Page 18 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, :-: :-: lIntrr-QJ:olll'!Jiutl' Offi.eial newspaper of western Maryland College, published on Wednesday during Nl'1U!l the ncademle year by the etudents of Western Maryland, Westminster, Maryland, Entered as eeeoud-claes matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. A series of lectures on buainese prob- Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. The courses offered in the departments lems and methods, open to executives, If God made them nny prettier he of philo!Klphy and psychology are ln- hag been announced at Boston Uuivera MANAGING STAFF kept them to himself. nnequate ; we need more full three· ii~' college of business administration. Business Editor-in-Chief ... .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 When better women nro built I date hour courses in philosophy and several University administration Rico, studies- in last the where of Porto Managing Editor .. . Hubert. K. Johnson, '28 tltem. additional courses in payehology. At year a department of business admirris- courses Asst. Managing Editor. . Samuel H. Bryant, '28 When J put aut the headlights and the under present time of (,wo philosophy, are and given traticn was established under a profes- the head bolh Business Manager. . Earl B. Lippy, '29 turned love on light the and parking showed light, me the she stop saw are semester courses nnd aet ua elter- sor of Boston University, have inereaa- t-hr Ass't Business Manager. .. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 light. nates with two other courses. Wa have I'd so that five new members have been fneulty. Advertising Manager. . Marvin B. Sterling, '30 T am not superstitious, but if you but twa semester eonrsea in payebclogy added to one the professor took Before care this of ad- the dition Circula.tion Ma.nager. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 don't down it is a sure sign thnt which, in some senses, books overlap. to the stud \York. two I recommend Asst. Circulation Managers .. __{ROY L. Robertson, '29 you not uie of old age. entl)ody. J. A. Stach, '30 Whell told that the Uulted States First, "~ad Will Durantta "The Story at Severn! weeks Hnmpton Art Editor .. . "Pete" Gomsak, '30 would be better off without women, a of Philosophy." Dr. Durant has lid Normal Institute, ago V.~., for the Negroes, a Sports Editor . .. Clarence H. Bennett, '28 fair co-ed replied thnt it would be mere jusled philosephv to fit the uvernge eel strike was witnessed in which about 900 l)'ast:lgnaUon Associate Sports Editor . .lITamy IT. Mc'Matus, '29 lege students. Some of ~'uu will end your students refused to attend clasaea be- knowledge of philosophy when you fiu· cause of certain conditions at the school, REPQRTQRIAI.J STAFF DUTY ish rlerMinn poet, hundreds of 1':1ll gin' IlIter:m<:e to J'U\lr feeliugs hy So\\' th~se f~w Cjllotntions do not ex· 'Den who ure interested in t.he develop· had moat of its deblltes in the last few ~'e~rl! r'go, wrote ihulIl lilies: using SOtHe milder expression such as I)lflin "B{'lw,·iorislH." Ylm will hnve to lHentofthecolle,!!:c. ."