Page 9 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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GOt VS. ARE DICKINSON REVIVING Vol. 5, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Oct. 13, 1927 Prof. Shroyer GivesStudents College Prom in McD. Hall Worl~ <)11 the Aloha for 19~7·'28 OOLLEGE CALENDAR Tl",t (-he Shnkespeare Club of hillS begun, And there lws been great 3rd Sermon at Baker Chapel Opens Fall Social Season \\·"st~rJ) )lnr.d~nd College is na progress ,Ilmlg' the lines of organis FRIDAY, OC'l'OHSR 14- tionnllv known ill litcrarv circles is tug th(' stnlf 1lnd collecting lnlltn· restified 1,.1" the f..,lI(Jwiug excnpts Th,' lirijt "coflegc prom" of this yeur how thc Bulleti" of tho. Naticnnl i31. 'I'he stnff of Ihl' Aloha is com- Professor Shroyer preached ihe thir!l SA'I'l:RD.-\ Y, OCTOBER ie-; posed of the following members: of his series of sermons in Bnker waa held in the Mc Dnn ic l ITall pnrlor Blrakcspea re Association. \',lrsily footbltll game: Western on Saturday night. Au il1t()ro~ting pro Chapel Sunday evening October 9. His Maryland vs. Diekeuaou College, "As we move forward in the new text '\"IIS "Bnt ,Jouah rose up to flee gram arruugcd hr Miss Esther Smith program fOT widening the teuow- Wilson K. EtI.mes. at. Oarnetc. Pu., 2:30 P. U. wos the means of gct.ttng a cquatnted eould tnsptr- unto Tarshish from the presence of the ship, nothing be more Bw~~ne/l8 J[anager, Lord." Freshmen foctba.ll game : Western wlth cne. another. Each person !Lad a ing" than the HeWS reported by the Alvin T. Albright. MHrylallll "FroBh" ve. Uni'·Hsity card to ue filled out like a dnuec prc- Seer,c1.1tr from ·We~tern :\fnr.d~nd "AlthQugh Jonah is counted among "Fresh" ~1.WllSI(1/1! Business M(Jfloger, Ihe propheh," said .:'IIr. Shroyer, "yet of Mnr,vlnna P. xr. (It College gram, suhstilnting "ch1il~·' for dunees. Coltegc. It is a pleasure to l~~rn Eugene C. Woodward. Park, :::30 Dnring th~l first intermj~sion, Mr. Bor· tha! a eomparativelv Bl1Inll inNtit.u· he had much the same idea of God as Aduer/ising _If(lHilUeT most of the men of his time. He be hlOND~\Y, OCTOBl!.."'R, 17- oski at Ihe piano and 1I1r. Bush a a the or til)]) hn" Ill' active Shnke!lpl'nre Club "Hubert K. Johnson. lieved flint God had power onl.\, in the women's Litemry Societies at ~oloiat eutcrtnined with a number of memhers." 6:::10 P. M. clever songs. t\ clog dance and a comic .dS80(Jl.atO Editors, country of which he \,'as reeognized as nrc l!l nttlliuted org~Ui1.a·1 3". P~ul Lambertson, deity, So whpn Jonah wishrc1 to e8e~pe Mel)'6 l,ito;lTY Societies 11t 7;J5 re,.it~ti(ln were given by "lift. Cnllahan tillns, one of which is our first. 8ns' Charles L. Goodhand, from the rmger of the God whom he P. M. during tl,,,, seeulld with intermission. A eol tnilling orgfllli~nlion, i. c., 100 veil song :'IIater fjw Alma ending lege hl. Mae Mills, was disobeying, he leU his own land TUESDA Y, OCTOBER 18- anti "Good .1\'ight, T,ndirs" was, as is cent of its members ure lllcmbers of DorntllY V. Mellott, and embarked on a voy~ge ncross the Soeilll Clubs ;:30 P. M. rustonlllr.