Page 16 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 16
Page Four The Gold Bug, Weatern Maryland College, Westmilllter, Md. Alumni Nrm!l EDITED BY W. V. BELL AND MARGARET MARTIGNONI Browning entertained with 11- fashion On Monday night, October bhe sev- Miss Hart spent the week·end at At- show MondllY evening, Oetcber 11. A enteenth, the Freshmen presented a lantic City. Any newa ite!DJI concerning W. 11[. Roberta. Carnea, '20, is teaching at bride-to-be repr('s('nted by Edwina plny ill Philo Hall, "The Oorpse nnd the Friday evening Gladys Niles and Alumni will be gratefully received, Forest Park .High Scbool. Kraus, called at the shop of Dorothy Candle" was written lIlid dlrected by Sara Freemfl.ll entertained at bridge. Grim to order her trousseau. Tha Alice Frings, a new member of Philo. Mrs. Louis lligh, nee Ethel Harney models, Misses Ely, Brengle, Street, After the program, several new mem Miss Browne and Mfes Hurtzman Lee Btartt, '2i, is employed in New '26, is reaehing in Aberdeen, Md. Brady, Runek, Myers, Bell J..ealler, C. bera were -relccmed oy the president, were in New York for the week-end. Wheeler, Holland, Kyle and R. Smith, refreshments weeu served, and the meet- ]\fiss Emmert, who has b!lcn ill at York Cit.y. Frank. Sillin, '27, is continuing his exhibited for "er approval many attrne- ing adjourned. h()r llomc ill Baltimore, will soon be notable football ea tecr with s profes· t.ive costumes for boudoir, kitehen,sport, abletoretnrntotheJIill. Mabel Smith, '~5, is. teaehing in etount elub in Ohio. street, afternoon and evening wear. Bru!lO Winder and Eloise Noek were Bridgewater, New Jersey. Dr. Ward offilliated at the wedding After the program several new girls MORE FOOD? hostcsses at a surprise party Saturday "Rede" Terrell, '25, spent the week- were received iuto the society. given in honor of Viviau Riggill. of Elj7,lloeth Cairnes, '24, and Howard Eluie HeW lind Geztrude RamI, were Two rreshmun girls, Allee Holland end on the Hill. "Reds" is now teneb- Turller, at Jnrretf evifle, Md., on Oc- chosen ns Browning's representattvea and "Vie" Buudlck, were hostesses at Dean and Mrs. Miller, Miss Robkn ing English at Aberdeen, "Md. tober first.. 1I1r. nnd Mrs. Tnrner aru on the Inter-Scelety Debating Ocunuil. a "feoo" on Friday night. The guests, son and Mrs. Hoover motored to Balti now touring in the vicinity of Niagara !}ath freshmen and upperclassmen, for more last week to see "Tho Fair of the "Sill" I!as pl!l)"ed in both of the eon· got :<11 dignity and had Il general good Iron Horse." te~tu played his team agll.illSt the Fnlls. - Y. M. C. A. NOTES time. Alter all signs of food had Dorothy Mellott and Helen Baker Frankford Yellowjackeh. Frnnk made Fl'nuk Sillin, '21 J hilS l)ecn granted !lisappe:ned, the girls entertained each an envinble reconl while at \V. 1'If. C. Presideut Lnmbertson eondueted the other with songs and solo diJnee~. Re· WNe the only eo·eds who enjoyed our a furlongh from hi~ business to play victor,\' their Dickinson over from lI'eekly meeting of the Y. M. C. A. on grets were expressed in every f:lCe whell grallilstnnd. He played football all four yenrs dnl' professional footbnll with Dayton Tri· Wednesday, Odober J2. the t~n o'dork bell rang. ing whieli timo he was scleeled as fu1\ nllgles, of Dayton, Ohio. Frank haa Dr. H. T. Stephens g:·I\-ca v~r~'inter Professor Bertholf, who is 110W on back on the ll1ythi(1II1All·Marylnnd been ]lln:-'ing in the. bn!lkfield for the esting and instru!ltive illuatrnted lee· le""(' oJ' absence while working for hi~ '23, '24, '~5, and was honored as the 'l'rinugles unil has rO!lcived favorabl!l ture. Views were shown of places at WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY tlegrr.e, was on tl]e Hill Sunday. Bees be8t. bet ill 19~-±. whieh Christ 'a.ught. 1'hByshowed how still occupy tile center of his tllOUghtS \\"riteups from th!' Philadelphia papers. Christ took ad,'ant.llgB of the topo· 'l'he mrn:.ting of the Webster the gut'st of honor grnphy of Pnle!ftiue in His parables. L:tcrm'Y W/IS held Monday even· ::.iila Wallace was Dr. Stephens' talk was centered on tile October Ht 1;lij in Wehortc" at. a birthd:.y