Page 13 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 13
COl HOME OOMING GAME INTER-COLLEGIATE DEBATING COUNCIL WITH ALBRIGHT IS REORGANIZED THIS SATURDAY Vol. 5, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Oct. 20, 1927 COMEDIES STUDIED BY FALL "Y" CONFERENCE COLLEGE CALENDAR Western Maryland is Too Good SHAKESPEARE CLUB AT U. OF DELAWARE For Dickinson Eleven at Carlisle FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 21- Social Houts 6:S0-9:00 P. M. "PYRAMUS AND TmSBE" SCENE CONFERENCE ON "INDIVIDUAL PRESENTED BY GROUP SATURDAY, OOTOBER 22- PROF. WILLS SPEAKS HARLOW'S TEAM SWAMPS RIVAL AND SOCIAL RELATIONSHII'S Varsity Football game-Albright UNDER 45-0 SCORE Shakespeare's comedies were subjectll ON THE OAMPUS" ve. Western Maryland at Hoffa TO GOLD BUG STAFF of IItudy at the first regular meeting of Field, 2:80 p, M. NEAL SCORES FIRST the Bbakespeare Club 'Vednesday night, At Philadelphia on .TUIlC 4th, 1!)!!7, n "Prosh" Football game-Wostern Penllsylvanian9 Make Only Two :First October tho twelft.h, in McDaniel Hull eommittee ecmposea of Calviu Wingert, .hlar~'lnnd F'roeh YS. Navy Plebes NEW ANGLES DISCUSSED Downs In Saturday's Tilt parlor. of Franklin and Marahall, Margarct nt AUl1l1]JOlis, ~:30 P. M., Mo ndaj-, After the short. bualneas meeting Wilson of Western Maryland, and October ~4. At the meeting of the Gold Bng stnf!' There enu be do doubt in thc minds wllieh wna conducted by tIle president, Prank Witter of University of Mar~'· MONDA V, OCTORER ~4- on Thursday afternoon, October 13, of Western Marylann followers but Elizabeth Davis took charge of the pro land and E. A. School, Gladys Tavlor Women's Litcrllry Bceiet.ies at Professor George S. 'Vilis spoke eon- that Dick Harlow \Jas another grl>at of gram. Mac Mills read a paper on nnd A. R. Elliott, executive aeceetnriea, 1):30 P. ),L (:t!rning the paller and its improvement. fellsive tenm. That, was evidenced ,Yes· Shakespeare's eomediea in general. She met and deetded upon a }'all Conf('r ~Irn's Lltemry Soc.iotica ut i:15 In IIis talk he said many interesting tI'rday wncn the Terrors, for the first gnve the ossnnttat characteristics of ('nee for 'I'ri-Stntc and Eastern Pcnn· P. ~L things, and offered severn! holpful sug· lime this season, struck UlPir full stride! the comedies and pnlis(l(} Bhnkespcarcs' eylvaula. The committee suggested llltl'r·Collegiate Dclmtiug COl"" gcstious. in administering a deeistve victory rendy and $uhtle wit. Thc shorl dis- tbut Professor nud 1\lrs. Harrison El· ett meeta. "In thc first Pro£e%or Wdl~ over Dickinson College 45·0. cuaaiou of corncdica was followed by liott and Dr. Seedy be ka(ler~. Dur Tl'8SDAY, O("I'O)3ER 2[;- rOlllllrked, writing '"hich Diekinson wua simply out-fought out- a vocn I solo by Aliee Small-"Now the ing the SUlUUl(lrA. R.Elliott, tllC exeeu P. xr. characterizes many of the Gold Bug ar- smartt'd nnd dr-iven back, throughout Hungr.v Lion ROllrs," from Act V of li~'e aecretarr of the Middlo Atlantie Socinl Cluba ;:30 til'les." B~' "illiterate" he meant th~ tile <'I1tire 60·minute erd~al. Not ouee '''Midsulllmer Night's Dream:' Pield Couneil, invited the Elliotts to \\'J::IINESDAY, OQ'fOBER 26- recunenee of the same word so often, was tlte "rerrors' gonl in danger, nor Casl)er 'Vnrt'ij p:lper dealt with ".'\1 ar.eept the lendership of this confer Y. M. and Y. "'. C .. \. meeting all aud its use to designate a yariety ot was ii I."