Page 11 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I Terrors Match For SchuylKill I SPORTS I Frosh Sink Guilford Eleven Home-Coming Game on TERRORS WIN 13-0 OVER SCHUYL· Non - Commissioned Officers KILL ELEVEN 66 - 0 on Saturday Last Hoffa Field, October 22 (Continued from Page One) Assigned to Battalion Positions the 'I'crrnr ts lO'yllrd line, 11'1(1 unll' I he 'I'be Western Maryland Ereahmau , The annual home-coming will he helt! The follnwing nppointmeute and assigmuents in tbe H. O. T. C. Bat- eleven won its opening game of th(l Saturday, October 22, with Albright impregnable kept defense thew of from the Green and II talion, Westrrn .\tar~·l:'nd Collrgt', are nunnnnr-ed: gettiug liue Gold season from Guilford Club at Hoffa College as t.he attraction. touehdowu. It ,,"liS by virtue of Eaptain ~~ield, I~st, Saturday, 66 to O. ThO! 01' 'l'he visitors bud 11 ver-y good trlllll Nel1l'~ iutlividual prowess that the $()C' posing eleven never threatened to lnat venr I1n(1 they promise 10 be the und touchdown I'"~p scored just before TO 13~ AI\" O-:GT -'lAJOH · GeorgI' F:. I'lhrin'r. eccre from the start to the finisl, of eamc this year. So D vcrv good game the gmn() ended. the game, und were thoroughly cut- is expected. Coach Harlow's boys will '1'0 JU; BN. COL. RG'r. · .Sumuel W. Downer, Jr. played in every nugle by the strong h;]N{l 10 ilght. to take thc game from the New Men in Line-up Freshmen eleven. vtsitors. A large crowd is expected I1n(l Injuries suatnlned by both regull'r TO HE 18'1'. SGT. 00. "A" . . Joseph L .\I:,thia8, Jr. will include many who Capt. Fox of the Freshmen eleven alumni, will guards uecessilntell the substitution an,l ')'0 BE 1ST. SGT. co. "B" .. . Hnrry A. -'larhnm('r. ,,·/l.nt to see the team that;s making exhaustion of linemen on the second and Capt. Wright of Gui\fonl Club history Mater, Illet in the middle of t.he field for the f"otball for their AlUla squad. Hoot CbomlJers, who played one TO 1:lF: PLATOON SE1WEAN'I'S: usual handshake. Wrigl,twon th{) toss, Cheer leader , "Ked" Shri\"tlr, is als(1 of the guard l'OIlitious, played his first 00. "A" .. up and chose to klek. Fox chose tl> ,,"orking up soma nO"cities to dh·ersif.l' gtuue of (,()Ilege football and desen'es 1ST. PT. . .. Ro.'· C. Chambers. defend the northern gonl. The Presho the cheering and the game. He prom- mentiun the with two other members FIn ~~D. PT. ('0. ",\" .Curvin MeD. Seitz. ,'f line, )Iu~halllcr aud men took t.he baH on the kick·off !Iud isee thnt tueee will he new 10 Western l·ellS. 1ST. PT. CO. "B" ,\ rthu'r t·. l~ong. were ne"er halted unlil Boroski was ~r~rylnndcrs. Clark'~ end pl~y WIlS the best dis sent oyer for tl,e first six points. From 2ND. p'r. CU. "B" · R(,y L. Hobertson. pla~'ed of the winltmen, "'hik then on, it was simply a parade of the O'Lenr imprQI'cment nt taekle. Freshmen baeks going t.hrough t.he big WESTERN MARYLAND 0, FRANK· The insertion of Gomsak in the back TO B.E SKItGFiAN'I'S: holes by the sturdy linllmen. Bo· LIN AND MARSHALL 1 field neeessitntetl !I change alllong lh~ Rt. Gd. 1st. Pt. Co. "A }~lIrl B. L,pp.y. fore tl,e qUllttpr endad, Eknitis hlld ball e~rriers. Grells)" Neal haB been Rl. Gd. ~nd. PI. CO. "A" Arthur C. Broil gone oval twiea for touchdowns and \\'e~tern :\Iaryland's \,Ilrsit~· soeeer shift(>!l to his old pOililion nt wing·back, Lt. Gd. 1st. Pt. Co. "A" .. . ..... Floyd W. Shockley. Lawrance hall made two Ollt of the team journeyed to J~ll.ncaslcr, Pellll., and :\1~Mains, ~Iill~r m,d Long are hal" three trye for extrll points. u spirited fight for the quarter- Lt. Gd. ~nd Pt. Co.. A" ... eh'Hles A. Rollllnd. on Sa.turday, Octoher 8 and were de· The secon\l quarter resemlJla(1 the fNltNI by l"'ranklin and 1.l[lrshnll b." positi!