Page 22 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 22
Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, :-: :-: lInter-illnllrgiutr Otlieial newspaper of W\estern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during Nellis the eceneete year by the studeDh of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as aeeond-elaas matter nt the Westminster Postoffiee. Tho Bucknell Journal of Education Subscription Price, $2,00 a,. Year, will publish its first issue before the If life were based on a game of Now if you were good looking ] chess, we certainly would not allow our- Educat ional Conference meets at Buck- nel l on Ncvcuther 11 and 12, according }'1ANAGING STAFF could call you benufiful and dumb. selves to go very long without knowing to the editor of the journal. This jour- Editor-in-Chief ... · J. Paul Lambertson, '28 the differonee between a very n pawn and a nal is a puhlieatron of the Edncation is Ma.naging Editor .. · Hubert K. Johnson, '28 To pnraphruse tile eteeetes. The more knight. we Yet allow it ourselves to plain remain troth in Club. To become a,. member of the elub that Asst. Managing Editor. ..... Samuel II. Bryant, '28 I see of man the better I like the girls. ignorance ns to the nomenclature and one must P(lY a fee of one dollar each Business Manager ... .. Earl B. Lippy, '29 function of the body, and surely life semester. Ass't Business Manager .. .... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 (After wat ehlng tho visitor take Ii depends upon the body . Glen Your of Many Advertising Manager. . Mnrvtu B. Sterling, '30 swig at the cider) of a quurt idea lire al- a lege without students even go thraugb col, and Mr. Muunnera Walsh, lla.s Moderator of Mimell selected tentatively Circulation :Ma.nager.. · W. Edwin Warfield, '29 drink ~nd my idea knowing the difference be' a cast for llle varsity play "Richeldeu". · .{ROY L. Robertson, '29 most analogous. tween tile liver and the stomaeh. There trials ruueb Asst, Circulation Ma.nagers. ,J. A. Stach, '30 foro I would recommend that a eourac The only in revealed Freshman Intent talent, in not Class, the but can's Art Editor , . .. "Pete" Gomsak '30 You one D. spell DIPLOMA with more for in physiology and In hygicue absence be ]·equired the upper ellls3es as well. graduation. of such the Sports Editor .Clarence II. Bennett, '28 than Don't try . a course, I would have you read "The been 'l'ue group that has been selected night, has r chearalng, afternoon and Associate Sports Editor . .... Maury H. Mcblains, '29 Rnman Bodv" by Dr. I. Olcndcning. The since tho east was anJ.lonneed. It has Th6 cheer leaders were accused of book costa alx dollars, but is woll worth play tll6 REPORTORIAL STAFF ~ignalling to the team but they only the money. bcen announced nights tllat of December will 6 and be on the given News Editors algnalled for a toueudown, The author at once eroueee your In 7. Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Barnes, '28 terest when he writ·es in the dedica !iOII, ''1 was asked to write it in order The Yellow Jaclut." do If YOIl best to stnte the rigllt. lind SlIdl n l'"'rson was the late Isadora be eonfidential, but the final analysis very low, or so we hear. Victims OilY do not agrNl with me DllllCflll, not,·!f ,\meriea.n d~neer, whose h." the clASS will lIe publial'cd as soon wi8h to tuke issuc ~'O\l arc invitod to that this resulted from an attempt by tragic (ll'ntl, ill l'ul'is a short time. ago, uS th(' 1l1aterinl is in Qrdcr. the faeulty to throw a scare into the TIDNK FOR YOURSELF use this column for Belf·expression. shocked the whole world. Just before camp. Faculty members say that it. her de:dh she wrote an artiele for the Dnrtmouth debating team has sched· was eausnd l)y an attempt 011 the part "What kind of murks uid you nlflke HONOR SYSTEM XI'11' 'York "Hernld 'rribullc" entitle() uled an international f the wholll ~llf'rl your convietions." Of conr$e we t'ducntionnl a.l'stum at this college. (':llsie-notwitll Ih" at this college have not outgrown this and, if the proprr action tnkpll, wbolE' Mrs. Andrew Cnrnegie, Jay Gould, Mrs. hrC'll drawn before. Be~'Olld n. doubt saJe r:(lwhich Ill'ession of l)eaut.'· and strength snch their powers of discrtminu·tiug between tribute to Miss Nichola' devotion to break :1,wuy frOIll the 1,,7.~· hahit of let· infludes:lll others. Uisjustund r('a us no ei"ilizution has ever known, the good "movies" and medioere "movies" !hiswork. has been lost. This situation is un· ting Bomeone el~e think f(lr us. W" "(llla1)I('. It is ''1''LA Y l~A]R". A boM .justiee, l'indness, pnrity of our states· ".\hir's Irish Rllse" comes here on have been enoowed with a mind fl,at statement. is rathrr shoekillg, but: J llIen, lind nil the illSI,ired lovc and teu· fortunate; for constant attendance at Tnesdar, "X01'cmber 8, at the Star Thea- beeomes rusty tllrough dilj\\se or sharp hop!' it. will he stimulating. In one deruess of onr mothers. When the the "moyil.'s" wastes both time and tcr. one night onJy. throuq-ll frllquent exercise. Lrt us be classroom ill which a test. was going Amcriean ehildrcn d8;nee in this way it money. The fonr years spent at College IIO'I'"e iH{li"idllais, 11lId not sheep. on. tla'r(' were nine 1100ks ojlen. If "'ill uwlle of them beautiful hcing.~, For lJuiek service eull at such an importllllt effect on the life of anyon" maile I, mistnkp 011 thnt jest, worthy ef t.he nallle of lile greatesn it wut! ouly lleCaUS~ ti)(;,re "'fiS a mis demoernry. 'I'bat will he Amcricll THE QUALITY SHOE SHOP an indi,idunl, that to fail to utilize I'rintinthellOo'k. dancing." that time ;s most foolish. The right /STl!;RCBPTED LETTER apportionment of time ia the college For kiu,1c.rgarhm aetiolls, kindergar J. D. student's mwt serious problem. He tt'll remedies sj'Ql11d ))0 applied. Testll Dear Puul: should eome unaunouneed. The profes· DON''l' F.AIL TO SEE must have time for his studies, fQr his Mr shonld watch o'-er the room ana GAllIE ON MEET YOUR l'RIBNDS AT extra-enrrienlar aetivities, ror his ex· orcise, for b.ia social life, and for ili~ of your hlu~ pencil. all books and papns al,ould be left at AJU,uSTICE DAY AT rcst. It is the very exceptions I college Pifflely YOIll'S, the door. Jtsonndschildishunditis TERRORS VS. ARMY student who eRn spend two or mors 1. N. T. SOPER." childil'lh. but it is tile onl.,· wu~' to com· BALTINQ:BE Bonsack's Tea, Shoppe hot ~hildish actions. STADIUM hours each night for an amnsement
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