·,n threatencd. The game, as ).fidsumnler };"ight's Drenm," tho par cnce. Thr)' eonld giye no final word I1.It 6:30 P.),f. lll{'aniugs. }'Ol' instance, one says a the seor(' in(li(;lIteS, WlIS pl~.rcd almost ticular plar chosen for speeial study of the time, bnt late in Angust agre{l(t to S~ie)lce Club lII~ctillg in Ghcmis "tine" di uner, a "fi ne" speech, a "fi ne'~ nllogether in the D·S()n·s tenitory. lead tIle eonference, ann 1uked that llO the humor of Shake~p~areau drama. Of tr~' Lcdur(l Room rtt (:30 P. ~L gentlemull, ot crlera. He also str{'sstld in Shakespeare's l)lays, we han] llreser"ed medical expert be brought in to supple Poets' Club ml'eting P. "L MeDallicl thr illll'or!nneo of de,eloping original Only Two :First Downs ollly l)ortiona of the original manu· ment their leadership, becausc of the Hall Parlor at i:15 it.\" in writing; and urged eyer.youe te l'hHI the Terror dcfcnsi"e strongt,h srript from wIdell \\"0 ma,\' d"rh'e tlll! "ery brief time of the conferencc per· Hyoid the usual "euL·an(l·dried" style was on a par with tho offcnsive pow. e(lutenL of the entire pla~'. ';j'Jl'isnm iotI, ond because of the fact that the of e"pre~8ioll. t'r is proven loy the faet that only two thc mer ~"igltt.'s Drcam" iR the ol1ly one medical pre$elltation might 80 set a]1' Divine Love For All Is Dr. tirst downs "'ere r('gistered against, ii, pre"ai!ing whoso original manuscript w,,~ prc lone of the meetings that Iheir fri,'olit.,· Wills lnenlil'ued in an the eollegll life, (lne in thc lir~t half 'lnd one in tlte last sauted ;11 full. Various datcs for tllis proaehwould be useless. Stressed at Baker Chapel nn(} he taking a more serious I)eriod. comedy have been gi"eu because of tIll! At ltost, 1lfter much work, Newark, \'irll' of things in general. By this he C"ptain Sw('cle.,', Dickinson's left· differen~ opinions of authorities. The Detll1{'are and Oetober Z1, ~2, 23 wero IHeanl to turn tllr thongllh from those half, shared honors wilh fjulITterback a]ll)rQ"illltlte date of (11(' writing of the ~ettled as il1(1 ]lla~e and the time. "1'11,: Profes~or 81Jto,)~'er preached on th" ,-I.ngle, in accounting for the fOll" gains Ir;,'iu!itic~ whillh engage n n'ry large 1)10-,"" is J.;92, nn(\ of Ihe publishing, Elliotts" are experts in tile field of dis topic "JoHllh's Sc(l()nd Call", SUlld:I~' lllMle through the Westenl :hlnrylund 1594. eussion tec1miqne and ha"o had wid~ e"ening, O~lober Jij, This I,·as Ihe pllrtoft.hcstudents'timealldtoseek lille. somothing of penuanenl valuo. As a fitting stion Dr. Wills as· Neal Shows Strength 1;>ertaon, of th(l Crand Duke of Athens; all understauding Qf IllOtiveS find values the people of Ninr.l'ah rcp{'nlr(\ nnd SHiell thai it would hr iniacsting to learn sOUlt,thing about OU!Slllnding Witll the hnll in mill·licld Hnd in and Dorothy -Mellott, Virginia Rey· in I.hcir conduct. Are they fin(\ing the wero ~a"ed from dC8truetion. Jouah'~ nll111l11i of tho eollege nnd 10 print ar 11I"ir possession nnd ",ith but Ulrl)C (Continued ou Pnge :!, Bottom Col. 3) chance to eOUle 10 their besU DoeB first journe~' han taught him tlmt (lor}'s ticles lelling of their achievements . .'\s luinult's to piny, Di~k Harlo'" rushed group life help tho indi"idual or thwart power extended e'·erywherej his set· ,"eal into netion, 111Hl immediat.ely thia llis needs' Are students fair to eaeh ond sllowed thllt God'a 10"0 is for Cl·· exa.mples of some of these alunllli, hI! hard running back started a drive that SPEEOH DEPARTMENT WILL PRE eryone. mentione(l Dr. Davi(} ?