Page 19 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Page Three I SPORTS I Terrors Play Gettysburg Saturday I SPORTS I ALBRIGHT HUMBLED BY FACTS OONCERNING TERROR BABY TERRORS LOSE WHAT W. M. RIVALS DID SATUR· NAVY BOOTERS WIN FROM DAY TEAM GREEN TERRORS 32 - 0 A welllllnnneil and properly executed HARD-FOUGHT GAME Loyolll suffered a :!8-Z1 defeat at WESTERN MARYLAND 4-3 offense is the strongest defense. It is the hands of the John~ Hopklne rlcycu (Continued from Page One) I/. definite nnd logical fact that the tenm NAVY PLEBES WIN 20-0 at Homuwcod on Slltnrdny. Western };l:uylnnd bootere lost to displaying the better attack can keep Waslliugton und Jefferson defeated Kavy varsity hl' a eicec score of 4-3. possession of the ball fully two-thirds The game was played in a downpour of the letters W. };l., and sang school The "Bitb~' 'I'errora ' were defeated Layfayette, 14.·0. rain drenched the players aud of thl;! actual plnying time. Their ehanee at songs. by the Nn,·y Plebes Ann.~polis by a (If se.oring ia therefore greater than that, ~5-0 score Im,t Saturday afternoon. )lllhlcnburg was vlctcrious over the gallery. The Iiue-upe : of the defensive team, nn(l in natural }'rallklin aud .\Iarshall's eleven, 12-0. Although the Terrors were out- and innumerable to WEST. no. (32) ALBRIGHT (0) consequence, the defensive team has no lack Due of reserves the 'I'errcrs p e nalties grently a Bucknell trounced Gettysburg, an old weighed by the Navy team, they put, were plaee to go when they do eome into poa· up a very cffectrve n nd strong defense Pelton L. E. Brown eeeeton of the "prelate spheroid." Imnrlleapped. The Plebes gained most cnelllyo.flhe'l'errorsS-t-O. and offense which worried the. sailors o 'Lear L. T. Reisinger of their ground by double passes. Wcisbeek L. G. Lynn The old grads returned to WestlHin 'l'hePrcshnl('nlmd two eapeelully gQnl1 II"tlS one touchdown better eonsidembly. The Western Maryland Havens C. Asper stcr Inst Saturday and to their aat.iafac- chnuees to score. In the begLnniog of t Imn Thomas, winning by the aeore ora wont in with the old fighting spiri t ~rnchamer R. G. Gilbert lion Stl.1I" that a jjnrtow-eoaehed offense tho seecud quarter, Bm"h wcnt over for of 25-18. but the Navy slipped througb their de- Weinstock R. T. Trcek (eapt.) could do to an opponent primed to bold n tuu(;lniown, but the piny was called renee for the fint eeore. This seoru C1ark R. E. Wea,·er the score do.:wn to ~ slllall figure. bnck because the Terrors were QfI'si(l~ INDIVIDUAL SCORING OF THE was soon followed by one for Western worthy has :tIliner Q. B. Garre!.t team Western this .Marylnnil While IInother Harlow Then uear the end of the ~~m~ Iluarler TERRORS Maryland wheu Beauchamp scorer!. sea!lOll. Dick Long L. H Gibbcns hns del'elope(l an all powerful offense, Griflith, wlio lind pln.ved II grellt gnmc 'l'heseore "·/lS still 1,1 at t,he end of the Gomsak R. H. Hughes all "ftenl(lOH r('(:unred II fumble 011 nrsthalf. C. Chambers ~~.n. Abbath he ha~ not overlooked the ,'a Inc of 11 re :-iu,·)·'~ three YHr(] but Ilg"nin the In the al'cou{l llillf, Navy emne back (Acting Gnptain) pelling force. 1. Nenl 32 strong Rlld scored three goals in spite During the lost three engagements, Tnl·OJ'S \\"el'e O. (,lillmbers H) of the stroug defense ]Jut up by the Score by period!: the Terrors haye snecessfl111~· defended ,·h'lllt"S rnr storing Ilo1o I'anisl.ed. On 3. Ellis I:: ":Methodists". 