party gi"en h~" seyeral Go to Margdret's King's Pharmacy of lhe 80JJhOlllore girls on '1'huuday Sermon on the )Jenllt where Christ de· As n~ual the meeting was apened eveniog. "Buzzard's Roost·, waa th., lil'cred His ")fagnu Charta of Christ· with religious exereises b)' the eh3plain. secneof tho featil'it,v. FOR The Rexall Store endom." Christ is, in trnt-h, more alive A piano solo "The Danee OT th~ Dolls" CHICKEN SANDWICHES 55 E. )1~iJl St., WestOlinster, )Id. today in tbe deeds of Hia thouannds of h,r "KeH" Brown proved a yerl' sue- Among the '-;sitors Oil tl", Hill Snn followers than He "",,s in the days of ~l"Safulhit as the opening feature. Next were: Betty Brengle's parellts, his actunl ministry (In CIIttn. An improlllptu spE't'\'h,"!If} first im Glekhmall's brotller and sister, Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr jln'ssions of C.,ll€gc," was offered In )[arinn :<11(1 .I3nel "Rrifsnid~r's piltcllIB, MEET YOUR l'RIENDS AT ;'Ilr. J{pehinS'k~·. His personal stnt~ friendR of Hobertll Lulnml'. AT TI]e New{'SIand Best Clothing and r"ul'nishillgs INTEREST GROWS AT IRVING l1lent~ plus the e\"id('n! sineerit~· with )Uss Laul'1l Smith, ),fro :md "Mrs. Goorls for yonng men whkh the~' were spoken added to t.he Bonsack's Tea Shoppe Thc sceond meeting of Irving l..iter- iHterc~t of his talk, and sHI'ed to prO"e Ranek, "Mr. Benrd and 3.Iisa Millard 10 per eent off to collegB students werc alliong the faeulty memhers wl,o nr~' SoeietS under its ll£'\\'ly·adopted "Mr. Koehillsk~:..\a firm believer in tho attendetl tile \\'e~tcl'n Mnryland·Dir.k policy ""u; held on )!onday c"elling at ;'dc!l.l~of the Hill. )11'. C. L. Good· insoll gnlUe Ilt Onrlislc 0\\ Sllturdll.V. For quick sen"ice fall at 7:]:,) p. ID. A goodl~' Humher enjoyed h~nd dio;t'u~~ed the IleJlefits rcceh'ed CIG.4..RS, CIGARETTE8, CANDY, the v~ry inlerestillg debate I,lffored by from College as realized by !l. Senior. Among tllORCwho WHe so fortunalf.f THE QUALITY SHOE SHOP .Mes$r~.:::tack, A. neoo, Robertson, a.nd Ae!lordiug to his, edueatiOll lind friend as to se~ the NIl,-y·!\otrc Dame Wlme ~t CedI, on the question, Resoh·e.d: "That ~h.ijl :JTC' the two most imporll.lnt l)ene- Bnltim('!re are the follo,ving: Mill')' J. D. Katz SODA, SUNDAES, SANDWlCllES Sac('(l !lnd Y~nzetti should hnl'o been fits. Thi! main feature !!t'hednl(>(]Oil the Ruth Holt, Kit.ty 1'ul\, )(111'." Allnutt, executed." ~lr. Re{'d's arguments on program, n (lebate, was posf]J(llle~lfur Dorolh.v ",Yhcc\l!r, Doroth~' Hnllidll}', the nffinnative were espeeia\]~' sound YJr discu!!l;ion, and a very in- and originaHty to the futnre ]lrograms. ")fouy of the slud€lltS spent tli() past teresting nnt! CI~lliUSia~ti!l{lis"ns~i{ln Yllrions opinions were given und; tcceivp llitl'rnnlional ),llllle·to·;'I!c:'sure Suits Gent '.~ suits cleaned an(l pressed ..•'1<1.00 tIWllI'Xt(·Ojl,Y. snbscription to Gents Suits Prellaed . .35 -ITERBER1' TAYLQI! s'rEPllliN8. Burglllr-Tf run 80 much as move, Koickers elellned and pressed .50 I'll aCjlleezethe life ou!. of you. Cirl"ulatioll .1iIllUllger,'.I'm: [lm.a BUG I,lloieH' conts defined and pressed 1.25 SI)inster-NOII" dou't forgct-that'~ Weslern :lIrnrylllJldCollege Westminster Savings Bank Ladi~s' one'lli~c dresses cl~aued Professor Bcard-"-11tat can you tell 11promise. Westminster, MBI')·jaud. liS nbont ,utratcB. -Loudou::'fail. Capital $50,00C.OO and pressed 1.Z5 Sam-They are !lhenper than dny Nnme 2.1-HOUR SERVlCE-U rates. Surplns "Erlrned" 300,000.00 Albert "Abe" Tozzi ,\ studentflliled ill llllI:X.!lllliUlI.titll\ Slreet . P. TIl OS. BA.BYLON, President. College Represenlative of in 1111thc fi'"c8ubjc!lts he took. Ill' Policemlln (steruly)-Wllcrc ,HI' you tl'lf'grnphed to his brother: "Failed in Cit.y MIT/fON P. MYERS, Vice Pre!l. U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and Dyer Estnblished 1906 going' all five. Prepare Papa." JACOB H. HANDLEY, Treasurer. Unstelldr PedeBtri~ll (at 3 A. M.)- The brother telegrapbed baek: ''Papa State ALVIN T. ALBRIGHT, Dou't tell me. Let me guess. pTl'par{"d. Prepare rourslllf!' Security Sadngs Service Leville HaJ! Represt"lItati-Ye
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