-.farine,Dr, Webb othert All of collcge ma.v be dh'ided ~nded ",ith lite ball o"er Dick SENT COMEDIES iuto rclationshipa that del.rnet frQm Of "JonA.h may be cnlled a foreign mill Griffith, Dr. Gr('cnfiehl, Mr. Hoger Eng· jnson's Ina! marker for linal points siOllar~r, for he was sent. to preael! to lar,Alr. J. P. Edwards, l\iiss ,lewel mnke for a time of fine fellowship 1llUI of !la' dar. Tile first gronp of a. seriea of one·nct /I people outside of Ilia own land. As Silllp~en, and i\l1'~. ),r~bel GHf!'iMn enlarging el>lJeriene(l. The llossibilitics plays will be presentcd in Alumni HaJI of relationship will be explained at thi! lIelellrnelltllelessonofthcuuivcrsali· 8l·illlon. Of eourse it lI'ould be ralher )\gain this ~'enr Neill was the brighl by tho Seniors on Thanksgiving night conferenee fro111 the "ielllJoiut of }lsy, ty of Go(l's love, s() those who carr)' diffieuJt, 10 obtain such iuformntion, hut light of the g:lme with his usual bril· under the complete direction of niBS Iho gospel loday ll!ust reeogni;o:e the tile memi)('rs of thc Staff ngrccd that liaJlt. playing. Time and again Nl'nl ehology and enueation. Esther Smith. Two plays, together SIlmepriueiplc. :01." effol'ls in this direction should ";pped off rnns thllt, were mirnculous. Y. W. unn y, M. leadel's 011 the Hill with their cast of characters, have been "''';11 invite Orieutals to join OUI' Oe· prO,'r w()rthwhill.'. Ne,",'r ouee was he downed without It hnve expressed a hope thaI a number gain, nnd never was ho Ihrown l)y on~ seleded and the seniors are alrend~' at ddental church ergllnizaiiOll aud wou Lustly, somo refi'ren(le WHS lllHlle to work upon their parts. The first play of Westltrn M,~rJ'lnnd sludeuts will der wh," they hold bllck. Outsidc of Ihe policy uf Ihe Gold Bug not to print t.~l·klt'r. Hi~ Il\"crage gains netted Wellt· is K('llueth Sawyer Goodman and Ben take advantage of this unuHual Ollpor· the orgnuization SlanlI Gbllndi, Tagore, nl'li('ks wltirh might call forth ullill'·· pn, 'Mar.dan<1 se,'('U .vards e\"ery time tuuity. R('clll.'s fanlllslic eomedy "Tho 'Wonder Hnn other of the great minds of our orabrc critism from persons outside tho hc wnK callen on to enrry the ball. Hat" in which Mr. Barnes takes the d:l,\'. \VI' quibble nbout t.cehnictlliUe~ eollege. Dr. Wills stressed the fact thnt Although Gre/l_s~' :Kenl was the "big part of IIarlequiu, Mr. Stirling of Pier THE POETS' CLUB :l.nd prellch reJJentllllCe (scareely reeog if lin "rti(·I~ \\'ould sland a chance of gun" in "reMern Mnr~'liln<1'~ romp o,'er rot, Mr. Lambertson of Punc.hinello, niring it oursel\"es) 10 those who ma., bringing 1I1)out impronmeut of anJ Di"kinson, lie was abl~' assist.ed hy l\(i~s '_conard of Margot, and Miss The Pocts' Club will hold its fir!!t Ill' nearer t.o it than we. The ll"orl.{ kiud, it should 1>0 p\lhli~hed. Clwmbt'rs, Miller, MC},f:lillS, and GOlli l\Ulls of Columbine. TI](l seconn lllay, meeting in ,,[eDaniel RnH P"rlor on must learn, a9 thoBe ~onHedCld witl, Aftul' Dr. "'ills had finish~'d his re s'lk. Not onl~' d.i<1 the pl»~'ers Bhare Anton Tchekoff's farce, "The Mnrriage Oetober 26, 1!)2; at 7:45 I'. ~\I. Dr. Ihe!!tlldent movementnre learningtlial m"rks, tllerc were a few miuutes of efju:lI Ill)nOrS in th(l ball toting }lart of Proposal" will b(! presentrd b~' }\fiss Hugh Elderdiee will entertain the Cluu rllfrcr('necsofrace,color,orerecdmnke gencral ni.~eussion before the meetinp the offensive llmneu,'ers, but their ex Hull as Natalia Stepanovlla,Mr. Mere· with several of Ilis poems. Ever~'one HO differenee in God's Ion! toward Hi! eellellt blocking and cliplling made it dith as Inln Vassiliyiteh Lomov, and who is interested in tile composition of people." ~:l(:tr(:~nl }~::r~'h:lC~:::::s~~o;~~ e I,~t;::d:"'~~ possible for Neal to reel off rnus vary· ],[r. Kay n9 Stepan Stepanoviteh 1'sehu oribrillal poetry is cordiaHy invited t.o i8 hO]ll."d thnt tlte Gold Bug \\"ill even; ing from 5 to :!O :;nrds. bnko,", att{'nd this meeting. lually mra~ure up to the standards so~ ('lnlIllbers, in I'articular, stood ont as STUDENT COUNCIL FORMS one of the bright spots in the entire for it by Dr. Wills. POLICY