<'flr~ with P(>nnsyh'allia collcges, Ih\~ "Kow the nell' ~.p'\f re\'h'ing (1);1 de "pilTle"and"pshnw!" r(!ud ihehook for thnl, nnd Illope thnt is a step whieh should pro"e or beurfil ~irea, b~' rending it. YOll will be relilJl'ed of the I)oth to Western MRrylnnd debtlters and Th~ thoughtful soul iu ~elit\1(ic reo !lopular "hng.a·l!oos" coneerning Johll The Bucknell mudents seem to be very WATER BAGGING nln('h plellsed wilh tbeir nell' cafeteria. to PennsY!"unia debatea. tirPll." B. Wat!!On and hi5 psyd,ology. style of serdng lunches. Their satis· 'I'he words lire quite aa true toda.1' liS I~el IlS take a two pound objeet and MUSICAL DIFFICULTIES Ihe;," were wh~n the aged ph\losoph~r \Irop il from Jl distancc o:;f ;Il)Out fi_ft~, hetion is shown b.y tJle £oet thnt not "'r()te t"~m. The really Ihoughtful per· f~(·t. B~nr in mind tllllt it has II con· Ln~t yeur waa rnthrr hard on the only money is sal'ell bllt time as well. Western Maryland College has a t,,·o ~I'" must h:l"" his IllOUle!t!r.'·. [f ,Your tnoU] 10 this little problem, I'd \\'hi"h ,·lonl1s up _)Jr. H"rding'~ per as whall the old ~t~'Je of S~I\'iee W9.s in dent llIar dron\' away flt the organ Ull ulIlte is 1101 Ilround,somcof Ihe other ~ul'pose ih:lt 1\\'0 poulld objeet ( ill sOlli,llife. Jrefl'rt,,"'l'hel'reaiden!'s operfltion. hindered, hut wllon flni~l,e(] with his illluall'S of Ihe Illlildiug arc snre 10 be. thi"- case n walerl):'g) i~ thl'O\I'n those I):nlghter" I,," "'lU' Britt911. )_llIn~' peo· that dlly'sl)rnctice Oll the nil too nois,'l' keys, Y('I, whill' nctual solitude on the e'lmJlu~ fiftrfet't. It 1I'01l1rlhaWflllluPilgrent· pIe (·llild will nf b~ n"",,zed 10 he~r president the ouly "ABlE'S IRISH ROSE" (lnr was twenty·ninth he is truly wearr and ill at. ease. Hi~ i.. Hilt jlossibl{', n rp;)sounhlr :llHOlmt uf and would strike a more oal'S nche after using the tbundrOlls lw",r'e Ilml quiet i~ Jf cI'er." student IlQwcrful Ii is el'en possible, to hor" out of wedlock, >lnd that Nan "Bourdon", and j,is e~'('~ nro straiued w()u\(l stHY in llis (lll'n rOOIll during lha ",ak(, n dire~1 hit alld break the I'iMim's Brittan WIIS the llIutlwr. Tne book is .\Iauager Osborn(' of Th~ Star Thea· study·hour, !Klme ~olitu(jc would lJe in I'llblisherl b~'tbe BUl\nbeth Ann Guild, h'r I1nnounc~~ the coming of an attrae· after trying to reBd the lit.tle bl/lek " .....)[ in~te,Jd of merely gi"illg him a SlIre,!. :,-IlIr-h iTtopiao ~u\lditiou~, sad to and the proceeds .'Ire to go towards gi," tion of more than usmil merit. It is notes in the gloom which very frO(juent. drenehing. . ;IIg the 13te President·s drmghter Anne Nichols' "Abie'H Trish Rose," exist on "hil\." IS settles in the chnpeL The organ r;·ltile. and tIn lime not ngnin tiuring the study.hOllr, \\'ater·bllggillg is HI its J.,est a child· e(\nratiou. whidl will be nt his theater for one 1'imc stlldeul asks if aoma nrrllllgement can· the door of ~'onr room flies OJl~n, and in ish flnd despieaule habit. It is a cow, night only, Tuesday, Ko\'emb€'r 8. not be mnde wlwrej)y l'e Olin Imve light, llam·e same of your "friends" to tell Ilrd's tri"k to si:Jud in a top story win· r'Ahie's Irish Rose" was nriginally but he is ellrtTy answere(l tl,at "no ad· you tll(' latp8! gossip. Or SOUle of rOllr (iow llll(l hllrl ~ bag- of wnler at IW),' New Star Theatre prodnced in California. Its first year justments all' po&Sihle," ~nd that if Cl1l8slHlltes drop ill to "sllldy with" IIIH'. 