Page 7 - TheGoldBug1927-28
P. 7
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three iSPORTSi Terrors Lose Game Fight iSPORTSi Washington & Jefferson-Western Olear was offside on ihe play and the in an IIttempt at the line. Douds sub- right en l for 25 yarde, passing all but Me· stituted on W. & J. for Stnrzvneki fino the s.'Ifety man. Amos eraahed througl; Terrors drew a five-yard penalty. mains fa,iled to complete a forward Schuhardt for Don Malcolm. A tcr. the Southeri' left tackle for seven Maryland Football Game in Detail pass. A lateral pass, Neal to McMains ward pass from Amos was grounded. yards. Kirkman banged the right side gained eeven yards at the Washington· Herrold missed a beautiful forward of the Maryland defense for a first FIRST QUARTER Red aud Black left wing. Neal lost Jefferson left end. Western Mary· pasa from Amos, dropping the ball down on the Western Maryland 16-yard western Maryland kicked off, Mil. three yards running the Wash.Jeff land's 1'orward pa~s with McMaills wheu it was square in his hands with line. R.ed Kirkman shot off the West· "elJamer booting the hall to Cook, who right end and then McMaius punf.ed throwing the ball was meomplete and an open field ahead of him. The Pres· ern Maryland right tackle for four returned to the W. and J. 3S-yard line. to Amos who came back to the 'V. nnd W.. ~1111J. took the ball on downs on identa' drew a five-yard penalty. Kirk. yards. Kirkman again carried the ball Cook clipped around the Westeni J. 45-yard line. Miller substituted iu its 33·yard line. May substituted all man's punt was downed by II. W. and at eeuter for thrall yllrds. Amos could Maryland right end 011a. beautiful run the West.ern Maryland backfield fOI W. and J. for Kirkman and Kirkman J. player on the Western Maryland ~4· not gain in a trial at the Western for 23 yards. Heisel lost two yards Long. McMains received Kirkman 's aubatit.uted for Amos. Kirkman found yard line. Neal ran off tne Wash.·Jeff.Marylaud left guard. W. &; J. was lind tuen dropped six more. A for. punt and returned 23 yards to the a. stonewall of defense at the Western left tackle for 15 yards and II. fiut l'enali>:ed five yards for offside. A ward pass. Amos to Robinson, gained Western Maryland :is-yard line. On Maryland loft aide, making no gain. down. A forward pass, McMains to forward pass, Amos to Kirkman, took 35 yards and a first down. Amos broka a fakll double pass Neal gained rour Kirkman crashed straight through eeu Clark, gained fonr yards. Neal gained the ball to the aeven-yned line wit.h through the Maryland right aide for yards at the W. and J. right side. Neal ter for Beven yards as the firat half two yards more at the Wash.-Jefl'. left !Jut a few Inches 10 make A. first down. a first down, placing the ball en the carr-ied tile ball again mnking tluee at ended. Secre-e-W, and J., 6; Western side. Neal tried the BaUlCBpot and Kirkman earned the ball through cen Southerners' 3.yard line. Amos shot lhe same spot on II. erose buck. Millar Marylnud, O. gained two yards more. Miller's punt ter for n first down on the five yard through tho Westorn Maryland left running from punt formation gained wcnt out of bounds on the Wash.·Jcff. line. May substituted on W. &; J. foil side for a touchdown. Amos failed to three yards antI a firsta down on the THfRD QUARTER lS-yard line. Castilow substituted on lGrl{man and Kirkazun for Amos. kick a placement gonl for the extra Presidents' left tackle. Neal lilt cell' Substitutions-W. '" J., Btaraynskl the W. & J. line for Pauly. Kirkman Cook allpped off the Weatern Ma.ryland point. Seere=-w. lind J., 6; West!!rn ter for thrcll, but both teams were 011'- for Donds; Kirkman for Mny; May for slipped off the Wastern Marylalld right right tackle for threo yards. Kirkman Maryland, O. Maehame.r kicked off to side and the ball was brought back. Amos; R,ohinson for Secrist. Neal guard for eight yards. AmaH gainad hit the Western Maryland right side Cook who returned to the 35-yard Chambers picked up two yards at eon- kicked off t.o Cook who enme baek to another yard at the other aide. Kirk· for a yard. Kirkuulll thon crashed murk. W. and J. failed to gain alld ler. Kirkman spoiio.ld McMains' at. tbe ,V. &; J. 25-~'ard line. Kirkman lUllUmade II first down through tile t.hrongh cent('r for the aecond W. &, J. Kirkman punted to I_ong, who reo tempted forward pass. ran fumbled and \Veill~h)(,krecovered 011 il1aryland right side all the W. & J. 29· touehdown, the Presidellts carrying ,turlled to the 36-ynrd line. Me1I[ain~ off the Red and Black