Page 78 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 78
Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, AiUluut NrUtn Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN The Freshmen who presented the The next meeting of the Shakespeare We nrc glad to welcome Miss Ruth program of Pebruary fourteenth, eu- Club will be Wednesday evening, March Schliueka Lnck to the Hill. Any news items concerning W. M. Dr. Legg, '02, who was active in the tcrtatned their Browning sisters with 9, at 7.30 P. U. See Page 2 for pro· will bc gr&tefnlly received. college cam}ln.ign drive, is a practicing n .liinstrel Show. Good old-faehioued grUIll. Mias Eloise Ri(lgely wall' a \'isitor ou phY.'Iician ut Union Bridge, Md. "eolnhed-folks" were In evidence ev- the IIill over the week-end. erywher~, mammys, piekiuirriea, and Enr~ R. Long, '26, is tell~hing M!tth Dorolhy l1illAniel Herr, '18, and old uuejea. The black people put ev Y. W. C. A. NOTES iltiss Virginia Reynolds spent the in the junior high school at Hngera Ober Herr, of Westminster, are being cryone in a cheerful mood with their week·end in Baltimore, Md. town, Md. Her address is F'unketcwn, congratulated on the birtb of 11- baby jokes ana aouga. The minstrels were Tbe ulceting of February sixteenth Md. hoy, burn on Wednesday, Febrnary 16. the Misses Bell, Bringle, Priteherd, was in the form of a good old fnah- ?\liss Pruuces Hamblin was called '76, Marthn Gareelou, Bay, Armstrong, MeVey, and ionef song service rluring which ev- home Saturday on account of the sud- Announcement has been reeelved that of ?lfrs. Fenby of SIllit11 Fonby, is- celebrat- wile Dr. '27, aud "Jilek" Baltimore, .XIyers, Street. eryone hud a ehnuee to call f()r her den death of her Grfllldfather. Phillips, e:";"28, nave beell married "Betty" since ing the fi_ftieth ann.i,·ereary uf her grud- favorite numbers. .Jnnuury 0, 1026. . nation from Western Marylaud College . Ncxt week there will be au echo of BROWNING AND PHILO .'.lisses Margaret wuson and Thelma SCHEDULE DEBATE the Hood Conference. Come and hear McVQ.I' were taken to the hospital this AIllQng thoae seen on the Hill IIl.'!t the delegates tell Qf their experiences week !lnd were operated on for ap- Col. Sibert Thorn Strayer, '95, ie an week-end. wen: Mnrlnn Stevenson, ox- The annual deb II t e between the and guod times. We wish them a speedy re- office!'- in the U. S. Oavf\lry, living in '29, Rnth Harryman, '~6, Dee Beach- Browning 11Ud PhilmllnthefUl Literary _ eOl·ery. Washingtoll, D. 'C. Col. Strnyer's le~', '26, und J-Jloisc Ridgely, ex·'29. rlaughter is nbroad, studying art. Soeleiies has 1.>e('n :iChcduled for Monda,\' -:lIarI'll 7, ill Smith lIall. The PHILO NOTES If interested ill the co-cd team Lien!. W. P. G1'HCC, '~6, has reeently for del;lDle ia, "Jt.csQlvcd, lh~t forget Ihe four eomillg home Wilsie AdkillS, ex· '10, of Salisbury, llPQn for apIJendicitis'. l'hllippines shonlrl be grail ted com· Tbe Fresbmen ellt('l·taincd at tho glllllQS lin l!'ri(lay, February 25, Satur· Md., was l'ccenllJ seen Oil tho call1pus al Furt PresidiO, S~ll pldCl independence." Philo will uphold rneBtilLg ef Febnmry foul'teenth, with rl'l.l', jo'cbrn~r.r 26, Saturday, March 5, wlit·n sll(l wns ,-isiting Dr .. and Mrs. A. C!\lifllrni~, as a SC~C1la Lieu· the aifirlllati,·c, whlle Browlling will de.