Page 17 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 17
GOl J. STITT WILSON WILL TERRORS PLAY BE HERE SUNDAY AND GETTYSBURG GETTYSBURG SATURDAY AT Vol. 5, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Oct. 26, 1927 ALBRIGHT HUMBLED BY FRENOH ULAR OLUB HOLDS OF FIRST REG- COLLEGE CALENDAR STUDENTS U. OF FROM "Y" FA. CONFER- W. M. C. ADMITTED TO OOLLEGES MEETING YEAR AT DEL. GREEN TERRORS 32-0 The first regullir of the .smn.v Y, OCTOBER ~8- ENOE PA. DEBATING COUNCIL Preuch Club \\''18 held in Hall Arumal Hnllowetun part y in the College students of Pennsylvania met "Gym" at 7.30 p. Ill. NEAL DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN Wednesday evening, Oetuber HI. 29- with those of ~nd Delaware FIRST OOLLEGE OUTSIDE PA. TO tJli1.nbeth Norlllllu, nro prcaidcut of >-i .... ·t'urlDAY, OCTOBER at tho HOME OOMING GAME the elub, turned the meeting OHr to Western ~Iaryltlnd Freshmen va. BECOME A MEMBER Freshmen at Gettys- "I. R. Langley, ehnirmau Qf the pro J9::!7 season, on October ~], ~2 I(' 'lllt:slioll. One wu~ Jonah's. forced to kick, Long reEeived the ball work in s...hoN'jllll dmrrh, !3l1ltillwrc, Oil dul!, 1Illilltere~ting dcb/1ting. Some rep· llild ried tile bnll to the visitors' 20 yard practice nod SlXI~' hours or ob!Jermtioli spimlion,so we 1ind little jUslifieation Thurs\!:,_y nnd rllld )11'8. O"'.oh~r :!! Miss rt's(ntllti\'('s suggested that debates for Dr. Rt<,phens, ~~. Slripe. On the next pIny, ),filler skirt· or three limes the requirement of for him in his WT3UI. wh;(·h the participanls would be n1l0w- Maryland. TIIl)oth Btllles it is demnnd ~1. HolJil180n. Professor L .. 1. Rhro~'er I'd the right enl for 10 yards and Cham· ·'Th!l other side of the question wns :lIId ~k
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