Page 23 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three \SPORTS \ Terrors Crush Gettys burg 41 -0 \SPORTS \ SOCCER DOPE G-burg Holds W. M. Frosh NEAL'S INJURY NOT SERIOUS Terrors Crush Battlefield It is :1dmit,t.edby those who IUlI'efol- WHAT W. M. RIVALS DID SAT'OR- In Arm Shows No Practure To 0 -0 Score Saturday X-Ray Western Maryland Star Back Of Squad By Margin of 41-0 lowed the progress of the soeeer team LO~'ol:J,Western )''fnryland's next op- eo fur this year. thut it has failed to Il(l!lent, played Washington College at The Western Maryland freshman X·ray pietmes of Capt. Orvillo Neal's (Continned from Page One) eomellplothecxpectationsoftheearly Homewood 011 Friday afternoon. Loy· fall. This is due in part to the-schedule dreaded football team was held to It scoreless injured arm SllOWthat no fracture of Iy have the opposing teams the line the most ]loworf!!1teams oln crushed the Shorrmcn with a score Into Buck's ferocious drives tie by the Gettysburg freshmen last the bone was sustained. of aa tc Q. Buturdny at Gettysburg. It was a hat NNll, Western :r.faryland College's wlICro on numerous occasions he has lIIuhlenburg, thp Terror opponent fQr !Ie royal from the start to the finish, brilliaut halfback, who waa hurt late in reeled oII long runs after ripping a 'l'hanksgi\';ns Day, defeated Lehigh, waJ·S. It in 111"".'1 with neither team having nu edge, al the Gettysburg game on Saturday, was hole in the defense. was defeated bj- FrRllklill and lofnrsll:lll 13103. though bof.h t.luea.tened to eecre an examined by two specialists in Balbi- Not only baa Chambers been turn- oy a single goal-s-aud it held Ihe Navy Washington and .Iefferson which 'times. more. 'I'beee phyaialana declared thnt ing in a good exhibition of hard run- Varsity 1.0 a 4·3 decision. This last handed the local grtdders their only de Captain Bush of tho "Baby Terrors" his hurt, while serious enough to keep ning, but his defensive work is excel gllllle brought mlln)" commendations feat of the season, continued its streak nud Captain Malone of the Gettysburg him out of rough work for a few days, lent aud is improving rapidly with from the ~al'al officials who claimed of tnek, hy tronucing Thiel, with a every gnme. Ercshmeu met in midfield for the usual will not keep him out of the gnme for it to have been tho best played on tho score of 33-0. handahnke. Malone won the toss-up the -est If the season. West.crn Maryland might have been 1,;ravyfield this year. Ou Saturday, Oe- and chose to defend the western goal. May Get Into Game n pre-game favorite to beat Gettysburg tober 29, Western Maryland played at Fort Benning, the. team which west- Koaluusld kicked off for the "Baby It i8 thought here now that he will but the Harlow elnn more than mens· 1~3st(lU,Pennsylvania, where they were ern Maryland will meet on Armistice Ten-ors" and Anglcmoycr returned the be ill uniform for the Loyola. game ured up to expectatdous, its juggernaut outclassed by rt far superior tenm. Duy ill Baltimore, won from Newberry ball to the thirty-yard line. From Saturday and may be able to play if of !In at.tack literally trampled under The backfield, which at the sttut ot 34,1,00 thero the Gettysburg freshmen used the the necessity for his taking the field foot a team tlmt was considerahly 1I1eyeM was considered Ull {)xcellent uGl'ial route to a great advantage aud should arise. h~a\"ier. combination, still exhibits llla"y fillws. INDIVIDUAL SCORING OF THE With the exception of CaJllain Neal, were not stopped uutil they got to the Examination showed that ligamenh Tt is expeeted tlllli therc will be a fcll' "Bahy Terrors" thirty-yl1rd lino. Here were severely wrenched and some pos who is always brilli/lIlt, there were no c.hnngcs here th(lt will pr(){luce better our freshmen line held lik(l.a stene wall sihly torn by the blow that dislocated other olltstnnrling arars in this skir dofensil·c II"ork.The forward line shows its usual ahility 10 carry Ihe liall down mish; every mnll that eaw Rction exe· /1!ld consequently gained possession of the player's elhow. However, the sWel· cuted l,is work in'all pcrfection. 10 tho opposing' penalty aren and there the linll. At this point Koshins'ki did ling and paiu are not excessive aod a 1. Neal 41 SOlliefine liJle: bucking ~nd our freah- special piece of harneas is being made J.,ine·up: 10 lose it. It shows a (leeided lack of _. C. Chnmbers 25 emn were nUTstopped until they ll(ld to protect the member when the local "Western Md. Gettysburg. ]lu!leh on those last. few 'l'his 3. Long the ball well o\,er the center liue. .As cuptllin gets back into the gnme. Olark L. E. Crnmer ",~ek a shift of is ex· 4. Ellis St:lllfIer pt'{Cted will make neither team could make great head· In the meantime Shorty Long, Bal· Weinstock L. T. Wetzel (Ill cffort to ~trength~n the fOrll':1fllline. 