Page 14 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-! :-: lIntrl"-illollegiate 1IJariety OJll.cial newspaper of weatem Maryland College, published on Wednesday during Nl'lU£I A REVlllW OF BOOKS, the aeademio year by the students of Western Maryland Collage, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as aeeond-claas matter at the Westminster PLAYS AND LIFE Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Yea.r. NOTIOE Of 1'i60 men who applied for a.dmis elcn to Yale, 887 were pieked by the The Fall season of books begins with board to comprise the ejass, It is rum' the usual flood of materfal, furnisbed MANAGING STAFF Iu my room someone left a little ar- ored thnt "lugh intelleetua l eapaclty" both by seasoned and uew authors. Of t.iele made of bont pipe. 1t occupies is expected of tho class. Editor-in-Chief.... .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 space wlrieh could be put to a bctter the eeaeoued RutTlOT$, James Brace Ca· 'Managing Editor.. . Hubert K. Johnson, '28 use. It. sometimes makes leud uciaes 'Twenty-four per cent of the etu llell comes first with "Something About' under Asst. Mana.g:ing Editor. . .. /.W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30\\)a8 if someone were hitting it with a dents were adillitted that candidates plan who B, Eve", a and of what can bu gathered gep- prO"id<'l1 which chapter in Business Ma.nager... ..f" .... Earl B. Lippy, '29 lmmmer. Occasionally. it gets II. nere have complcled all approved four year from "BOOKman", published is Ill) to the his UB tember he Ass't Business Manager.. .L,\Samuel H Bryant '2S,.I warm. Oau any well informed reader courso in nn necredited school wit1L unl utnnda rd. Advertising Manager. . .... , . , . , ... ,'.... Marvin B: Sterli:n~, '30 of this column tell me wbat it ist r,crtificate grade and can sncceeefully f1.lIthors, three by Ciroula.tion Manager.. W. Edwin Warfield, '29 .... pass n test in English and t.hree other have Of tIle books my fancy, new "Blue" struck __{ROY L. Robertson, '29 Cartniu present day llliuisters C01l' aul)jcch, nre cligible for admission to l)~' Donrnd Aiken, "The Grandmothers" Asst. Circulation Managers. J. A. Stach, '30 tend rhnt there is no God. I renllze Yalc. 1.I,r Gcnway Wescott, and "Men With· Art Editor " ,. ."Pete" Gomeak, '30 that there is a God_very sensible out Women" by Earnest Hemmingway, for Plans "Blue Sports Editor . .Clarence H. Bennett, '28 ~~:s;;d ~~e:~~e~o e~I:;y 1::; :,:db:h::~ Arthur Stanley till' Pease, inauguration president of Dr. oj u.1<.)ng the Voyage" is advertised to bq as Joyee'e Associate Sports Editor , .. 1\{aury H. McMains, '29 t.imes on Sundll.Y, Amherst College, n,re well nnder way, "Ulysses!', same type makes as James interesting which it as announced by Nl!wlin, secretary of for thoso who Like the modern trend in R.EPORTORIAL STAFF t.he fa~nlt)·. 