Page 8 - TheGoldBug1927-28
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Pags Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminlter, Md. i\lUluut ~vl~S~:t"t~~~~:'m~~o~SOciet:HIL~Oings IAuil .qat NotI EDITED BY..ELSIE... HELD AND M.A1l.GARET M.A1l.TIGN"ONI the faeulty at a tea. in honor of Mrs. Jnmes B. Ranck Friday afternoon, Bep- A burlesque of historical events was Ruth Marker, ex·'~9, is studying nnrs· tember the thirtieth. presented in Philo Hall Monday, Octo- ing at Hopkilll:!l, was visiting on the Any news itema ccncernrng W. M. Gladys Befln '2;, is attending busl- ber the third, by the Juniors. The "Hill" Sunday. Alumni will be ~atefuUy received. ness sehoul in "\'lashington. program included important histurieal Eleanor Musgrove, ex-'28, is now at R. Stephens, Herbert Delta Sigma Kappa takes great ehrnacters of the past and the present, home recuperating after an operation Dr. Stephens of our Fucultj-, '25, the son of was on the pleasure in announcing thnt Ellen Eliza- Such characters as Betsy Ross and La- fornppcndicitis. "Diek" Hurley, '26, is now a auc- cnmpus Sunday. beU! Gareelon has. been aeeepted into fayette were presented in the costume!! Edith Cas~, ex·'~9, ;$ studying Eng- eessful IlUlol1lo!lile salesman. fnll membership in the elub. of their time but were distinctly uicd- lish nnd Journalism at Nt. St. .Icseph '8 J. Lester Weihrauch '25, was on the ern in speech r.nd in acttcn. After the program an(1 refreshments at Emmitsburg. Margaret '1;), is teaching at the "llill" '\londay night upuu a secret tne new girls were welcomed by the Edith Kinkead and Dorothy Johnson Calvert Scueol Bnltimcre. (1) und important (f) mission. Y. W. O. A. held open house tell for the fresh- preatdent. and Philo's peppy yells. fill .Eva L~·II<.:h,'27, .iour!l~.\·ed from "Joe" Umbarg!'r, '27, is planning tc Ria- men last Sunday. ing Sun last Palurd".\' \0 \'isit the "Fllil' take lip ,,"ork in Bsltinlore. At present Under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A., PHILO ELECTS OFFICERS Kathryn '\lcLllue spent u I'ery Cl\jOy· of the lron norse." he is living iu Bel Air, Md. the girls of the rnncus ereseee are get· able wCI!k·en(j \'isiling the Luray Cav· ting otgnnized into hiking groups. Lead- Dorothy Gilligan, president of Philo, erne of Virginia. Esther L"wder, '::1, i~ leaching Home Allee Killiuur, '18, now Mrs. Bhay, ees of these groups have been appointed called a shor: business meeting after Economics in l~r:Jnklin Hlgh Sohool ill is tCl\cilillg in Berlin, Md. !ltr. Shay is by the "Y", lind the girls may choose luneh Monilny, October !lIe third, to Elwoo(1 Hawkins, ex-'!?9, is studying Rei~ter!lto\\'n, Maryland. the jlrincipnl of Bcrlin High School. lIuy leader they willh. Ercryone who eleet tho new officers for tho first term. \'oiee At the Peabody Conservatory of hikes om~hundred miles during tbe year The results of the election were as Music, in Baltimora. "Cowbo~'" H(ll)erla, '~7, h~s returned Harr)" A(lkillS, 'OS, a.nd his wife, the llrill recei\'e a hiking letter. Evelyn Pusey entertained ~t luncheon forlllu lliJda Long, '::!3, are li\'ing in follows: ,ke pre!!ident, Roberta Rowe; to the "HiIl" and is preparillg to en' Sll1isbury, lld. "\Jr. Adkins is cngag· recording secrehry, Dorothy Rooper; in honor of Miss Helen Frenell and Miss tcr the Seminar}" this week. ed in the lumber businen. corresponding secretary, Elizabeth E\'elyn Sheats, of Baltimore. Marie Ric.hmond opened the dO~Jr of Clnugh; treasurer, Ruth St.a'eYj eura Dorothy Heoper and !\fnrgaret Voor "Turk" Shallahau, '25, is employed Oli~e Simpson, a former "\V. M. C. her room at tim o'clock'Sutnrday ewn· tors, Edith Lynch and An'alene liit lIis ent(!rtnilled Cflrol~'n '{'Ill!, :Madeline in the Sales Department of the Bethle· student hus justcomplcted a six monthB' ing to find seT('ral girls seated upon ehens. Stunding eOlllmithl~$, to fune· Murphy, Dorothy Wheeler, .