5.lIlillcr 12 6 6. Weinstock way when they had arl\"alleed neal timore boy, is being groomed to take Van Buren L G. Kost law ef sOP-Cecrseems to be to con their opponents' goal, tlley both re8(}rt· t,he running bac.k position tbat was Havens c. Kurz 'rile 7. Goms/lk ~ellirate all the musele and speed on a ed to the ki\\king game. JOcpaez and Neal's. Long will start the Loyola 1I1achamer R c. Morse 8. Smith lllnde some skillful punts to game nnd unlCRIIrelieved by Neal prob· Olear H. T. Slaughter 10. !l. Ha.vens R ('1I/lIubers place the ball out of dnnger for our ably will play most of the game. Pelton R. E. Gulian freshmen. Long is a very dangerous runnllr iu ~Iiller Q_ B. Hubiaak 'l'otals 11 The Gettysburg freshmeu's big a. broken field and if convoyed safel:' Gomsak L. IT. ,\[~!\Iillan chanee to score came 11C1lrtho end of past the line of serimmage is liablc Neal (Cnpt.) R. R. Snyder tho first lmlf. 'l'bey brought DIe h~l1 at any timc to break loose for a long Cllambers F R. William~ :It h[)me with the eX~('Jllio\lvf New Star Theatre up to the ''Baby 'reror's" one yard line, run to a touchdown. Score 1);,-period$; but three hie!!. nt tile lin(l an{1 a. for· Moso Machamer, another:formcrBal- Irip to D~lllwllreUniHrsit,r. Ull De· wnrd pnss dirl not net them a yard timore Poly boy en the Terror cloven, "Wf'strrn Mnrylund 714 614--11 eember 3. Dllrnig NOI·cmber the col· \\,j>~l):\,ESDAY-NOV"E\rBRR ~. This is Qnougll to explain how well is getting better all the time. Ro Gettysburg 0 0 0 0-- 0 lege will have 118 guests Del- .llADA.ll JVAKTS NO G111LDHE1'J our lillO waa holding and how each in played a good game at gllara against SubstitutiOlls-Western ~[Hryland, aware, State Norlllnl, Baltimnre Also diviaunl Inan was -playing. 'rhus tile Gettyshurg Saturday. Long for l1illrr. M.iller fur Long, Long technic and Baltimorc City Coll~ge. Rt.·1·URN OF THE RIDDLE RIDER first half' enderl with ncithcr team lUl.\" Coa~h Harlow expressed llimsnif in for Neill, .Ellis for Gom".lk, Mc:llfain~ '1'he morale of Ihe squad is tumpara ing scored although tile Gettysburg pleased for thc most part witll tlu' for ,\liller, S"nith for Chambers, Down· ti"~ly good for at no lime luwc they THUHSDA\" ,y, FRIDAY-NOV. 3-4 elora Bow in IT freshmen did look 3 little better than work of the team last wcek. HoW'ev('r, er Lor Weinstock, Wcisbeek for :lI[:t~h n"glectNl to show their fight :lnd spirit .\Iiss S"u,ll :,t Piftno. tlle''Bn11y'l'errors''. ht' poiute(! out some mlBtakes and rnll amer, Norris for CIl.rk, Roy Chambers UpOIttIle ~(l\','~rfield. Howe"er n few .\lis~ Gilligan ot Violin. t.llo team through It rather Inngthy sig' '1'1111 second half found lho Western .for G01ll~nk,Cook fOT L01Ig, Bay iOI ,.idorics woum make /\11 the f~llo\\'s feel Maryland frcslmlen going hetter !lnd n:ll ilrill find kicking aud passing prae HnY(ms: Gctt.ysburg. Hcrtzlieh for better. It is for this that will ~A'I·UJn)AT-~OV. 5 having a sliglit edge. Klrpnc? nnd ticetllisafternoon. Rlnughi('r, Stumpf for Snyder, Fisher J PDmfENT OF TffB HILLS Ekll.itis malio some ~lever long runs. See Fitting Foe for Huhisak, Tassey for Morse, Slaugh- The "Bab:.' Terrors" big clJflnee for J.o.1'ol" is not being \\ndore~timated tcr for Herb.lic1I, H"rtzli~11for Slaugh ~10Nj):\ y- NOV. 7 scoring came ncar the end of the game. The liolieve that the Bo.Itimor· t~r, Hukisuk for l'isher, .Jone for :life· STOlfl( Lor'E TIIDy had worked the ball up to t.heir !'nus, Cllptain Desmond lind sever· ?<.lilbn, Snyder for Stulilpf. Toneh· opp~nenh twenty-yard line alld were nl otl,er !lIen available, will be a far down8--C. Chambers (:;). N~al, ITa- Eherk. Umpirc-C. j\lillcr. TIl'nd TU.ESDAY-NOV. S in nn (lxeclleut condition for a ficld differeut team from thnt which (li9ap' Y('ns, .Miller, R. Chaml)crs. '.Prins for lillcs!Uan-R W.Sanl. AB71i"S iRiSH ROi'iE goal. Lawr;:nce, shmdinf!' on his Op· pointlld in the first llal:f of the IIop ponents twenty-sEwlm yard line, tried kins game. They 11190think that Loy· for a field goal, but his kick went wild. ola, alive to its opportunity, will ]llay Thus t-hc game nndcd n fow secomla against W{'stern "Maryland as it hasn'J later with the Gettysburg freshmel1 played t.hi9 season. llaving possession of the ball on t.heir lVestern Mar.yland doesn't eJ
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