Page 15 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, I SPORTS I HOM E-COM ING---Terrors vs. Albright I SPORTS I W. M. is Too Good For BAllY TERRORS BLANKET U. OF CO-EDS PLAN BASKETBALL, Western Md.-·Army Game Benning, Ga., where they are drilling M. FROSH 19-0 VOLLEY BALL, HOCKEY uni!er the chief eoaeh ),Jajof VRn Fleet Dickinson Eleven at Carlisle Armistice Day,November 11 aud Mabbutt, former Third Oaptniu Corps Oharles coaches assistant F. Area Navy Plebes to Get GOOd Fight Sa.tllr· The girls' I'llrsity basket 1;all sehed- ]11:I.I'er, and Lieutenants Baxter, Yoeman d.y nlc to date includes Oulluudet and Leb (Contillued from Page One) Important Football Contest Will Be and Reeder. «non Vllllc~·. The schedule lms not yet Sections 1 aud .r at the center of the weetem Maryland treeluneu gridJ been cempleted, bul arrangement.s are Sta.ged in tbo Baltimore Stadhlw. nrenn, with scats for ~OOO people, 1I1l(l. eesfnl areJlI~ and \Vas directly reapon- ders defeated the Uni,'ersity of Marv- now being 1ll.1(le for games \\"·hich will Awards for Ticket Sales. immediately opposite the sections alloted sible for two of the touchdowns. land freshmen 19,0 lnat Saturday, at take plnce utter the Christnllls holidays. to Ihe Army, have been assigned to LIIg\; year, the Western Maryland co Arrangement.s hU\'e been cOlllpleted College sturdy Park. Our Ir eahmen Gomsak Back in Form Western :Maryland College and ila im- team, w"iell hila not been scored upon eda played a fast Il.n(] steady game. The for tile football game between tho mediate friends. At these eeeuo»e the Pete Gomaak seems to have regained \'arsity this season will feel the loss his best form. His blocking was good this year, has rolled Ill) a tolnl of 1927. Champion football tcam of Ihe _<\rmy Illll$ie will be by the band ft{)m the eighty-five points and outplayed its of many of the grllduo1tea of and Western )farylllnd College to be Erlgell"Qod Arson"!. and his tackling was mueu improved However, rivals in every phase of the game. Miss :l.l.illilrd is pleased with playe(1 ill the Baltimore Stadinm on Lieutennnt P. W. Crewe, U. S. A., • over his work in the Schuylkill game. The Terrors eec-ed ill Ihe firs~ quar· t.he new material and expects tho pre' Armisfiee Dny, November ]1. Pro attended the Illceting of westminstera He did some or Ilis best work in lead) ter. They gained possession of tllO lmll season prJl~.tic~ to prove \lInt there nru ceeda from the contest will be turned RlJtary Club, on wednesday night and ing Ohnmbees through tIle liue on the bright prospects for the 1927-1928 sea- over of about midfiold anil werc not Slopped to tile Baltimore Chapter the that body appointed as the committee latter's bucks, and when called on car· Begilllling this week, and con· until Kocloiuske \Tas sent. over on 11 disabled A,nel"iean Veteruns of the to diroot the ~nle of tiel\els her", James ried the llall in fine fashion himself. u"tit tbe Christmus 4l01id1lY8, World WM. Arlll~' and N"n\'y officials line bnek. The punt;')g of Ekaitis WlIS Pearre Wantz, Edwin Gehr, Hnrry ~f. As to the forwards their work as a far superior to that of the Maryland there !.le pr:wjice ,,"er;' day at four and 11I:1n'y stille notabtcs h~"e signified Kimmey, RlIlph Bonsall.k lind C(lrl whole was the best they have shown l)a.cks. The baekfield g~ined at. wiil, o\'loek. All girls who are interested their inWl1tions of present. 