\', the elo~ing of the "prom". the Shakespellre Aa~oeiation." Evelyn E. Pusey. MediterrnnClll.l. The storm whieh arose, ",lnst after the Bulletin had gone and its consequence" taught Jonah that WED.1\·ESDAY, OO'l'OBER 19- to press Ihe editor was notified tha~ Anru. E. SWllnn, God eould gQ wherever nwn eould tra,·cl. 'f. ~1. and Y. W. C. A. meeting at COEDUCATION INDORSED IN DIS nt Ihl' ·Western ~J.nrylaJ)d College at ,Jofl'J!hincWnrren, "CentllTies later, another Hchrew 6:30 P. :\f. CUSSION AT Y. M Wt'8tmiuster, Md., a Shakespeare Edith O. Lynch, trn'l'eler took lIlueh the Sllme \·(,yage liS Soccer gum!'; Western M~,ryland Club hnd been organi~ed by the ~tu· Knthryn Br,ran. Jonah but with all clltirel~· different '·a. );:,1\'.",111 .'\ln1arOIiS, 3;00 P. },t. The weekly meeting 01' the Y. M. C. denh with a membership of 56, and lit",;.· Adl>cTU,,·in!l Co'mmiilce: purpose. Jonab was to fleeing from God; A. WUR held on Wegr']phcr for the 'I'he Jonnhs of the world :lre seek· .1.1.1". wl1(l1 they d~fralcll folehu.\'lkitl in Ihp :\raSQIl 'l11d Dixon LiH('. 'I'lll' Wills. head of thl) English Depurl· ."loha. At thi5 time no defimte ar ing for a pluee where God 1I0fs not :l Im"l f(lUghl ~('nl!Si, 13 to {\. Cnpl:lin ment,is illfl't'lious,audto bl'liopc(l ~,oeclll~It'l'ing the rpf<,rPlwe6 of Whtt" and :] ~1\"reping rnd rUn by Bark~ 1,1\·1', ;lntl worship. X(\ lift' call li(' ~(l1l\. I)igttri)s. The l'fred was astonishing. I1HJn the h~11 w.~~ ~lIrried io till' mi{ldh- pINe if any OtlO of t1l,'s .. eleH,cnh i9 illiti!ltio11 is ""t pta~·, if was eOll At ihe chISI' of the pIny, refreshments Iho~e deportl11Pllta in fOllt inn!!t ,·ir~ula· I1f the lield. The 'i'error line tighlen· ~i(lt'r('tl \riM' ror Ihl' ('llildren of Thurs· were !ler\"l'd and the freshmen were in liou. the au.,· ed. nlld on third down ~ehllylkil1's 'lunr- Inissing. day to grow up. On Frida.,' Ill\'Y ap' rcrmed Ihal rules ,,"ould be lifted 1m During the I·OUll11uting stud ler (,ailed rD' a 1)3$.H. Caplain ~e.d in Other "ttrnrtiu"s of II, .. ""rning's 1w'lterl as seltool marms, lmxillj! ge'·er~ n,ediatcl.,· nfter the Frl,slllnnn footLal1 ('nt.$ t~ke H(j,·llntagp of the liiJrllfy nnd lert .. ptNI Ihe !leri:!!, ,(]Id rUll ;j,j ~'nT(ls progra'H "-erc a \"tWill aolo h.l· !~uth t·"iffures and wCDring heav~' rimmed g'"n~ 1111 f:llllurd.1~·. il~ f~ri1itie~. At night lnrg"I' I!:rIlnlllI "t f"~ Ilw first touehdnwn Burk Cham- S(·hlin~kc, 'I violin I.({)lo Ruth Gleieh ~l)retneles, hlack ties, long skirts, mndl'llt5 frum Ill! ,lcpllrtmemg lire (1,,- 1I('r8 fniled to regi~I~r th .. ex!"! point. IlJaH, nnd tlle r('ndiug of ],(\e1ll "Jim "s('nsible" shoes, llnd carr~'illg hrid ing rl'ferl'nN' work Hrginni"g with Blml~o·· hy Th{"lma Shn'inl'r. PHILO MEETING 1;lst ",~ek. lite ..irellinlinn (If nIl refer 'I1HI the ~c"r(' stooil (j ](I O. Friday night, the !whoal manns ~nces WRS grentl." illacn~!'d. )lis~ Wnnl B:lrkmun, a.-owed WEBSTER WELL ATTENDED .-\ se('ne from Weatern M.llr."lan~ is pll'ased with the .'ooperntion (,f Ihp Ilt'~t \1'I(·k the~' 111!