Page 20 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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r Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Weatmimter, Md. Alumni Nrw!i ~~~~~~l"'~~~~:'"~~~~~~::~wm~~:~S\l\u~ _qat NIlt\ EDITED BY W. V. BELL AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI in announciug the followiug pledgeai-« Bates' 31, Eknitea '31, Givler '31, Grif. The Black and White Club held a :Miss Esther Smith spent the weck· Any news Items concerning W. :M. Saturday was an eventful day for nth '31, and T..nwrence '31. banquet in honor of their inltiates at end in Washington, D, C. Westeru Maryland College for two big the "Elmer Tnn" Tuesday, Oetober IS. Miss Sarn Smitl! spent last weck·elld Alumni will be gratefully recetved. reasons. Pirsl, the Green a ud Gold 1n spite of trle rainy weather every nt, her home in Jarrettsville, :Md. 1'errQrs played ibetr first lind only home '.rhe freshmen of tho nome Eecnom- member WIIS present and everybody on game of the season on Hoffa Field and ies department were entertained Tues joyed the thrilling ride to the Iun, the On Sunday af'Iernonn )Ir~. Stover "Suo" Boyer, '21, is a busy school second, scores of alumni came back to day, October the eighteenth, by the "over-stuffed" dinner, and the dancing. had as her gueeta Miss Blanche Walker ma-aru at Pools\'i1!e, Md. Sue is, oll the Rill to root for the team and to re- Horne Economics Club. RaIl Duncan, the first presitlcnt of lind Miss Redford Todd. course, tcnching her beloved Biology. new-oTa friendships. In tho dormleer- the Bln~k '111(1 White Club, made a :Miss Lease, lliss Idur ris, und llisR :Mr. Alfred 1'. Truitt haa recentl~i iI'S, in the stadium, lind on the earn- Delta Sigma Kappa takes great pleas- speech to the new mcmbers. Dorst were guests :It the Episcopal Re- purchased, in pnrtnership with his pus, cheery greetings of old friends rang forth. ure ill announcing t.hat Margaret. Alice The inltfatus werc: Cbarl es Good eept ion given in the Rectory on Fri\ cousin, the Salisbury Times and News. The Alulllni headquarters was Me- Barnhart and Ida Luutlle Ohartee have hand '28, J. Nevin Port.s '~8, Charles day evening, October 21. Mr. Truitt is president of the company. Daniel Un_\l parlor where the "heme- been formally pledged to the club. Holland '29, Edwin E. Brown '31. The members of the faculty who at- eomere" assembled to chat with old and The Delts were entertained at tee tended the Method tat Episcopal Reeep- Miss Mntian S. Moore, ':!6' and Mis~ new fri('nds. In the stadium were on Thursday by their president, }.iae tion were Dean .Miller, Mrs. Miller, and Jlfargaret Sunder, '~i, apont the sum munv "peppy" rooters from previcua },[ills. Y.M.C.A. :'Iirs. Stover. mer together in Parts. 