'Vith the s~.ore 4,1 aui! their goa.! ~gninst three entirely differ- the 'I'errors' line jo'Qx'S llefl'nsinl work Western Maryland 13 6 7 6-3~ and Butes' off~l1si1'e work could not he " Loug 10 five millutes to llla~· tl.e W. :U. tealll Albright 0000-0 ~nt method~ of attack, Not onl)"·hnye Weinstotk G Htllged /l. strong cOll1eb~ek nnd scored ihe three Western Maryland opponents surpns'il'(l. 6. GOlllSllk twi<'ll.l within three As the $ubstitutilHl.S-'-Western Mo.: Me- been held scoreless, but nei\h(>r Diekin- The line·ul': 7. Miller 1I[aryl~nders were s\veeping down the )fains for ~[iIler, Norris for Clark, ~n nor Albright could register more field for !l'e tying goal, fhc finnl II'his· Smith for Prlj(lll, TI. Chambers for C. Ih;)n two first·dowllS each in their ~n- \\"est~rn ~!d. j<'rllRhlll<;n PJel".'6 S. ~mith 11(> ule\\' ending tht, g:UllC with the Chambers, Ellis for Gomsak, Lally for tounlers with the Terrors. Bnl.'S.(,·ap!.) L. ~;. seore4·3. Weisbeck, Downrr for O'Lenr, Cook for This· splelulid showing recortls lhe Wilke·r L. T. COLORFUL GAME CARDED 'l'heline-up: Long. 'll)ilit.)' of the linemen 10 keep np th(' Tlilmnll f'lcllIlilillg ARMISTICE DAY standard B(lt by the baekfield, in whie\! Grusllitll ", ~i~k ... 1'\a",,1 Acnae",.'- West. Md. Albright College: Clemens for Rugh, holds es, Enright for Lynn, Nokes for Gib Captain Orville Neal swny. Givl~r H. (;. .lohll~"n Next. to tho Notre D~me-Navy game, G:ntllH Howard bens, Boyer for Aspcr, Sherrod for At the beginning of the season, Hllr· Griflith R. T. Crinkl~y whieh drew nearly 50,000 t.o the Bnlti· Barret.t BB Hart Nokes, Deb~lt for Brown, Slaughter fQr low hlld few experietleel1 linemen, and Fox, ,\[_ P. R. E. llyll!! ll1Qr~ St;l(liulit, t.he most colorful eon Gukkins L B Smith it was thought at the time t!lfIt the new, Lall"relltl· Q. H. Gannon Iinlille • H Reed Garrett. tesi eanlod for Baltimore will tuke light line would el!u~e ally nmQunt Qf Welling", L. )1 G;.stree Cole OR Sullivan Miller, Gomsak, C. worry througllout the ensuing sell!>()Jl. Klt,p'"""z !l 11. ~1"II,ewl:i on Anni~ticc Day (No'-ember 11) Prankcl L H Trice 8talliulll_ Chamher.s, liOng, Smith. Points after On the eontrary, I.he liue play hlHI been Bnsh F. 13. ,\ntrim I'll, the selected from An t.ile All·~tRr ereanl Army of ~lo" Waldin on Renson foot, Touehdown-LQng (2 out of 5 by place of Jirst rille ('."llibr(' nn.] h"a probllbly in the Bl:tekburn I R Funk :lreusl IInu)' "arious kick.) maile few€f IlJist.ake~ Ih/)lI 11,,' eXiler'· 'l'hc s,·"re: ball t~leut the powerful Grel'll Terrors )'I,·Cbtl,,·r.\ C F B(>~n(·ha!lll' Imttl(' will Refe.ree-Armstrong of Tufh; Um, rn('.ed backs. w. ~l, C, Ii 7 l~ ()-zri of "'l.'steTll Maryland, und :til sigll8 Curtin IL Holland pire, Thompson, of GeQrgetown j Hea(l The pl~)'ing lit gunrd of ~loBe }._laeh- 1\:,,-)" l'ki.>e~ tI 000-0 point to a r'litling good gllll1e with Di~kinsoll 01, Willis amer, who ste.pped inlO l\ large orilH linesman, ColI-h, of Gettysburg. Suos for W, };I.-Boro~ki for WeI, ellOugh frills on the side to satisfy the H()nls: Nn\'l.l Aeadclll.,--?\feGlathery whell he reportt'd fllr the positi(ln left till! spectaeu, meant by R:l.\" _\rd~obie, has been most lill~\r, Atwood rur L:singer for appetite of allloH'ra of (::!), ('Qle, Dickinson: Western Mary· ,·ommendalJle. M;\chumer, is IIOt up 1(1 Griflilh. l::,·~.n.