·\nna May hem Sled Compnlly nt Bethiehelll, Pa. course l(t Columbia Unll'ersity, aud hilS oach of the beds. On the tablll there tlon immedill.tely were nppointed b~' the Gallion, Mary Allnutt nnd Catherine recei\'ed her 1ln~ler 's degree. was a lovely birthday cnke ornameuted president and the meeting adjourned. Cockburn at a bridge l'raty. "AItlullie" Carling, i~ teuching with-(sh!) cand~es. Of f.ourse the in Lisb()n, M(I., lut n! Csrroll, The following alnmni were seel1 on , table was laden with otller daintiea snd GAMMA BETA om HOLDS ~ar.r Allnut, '31, Mar), Lee Darby, as was reported in 11lst week's GOLD thc "Hill" during the week: Walter many birthday gift~. The latter had SMOKER '29, Adelaide ~ullincaux, '31, Helen BUG. • Smith, '2;; Thelma Cross, '21; "Gin· their origin in Woolworth's exclusive )[yers, '31, Anna Ely, '29, Leota Kolb, na" Hasting~ '27; "\Vies" Hugh· novclty sl.Jop. Mnrie wnll delighted to On :\londRy C\'ening Gamma BptR Chi '28, and Ruth Hobbs, '31, spent the Chapin Dny '26, may be seen wan· letl~, '27; PRge Tnrner, '26; "Dick" see the guests and the merry-making. Fraternity held its annual smoker for week·end at their respeetin bomes. dering around Westminster llhnost lin)" Hurley, '26. The guests 'were equally glad to see her (he purpose of becoming better acquain· time when his .~dIOOIdulies are not too for they couldn't eat a bite till she ap "Beth" Howard had a "feed" reslrnilling. The following members of Ihe clnss peared. Marie ia grateful to her rooul' ted with the new men on the hill. The Snturclny night for M.iss11My Joyce, of of '21 Me engaged in the following mnte, Gntrude Rauck, for this IOTely sotial was attended by a l:nge nUlllber AllDapohs, the weck·end guest of "Pat" Paul Harris '24 3nd Ff(mk Grippin, w:qs: "Poss" Lawson at the Retail surprise. 'I.'he guest!!' are equnlly grate· of nel\" JIlen who entered enthusiastical· Proskey. Among thoEe present were '::!6, w~re seen on the Reisterstown Road Credit Co" BaHimore, Grant Williams ful to Trudie fQr the wonderful eats. l~' iuto the spirit of th! ol"c'lB"ioll. HUen Garcelon, E\'e!yu Prielulrd and the othcr dn)". Harris ia teac.hing at working in Murtin's Ferry, Ohio; Frank After the usual formality of getting ~'lora JOMS. Baltimore City College. Sillill at the Antory Accessory Co., Bnl· aeqllflinted those present were cordial· timore; Clyde DeHoff prineipal ()f the l~' welcomed by the President who ex· Among those who spent the week-end Louise Hoghlet!p, '::!7, is takiug a ~cw "Windsor High SchOOl; "Cap" SCIENCE CLUB plained the motto !lnd nigh principles in Baltimore, lire: Pmllille l,eouard, course in the. Buying nnd Selling De· Weigle ieaching at Sparks lligh 8ehool; of "!he fraternity. Thl'~'; prineiple~ u.> '28; )lildred Carne:;-, '28; Kathryn partment at FIoehschild Kohn and Hazel Bratt teaching at l~ockville. High The Science Club will hold its fint ()ut-lined wcrt.',-t() fo~m n more perfect Bryan, '28; '30; "Mary Moore, '30; Blanche COlllpany's store in Baltimore. Philena Penb)" teaching at Frederick Collison, Robinson, '30; E\'elyn meeting Thursday cvening, October 7, fellowship, insure high .., arholastie Edna 1tlny Hnnt, '31; Cntherine Down· lligh School; "Ginny" Hastings, '21, in the Chemiatr~' lecture rOQIll. Prof. st:'mding, and to promote he3rl~' eo· ing, '31; and ):l!lrjorieRolg, '31. Chllrles E. ~lO:'ilan, '17, and his wi1e, ha~ resign~d from her polrition as liS' Beuninghof, aeting head of the Biolog~ operation with the college in its inttr· formerly Mildred "\Vheelcr, '21, areli\' si~t-IInt pl'incipnl of Shnrptowu High Department will spenk. Charles L. esh. After a few ~hort impromptu .<\mong jhe lIlan), fortunate people ing in Baltimore. Mr. Moylan is prnc- School ill order to pursue a more reo Goodhand, president of the Club will replies by the n~w men pr~ilellt the reo who had compnny Sun(lay are the fol· t.ising Illw, Jnd his wife is tenehiug in n n.ullerative oceupation in her home preside. All members are urged to be freshmen!s were brought forih. nU'! lowing: Dorothy Gilligan, Elizabeth Junior lligh St-hool. towlI,LaureI, Del. present and anyllne intere~ted in scien· to tllB fact that sen'ral football men Wright, :Uary Dryden, Janet and .Mar· tific mntteu is cordinlly jn~·ited. 1n were present the party W;lll br3ught to inn Reifsnlder, Lu,die l'roskey, Mary \'iew of the success ef Science Club un p~rlJ' elose ill order not :0 infrlnge Ruth Holt, Flora Jones, Gladys Rich· Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr laBt yellr "ith its intere!tling programs, lll)(ln training rpgulations, ards, )Iargaret Wilson, Catherine Coe.k- eonsisting of se\'eral worth while lee· Tile frAternity which is lhe olllest (Ill burn, )!nry Allnm!, Elizabeth Norman The }
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