tight taeklo for the W. and J. 2G-yllrd mark. Cham· yard lille. .Amosran n wide end play the bnll 72 yards from a kick·off with· got off 10 a quick punt whie]l rolled three ~'ards. Neal's punt went over ber$ fniled to gain and Neal brokc llt the Western Maryland left end for ont losing it. Score, W. &, J., 12; We~t· uninterupted 10 Ihe Washington-Jef. the end wne, and tho Presidents' put through the W. alld J. lett side, dodge!l threc yards as the third period ended. ern Marylaud, 6. Heisel lield the -ball fenon 10-yarll line. Kirkman's long the ov~l in pJay on tlleir 20-yard line. several taeklcrs and ~riuted over the Score, W. &. :T., 6; Western Maryland', lllld Ma~cfailed to kick placeml:mt for punt WCllteut of bounds on the West Weisbeek snbstitut.ed 011 Western last ehnlk line for a touelldown Willi 6. tho extra POillt. Score, W. & J., 12; ern Mnryland ~3.yard line. McMains ....Iar.l'lalld for Machamer at right McMains holding the baR Chambers Western Mal'ylllnd, 6. Gilchrist sub, faile(l to gain. AllIOStook MeMain's guard. EdwardS'supplanted Cook on failed 1!t n placement. Score, W. &, J., FOURTH QUARTER stitnted for Ki~krnan, Mitchell for short punt lllld ran back to the Presi the W. alld J. backfield when Cook was 6; West('rn ?iHryland, 6. Neal kicked KiTkman gained a yard running tho Rei~el, Secrist for Robinson, and Behm d~ntB' 48-yard line. Downer substi injurlld on the last plar. Kirkman's olI for Western Maryland. Cook reo Western Maryland right tnckle. Cook for Douds on W. &, J. Haring went tuted for Olear at Western Alaryl~"'l ]1nnl. was received l)y Mc),lains WllQ ~eived 1111dreturned 24 )'ards to t1le pi(lked up a Yllrtl, running tho West in for Gallagher 011W. &; J. line. Ed right tackle. Amos hit BCllter for a was downed Oil the 'V. and J. -ii-yard W. nnd J. 34-,-ard linc. AmoBwent oUL ern Marylnml right ond. lIIeMains 1'01, ,,-nr(ls replaced Cook; Pauly for Her· first down on the lIlnryland 37.yard line. See.rist sub~fit,uted nl the W. and of bounds all a plunge at the Tllrror lurned to the Western Maryland 31· rold on W. & J. 'Vestern Mar.vlan,l line. A forward paslI, Amos to HerroW .J. right end for Robinsoll and Se.ilu rigltt guard. A'HOShit the Western yard line when taekled by Asehman. Bubstituted Norris for Clark; Olear gained eight yards. First period ovar hardt for Don Male('llm. Nealon n MaTyland left tackle for one yard. Gom811ksnbstituted on Wl'storn Mary· for Dowller and R.. Chambers for Weis· with the ball in W. and J.'s possessioll straight plunge at e.'nter gnined t.wu ,\lllOS could 110tget 1II0relhan a J'nrd land bnrkfield for O. Chambers. Miller beck. May kicked olI for W. &, J., on Wt'stern Maryland's 21'Y3rd mark. .vnrd". Oll (I douhle paas Miller to in a cenier plung!.'. MelIIains waE Wil8 halted without gnin, but the PI'C~ the ball goillg oyer the gall] line. The Score W. Rnd J., 6; ,Veslern lIIarylallll, Neal the lalttlr made a fir$t Ilow1Itak. stoJlpetl in his ira('ts by Starzynski 011 ident.s ,nrc offside and were penalized Southernen ~erimmaged on their 20· O. lllg the bull out of bounds on tho Red :!:: ::ae\~~il::[i~'~:~:,~-Y;:~t~ine ~:' :\:s:e~:s;.hr~e~:~~~s b;a~ot~:~;\:~ :I:~ yard line. MeMains failed and a for SECOND QUARTER and Black .12-yurd mark. ),fc),lnuls :II[ai1111was stopped without gai.n in H W. and J. left side. :r.Uller tried the ~:(~d~~~~,~w~~s~::er~~!~~rl~Y),~:;~;::~ With ileisel bolding tlte ball, Amo~ :~:s :1~:iSr:dI!;; ~d~oR:fo:heth~~~~';::;d;: tr~- lit the Wash.-Jeff. left tn.ckle. Nenl Washinglon·.TMferSOllright side, but 25·ynr(\ line. Gilchrist gained 'Ihree failed 10 kiek n placement goal fit the wus hurl(>dfor a loss 01' a rnrd at the Robinson halted him for 110gain. Mil· yards in Ihe line. l~dwards got tll'O 28-yard lino. Western Mnrylanll line breaking through Ilnd smearing Wash.Jeff right side. McMains' short ler kicked out of bouuds on the Wasll- more through tIm line. Blnck Bubsti. scrimmaged on its own 20-ynrd line. the plar. Smith substituted at left punt wont out of bounns at midfiell1. ingtoll-J('ffersen 45·yard line. Cool.. tuted on W·. & J. for Huring in thli McMains gained a yard rUIlDing thll end for Pelt('!! on Western Maryland. TIeis!'1fuml1led. hu.Lrero"ered hims"lf tore aroulld. Ule West.ern 1.fruylnnd (C t' d B t f C ______________________________________________ on_,'_""_'_0 tom 0 01. I-Page 4) A Delicious Mixed Fruit and \ Sundae Topped with Whipped Cream Only~5 cents --I- /~:~srr\ Griffin's G60M/al'n Shoppe west SODA CIGARETTES Hand Painted Broches
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