'I'he inauguration is to bl! novel writing. '''fhe" News Editors .1 woulil write a puragraph a1.l0ut thd held Frida)', Novembor 4, at which time won the Harper Prille, whieh indeed DOl'oth;'r'L. Gilligan, '28 ,Yo Ie Barnes, '28 food here, but the different organi7.lllions will hold will not burt ita sale er ruin ita reputa· t.heir anuual initiatiOllS. tion as Borne other such prizes havs Assooiate Editors The ceremonies arc to start in the other novels. It promises to be a real Ruth French. '28 Alvin Albright., '28 A s,\'~iOln in whieh the tea~her tells mornin)!' with Il pro(':easion to the col· American story, with truly Ameriean EvelY11E. Pusey, '28 Oscar U. Morris, '29 l<'ge l,all where thc Pr('sident will givo b~ekgrounds. Ernest Helllmingway their they Eliv.abetll IT. Davis, '28 "Jap" 'Veisbeck, 30 Ihe stud"nts that rsmnins 3re in the on room loisinnllgural a(]dress. '1'he afternoon eame into my library ou his "The Slln 1\11(1 then honor, to see that the~' do not elleat is a de· program will cOl'si~t of a receptioll Alsi! Rises", antl to my rni]ul it \I'M R.EPORTERS gi,-('u by the President and his wife at one of the (lievercst books published 1\1. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C, Woodward, '28 strnetin" OIl!.'. The hOllor system will their home. last ~·ear. His style is ~piey and vivid; Dorothy :Mellott, '28 Curvin 1II. Seitz, '29 ~1H1 does work o]llr wIlen T.he faeult;v i_1l short it is realism in the truest N. H. Pennewell, '31 Casper P. Hfll·t., '29 pl"r~ fair. sellse. ")ren Without Womon" is " Elsie :ill. ITeld, '~8 George E. Salter, '29 1 know of onl~' one professor 011 tb.i~ The .dellu 01 WesleYllll uuh'ersitr has collec.tion of short stores many o~ :illargarcL Martignoni, '29 Presto]) 'V. Grant, '30 llillwho places enough ccnfidenee in th\: budgets for minimum, carefnl whieh lla"e been pllblished in The At l\Iary A. Walzl, '29 Wilmer Y. Bell, '30 students to leln'e the rOOIll during fl allowancps for undergradu· Jll.ntic, :Mollthl~' or Scribners. "Thd Catherine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eaton, '30 test. As a reRnlt, his the cleanest ates' expenditures Il.lld they ,-ary frOIll one of the Virgillia C. l\Ierrill, '30 William H. Brown, '30 t'cstll taken. Til ilis room, ehenting iB $842 a yenr to $1190. '1.'he budget, Killers", l'omlll~,l(lt'ti b~' stories the ine1uded upon was critics much pradi~all.l· 1I0n-exist.1nt. Ho is doing which hns been Tllade a,-silable in its jlublil'atioH ill Scribner's la~t 'March, Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. mueh to build up the honor system, JlhalUJllet form, takes no of where ot1]('rg are merely tearing it seholarships or earuings or of such down. items :IS trayeling eXllellses, clothing, Philosophy is just too deep for mo. ,-acation cosh, persollal luxuries or After w>Jding through ninety-foil' E.-D-I-T-O-R.-I Hum'!n nat.ure is fju('er. Pla(lC eon fratcnuty ('xpellses. pages of George Sllntnyana's ''Platon· fidl'llCC in ~ person ~lld yon are rarely i('s and the Spiritu~l Life," T feel some· deroi\'NI. Watch llim. spy on him, and SUBCONSOIOUS GRADING perhaps there i9 something in the world what lil\ll the poet ",1,0 wrote: lor t'onsiders it sport to beat you. UlIlt they do not know; tllat month This .,"enr there were 2300 applieants ·'.\fys('lr ",lien ~'Ollllg did (lngerl,\' fre· 1 Illnk~ on(' pica nml with it pla~r n Professors are humlin. Whetll!cf the~· when upperclassmen wish they h/ld for ndmissiOIl to Dartmouth of which quent wish to or not, tlley eventually find profited by the expcrirnee thc~' gllin,;u I'letlgc. Piny fair with the stud('nts, nnmber 500 eonlll be admitted. Doctor nnd Saint, alld henrd gre(1.l an themsehe~ liking some stndellts and wheu th(l.'