Page 10 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, :-: IDI11' ~nlb iug :-: lIntrr-QInllruiatl' WITH THE ADMINISTRATION recent AI Morning Assembly, Official newspaper of weeteru Maryland College, published on Wednesday during IDqr ~pntltgl1t II President n Wari! announced to faculty the lleailemJe year by the students of Western Maryland Coll~e, Westminster, NI'Ul5 ani! students anot"er etep in the ad Maryland. Entered as eeecaa-enes matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. ---------------- ministrativa reorganization of hte Col- Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Year. J. G. C. At Lynehbutg Oollege the religious lege curriculum. actil'itieseolllmitteehas outlines its re- Professor Isancgle, Head of the De- Whatct"eYis the main puepoee of the ligious program for the year. partment of Education since 1920, has l\IANAGING STAFF "auei\lnt nnd sacred order of J". G. 0," The work is eondneted by professors been made Dean of the Department and Editor-in-Chief. .. J. Paul Lambertson, '28 it is known only to th~ erect. It does, along four different lines, for three of hal! heel! gi"en final super"ision of the Managing Editor .. . .... Hubert K. Johnson, '28 however, serve to show the childishness which credit will be given. The courses programs of 1111 students preparing to of a. few o.f ihe students, who, on ini- teach. Asst. Managing Editor. ...... 'N. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 finticn night, scale the walls by means nrc; The of the Life of Christ; President W;lrd stated that this plan Business Manager ... ........ Earl B. Lippy, '29 of a leaky, rusty, rainspout to learn Religions Of World and the Message should take better care of whnt is now The of the Gllrisli:1H R~ligiOll and Ass't Business Manager .. . . . . . . Samuel H. Bryant, '28 "Who knacks at the portals of J. G . 'I'eaehers ' Tr:!inillg Course, nnd the Tn the largest gr01IJ1of students in the Col- There is u doubt in lily mind as to Advertising Manager . ............. Marvin B. Sterling, '30 C." are tile more absurd, the fearful ternational Sunday School Leeson, for lege, those who plan to teach and to their profession, and Sixty-eight is gin'n. Circulation Manager .. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 who de- which no "rcdit III thecre(]iteonrsesand nlllke Educntinn to make similar provi girls going through. or the poor have thnt h~ Asst. Circulation Managers. ..........• {ROY L. Robertson, '29 luded males who risk their necks scaling number ill The uther course. slon for growing group in the Col- J. A. Stach, '30 \\"311sto learn what it is nll about. lege whidl is prepnring for vocations Art Editor .. .... " Pcte" Gomsak, '30 There is .~nother Initlatfon in the The Y. ~1. C. A. IlHs IIlso o.utlined its nnd professions other than teaching. Sports Editor . .Olarence n. Bennett, '28 8pring, and if UII!curious hal'e not .yet ~~~:::::~Af}~re:':'~i;:';n:e;~~e!Oil:::uf:~:::: Dr. Wnrd said further thnt. the Colle-ge - Associate Sports Editor .. .. "Maury H. Mcjfaius, '29 slumn cennuon decency by keeping their 1I1001thof November have been aunounc- wlil eontiuue to take eure of that third noses out of ot hcrts affairs, th~re will ed. group 6f ~tudellts who plan to teach for 1!<'a fineopportunit},toeud theeurios- acvHnl yeaTSbefore entering business or REPOR,TORlA L S1'A Ti'F it.r nud thl) ll!mos together by II well News Editors I!lIcof the older profeuiODs. Dorothy L. Gilligan, '28 W. K. Bnrncs, '28 directed pop hottle. The L.