Page 21 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 21
COl SOOOERITES PLAY TERRORS TO OLASH WITH STATE NORMAL LOYOLA AT HERE FRIDAY P. M. BALTIM:ORE STADIUM Vol. 5, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Nov. 3, 1927 Terrors Crush Battlefield Squad COLLEGE CALENDAR ]. Stitt Wilson Speaks Four Times By Decisive Margin of 41 - 0 FRJDAY, NOVEMBER 4- In Smith Hall and Baker Chapel Social Hours 6:30-9:00 P. U. GREEN AND GOLD HAS PERFECT Soccer Gemee-cwestem Mnryland "DEPTH" AND "DECISION" ARE TEAMWORK Hallowe' en Party Has "8. 'l'owecn Normal 3 :30 P. M. Interview Proves Interest in STRESSED NEAL IS INJURED Colorful Program in Gym SA'l'URDAY, NOVEMBER 5- Campus and World Problems SINCERITY BRINGS RESPONSE VS'. western Score Doubled in Second Half of Game Vnrsity Football game-Loyola Offers Critique on Modern Eduention Maryland at tho Bal The annual Hallowe'en masquerade timore Statinm 2:30 P. M. "Mr. wjjaon, wo want to know some' The Terrors gave Gettysburg a n party given by the sophomore elnsa on thing of yourself, of your life, and Tlle Honornblo J. Stitt Wilson, au to 0 trouncing at Gcttysburg, Pn., last the evening of Fr-iday, October 28th, "Proah" Poet bull game-Western work, and interests." internationally known lecturer of the Baburdav, but t.he victory waa as costly was a great ececeee. The gym, a ttrne Muryland Proeh ve. Georgetown Mr, J. Stitt \"iIS{>n seated lrimaelf international Y. 1IL C. A. spent Sun as it was dceiaivc. t.ively decorated in blaek and orange Fro~h ut Georgetown. eomfortnbly, croeeed bis legs, a.nd day and Monday nt weeteru Marylnnd At the close of the tbird pertod paper, gay balloons, and corn shocks, ~[ONDAY, NOVEMBER 7- le-vered his heed meditatively. ITe re- College. He spoka to !he student body "Greasy" NCIII, 'I'errne backfieldnee and was the center of feetivit.ies. women's Literary Socteflea uisrincd this \I'll)" in silctu-r f'\ld(1!:nl~' nt the Sunday cvenlug acrviee at fl f).'lplain,lmd his arm dislocated at. the A short program, consisting of num- 0;30 P. M. ln- .;(ll';,~dIna head LIp and uts ey,'urow~ apeclal assembly Mondcv morning, and elbow wheu an opposing back fell on burs by mombers of the freshman elass, down. The effeet was startling. Monday evening. He also met a him after he had been tackled. Thia provided the enter tainrnent. The Men's Literary Sccietica at 7;15 group of intercsied students for an in: "Yon l,now, I'm injury ist!.e most fatal blow the West· Green and Gold Parrots were present P. M. ill loeing ::IHr\·iowet!.· " l'it interested formnl diaeuaaiou in the afternoon. AI· !liH ern Mar ylaurl eleveu hl\s reeeivl.ld dur and contributed several jazzy nnmbers. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8- though the last. two of these meetings ing the eUTrent SeaSO]I. The showiug of The freshman girls presented a pIny, Social Olubs 7;30 P. M. 'Ti"'1' 1L"l,(ughed, ul1(( ~iU'llitalleO\lsl! were not compulsory, they were weI. Coach Harlow's team, amI tl16 vietories "Hallowe'en Aunties", written and di· tlmt ~lcalTtllhe ntm"",I,,,I(! "lu1 opt'uerl att!'ntled. awarded to lhe Green aud Gold eleven rected by Aliee ]>rings. Mr. Busli WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9- the iutcni(lw. In illtrodueillg "Mr. \VilsOll on Sun· has been due mainly to the indivi(lual sang Beveral popular songs, accom Y. M. ann Y. \Y. C. A. meetings at ~lr. J. Stitt Wilson was born in Can da.,· cvening, Dr. 'Ward 81,oke of his playing of Neal, alld his absence from panied by Mr. Borosky and his banjo 6:30 P. M. ada of Seotch·Jrish parents. It is in· pre\'ious visit to the Hill ovcr two the line·up will be a sevenl llHnd.ic!l1' After the entertainment was over, teresting to know that his parentE yCIlL'S:lge, and said that influence of to the TeTtors. the beat feature of the cvening eame- Shake,apear1l Club meeting in Mc· clime fro III lhe same pnrt of Korthmll Ilmtfirst \risitstill lingered. Dalliel Hall Pa.rlor at 7:45 P. M. Score After Three Minutes the eats. Pumpkin pie, ginger cake!!, Iruland as did those of Woodrow WiI· .As the theme of his address Sunday ']'ho first touchdown was netted by apples and "pop" soon put everyone in Bon. Dcspite the similaTity in name e\'ellillg nr. Wilson chose 1111' parable thll Tcrrors three minutes after tho a good hnm_o_,.