'l'he uuiin pur- efnases who loyally joined in tbe cueeee, tho poses of their trip was to studY:lt 'rile Be"crend Frellcriek P:tschaJ, 1'\\"0 former members of the faculty, Serbonne, although sightseeing IUlIl espeei((lly the ehoer led b? our old pmLO friend,hlarvin Chalk, of the clllss of '25. who i1>doing grnduate work at t'hc Dean Prederiek Warren and MisB Mar;, pleasure helped to occupy the time. Westminster 1'hcologielll Seminar.", ,\mollg the.nluml1i hereon Homecom· A Bketch entitled "They All Come WedllesdD~' jorie Lewis, were en the· Hill fer Satur- El~anor l\[usgrove, e,,··~8, was lllar. ing D'I.Y were,-"Ginllie" Pittman, '26; Back" was presented in Philo II:lll spoke to the Y. :11[. C. A., dnys game. ried on Octobcr o6;Elizabeth Sommerville, '26; ''Dee'' It gave tIle wanderings during the sum· sons from the 'frnnsligu1'll.ti()l1." week·end at tll(~ UlIi\'ersity of Dela· B"a(\hllW, '26; ''Bill'' Feddeman, '26; '1filitary The wed· Institute. mer of t.wo Philo girls, "Pnt" Freeman "T)'~ fact tlwt ,Jesus went up to the "'(lre, where tlier attended t.lle "Y" giuita !! quiet lind impTI'BS"lI'Cceremony, V"lllla Richmond, '27; "Joo" Umbar· ding, and Elizabeth Ucott. ;'IIOUlltof Ttansllgu1':ltion sho\\'s thllt Conference took plHce at. Onkhursl, the home of /fer, "Cl':lrlie" Utz, '2i; "Herb" El· o.e felt the need of getting to a quid plnre where lie eould commune with lim bri(\p. },fr. and 1I'rrs. Britton are liott, "Em" Jones, '27; "Li!" Hoi. Y. W. CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE niisg Rohin~on, Dr. Stephens, ant! !ins, '25; "thief" Bender, '25; "POBS" 00(1," Mid the spenker. "If Jesus, the .:ilrs. Stephen~ att~n[1ed the Sunday planning to travel for II ~hort. ""llih', divine Son of God, ne1.'t1~dIhe fel1o\\" lifter ",T,ich the.'- will make their hOllle 1.:I\\"1;;on,'27; "Jim" Owens, '2-7; "Sue" The Y. W. C. A. hold a c:lUdle·light School Conv('l1!ion at the Walbrook Boyer, '27; "Dot" :McAlpine, '25; ''Bet· service for the rcception of new mem ship est,lblished with his Father in a ;'Ifetl,ollist Episcop:ll Church on Thurs ,\t Rutherford, New Je_rsey. I~'" Leizar, '26: Eua Long, '26; Ruth ~eelud(·d spot, how Illueh moro do we, hers in the ''Y'' room Wedut'adaye"en dn)' :lnd Priday of last week. Herbert Lee Elliott, '27, former melli' Harrymtln, '2(1: "Tommy" Massey, '26; iug, October i. Alicc Small played n weak beings Ihnt \\'c tlre, need to fre· :' B. Jcnkins.·Lbe wife of Pro her of "Dick" Harlow's football sq'uad, Glnd)"s Bens'''', '~(j; [rmn Lawyer, '26; pinno prelude which W:1Sfollowed b~' (plent ~om{lplace \\"hNe we tlln ttl)], II·ssor Jenkins of tue Latin and Greek I\"(lSone of the many "oUUlllllibl).e.kon Io'mnss the Homcl'oming '25; :Mr. :md .ilfrs. Oharles Rolt, '25; 1'llen the president, ;'\hn-garet K;l'le, The Rel'crend ?or,·,Pascl",] was g"'l(l· t'1l Sntllr(lay, Oelober :?~. Prof. aud "Jakc" l..::insc.", '~4; Mr. alld Mrs.' conducted the reeognition service. The uflted from this ~ollrge in If!:?l :lud ;\rrs. ,Jenkins hny!! :In Ilpsrtlilent on gamc ht'b,'cell AllJright und Westerll James Wheeler, '02; Henry Gilligan,' respollH6s for the old :lnd Ihe new mem· from the Westmillstrr Throl(lgicni W\'st Main street. MaryltlT,,'[. "Herb" is eoaehillg foot· '01; )JaYjoric Lewis, '06; Helen Wine, hers were H'nd I,y G"rtnule "R~ncknnd hall at Falls Creek High sehool, Fall~ '23; Howell K. Smith, '13; Cbu]Jin Day, Thelma Reid, rrspectiyel_l". WIlen Ihe Tho Y. ::.I. C. A. ellbinet