\"C~\lUl Course of Eli~abethto.wn C:oUege,"'hidl hus prn\"ed successful ill Associate Editors past years :1I1101lg the $tudcnt bo.dy an(1 Rulll French, '28 Alvill AII,l"ighL '28 RELIABILITY their friends, will to. gh'e per- WHY BE CONOERNED E"elyn E. Pusey, '28 Osc[lr TJ. ~lorrh;, '29 formanres in n few Elizabeth II. Da"is, '28 "J1Tp" Weisbcck, 30 RI'liablli1y, that'S the thing. Re- 'fhe first progrulIl ,,-ill I~ke pInel' 011 late The prof who (lomes in ten minutes she is is very scar(le; in fact R.EPORTERS PII.'"sliloreintlleelldthllnoe· October :is, and will be ll. mU5ieui per· in a l'iIlSS by herself. brillilll1"r. Partial mastery of M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 Eugene C. \VOOdWill"d, '28 a subject e"ery (1:IYis bett~r thau com formnllce. Ou Non,mber 1-1 The Rob· erts Conectl Ensemhle will gil'e nn un· Dorothy Mellott, '28 ('UI"vinU. Seitz, '29 pleto tlHl8lery one day (lnd uttcr fail- uS"llalIrent prE'sHntinga program of N. H. Pellllewell, '31 Hoy .c. Ch!llllbers, '29 Ilrc tile U('xl. Suecesses nre OI'cr·looked both and popular songs Yon have only yourself to plea!e. Elsie "M. Helel, '28 George E. Saller, '29 hUl errOrs are remembered. Tou rlre Yes, but .vou know 1lOwhard that is. :Margaret Uartignoni, '29 Preston \V. Grant, '30 1I0t olll~' by wnat you do but al Mary A.. Wahl, '29 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 whnt yOIl f~il to do Cath(Jrine E. Read, '30 W. G. Eaton, '30 1'lIi"ersily of Indiana i$ offcring -a Evolution if .'·ou fllll be relied 011ull the time Virginia C. Merrill, '30 William II. Brown, '30 for small things, YOll adlieve, in a small one hour course ill "}'ood for HeaItll," Freshman-Laugh. opeu to juniors nnd seniors, both men WII}", IL reputation for depeudableness 1m,] lI"om~n,who are not majoring ill Sopbs-Grin. Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news. lhat IlIny he II ~tone to greater homo e<.lonomics. It is dest.ribed lYnnd entrllnee to mure em('hntl~·. )'1;8, frielld~ uion that brls gone to eollege and tem or one similar to it sllould be !luI. intn force be(,lIu~e it would, if prop· the forelock, the bent and wriukled Wlio arc w('---mere clods of clay, with it the privill'gc of being a houso· learued to paint her lips and perfuuw It~'r breath. sculptor whemo:odtbrough his bellrd; erl~' attended to, check the tendency higher thnt the troil, but little higl1er whieb eauses a few willing personH to "l:on sec, wht'n he is facing you, ~'ou Ihan the beast. liere, n9t b_,-01lT own "Mauy times silence is a virtne. 'l'he be over loaded witb outside work nuu enn grab him nud hold him; but when choice, yet fearil)g to leayc, "'e plod on fellow in the next room lIIar be in· ~'he place is getting civilized--Sam responsibility. It is manifestly unfair he turns his bRek and st.a.rts to. ill' through our elllphelllcral life, an infen· tcnt UpOIi ~tnyinA"at W. M. C. to ge1 w!.'nt throught lown th' other day with for II .few students to be worked to the awn.)",it'll just no use to hold l,im hack. ite8ill"I.I. nu;,nportant jot,-mall. ~n education, even though ~'ou IIrc onthiscut-outopell. ' limit, wbile others who are just na Be's gone. That's (Ill." working towaril a eolledion of mid· capable as they have nothing to do ill ''But \I'hnt is tIle significance of the .'·(,lIr flunKS their leisure minutes but lounge ill com whole thingf 'What docs it ropre' "I. unden\uud lhe installmenf plan Rouncl out .vonr eol1E'ge aeti,·itiea. fortablo arm cbairs or stroll aimlessly senU" hns spread to roll€"iate mustaches." Don't gi\'e all your time to books. Takt, Sweet Young Thing (\"isiting (loun· about the campus. TIle en!or('ement of ThE' old man sllruggcd his irrit3tion "HowsI!.l1" up BOllleextra curricula work as long tr_,.)-Why are you running that steam a point ~ystcm might well be .ns~igned nnd 11mbled slowly away. One word "A little dowu each week." as it is for the honor of your Alma roller over that field' to the men's lind women's student go,-· lie mumbled in answer to our question: Mater. Farmer Jones-l;m raising mashed ernmenb. "Opportunity." -Tht/ YelWw JacJ;ut. Your habits are for you to shape. potatoes this year.
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