\'e ,·limlJl'{l the staira into the .J. G. C. College dining room wall prcliCnted in ~t.ndentij ill retnrning books 1)]\ time ann ing I h~ l)"",t (wo ~e!!Sllnti, wns 3 rOll \\·chBtcr Halt was filled to eapu~it." tower, and tile dreadful shrirks, groall" Philo Hall ~rol1(lay, October lht' t('nth, mninl.llining order in 1111' lihrHr~· sl'I1\t thr('~t to Ihe gn,,1 tlrfl'nd,'() Mond~~' ni"llt ,,"iill ilJo~e \\"ho haa ~Oll1" I'm] rlankings of ('hnins B<'emed to in· b~- the Sophomores. Before slllrt:il)g \\'e$terll eJe,·rll. Thrr~ di,·nlr thai thirteen s('lliors were meet )fiss Warc1 has sllosHibrd fnr the to hear Ihe delmte 011 the : ,,·ork wilh, IHIL R. O. T. C. HONORS GEN'L WOOD girls how much Philo hnd always meant 110fri5 Bequest. ll4;loking still fllrthn (Ira s('oreJess tie. Wehster is still ol)en to all nOll-mem' to her. After yeJls were given for the into Ihe future, with fnith in the ClllU- The Terrorll did not hR'·c any tron h~ts. Come out a.nd hear yourself! 1'he elltir(' R. O. T. C. battalion as new girls, refreshments wert' scn'ed pnign, the admini~trntion hopes to be hie gaining Yllt\lage through Schuyl· 8embled l'Jonda~' morning at 11 :20 to and the meeting udjourned llble to olYn to the stndents of West· kill·s line, but after the~· had carried FRESHMEN GIRLS ATTEND GAME ohsen'e the birthday of one of Ameri· l'rn :'I11IT)·land a n!'w library bnilding the ball the entire ll'ngth of the field (·ll'S foremost military The with the best opcraling facilities. thepunrhneededtoearryitnrrossthe !')utl1rd:l.'· nftt'rnooll M Ihr Fr<,sh· ~erenlOniea were in honor of t.he latl! SHAKESPEARE OLUB MEETS goul line seemed to be lacking. This lUCll-Gllilford game the fr,'shmen )fn.ior-{l(!lleral T"~onard Wood, who happened twice lluriug the se~oIld of which was a lurge green 'l'heunitstoodatparader<·stasth<, Plau~ ha'·1! been madl' to study eolor~.1 hlack und gold, Monday noon CoMh R"r!ow'a pt{)teges would slart bow. The clags mar .. hed llown the t.and sounded off. The l.>nttnlioll wn~ Shakespeare's pla,·s in groups. The They guve their elass ~'el1 outside the hilt,ae.ross the field,and into the gTRnd then oronght back to attention, and eomedies "ill be under diseu8.Sion W"d· dining room door and then nl/lreheil ill registering poill1e on the "l~ightil1J! stlllld whrre th~ saphs made thelll ehe('r Battalioll Adjutnnt H. K. Johnson rend nesday night, spl'"CiaJ attention being /lingle file around Ihe room with lheir Parsons", but whot',·cr <'lllertnillcd sneh and sing the college S!l-llgS. Before the thc order for the ceremony. To con· paid to ")JidsuUlll1er-Nighl's Dream." eolorspinned on rlleir shoulders. Aiter thoughts am] .'xpc(·tationti ~oon rt' gall1~ ..tartrd, they paraded Rrolln(l the ellld' the exercise tho battalion pasged It is hoped that many will take advan· the meal wus O,'er the freshmen took llonllced them-before the third quarter ficld sillging their soug, "Ho\\" Green 1 in review beforc President A. N: Ward, tage of the interesting program whie.h part by trying to steal the bows, and was o,'er Schuylkill had the pig1lkin on Am." This performance markrd the of· "iee-President W. R. McDaniel, alld has been arranged. several real fights occurred. (Continued on Page Three) fieial lifting of the freshman rules. Captain IT. D. WooHay.
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