held 11meet On Thunda.,· e\·ening. Oetober 20, Crellk, Pa. '20; Louise and Hubert Burdct.l.e, 120; t'nntUcs of the IlIcmhcrs 1111<1 hl'cU light ing Orlober J9, im· II,.. uwmbeu of the. Fac\l1t~' who en· W'itIi oHI~;scv\'"h'eu HleUout for the Hahel Smitll, '25; Elizabeth Bemiller, ed, nlllnarehed out singing- "}'ollow tilt' lllcdintel.r Ihe regular \\"celdy joyed "Beggar's Opera" at the L~'ri\l SqUIlr1,"Herb" hal>been ILLa "erv de- '2i; Dorothy Robinson, '26; "Pete" Gleam". meeting. PrtlBident J. 'P. Lunlberhon Tlwuter. Baltimorp, were Dean 1I1I{l l'ide(1 dis.a(hantage. l'p to the present Garrett, '26; Fred Pasclml, '21; Ar· Sixty members 1111"1'.joint'\a visitation llommiitt.'e, and thai, if \,\I~ from before the soason is o,-er. Blooml]uist, '27. been :lPl1ointed on thl' :l(\visory some furnishings he placed in Unt On Saturday, October 16, Miss Hsther ulittee. roo"" u,,(i<'rncatl., Ward Hall. Smith, Professor Shroyer, Dorothy "RoI,crls, alld Nila "YaJJaee.pnrticipated Dr. A. J. Morrell King's Pharmacy iu the program given at- thilomeeting of Ihe Tn'(10riek County Grtluge lit New CHIROPRACTOR The RexaU Store .\[arlll't, )l_d. Miss Smith rcu(l two se leel.iolls, "At the Sign of the Clefl 110 K \lain St. Pl,one li5 Heart" aud Ii. cutting from "This Free dom," b~' .4" S. .M. Hutchinson. Pro HAVE YOUR SHOE8 R.EPAJR.ED A'l' Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr fessor Shre.ycr spoke on the suhjeet ef 'l'HE COLL}~GESHOP rllral life. Doroi.h.1' Roberts, (tccom· 'fhe Newe~l ,1ud Best Clothing and p,,,,;c,d hy Nila "Tnlla<.-e,~allg "S~'lvia," SPECIAL PRICES FOR STUDENTS }'Ilruishillgs I,y Ole~' Spenks, "Thy Beaming Eyes," C. KROOP Goods lor yOllng men 11.''-1';i1wntdHd,Q'n'll, "~'!Je MOOllBe· ::5 E. Main St. 10 per cellI olf to Qollcgc student.s hind the C(lttonwO(><1,"I,y C'h:lrll!s Cna- miln, llllil ".-\ Little Coon'" Prtl.'·er," I,~ Nusbaum & Jordan Barbarn Hope. ClGA RS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, THE APPAREL STYLE CENTER FOR WOMEN DON'1' FAIL TO SEE seDA, SUNDAES, SANDWICHES GAME ON \1-11·13 H :Maiu St., Wcstminster, ],[d. AUJ,OSTICE DAY 'l'ERRO"RS VS. ARMY Westminster Stationery Store B.H.'ITMOBE S'r,\UTU?[ BU.LY DT'DIAN, PrQP. Koontz Confecturant Greeting Cnrds for 311 oer~sious MEET YOUR }'R!ENDS AT ." Bonsack's Tea Shoppe Go to Margdret's Shipley's FOR Tor I]uiek serdee call At CHICKEN SANDWICHES \ T TH.E:FOl~KS EVERHART For Things to Please THE QUALITY SHOE SHOP J. D. The College BARBER and BOBBER Your Palate Wben ""\rou1l!]lhe!Iaile·to·,\ll'asure Suits Westlllin~ler, Md. 1111.'next t·O)'.I·. "'l:d] subscription to Cil'cnlutioll Manllger, 'fnE GOLDB\,"(l Western )laryland College Westminster Savings Bank T. W. MATHER & SONS We~tmi"steT, i\II1J'ylll.nd. Cflpital $50,000.00 Westminster's Leading Store Surplus "Earne!l" 300,000.00 Siree! . F, 1'HO~1.BAB\"LO)l", President. :'IllL'l'ON P. ;\lYERS, Vice Pres. JACOB H. HA~DLEY, Treo5urer. ARMY SHOES e.tllte ......... I Seeurily RWR.\.RD C. "DICK" HARLOW, ATHLETiC' DIRECTOR Savings Service The shoes authorized for the R. O. T. C.
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