}n. Linl'np: first, for ag~in the Fre,shmell madt, West. ~lt1. (13) Scllll.,·lkill (1\). the dose seore of 1·0. The single goal twenty points on toueil,lolnls by Eka.i· HI. (hI. 2nd. f't. Cu. "B" BuwHrd E. KOOnt", Jr. ~allle in the first hnlf wIlen Howard, Pcltnn J,. K GrC€n0 tis, Wellillger and Kleraez. T.llwrenal· W. M.'s goal tender, caught a sharp Weinslo,·k 1,. T .:...tcBridc 1.1. «d. ht. PI. Go. "B" . .. Iti,·hard W. Korda. again mad a two out of thr('(' tries for liner from Weser who immediatel.'· R. Chamben 1. G . Yetzer 1.1. Od. ~lHl. 1'1. en. "B" ..... John P. Kroh. points after tOIl<).h(lowns. rushed Howard through tl,e goall)OstS. Hav()ns C \\'. -'Uller The tbird quarter wm; more inler· T],e first period was ndllliUedly in ;\1aehll.lllcr n G. .. Bergstresser TO BE <.:ORPORAI.f.\ CO. ",\" 'fO BE CORPORALS CO. "3" estinJ; because the Freshmeu were hel(1 f:<\"or of the Lancaster aqulld, dnc in DOl\"n~r R. T. .MeF~rlane Petf Gomsak. l"ilflmas D. Brllun to one touchdown, \\"I,ich wliS mndl' part to the stage fright of seve;a.1 new Clark R. E. Kostos (C»]l1) WHlsim D. Phillips . ]),m"l(] ):!(:D. Seitz. by Boroski. Lllwrcn/"() kiun~ed' pointa aft('r tou~hdowns. (·:lpai)lo., halfb:lCk. Smith, also of "·()st· I!fler touchdol\"ll-Long (plae~lU()nt). ,'rn Man'lunil, .~how("iI his ddensil"e .All during the game the line \"(l~ ~ultstitutions-West(>m -'Inr.,·land, 0' '1'0 BE 1ST. L1J,u'r. BA~D LEADE:Il.. ,John P. Lanbcrtson. like Il. stonewall with Capt. Fox, Bal('s, IIhilitics in M{'Y,'ral critienl situntion~. 1,e~r for Downl'r, ~l("\tains for M. \(iJ 't'0 1'11:: Ik.T. RElWEkNT .......... Iolm C.llughes. Gro~"'ith, Gid{'r and \\'Ukcr perform West. Md. Franklin &. MarsbalJ lrr. Norris for Clark, l.Jong for :-.Ie ing like I"etemna. The ('ntire team d()· How:ll"d G. \\"itlll~r -'Iains. ::;tlllUylkil1-~lorri8 for 'Whit~, s("rv('s thl' highI'll! ,'omllll'ndati(>n. I~ad,'lirre for \T. ~riller, rnr"~y for Me TO BI~ NER(;EAN:T~: 'I'll lH; l'OlfPORALS: Smith L . .1-'. B. Appli' J. \\'. E(lwin Wnrllehl. \\"illi'lInllohhs,Jr. The liM-Up: Pllrlane, B. Ropp for Eo]!p, Y. Had B.P.3. Ah('omh,Cnpt Boyle for -'lrBridc, Y()llger for Rnd· J(llin .\. Hflrjl. ~lillnn K. "'lLorgan West, Md. l'resh.-66 Gllilford-O S\lllh'an R. 11. B Clark clifT~. Workmau for .Morris. Rcf("r()(!-- ('h:lrlc~ H. ~'out~ .. 1,'. \\":lit K l.:!lh·. Bat()!! L. E. Saud()f$ Trico C. H. B. Globiseh .r. .-\. Trimble (Dubuque). Umpire--,\. ()s~nr I... "lonis. lIaL"'rt ,J. Essieli. Wilker L. T. Jves T.Reed L. ll. 13. \Vcser H. Harron (Penn State). Beai! lilles- t'l"n"~e '1'. DeHn,""ll. Givler L. G. Hartzell Ben~oll O. R. ,"od>.'!" Illlll\-C. A. Brumbaugh (Penn Btale). GrOBwilh c. Prendergast Time pf Jl~riods-lii ",iuutes. \\·ntkiHs. Tillmlln R.. G. A. Wildm~n 1. R. ({~dn Griffith R. T. Wrigllt. (Capt.) Bellllchaml',Cllpl. C. I'· Ripple ····.··.·..·.·...·..7,=11;7 Fox(Capt.) n. E. Rarton Holland I. L. Hansell Lawrenre Q. B. GOr6nl'k LOllgridg~ O. l.J. ChRmher~ Ekaitill 1.. H H. Wildman Klepac? R. H. (lough Snb~titution8-Hollun
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