conflict. Time after time this big full· Western Maryland's Inter-Collegiate The Mnle Stndent. Coulldl has for· Il:lrk ripped the D·Son's forward liuc three Debating Council is Reorganized llIulate(1 1!)':'7·19~8. policy President the II. K. Jolm· J. STITT WILSON PROMISED FOR int(l shrcds, with earr~'ing for eonsist.ltnt and gains. four its collegiate for hilll lilleslllell 30"31 )"l'ar OCTOBER SOlI sUHlmnrized this policy with the Chambers Plows Line J, p, LAMBERTSON IS PILOT FOR meeting of the. Association is of es' words of Thomas Jefferson, "that gOY' l'n]P8~ unforesecu (;oluptit:ations Whel' a first dOllJl was nceded Chum 1927-28 pecinl importnnee because the loading ernment is best, whith govern$ le11~t." arise, J. Stitt Wilson, nationally known loers WH~ c.nlled on tllegc Sundny CI'onillg, dia he fnil to nHlke th() rrquired )'rtrd legiale Debating Couneil, held in Mls 'I'he loeal council is composed of tI,e gentlemen, mnd, go\"ernment. would he Ol'lo,'er 30, ~nd all day :MolHlay, Oe uge. On the second pla~' after the first Bioll Parlor, "fondal' evening, October following members, two ha\"ing been sU}lerfluous and objectionable. The toh~1' ill. Sunday t:vening 1>[r. WilsOlr score had I)een chalked up and 'Ve9t 17, .T. Paul Lambertson was elected elected by oaeh of the fonr literary so· more refiued atmosphero whieh is no· will speak At the Baker Chapel service: ern Mar.,'land had received the kiek' prllsi(lent and 'Villiam Bay, Jr" seere' cities: EI~ie H~ld and Gertrune Ranck, ticed ou the Hill b~' Ihe most casual Monda.I' morning and Monday after· (fff, (,hallluel'S hit lhe center of the line tllry. Two managers, one from tho of BrQwning; "fae .!\fills and Ruth obsen'er, shows the wisdom of the noon I,e wilt prQbably devote to eon· and finding no opposition in the liml women's litorary soeieties and one Fr~lIeh, of Philo; William Bay and Ar· coun(lil's }lolley. f('renees with the y, M. C. A. a.nd Y. Ilodged several would·be tacklers, from tbe men's literary societies, will Ihur Cecil, of In'ing; and Hubert JOllll The members of the CO\lncil arr: ,V. C'. A. eabillPt members; and ],[on' shook off another, slitI·nnned the sa.fe be selerted at the next meeting of the son alld Pnul Lamberl.son, of Webster. President, H. K, .Tohnsoll; Senior day evening he will delivrr an addres~ tr, to score the seeond counler after Il! ('olIncil. Tn t.he pllst the eonncil has sponsore/! Itepresentntivcs, W. K. Bnrncs, C, L. 10 tlte \\"llDle student hody. henntiful run of 55 yar(ls. TI,e Counri! deeided that it would he inler·soeietr debating, alld wilJ (10 so Goodlwnd, J. P. Lambertson: ,Junior )[r. Wil~on \\'1,S here two .I·(':ITS ago, Buo .hliHer's generalship haa ShOWll advisable to have someone repruent this year. The first iut('r'society dB' Rl'present1ltives, C. A. Challlhers, H. A. ~nd his IlH.'SSages lI'ere nmoug the best eonshl{'rable improvement a.nd his Western Maryland at the meeting of bate will takr, pillce in December, when Machamer, R. ilL -"'orrill; SophOlllort' delivered here in recent yenrs. Ever.'" blocking from II wingback p09ition was the Pennsylyania. Debating Association Irl'iug and Webster will clash in what Re]lrcsentati\"Cs, p, GOlllsak, U. O. one wlto has at all.\' time been privi meritorions. His forward passing was to be held at, the Penn-Harris Hotel, is ullually the most spirited ferensic. Btl' Smith, G. H. Weisbeek: }'reshmall legcd 10 hear this man knows that a It principle farlor in a ]lllmber of suc' Harrisburg, Pa., October 28, This counter of fhis year, :Representative, not ~'et appointed, treat is in stQre for the eollege, (C!lntin.ued on Page Thrlle)
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18