~ _ MR. CHANG ADDRESSES lllHl in allccstral home, Ilowe"er, 1IJr. (If the Prodigal SOll, COlllIlllTiugit "This to Wilson knows of no blood r!'latiOllsllip al'illlln of lhe human souL tile game had started. Captain Nllal held betwcea hims(!1fand th(! latc presidont stM." is a cross seclion of life," he the ball for Machamer to kick·ofl', but DONATIONS TO LIBRARY Beforo he was twenty ~3id. "It is ll'ewer than bebaviorism; ycnn; old, i\1r. when thc whistle was blown Neal Y.W. ON MISSION PROBLEM 'Wil~on never Sflw a eity with a larger it i~ older than ArisLollc, yet later kicked II. short one to Clark, who Throllgh the generosity of MisB Mir- population thlln 100,000. Whil(' he wa~ fhan what will lmppen n huudred year~ grubbed the ball nfter it had bouneed iam Byrd Dryden the Western Mary· o,er the requircd ten yards dillh.nee, land College Library bas come iut.e m;~:in~~~~~i'~: t~;I~l~te~L~i;~:.J.a~~~~ ~~lte\::~[~:~gr:;l:!~:V:~~lc;enllt~l;:~"~::~,:/~ ~~:ll~;:~:'~:l ~~:, :~"ro~:;~t l~:l:~~~ :~~ a.nd ran to GllttYSbUTg'S2~·ylml line possession of six new books. Tbey are Wednesday, October 26t1,. His weekly habit of visiting the slums of left the squalid conditions under Wllich before he was downed. A five ylud ''Works of William Shakespeare," ill was "Thn Pri'sent .condition of China Chicago and mingling with 1101' lower he had heen living. The speaker urged gain b~' Chamber~ followed by a fifteen one volume; Lnne-"Naney Stair"; lind the lIbsslonnry Problem" He bc \I orkHlg elnllses TillS created In hUll the nec(1 of "inspired youth" today who --E.':..d____g!l~ by. Gr~~ ca~ the J2ig· Kau:fman-"Outline Guide to Shskes· g~n his talk..b, fI.'IJ..i:ng. t.bllI...que~tion......":in "Ti'ifen~e,nrlski'd '\I.r. Wilson to deli\'el' eoneculrntioll, nnll prayer in order to ill the last period scorcd twice more to Communistie for three reasons; China a series of lettllres in the eolleges of eonser,·o his lHor~1energies. And, fin lilis cn· "For nine years CalifOJ·nia. bring the fina.l connt up to n points. DELTA PI ALPRA is niming to organize a government and ~\lJ', he mnsl be of sen·i.(le to the 11ll' This victory is tho sceond ovcr Gct· Russia seeka to destroy all rul!!; Rus· gagement hns eontiuu~d, no\\' includ Ulan race. tysbnrg in a series of thirteen games At their regular w~ekJ'y meeting on sin wants countries, rieh in money and ing cvery state hI the uuion. Mr. Wil· 1n speaking of this ser..ire, }.[r. Wil· playpd at intcrmi~tent intervals b..gin October 26, the Delta Pi .'I.!phas took rcsourcell, and China is poor. TIle fnet son's 1l1Ost sn.:cessful meeting3 hav(! son ~t"e8sed internatiounl problems and ning in 191J1. It is noteworthy that the following m~n into full members.hip: that the teachings of Confucius hnvc been nt BOBtOIlUDiversity, State Col· lhe mo\'emellt toward world peaee. Af· both thesc vietories haxe becn scored Callnblln, Flater, R. Reed, W. Day, Qeen followed for years, r('gardless of lege of North Oa.rolina, Grinnell Col· ter deEeribing cemeteries he had seen since Dick Harlow came to Westerll Grol"C,I..rons nnd U.~ly1l0r. extensive Cluistian education denot~s lege, Colorado Stntc Teaellers College, in France, IIC declared thut militnrislU Maryland College, aud the eomplete 'Many interesting sj)Mkera aTe being a firmness of mind that will not be in· and Texas State Univ('rsity. He also is still rampant ill the world lind tlmt rout of the "Battlefield Boys" this sea scheduled for the coming year. flnenced by Commnnistie doctrines. spenk$ a.t sumIller conferences thrO\lgh· there ure forces in operation which out the country. son more than retali:ttes for the Bouml are h~ading us toward auother war. drubbings the Terorrs l,ave had admin· Se\'eral Freshman boys helped to Last summer Mr. Wilson spent three The League of Nations, which he SJloke istercd in previous engagements by this make Ole Hallowe'en Party the snccess SCIENTIFIC LECTURE mOllths in Enrope studying soeial, of as "tll!.' great~st institutioa Ihl.' mi.nd same team. it was by lending ehairs from their economic, and religious prohlems. H~ has ever created", is trying to end war. Buck Cbambers is a big cog in Har· rOOIll8. When tIle time came to retnrn Dr. Irn IIi1ton Jones will give was a mem!}('.r,liS waa Dr. H. L. Elder· Hut the United States is not-one of ita low's nttack this season. This powerfnl them some werc missing. The Sopho 8cientifie lecture in Alumni Hall on the diee, of the Shcrwood Eddy Party. mcmbers. "Shall we have more hell let buck's all·around play is llreating much more Class. \lill appreciate the co·oper· eWlling of NO\'cmber 21. Dr. ,Tones is TIle ~ubstanee of :!Ilr. 'Wilson's fol· looae or sl,a.ll we worl. to pl'cserve eommcnt from all sides and partieular. ation of those who borro\ved the miss· ODe of ihe most eminent lec.truen of lowing slatement was repeated in al! peacd" was the qnestion 1I1r. \Vilson (Coutinued on Page Th:ree) ing arlicJes, if they will return them. the Redpath Lyceum Buresu. (Continued on Page 4-Bottom Col. 2) left with liS.
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