· were Freshmen. Oetober, gin'IlS:1<' tp huild lip a renl hOIl' The stati~tica of Ll,e last thre~ gumont disliking others. l~ it liOt the Jll0st tli~t. month of fo()!bnll games, new win. or :lnd we will in tmn piny fair classes at Dartmouth go 10 show holl' Abtl11t. it an(] nbol1t: but \lYermor{) natural thillg in tho world for 11. pro rer coat,s, eh"pped faces, allrl SO\'{' s.1ti~faetorily the system of s('leeting Can,c onl I).,' the samo .loor where in fessor to ha\'o Il. higher estimate of a throats; Oetoher,1! diffieult but deligllt· frcslllllcn l,as worked Ollt. In ihn elass I went." young man who greets him witll a fnl month! of ]924, only 59 per cent of the mell cheerfuT, "Good morning, professor," LIGHT who entered received diploma$, while 1'\(,,·,·rtbol,>ss, Sfilltnrann h(l.!! 11 cer' than he hILS of the fellow who let~ out in the elass of 1926, 67 per ccnt were tain way of writing that ~'Oll will al· ROOM DEPOSITS a casual, "Howdy, THof'" We do not H i~ no\\' beforc the o'clock and ~o gradnated. Of lim '24 meu, 26 with- ways enjoy. Tn fact, lIlost of his workR believe, to be sure, that professor~ "Will a pllrt of our room more good poinh in the l'fiP' Men's Student GO\'l!rnllwnt Council at Wcstcru ~larrl:Ul(l has paid ao much l1al'('rford is gil";ng its yell.r·old un· shady (lco.den\~' of his dreams," is iu· er of a courteous and attentive slndl'n!. .1 recent lIl('eting of all the Ilmll. The attention to raising seholu$tic stalld· limited cut $Co'stem for upperclassll]('11 deed torC31ize thntthc.renrephiloso· Draw your own inferences. Pr('sidc,nl nHsnr('(] the lllen that, I,ro' ards Ihot otller pitns('l1 of college life nnnth(.'r trinl, despite strOllg faculty 0])' phie:d truths w1lich are etcrnnl, aud dding they took proper CHI' of college hav(' b(>ell lIegle~tNl, In other ('01· t l,n! life is ll~t merel,\' a 1lII1ehilU:~. l'rOJ}ert~·, l' ju~t. plITt of their money l<'gcs ef tile seholflsti~, stnndnr(] oI :~~:;~~lOllb~' ~;;~S~~'~;~e::~e ;~~::I<,irS ~.;~~ Bnt tllen, Santayana is tolemnt, fM THE TRUTH-UNDOUBTEDLY wonld 1)0 Fortl,roUling lIt the ()_ud of Westcrn :Mnryland, light liWy always heJiens tll1lt au illcrensing senaa of ;::en::r~::~ fo';8~::~~U~'~:I~V u:: e~~\:d s;~ jJlC ~·enr. \VI' 1.Iclicl'o that it is onl,\' 1.10 had. We should ban' twonty-four r('spons.ibilit.~· among Ihr students wilJ it. " Jam IIotcalied. A collcge, like an army, "moves on scnsibl(' fOl' the men to take snllplou! hour cl('ctriCIlI serri~e at Western gradll'llly over('ome the c\'ils of exe(lsa that part of its (lnatomy, whid, lice eare of eollege proprrty for <)llP. yenr Man·lund. Il.bsen~e. Wholesale cutting of a rlns~ .just l)elow the oesophnguB," to para· in order tllat the administraliou Ill"." The old coal·eil laJlll's rore \','ry tir h." n D\njoritr of the stmlents enrolled lhltimorc has not be(,]1 particulll.rly phnlSe tI,e famous aaying of Napoleon. h:wp II e!lIInce to demonlltrntc its goo(l iug to the ('~'es, r('i in at 1('llst IlIl.lf the and il,rlivirlunl cut.tillg of one pnrticu· ble~se(l wilh good pln.