· (l. series of vcry entertaining lIumbllfs. alia Suturday, ?llnreh 12. N, Wnrd o11ld )lr5. Billingslea of West· U. S. Army. fC1ll1 the negaliye. millster,,.Id. Both aueietieso 11lH'e chosen their ~~t P!~IOtl!al~o:~oko~~1 ~::l!~:!m~in::: "E"cr_rane coutell1plMing marringa T'hn)' E. Gilbert, '93, who was toast teams: Philo, Virginia Shockley, .Alice Lieutcnant l)~I'id Hottenstein, 'Z2, llln~tcr ut flie Alumni Banquet, is promi· when the :Misses Prosky, }'. JOlles, sh~~:: ~e;:~o~h~n:~lre:~~n;r~~~;;J: picked 8mnll, Evelyn Pusey, nnd Frances Const Ariillcry Corps, who is' noll' mak· !lellt ill tlie real eslute business ill Balti· l1aughley; Browning, Mary Hull, Thel· :l~~'d~t~~t;h~:ll, ~:;.d b~~h~:;it~Ui~:iP;~~ up '~;'~i::. and proceeded to tulte a tour of foreign s~n-i~e ill the more. His d"ughter, Gene Gilbcrt, who nta Shreiner, EI~'ie H('ld, and Gertrudo Dep~rtll\eJ\t, hn~ been grant- nitCllried lhe prep st.ho()1 for a short silug several songs to "uke" music. Ranrk. Baeh societ~' promises the best ed 11 of a'I)SCllCe for four months, time, iJ! a frt'(jueut \"isi!.or on tlie Hill. The .Misses Rond, Smith, Itnd Mitchell team yet pra~rnted for inter·soeiety de performellsomentldeticstUllts . .R,uth with permission 10 visit foreib'll COUll baling. Browning has an ndvantage by Stltley ani! Virgin in Mitcbell took the WAKE UP, GIRLS I JajluJI, China, lndin, auil Europe CuI. "Bob" Gill, II'ho disting· lI(jvaueing two Yeterans, a debnter lind cnroute to the United States. Tho uiehed himself during war 11S a an IIlternate from last year's team. purts of twu very merry little sai10r IIas ~llyone noticed how the girls' Icayc lvill boeomeeil'ectiyeut theCOllJ' member of th~ famous Raillbow Dil'is Philo is more determined than ever to boys, and gave somo clever horupipe IIld !!pirit ill literary societies lins been plction of his tour in Ihe Philippines Oil ion, i~ a p!'clllliJlcnt lawyer in Bultimore. IH'Cllga the two rldeats she has r>UlIered steps. ]'Jiss Wnlluee and Miss l~ead walling la.tely~ 'No one scems to take or IIbeut Yay 1, 1927. Upon tbe expirn· Col. "Bo!)" has t.aken a great pl.1yed t1 pinno dnet, nnd :Miss Gleich· rlt the hand~ of Browning. The dcbute any interest ill them. 'fhe programs tion uf his leave, Lieutenant Hutlfl,u, inlere~t ill tho college l1ctivities, lllan gaye!t violin solo. Refreshmeuts this }'car promises, from every angle, tQ aro few and far between; fow girls stein will report for duty llt Fort MOIl and recently g:!I'e a banquet for the were sen'crl, and everyone (lepartcil in be grcn1er than auy previoue Browning· ,,'·en bother to attend the meeting$. roe, Va. His present address is- Fort Terror football team. Hia address is Philo debate. high spirits. Wake up, girls, and take an interesi McKinley, Philippine Islands. Keyser Building, Baltimore, Md.. in your aoeiety t Get up somo snappy entertainments, come out to the meet· Y. M. C. A. NOTES W. W. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER FOR QUICK SERVICE BONSACK'S ings, and see if you can't bring bad< some of the old time pep aud cntbusi- Ca!l AI On Februar~' 16 the Y. -:lr. C. .A. meet GREETING CARDS ing was in charge uf the Sophomores, ThcW. W. girls were hostesses at a .'1sm for literary soeieties. Don't let The Quality Shoe Shop who reported on t.he Hood' Omferenee. delightful atuner party in the College the boys get ahead of youl j. D. KATZ jM The Scriptures 'were read, by W. K. Tea Room 