'I'wigg. Tho e-ommittee and its assist· this season. Thoy S(lem to have limy lull'c Ihe opportunity to practico In order to intere~t and ants \lill sell cOllpon~, 10 students of witll Lawrence, Kochinski, and Ekniti~ nrril"ed. either ill the g~'llInasiuHl or 011 tlte out· assure ~ large a\lend:lllce lit the gallle Western Maryland College for $1, lind ennying the IJtnnt of tlle attack. :Fox si(1c\'ourt. Nate 'Veinstack, one of Ihe slliftiest, plAyNJ a good gamc at end, milking offici~ls {)f the al"IIIY filld. the tellp! met to others for $2, alld the coupon pur- l.aeklers on allY gridiron, llad anothe. the secolld tOllelldown on a forwn,1 At preselll, )liES )lillnr(l is org!lIlizillg nnd mapped oul a li~ket selling (;Iun· chasers will proeure Ule tirkeh at t1te big day. He always is on the ball aud PllS8 from Lawrence. 'Wilker and Gh·· inl<'!"·r!nss ,"ulley bllt! ~tnd field blltl Jllligll. A ih'l; hundred dollar prize will Union National Bank, t·lIis eily. There is much CIlt\JIIsinf'llH a pigski:n ll'ing aroulld loose has never ler also staned on the line. The third nJld th~sc gllTllCS will the be /lw:lnlcd to the c.iI·ie orgllnization been known to be ilis pet a ...ersion. So, tou~hdown WlUI made by Lawrence on '·~r.'" ijjt~resting. 01' Ihe ~ciet)" selling the moat tickets. Dick 11arl01l" is no stones up· wilen he seoopeil up the lenther on a a fort.\" yard end run. ,\ hundred dollars will be gil'en Ihe turneil ill his preparations for the All Diekinson fnml,la and ran 30 yards for Although the ],(arrland Hlle out- the hit! mau, anil II suit,"ble engra"ed !.II·O hun- IlJ"ig!Jt,"\Vestern Maryland game Satur· a touchdown, as Charlie Havens elipped dreildollllrdiamonilstuddcd\\"ristwatch wei~hell the "Terrors" it was not abld !i!jHl~, 1I grClIt of time \0 the Indy turning in the l:lTg~st in· day on Hoffa Pield. off Iile only lIlall between Weinstocl< to stop the Western lIInrylnnd backs. to tll·quire a rellsonflble ncgree of skill. <1il'iilual slIles. \Yeekly prizes will also Albrigltt comes to Western Maryland and the goal line, the ch'ver left t.ackle It is llJ~arly safe to propheS)' a vie with a tenm thllt will olltweigh tIle was only doing what he regularly ma)1 tor)' over Ihe "Na\'y '[1leb('s lit Annapoll Western )11lr.,·lnnd \HOly soon hope for a ljl' awardcd. Terror line·up twenl~' pounds to tile he expected to do when the opportunity II'cll-organi1.ed hnck~)· tenm. is Lilis Sat.urdll)'. IW~lltiger and l18sistant llI:tn. The vi~itors fullback tips tIle is presented. J~ine'np: tcam IlnU Qflkints in beJllll at 21;"! l)Qunds. Weinstock is Ball Hawk LATE NEWS lnll"e tllken Altllongh Albright is not a now· "West .. "Md. Fresh. Md. Fresh. Against ,Vashing and .Tefferson Bales L. E. Rabbit comer On the Western l\Iaryalnd sel,ed Weinstock fell on a fumble Illat put Wilkor h T. MeDonall1 Tho Unitcil NavlIl Aeademy ule, it will be the first tillle in mallY his team in position to laulleh the seor· Soe".er team ddeated till' \\'~st<.)rn years Ihat theso two sellOols ha,'c ing d.rive Neal consummated with a Tilllllan L. G. Braskers Maryland College 9QeeCf representa· cla8heil on the gridiron and it sizes up loue.hdown. GToswith C. Owens tb'Os ill ,I thl'illinl!", hurd fought HUll B;i\titllro~. liS some I)a.ttle. Pod Roach's rcturn to the linc-up Hf GiYler (C:lpL) R. G. D)'olt wcll·playedgnmcat ....\ullw!lolisWC(lllcs· 111 nl"del" to gi"e the s(:hool thildren Three da~'s of eonstnnl. rain fnll, that ler a pre·season injnry W!lS signaled b~' Griffith R.'I'. l~isher darafternooll. a \"llHnec to see $tllllC of tJ.e hest fout- hilS made ha.rd out dnor and practiaal an t\xhibition of his usual sound gll:trd hnll in the perform, the foot.ball nn almost impOS$ible fent, liftS Fox R. E. Z,,~k play. He was coutinually rambling The W<'stflrU llal"yland goals Wllr!! 