\·a for the opening n ilj elll'ions ih:lt this should he ihe faith. The ~dmillistrntioll SliOllld lillI',· rooms tliese 10lll)ls aro u~ed nenrl;" br elnss 1>,\' particular ~tU{lenh are the of the theatrical season. Last. week ease, sinee an.\' llIental netivity dep('u(ls ntleastoneelmneetodispro\'eihejlllp two ]Joillts llbont whieh f~culty protest "Artisfs nnd Models" wa~ at the Audi· on a well-nourished body. Western nlar n~sertion of destructionists. "w" ,·,·<.'ry night. _\ number of stutl('uta tar· crnl('r{,'1l. Little or no ill ('f{(>d 011 lorium, !lull as lls1Inl wtlS ruther bnnaL Mur.ylan<1 College is indeed fortunate mar Il~ well break OUI a fcw window th(' Hight lights ]'y rUllning the,wires In th(' words of a eritic, il \\':lS "noth through the trnn~Olll, thn~ llroyiding gradl's was noted during the first y('ar in having such an (lS8ential fll.ct recog' lighh, for we WOll't gd any of our under the plnn, snid Dt'>Jn P:limer, who ing more than ~heap burlesquc with its a firrliazllftl. luzed in its official entalogu(', On -pag~ mOller baek an~'w:lr." add('(l. "person~lly, I'd hate to go baek ku('es wllsl1ed," sixteen of that catn.logue one will s('e ltisl'crhHpsaLittlc"henpcrtohavu to the old system." these words: "The tabln (eollege) is twenty-four hour elcetri<'1l.1 s('rdee Utall Pord's pres('nted Glenn HUlltcr in HOW THEY PASS to huye the seltool bnrllcfl down by At Ihe l:lli\'ersity of North Cllroliu:1 furnished l\'ith whelsesom(' food in "ll('llOld 1'lIis Dreamer", Three sceues f:J\ll!y ,,,,,ateur wiring or by nn \l1'$CI tlie .faenlty ll~$ givc]\ C"idcnce of its abundance, prepared with eonst~nt nt· wcrt> I~id in a nwntal sanitarium and so tention to v~riety nnd with a "io,;' 10 We OftCll wOlld"r how it is hUllianly \·oal oil llll"l'. faith in th<' stndents h~' (lontiuuillg the glll'e the author plenty of leeway to rendering rea.sonable eomplaint impos l'o~si)'l(' for th .. \\len in this college t~ 1 lJeJil'Vc th'lt thc Hlnjority of tho unlimil('(l rut system institutt'd last amuse the Iludicnee. Thanks t.o the pHSS in their Sludiel!. 1'he R. O. T. C., ~·ear. The reform WIl.S advocat~d by worst thing in the world-"eommon si1)le." Every loyal friend of ,\Vestern ~tn,kl\ls :tgr~e with me, 1 W:lllt light the various sports, the eollege publien· Denn ,\ddison Hibl':lrd of the' Colh'g<' Maryland College, alumnus or student, lHHI I "''''II it nail' 'I't'''lUl'r(JW ut fi"e scnsc,"-the author did not bore U8 tions, the literary societies, the clubs, nfLihcrlll ,\rh who wished to empllR' realls this sentence with deligllt, for he thirt.,·\\,il1uOllll'lponl. with aneient "gags". However, Gle1\ knows, thnt in pursning such a policy, :l.Ild whnt. not Rre ever prescnt with ~lz" the sellondnr.\- importrwce of class Runter's nrting eo\'ered a multitude of his Alma Mater is "moviug" to,,'ards tlu:llr den,ands for ulllimit.ed time find nttelld:mcc HS opposed to ~ceOlllplish sins cOlllmitted by the Ilnthor, and all that "better Western Mflryland." cnerg~·. Yet, if these were aU the in ni('l\t. Ria point c\'ideltny was well eame away lmppy. tereSls biddiug for n. man's lilll(' ana COMEDIES STUDIED BY tnk('n ]'." the students, the Tar Heel :lttClItion, thero might be a foil' odtl SHAKESPEARE CLUB pointing to the grades for the experi This week the Auditorium takes to honrs left for Btud~'. But hefore. h~ mentnl !