Page 12 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 12
Pag6Fouf' The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Alutttni NrUts EDITED BY W. V. BELL AND MARGARBT MARTIGNONI The Senior member!!' of the Home Tho Seniot Oiaes met, 'I'uesdaj-, Oe Edith Lynch, '28, entertained at tea Economies nt'partment began work ill tcber the fourt.h to elect the offieers fOT on Sunday nfternOOll in honor of he) Any news items concerning W. M. .Flort'II,·e Louden, '2'), is tenchlug at the practice house )I()nday nighl, Oe- the coming rear. The results of the sister Catherrue Lynch, '31. AllUUni will be gratefully recereed. r'crrvopus, I'll. t ober the tenth. clcettcu were. us follows:" president, "Ern" Allnutl, '::!i}, is principal of Hubert K. Jonueou , vice·president, the ,TjUlinr Hig-h Schnol in Germantown, Laura Hutchins; eecrctary, Ruth Dr. and (lin. Albert N. Wa.rd were )ld. LE OEROLE FRANOAIS French; treasurer, Oha tlea Summers; Ihe guests of honor at n reception last Leona Buer, ':!5, is tea~hing English hi-storian, Wilson K. Burnes; prophet- Wednesday evening at the home of Dr. rit the Duubnr High School, near Con ./lIYllrs. At the close of the prograln, meeling under its now policy last ~[Oll· lion jll\·itutions as to a. cert~in kind of get ll. lnrge turnout for the Army glJlllC The fullowing alumni visited tho severnl new girls were r~l'eh-t'd into day evening. The deba.te Resl)lve(l: 8~lt, \T11S Dr. Bonnotte's worried opin un XU"ember rlel'enth. Th(>J hope to "hill" during thl' J. G. C. initiation: membership. "Thai Co·cdueation is B(lnefieiul tn ion. 11ll,'e3 "get.together" luncheon just '-Dot" "?'r.l"gren, '27; ]Jargaret Lally C'olll'gc Life" was ,·cry eommendn"bly hef-ore th~ gallll' and ntteml the glllUe ("Smitty") '27; "::-,bnnie" Curling, spoken upon by Mcssrs. Ceeil, Reinicke. in a hod.y. A cOlUmittee, rOll8isting of '27; Page Turner, '26; "Dee" Bench FRESH CO-EDS CAN BAT lIovernv ll, und Day. The round t~bk ALL FRESHMEN LEARN THIS b'. )ll'rr~y Benson and T. K. Ibui ley, '26; Roilr.rtll Carues, '20; "'rut" diseuallillll which followed was entered !;OIL has been uppointed to l1wke ar RoSCllSlock, '~7; 11~n·Warfield, '~5; }o'rellhmnn girls ean cat llL any time, into \1·1UI mueh enthusiasm nlld wn~ For we're II jolly crowd of rooters TIlllgemcnl~. Details will be announe GIlld~'s Beusoll, '2G, and Irmu Lawycr, c\"en aft~r initiation. This stlltemenL rl'nl1;y,'cd "by all. New Tll{'n are Standing by lhat Tcrror Team! l'Jlntcr. '26. was proHd to be a fact last cordially in;)ifed to Bequllint them· While tlley-'re fighting night, when, immediutely lifter WIl:lt" elieeriug sel\'Gs with Tn·ing. men punishment, a group of girls met in ·Til we "'in the vietory. For quick service call at King's Pharmacy Room 6, cubicles, for n feed gi\'en b~' And wc will fight on Ilntil the finish, 'Tictori:, Smith find Christine ll.ogan SOPHOMORE ELECTION And I\'e never will give in, THE QUALITY SHOB SHOP The Rexall Store It is surprising thnt th~y managed to "l'illhewhistlc has "blown :I:fain st., ent Welsh .Rnr~IJil. potato chips, SUllll- Thl' first m<'eting of the SopllOmoro And the day is our own, J. D. .i.'i E. Westminster, :-Old. wiehes, ("nk~s 'md cocoa on top of the We'll ~till shout W. M. C. class II'as hehl ill Smith naIl on Thurs· Sopholllore's feed of coal oil, salt, llltd dny, O~tover' 6. _"'fler the class y('l1 Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr mol~sses. The $url'1\·or$ were Anna Dr. A. J. Morrell l.nd 1,een gi"en se\"cral timcs, th{)llleet- Ely '29 . .