'Ire going to n ~eetion of caused no elld of worry to Coach Har- Lawrenco Q. B. Blaekestoll around in tIle Diekinson baekfield and scored b.,' Benuchamp with two :tud ~hoi('e ~ellts QII eadl siile of the sladiunl low. !lIe way he messed up the enemy's Ekaitis L. II. Lero)' Dick Willis ae~ountcd for the other. 10 them for fift)' cClIla Efforts Mall)' AhllllUi will be on hnlld to see. piays wasu't ealculated to sweeten the Klepacz U. H Briggs are alSQ lj~ing made to \)1C da)' the first football game in WestminstOIl disl)osition of the Carlisle conch. Kochinski F. B. Pitzer The \\'l'st<.)rn Maryland repn'sCllla' t1e.·jared a st·llOnl so the stud, I)), n TIarlow ronche.d tellm. ti,·,,~ WC",' HOWIII'a, goal; Smith :lul! ""h \\'Ol1'~ han' allY ill getting Macbamer Improving lld . .Io'resllllll!1l Hart, £ullhll(·ka: T. RI'et1, Sullil':Ul aml We~t. 0 l:{-l!l 10 th~ gllnt('. Lyal Clark, All-Marylllnd e11l1, gets }'reshmcll 0 0 0 0-0 Trkc, linlf·j,acks; Willis, on\sidt.' left, This yaar'~ Arm.'" tl'nm will \\"i1h<.)111 J[AV~ YOU S.EOURED YOUR "td. hetter WijJl el'ery game. He is the fin Jo'unk, inBidc kft, Beauchamp, ~('ntcr " dUIII)! 1)e nll~ (If the strttngef!t in tlte f':lubs. \\'. ·M. C.-Atwood ror 'l'illmun, T1CKEl' isiled product of A high-elflss wingnUlIl. HolialUl. insirlc righi, Bellson, ontside .\rm.'· s("tltlh sear("hc(\ Ihrongh To expect for m9ro than Ihis star IIllS MeLen for }'ox, Usillgcr for Wilker, kft. Slll,stitutc~ f{lr Wp~tetn ~f:try· el'rry r(lrp~ Are;1 in 111(' \'Qlln1rJ' FOR 1'lffi BTG Wellingcr for KI{'l'n~'., BorO!lki fer shown recenlly would be anything but laml, Flater for BensOIl and Sta"h for for I·heir material, ~~Ieding lJOth ~n- Koekinaki, Busll for "BorORki. lIIar~' reasonablo. II/lfl. list('d HlPII nnd oflil"<~rs. )!any of ln~t Mose M:w.hllmer, stepping into the lund !~rll'Sh.-Clnr~· for Dyolt, Kay fOI yen's \\'e~t Point teum will npl1t:'ur in Tli;RRORR VS. ALBRIGHT oversize sllGes of last season's star Briggs. The ~cor(' nni! linen[l will be pr;'lted Ihl.'lincup. gUllrd, Ray :MaRobie, has Imd probably 'rollc!J(IOll'ns-lioeliinski, r'ox, Law. ill nexl, w<'ck's Gold Bug. All the pbycrs (Ira ~tatiUll('rl itt Jo'orl SA TUR.DA Y, OCT. 2~ the highest Jnark to aim at of any renee. Points after touchdowu-]J:lw, rOllee (dropkic.k). Points missed- member of the sqllahl boys, as the form('r dill not pcrmit their goal line to be erossed Bilek Chambers has fOllud his way by t110 Reading ele,'en. The locnl across thll goal line ,"wice an(l lm~ kicked om: try for point after touch c.kven scored thirteen l)oints also. down. Bob Ellis lias passetl the last ehalk mark ill opponent territory Chesterfield smokers Albright, tlm opponents of t.he Ter t,dee for touclldown8. Nate Wein- rors in thll a,ulnal Alumni Home-col1l' stock has 1Iiso scored II tourhtlown. ing da.". gnllle Saturday trounced tho Nate scooped lip a fumble last Salur' Gallaudett tealll by the score of 29·7. day for tho last, six poinls. Short) don't change with Long brings tIm scoring Terror list too :t dose witll olle point nfter tourh· l\1ulllenburg, Terror t'JlpoliCuis iu the (lowns. the traHic signals Thanksgi,..Jng Day game were dcfc;)tl'(l In thrN' gnmes HIe Terror toam has by tho strong VillanovlI team Of Phil rolkd up a total of sixty·four points. adelpllia by tIle one·sideO seore of 10·0. DON'T P< TO SBE Fort BenniJIg was 1I0t schetlule,l wilh GA~\lE ON any tenm Satu.rday, as was also Ihc ARUlSTICE D.\Y rase with the High Point, bo~-s who TElmORS VB. ARMY will play the Terrors on Heffa Field, 8aturda~', NOTember 12. BALTIMORE STADIDM SPECIAL Dry ChoeolaH: IOe Topped with Wipped Cream -Griffin's Goodie Shoppe SODA CANDY TOBACCO
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