>prillg quarter as on a par with the druma alld presents "'fhe Taming ran study, a man must turn II. deaf ellT those of prel'iolls l)eriods, ami in some of the Sbre"''', a modern comedy by Odaber, tbe month of difficult. decis· to all ~nlls for amusemellt. He must (Coutinued from P:lge On(') tuses llighcr. \\"illill.lll Shakespeare, Basil Sydney iOl)s! Shoulrl on(' lak~ th" i,101 of his squelch UI(I desire 10 lineu to a 'radio and :M1l~- Ellis pla.y the leadillg roles. heart (female) to -parlor, or llhould he or to a vi~troln; he must tell the fel. tnko her for a walk' Should 0110 brave lows that he call not sliJl down to thc nolds, Elsie Helli, :Kathryn Bryanj Retreat from Wisconsin Ford's will have Ellen Don iu "Wild Lll.urll Hut(:llius, Charlotte Wl,eeler, So fel\' HOlley", a modern play whieh bas to th(l chilly glli!ts 01 autumn wind in n movies "'ilh thcm: he must deeliu~ ali have been eOll'-crts to the simple suit and eal!.'!1 cold, or I>houhl olIer to go for 11 ride in a eol1eginte Eli7.f1heth Love, Virginia liolland. UniY('rsit}' of ,\Viseonsiu R. O. T. a. do with n. girl who tries to (lOver up he put on hi$ cont ~nd protect hi~ }'ordi alld, what is sometimes ha.rllest Ruth French, llll'l .T{)llll ~\Ilron 1clel,rs ~il)ce t.ll!.' state legislnture made mili- ller past and make a come·back in a hellltM Wourd it be better to prepare (If 1111, lH' must turn a l)lind eye to· In'r(' the ladies \\'orl\ and of gentlemcn of tllis tho eourt. t.n:· tr:\ining optional that the war de· 8well ~Onlmullity~ A play that will All scent! prodncing one's assignments, or to get out into ward the alluremeuts of "parlor". Few WllS directed by II committee conB.i~t· pn.rtu,ent, in tlle interest of economy, pr01.lll.hlr run several weeks aud the]l the fields and gue at the stan througll thore are, iudeed, who do not y1('ld to has llbolisl,ed the artiller)' unit. III go to its eternal resting plaee, tIle S'lperbly clear atmosphere' Shonld tlte eall of at least ono of these amusel ing of I,cota Kolb~ ehairman, RutH 19~2 the compulaory requirement was one dasll madl,. 1rom his warm bed at ments, 6yen though tllC)' realize tlmt Sehlint'ke and Elsie HeM. al)o1i~hed and a fifly per cent deerell,sc BOOST, READ AND SlIDSCRIBE TO seven o'cloek in the mllrning and go to their stllilies must suffer. lIonco we The next meeting of the club will ill the si~e of the (lorps re~ultell. brenkfnst. or sllonld on~ turn off lhe \I'omler how the men ill this eollege be held in ?;[eDtuucl Hall thc second SUBSCRIBE TO "J~rm clock( ll('fhaps tl,roll' it out the pass il' their studies; for they do very Wednesdny e\'oning ill November, Thd wiudow) and surreuder to l.rorplu~u~' little studying. We think that we know subject of the 11isoussion will be "Th!l PURCHASE.\ SOUVENIR PROGRAM THE GOI.JD BUG Odober, the month when th(' quizzes the Ilnswer 1.0 this riddle. TIley (10 not Shnkespearean Tmgedies." No definite FOR THE HOME-CQ1.tTNG A1,>'1) PATRONIZE hegin, nnd th", grad<,s go home; that JJ:js~; kLu(l llcarts see tbat they lire program has heen Il.nllounced; bnt it is month when Freshmon fiut realize that pussed. probable Ihu\"Rami('t" will lie ~tuail,'ll !;iAME SATURDAY OCR ADVERTISERS
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