\Jnri1l.nlle Engle, '30, Rnth The ~e\l"(.'st nnd .Best Clothing und ·.\·as eaJled to oreler b~' lust yeur·s vice· SEE Dal'is, Cnthni!le Downing, EI'elyn Col· presidl'nt, Fr:lnd~ Raughley. CHIROPRACTOR Furnishings lison, 'h·iau Riggin, Dorothy Todd, Gl)od~ for young men '\Iargnret li>olb, Louise Stanley, Alice 'JI'e primary purpose of this "The Wise Guy" lIbin St. Phone 175 !(\ pel" \lcnt off to eollpge students Holland, ~lary BaruhArt, Kalhuine wa~ 10 elect officors for 19:.'7-'~8. Cockburn nnd Alie~ Petrie. reSUlt of tile ele~tion was: TlAVE YOUl~ SHOE8 REPAIRED AT President-Ha.rry Sn,itll .\ '1' THE ARMORY THE CO"LLEGE SHOP \'iee·Prl'~idpnt, Frallei~ R~ughl,~·. SPEOIAL PRIOES FOR STUDENTS Shipley's SOIENOE OLUB SeeretHry-Virginis Mcrrill c. KROOP 'fr('usllror-"\Vilmer Bell The first meeting of til(l Science ('lub 25 E. Main St. AT TilE FORKS Hisloriun-Eliznbeth Cluugll. Featuring Mary Aster, James Kirk. Illis relit ,,"'IS held TllUrsduy, October tile ~ixth. Dorothy G. Roberts wus 'I'bl' 1lcwly·,·Jeetl'd president thel' wood, and Betty Oompson Nusbaum & Jordan For Things to Please ,·Iected vice·prcsident to fill the ,·nr.· took cbarge oi' tll3 meeting. PIllnS for THE APPARBL STYLE OENTER allc~· left h~· hlar~' B. B(!vard. Prnfl's u Hallowe'en pllrty anu for the puhli FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 14-15 FOR WOMEN Your Palate ~or BellninghOf ""U! th~ srca~cr ~(l.tion of a Sludl'nt·!aeulty diTl'etor~' of the c'·"uing. lie spoke of the were discussNI. 'l'he luunnnt of rInse Admissioll )5·25 CPllts 9-11-13 E. "(If.uin St., Wellbnintltllr, 11111. allis U8 n hnlllch of lhe H.nnenoptrn. ducs was also decided lit this ti111~. After showing the intelligeuce ()f thcil ff one may j\ltlge from t!l(' enthu· $oeiHI unit. he eloaed hr suying: "A8 Siasm showll III the mfi(>ting, ever) Westminster Stationery Store D. S. GEHR with the human bcingll, so "'iih the member of thc daSH of '30 is gl3d to No Matter How Much You ants, the rClllale of the SI)('I:i<-1I is more bc buck upon the Hill. und {'ae.11 ou(' RfJ.LY DIT)fAi\-, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Hardware, rlendl.l· than Ihe male." i.~lookiu!! forward with grCltt fl.nti~il'n· Learn Crreting Cllr(\s for all ol.l'·/i~io!l~ Building" .'Ihtl'.rinls, Cutlery, The reg'llnr !ll('etiuj!s of fhe t·lub ti(ln to this !lew yenr. YOU 1(.1'\]OW 01\TLY so J\:["f;('H AS will be held !lVor.l· two we('ks. TIl<' ,au RE::-fEMBER. Toul" mind ,,-ill When .\llIl11lJ!litiun, Puinls, Oils, defillit(" <"lates '\'ill be deri'le,] IljlOn olley ~·ou just in proportion to the re- .\IARY PICKFORD Stm·os, Ranges, FUrllnces, iutl'r, nf!er couferell<:es lI"ith the Il'ad Why God Made Hell quirements .\-ou place upon it if ~'on \,"!luled Ii 00.