'Satnrday, February the EVERY OCCASION nineteenth. Thc guests were escQrted Whitcraft after whieh Paul Howard by members uf the club to the tea SENIORS FILL APPLICATIONS FOR ga,'!' a summary of the opening Iladreas Westminster Stationery Store of the conference by Benry Van Dusen. r~oJll and there welcomed 'by the reo TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr 'Phen he gave lin aceount of the discus- oeption committce. BILLY OlTMAN, Prop. The Newest and Best Clothing __ sio~~vas in, "How to ehoose TJle room was deeorated to resem' The scniors S]lent a bu.8)' week dnd Fl,l'nishings. - 11 Hfe work." '.rhen he was followed blc an- old fa5hi()Hcll. garden, the place filling in the applieation blaJ\ks for Kodaks Films Novelties Goods for Young Men. by W. K. Whiternft \\'110 told of some curds favors, an(1 eutertaillll1ent eon 'fe/lehers' Certificates. "What year Monlny and Weekly 'Periodical, uf the aetil'itiee of the conference and furmoo to that idea. :\[i8s Bess Hay· was I born~" "What year ilid 1 grnd· 10 Per ce,,' oil to Col/cge Shu71!ftls alsQ the eOlllJllissiol1 he was- in, "Com man, accompanied Oil thc violin by uate from grammar school'" "now )I_iS3 Dorothy Gillignn, sang "In Au Hlauy weeks did 1I'e hnve 'Geographic Wehler & King pet lOtion ,·s. CoolJeration in Industry." WHEN Afier a song the meeting was cloS'Crl.. Old ]o'agldOned Garden" alid "Sunli.n' En,'irunmelltJ' " and "In what towu GRADUA'l'E PHA'RB_IACISTS .P~llows, reports of the topics discus, Through." Miss Muude Brown, the did ~'ou attcnd primary schouU" were DOWN sed will be. given in the next meetings. toa.stmi.streH~, cleverly introduced the but a few of the que-stions the Seniora The Rexall Store Slruggle<:l to answer. Westminster, Mel. Come out and hCM the import.ant ques- indil'idnal speakers, lllllong whom were 1'OWN tions brought up in the "]:" confer· the .Misses B..Jones, Be,·ard, nnd Gilli- Higher IllnthmnutiCB camc in handy s'rop AT ences nt the present lime. gan. for rhe lucky few who had pursued sueh a course. 'l'he others struggled vainly tal· D. S. GEHR on, ill the attempt to lllake records "Pop" Shipley's BUG BITES Virginia:~"And was Valentine real· 1.". l_raBaint'" If anyone 5<1yS it wns un e{lsy job, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, During a recent. Varsity basketball 1\liriam:-"WlIY you know he was! wait until you hnve lln opportunity to Building Materials, Cutlery, Light Lunches and Soft Drinks game on n. vi.siting court, a hig husky He drove all the snakes out of Tre A1t out suell a blnuk, and then langh. AT THE FORKS brute,, stood up and, "ith bnd!" Ammunition, Paints, Oils, tho I'Qiee of a ferociQus CIlTlar)" w!lntcd Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, to know if "Bald Engle" Weiglc wus THTS IS NO JOKE FAsmON SHOW "Greasy NCIlI's" uncle. 'Cap.' s,-,ys, A college is :l grent. inventiOn, Iron and Steel Products. EAT-A- PlATE-A-DAV "lt ain't matllcnwtic'llIy correct." )-fr~. Doyle, frum liutzlers, assisted The gelS all the fame, (Established 1868) The printer gets alt the money, by the Misses WnrfielU and Detrick, Westminster, l'Ild. Quite 11 few ala John ·Woodcn's have ,'\url the 8tMI' geh all lhe blame. presentcd (I, fashi:traeted and 1 can't see what Specials for Pat·tics. The Only Barber and Bobber at I'm reading. PHONE N9_R the Forks .
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