune,a'il vous plait." other two·thirds of the popnllltioll will girls gal'c u surprise party in honor of The cl~ii!l of ':.!i is planning a big L. D., '82 was one. ITe is a minister "(;randmu" ne,'cr premit it, Riggin in Town Hall. No, there is no French delegation 'The study of the politics of Cheeko reunion to lake Oil the "Hill" of tlte ll. P. church and for tile last \'islting the college. The fact is that Slovakia would set one crHz_r. There is Kitt.\" Tull and Ann Snttle spent /l. Tbnnksgidng It is thirty yMr~ line been llresident of the the table number one lIas been resefl'~d fl bewil(lering number of parties in this very pleasant weekend at the home of ed that. almost one hundred P()l' of Westm.inster Theologicat Seminary. Dr. for Fren~h majors, all of whom will new state thst finnlly form one greal Mary Allnutt at DlIw~oll\'i1Ie,Md. the class will return to the Alma Uater Elderdice W.1S born July 24, 1860. He be assigned there at some time during for the big event. was graduated irom We$tcrn Maryland the year. The waiter is Weldon Daw compcnent; a thllt 10"es the .Profesl!Or Beard is struggling mall· in 1882 and frOUl Yale Dil·inity School son, a me-mber in good standing of "Le United States as no other COUll fully (0 rctain hia Bachelor's Degree EdM .Russel Jordan, 'OS, was mar· in 1890. }o'or twelve years he served Cerele }o'raneais", who see-ms to under· try. pr\l!;idcni was studying in 'lIld the distinction of being the only ried to Frederick Heist on Jnne 30. pastorntes iu Baltimore and in Poco· atlmd all the mysterious gibberish and one of the Inrge nnh-ersitics of this bllrheloronthefnculty8t3fl'. Annie Hutchins, '08, was married to moke City. keeps the table well supplied with food. country when he was informed that he Mr. Joseph Sunderland dnring tllC sum· Our other representative wall :Rev. Al- had been elected as heud of the uew Here is a aplendid opportunity to stntc. H" immedi:ltel.,· rcturned to Hiking gronps are t~king fnll ad frcd Dnllllll, Ph. D., '86. He was one practice J:1reneh eOD\'ersation, because Checko·Slol'flldl), find ]l;)tterned the nl'w \'Illltage of the Indian Summer weather Reine I,ouise :Musgroye and Dr. Ray· of the members of the staff of the eon· no English whatever may be spoken at laws fo the commonwealth after the to (lCCUllllllntetheir necessary number mond R. Simmons were lllarried on Oe· ference, Dr. D1llllm was born in Salis- this table. It is hoped that, together Ullited States Qon~tilnUon. Tn the of miles £or the first semestcr. otber twcnt·y·fiftn. bury. He reeci,·ad his A. n. from with "Le Certle Francais", the Frenell Western :Maryland in 1886 and later table will prove a great help in teaehing lllOst cOllspieuouslllace in his librnry is Professor /lnd )[r~. Bennjnghof enter· studied at the Yale Divinlty School. He students to spenk French outside of the a picture of Abrnhnm Lincoln, and tnined Cntherine MeLane, Dorothy Dr. William Porter "IInl1s,a prominent received his A. M. from HMl'srd and room. cI'erywhere in the country are fonnd GrilU, Pauline .E'isher, Maud FiBh~r :md alumnus of Western ;'_farylalld College, ol"idcnces of Anli1~ieuninfluence. Josephine Warren last Saturday even· died OetolJer 3, 1927. While in College bisPh. D. from George Washington Results of the war in Austria are mf;_. Dr. :1IfilJgwas a star nthlete, participat· Ulliversity, where he was for SOlUetime POETS' OLtr.B HOLDS FIR.ST vcry deci!led. Austria has swung from Whell looking from the Library win· ing ill track, tcnnis, and basketbalL He asaistant professor of philof!.Ophy. He Dominated oILe extreme to the other. wua ordained in thc M. P. church and MEETING was graduated from this coll~ge iu 1893, later entered the Congregational minis· !~:\'c:;~~'~l;:dll~J t~l~e~ln;~~b~:f:el~:e S~~ ~~~ ~~~, f::~S t::: ~:a~~:e c~:spU~ee:I~:~~ nnd in J8f17 reeeived his ~L D. from try. Dr. Dlllllm served ns pastor in The Poets' Club held its first open Colnmbia Unil·erait~· ~ledical Senool Ht ilTas$achusctts and New Hampsbire Un· meeting of the year in McDaniel Hall cifllists. Oue prcjeet is her conllll\lllit~' display our colors in honor of our many \V.1shington, D. C. The degree of A. til ],Jay 1(126, when he was called to fine ,·i!'.tories this season ill sports. hOllsesystem for which shc expcllded fire reception parlor Wednesday, October 26, ,M. was conferred upon._llim br "\Ve~tern ],,-,us11-nneas associate secretary of the Ilt-8o!ngc One) Babylon & Lippy Company D. S. GEHR The I"iberal l)arty CJ
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