(,,1 11"('" "",! f:itrel Produets "TS of other elnbs. you gh·e it a ehune~. You Clln nlw·ays reo PHOTOGRAPH Do ~·ou know whyf Tf you dou·t. l1Ic!nbloT if you train your mind to (EMlllblished 18t;6) should learn ::-:IOW-nt once. Que re ~ef\'e .\·ou wlwn Dud as you waut it ttl 8ltl' sellt for dewer has said: "W"hcn Dant.e 'n'nt ft' servc. You crill think and talk better Sereck S. Wilson Rpllite must hn\"e stccT{'(1 elear of the nml el{'Hrer with truining that will takl' )fnlel'itch-(Heuring kllO("k nt r(llistin~ npparu.tus . . it re '}Ilt II few minntes of ~'Ollr time. Prof. llJllincd for Dr. Sauabrnh to intllrcst U. Y. At wood. formerly of t hp New door) "Whoa there'" ing-I~· and fearsomely descril)c th, York Collegf' of Agriculture at lthac:\, EVERHART nether reg-ions:' !lOW Editor of l"ticu ITcrald-Dispntcli T. W. MATHER & SONS No answer out alloth{'r knock. Oq-r 2,0(10.0(l{1I,n.l"e read it. WII~' not wTote: "I ha\"e allmcmor.l· eOUfSI'S und The College Mllle,·iteh-"'i:"ou (·u,,·t. fool me." ~·(lu1 yours is l)ost of lot .. YOIl o,ve it to ti1l' Qu(' D"ll,n posipnid. puhlic to puhlish it in hook form." Tn BARBER and BOBBER Westminster's Leading Store The unknown voiee: "'Vhy1" j,lFE _\ND lIER.\LD, Jolll1son City. response to this nnd OthH demauds tilis N. Y. course Ita!! l)ecn issued in a.lllInd.\' little, "Around the corncr." Malel·itch-"BecHllse o!lPortnnity volume to fit your pocket and the. C08t Go to Margaret's ecmber whcn Phc Dollnrs w·ill be the knocks but ollee." is but Three Dollars postpaid until Dc· price. Babylon & Lippy Company ARMY SHOES J...fF'F: AND HERALD, Jehnson City, 12 Pencils With Name FOR N. Y. The shnes 3uthorized for the R. O. T. C. Printed in Gold, 60c CHICKEN SANDWICHES FLORSHEDj SIIOES NOTICE n~~orted colors, high grude No.2 lllack lead, postpaid. Cuses for six pencils, MEET YOUR :FRIENDS AT f)TETSON E_'!''l'~ Prosperity Methods! Morocco, $]: leather, "i!;Cj imitntion this leather,_50e. AT It: you want the GOLD BL'G war PAY JIORE? LIFE AKD ffERALD, Johnsou ('itr! .'I'nr. kindl.,· s~na iu JOllr suhscrip Intern3li(lnal )ladeto-lI.Ieosme Suits 1\-. Y. Bonsock's Tea Shoppe lion immedilttely in order to rCileive Gf'llt·S suits cleaned and pressed .. $LDO Ihe !lext ~Op}·. ;\lnil snbscription to Gents Suits Pressed. .35 Knickers <:Ieaned und pressed .50 Cireulaiion jUllllitger, TilE GOLD Bee: See "Hoot" and "Bus" Western .1!:.Iryl!tndCollege Westminster Savings Bank Lndies' coats clea1led nnd pressed ].25 CIGARETTES, CAKJ)Y, (,IGARS, Westminster, )Jarylallil. 1"l(lie~' Ol1cpieec dresses cleaned SODA, SUKDAES, 8AND"·ICHES FOR Cl1pital *Ml,OOO.OO nnd press~d 1.25 Kamo :;:;utplus "Earued" ~4-HOUR SERY.ICE--2! w. M. Rings, w. M. Belts, Fraternity :10(1,000.00 Albert "Abe" Tozzi Pins, Society Pins, Stationel"Y, Sheet. F. TnO!). B.'J.BYLOX, President. Gllllrge Rcprcsentati"l"c of, Favors, Dance Dunce Koontz Confecturant AIlllolilleements City .:'ollLTON P. )IYERS, ViC(! Pres U. W. MILLER, Cleaner 1906 and Dyer .JACOB H. H.:.\:;/DLEY, 'l'rcasurcr. Estllblished REPRESEXTATIVES OJ:' Stata ALVI:;/" T. .ALBRIGHT, SKILLKRAFTER'S INO. Seeurit)· J.Jedne Hnll Representatil'e
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