'I'he wntn-b~gger should IJe mob eonditions are ImHllif~hle, lIe hurl ''bet: .'·Im. I'l'r!JaI'R their illtelltitreak i~ washed out, Pilm Booking Office Pre~ents sllccessh-e ~·ear at the 'Republic Thes· $illdent mnst sturlr fllon€' to IIssimilate "MOJOVA KID" ter. It also rlln over 11 solid year at LISTEN TO THE BIRDIES ,lIld retain knowletlg~. "Return of the Riddle Rider" the Studebaker Theater, Chicago. Long been have The ehief fenturp or morning l'hapel And there are times when II IItudent Prosperity Methods! engagements Cleveland, nl!Kl Buffalo, played Balti· at Pittsburgh, ill l'lmith HJlIl is the singing of oumer· ~houlfl enjoy netual solitude. A eol· THllRSDAY &, FRIDAY-OCT, 3;·28 morr, Wnllhingt-on. Toronto, ::\fontreal, ou" "orses of a spc('ified hymn The leg~ III>.1n ~nu bl1 alone at any time he wnr PAr },fORE? Marion Davies student l,od~' is coustr\)]tl~' nrgl'd I~ join wisheH. hut n(l co·ell. unless she be II Grnt'lt suits cleaned and prl"!lsed .$1.00 io"THE FAIR CO·ED" Cincinnati, Atla.nta, and New Orleans, "ollecth'~I~' ill Tlti$ spiritufll, \'oeal sellinr, lIla~' step off the cnmpus alone. Gents Suits Presse(l .. .35 Comedy and Newa etc. del1l(}I'~t·l"itil.r1. Hymn books nrl' dill :-;he i~ (I(uied the pril'ilege of strolling Knickers deaned and pressed . .50 What is the re!lsOn for all of this trilmted 1"",miH'ul-nsly fllllong Ihe lllem· j,~' Iwraelf. al('>ne wHh la'r thoughts. Ladie$' coats rlellued and pressed 1.25 SA'1'ljRD.<\Y-OC'l'.29 jJopularityl :\ simple story of everydflY l;ers of Ih~ ,.rmgT\·gn.tiol\ for the pllr Hr'lII~ of thl' girl • .to not fe('] the lack J,Jtdies' one-pil"ee dresses eleaned life and (·hanwters-involved in ludi· of this pridJ('ge, hUI those whu nre "HOOK AND LADDER No.9" nous situntions-with dialogue of scin· l,aRe of llrol'illing it \'i~unl i!llpnl~e. Tl,e nnd pressed 1,2(; 'l~"'lI~tIJJllod to their UWUlents of soli· COluedy-Fa hIes tillating wit lind humor, clelln and :Jdmil,igtr~fi01' urges it, the atmospherie 2-l-llOl:rn SER\'ICE-24 l",lHtiti(lnH in chlll)el sen'ice should Ill' tllrle rel'l smothered and hrmmed in wli~n Y-OCT. 30, wholesol\le. written by one with II genu· "(ndu~il'e to 8piriluul emotiol\s, hymn Ihese moments nre 11euied Ihem. Albert "Abe" To~zi _\fONDA Y, 'I'U,ESDA inc sense (If ~omedy values, alld n keen ))noks-.»nch n~ the~' nrc-are 1I"ailnblc, H yon ~~e 'l ('(Jed looking flS if Rh~ College RCI)resentati"e of NOV. 1 stndent of human nature. 1u short, a the melody i~ nudihly :lntl well played. i8 UJl(ler a ner,'OU5 slrnin, do II{[( hp U. W. MILLER, Cieanor and Dyer "SHANGHI BOUND" fell' vivid l)nge!!l from life as milliOM lind most {if the studenh sing. \Ve nr~ too sure Ihal ~he is merely "under ttoe Bstah!i~hed 190G Richard Dix know !llld lil'e it. It has a rather bruad toW tha'. nll of us shoultl sing; hut weather." The dHlnees are ten to onp lesson of tolerance to teach by ~oncrete that is not \l,e point thai sh~ is. consciously or Ilncou$Ciou~ ALVIN T. ALBRIGHT, ::\[rs. "'oah Shaffer at the organ ::\Ionday example, and there are touches of gentle There are ~evC1'al f&cully memhns ly, Ellffering from a Isck of solitUl'le. Levine Hall RepreselltaHve ~D.('l 'l\1esda:v psthos as the tale progresseA.
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