· for liohoutfor lar. Inud-Beau~halllp (::!), Willis. Sub' INTER-CLASS GAMES PLANNED Tillm:lll. The Arm~· Band fl·QIII Washington, stitutions: Naval Acadcmy-Coekcll the high stl1udard set by ~[eRqbir, but :FOR OO-EDS h., hns shown n rapid impro"l"'emellt sill<"e Nay.\" Plcll\'s-Willi'1l1l8 for Gallnon. over SO p;t'N'S strong, will play stirri0lo: (01· G"d"n. Corkon for Borrt!tt, Bur· llis firsl Vllrsil)' gamt' and particnlrnly l_cipcr rUr Sisku, B"w~: ~om for Tor· military ain, while a continge-nt <"If-tO 7.~'u~ki for Gukllins, Perreautt for };.lis8 Millard is ~rranging fQr inter- in Ihelfistthreeeontests. genscll. 1\1\11 for R~·'lg, ,Patterson for pieces will be loaned 10 Wc~tcrn M"r~·' Prallk~l, Stringer for Perreault, Boyer elass gameR this fall in fie.ld ball and Nate Weinstoek is pl;.ying neon Grey. Lou<;!Jtoll for ~'o);. )'0" for All, lnnd fnr the neeagion to augmeut the for Blackburn, McElroy for Curtin. ,·olley bnll. SiMe this is the first lime sistcntly better game at ta('kle, thHn Irim. ('tallt: ror Ca!ltr~e. student blowers. "-['stern 1"I:nrylnnd-Vlater for Bousnn, that inter·el~ss games in field bnll hava Jt ha~ beel! planncd ro milk!' I he Britz for Fuuk, Stndl for Hart. at ~ny stuge last senson. Weinstock Touchd<"l11"1ls-Qastree, )r:!lhew~. _\Ie' "beeu attempted, it iij lip to the girls in is the heaviest mNn QU the var~ily aqua-d It>!tu!' fhl' iw~,!sioll fnr a large !l\ililnr~' Refcrl'e-l1. Rolker, Baltimore. Ti!l1(> eneh elau!o get all the practicelhey . hut Ill' lmudles his 188 jlQunds wi!.h as C'n,,"k~JI (sub.), _].'ox. de_monstrntion of largo dimension's and of quarters, 22minutcs . can. Pral'..tiee begins this week, and Points ~fter liJUi·hdownS-{;,lnllon 10 fIlo wiulling team will be the recipil!.nt Score 1)), quarters, much akill as tillS of the lighter line- next week the games will be scheduled. )lilttl>('w~ (fllrwHnl pnss)--one out of of a IUllldsome silver eup donnted by Nln·.I· .1 0 ]---4 men. If there is allY wenkness in the 'rhiB calls for quiek action and hard fonr. til(' Shrr,,·ood Brol\oers. Wl's1. ]\(l!r~'lrlUd 0102-3 style Ihi" big tackle employs when he practice as that tournament will llave !lriyes iuto the enemy's b~ekfie)(l it hus to be plnytld off before the weather gets nel'er come to liglll. too cold. A short "skull" !lession wus held t.o· Jt is not too endy to start yolley ball day preliminary to ~ light w(lrkout for raetiee, lUI that tournament will imme the nusi!)" sq\llld. diately follow t1le one in field bnl!. It The Terrors aerial pilly ft'll fnr be is hop~d thai tho I'olley ball gamCll this low par in the Albright I'onfliet. The )'enr will. be 1.IS spirited and exciting ~li failure of Ihis dep~rtmellt to function Iheonesl\'erolnstyear. with their :lceurate tosses undoubtedl,. The girls of the Frl'shmHll ~h\!!S are wUi e311 for ol-ertime work for 1111' backS taking great interest in oasket Q,'11J ~nd and cnds during this week's- program Ulauy ha,·e come out on the field for in prepar~lion for the annual tilt with 'I'arl!lity Jlro~ti~,c. Gettysburg next Saturday. 4Chesiel·field smokers dont change with the tides &m:L! .•. but watch how other srrwlrersare cha1lging to Chesterfield! FORTit E ~ESTOF A comedy scene from Alme Nichols' "Abie's Irish Rose," at, GOOO REASONS the New Star Theater, one night only, 'fucsd<1Y, November B, Westminster, Md, BETTER TASTE! WEEK END SPECIALS Wrapped Caramels 29c a Ib_-- Spearmint Kisses 29c a lb. Try A Hot Fudge Sundae 15c Topped with Whipped Cream Griffin's Goodie Shoppe
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