Page 80 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 80
Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: IDqr ~nUI iug :-: COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATIONS CUl'S WON BY WESTERN MAltY- 1Illtl'r-Qlolll'gintl' FORBODE ILL FOR SOPHOMORES LAND AT OAMP :MEADE TO BE Offi~ial newspaper of Wlestern Maryland College, published OD Wednesday during DISPLAYED AT MILITARY the aeadetnic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, By MARIAN CURLING BALL NI'1U.6 Maryland. Entered as seconcf'·clus matter at the Westmillster Pcstoffice. Liaten, Sophomores, and. you shall Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. The second round of the Eastern hear of a dire event forecasted here. The first dlepaly of the cups won. by Leaa than fOllr months from now you, the western Maryland's at Camp Inter-Ocflegiate Debate League, was UANAGING STAFF held on February 26. The debates that Editor-in-Chief .. . George S. Baker, '27 poor dears, will Ibe subjected to an- Meade this summer, will 'be made at are scheduled are as follows: Brown at Managing Editor .. . Carroll A. Royer, '27 other effort of the authorities ntW. M. the "Military Ball on Friday night. Ae- Harvard, Harvard fit wesleyau, Wes· C. to raise the I eeuege to Captain Woolley, the cups to the higheat eordlng Asst. Managing Editor. ...... W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 standard. While Seniors, throwing \l'ill 'be gotten on 'I'hursdny from thc leyan ~t Brown, Amherst at Yale, Yale Business Manager ... . .artbur B. Cecil, '28 their hereditory mantle of dignity upon Corps base at Camp )Jeade, and brought at Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania at Am heret, Prince.ton at WillialllJl/ Williams Asst. Business Managers .. Will. E. Hahn, '28 the shoulders of the eager Juniora, yell to westminster for t he first time. at Dartmouth, Dartmouth at Princeton. Class, Last Class, Last ClaSll," "Last .. { Alvin Albright, '28 It is to be remembered that bhe The question open for diaeusaien will yOIl,will be struggling 'With the mOIl- Circula.tion Manager .. . .. W. Edwin Warfield, '29 ster, "comprehensive examinations." western MarylandJ~ were in most be; "Resolved, tba t this house ap- distiuguished and most efficient Com· Asst. Circulation Managers. {II. V. Scott, '30 Aeeordlng to the eatalogue "these pany ill the entire Camp. Bilver Iev- proves the reeommelldationB of Preai- . "[Roy L. Robertson, '29 examinations are given at the end of ing Cups were donated to the most ef'. dent Coolidge in regard to navnt con- Art Editor. .......... " Pete" Gomsak, '30 the Bopbcmore year eoveriug in a gen fieient Company and thereby we claim struct.ion, as ecntained in his 'budget message of December B, Be- Editors of Copy _ . .. {M. Gertrude Ranck, '28 era] way the aubjeet matter of the fil'at proeeesion to the same. This same eoni- sides the triangular debates, 1926." each In- and second year's work. Special atbeu- Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 Lion will be given to the etudentte abil- pany won the cup for rifle competition, stitution will send two teams tc the as well aa ha dng REPORTORIAL STAFF ity to crganize his knowledge and to individual "shots" the fi~.'!tsix highest rostrUlll, o,!e speaking at home while in the regiment. News Editors express this knowledge in eorreet end George Baker, present senior, rated the the other goes away. Those defending 'l'bete is a suffieient L. K. Woodward, '27 Billllche Ford, '27 eouejae English. examination to take seeond highest in the regiment and 1'03 the affirmativ-Elside willibe awa.y from election in the horne. Associate Editors eeived a fine pen and peneil set as a 1\farian Curling, '27 J. Pani Lambertson, '28 care of varianee i.u mathematics, lang· premium. Virginia Wright, '27 'Wilson K. Barnes, '28 unges, and seiences." Two other cups, one fol' wi.uning the Northll.eld wns scleeted as the suit- YO\lrlbruins will be racked when you Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 view something like this: traek meet and one for beiug the best able pIaee for thc ""estern New Eng· R.EPORTERS J. FOl'mulate a. satisfaetery definit~on drilled Company complete the honors land Student Conference, which was l\{iram Royer, '27 Ruth French, '28 for phychology. aestowed upon the prospcrous outfit. held February Jl and 13. About one Dorothy J\'Iellott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 COlljugate £aire, ponl'oir, and crain Everyoue will be extremely i.utereeted hundred and twenty-live delegates from Gilmol'e Lippy, '27 Mercia Rarme, '27 dre. in seeing these emblems of united work, n.ll the colleges and universities in Charles Summers, '28 Cnl'vin U. Seitz, '29 3. Writc 11 short snmmary of "Hoher lind it has been rumored that the om· western Ncw Eng1~uil 'Were present. Ilot·tense Pettit, '27 Katherine Doylc, '29 als die Kirche" ill German. cer's Club will hnve their pieture tak- 'l'he subject diseusscd at the eonfer· Hubel't Johnson, '28 Marvin Sterling. '30 Yon will wonder, too; are algae thai· en for the year 'book, surrounded by ence was, "The Christian Way o:f "Jap" Weisbeck, '30 2\Ial'garet llIldth: ~l~r.~cra- very~erait~. ~~~e. ~~~BQ,:ler Rd" :
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