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Page T11)O The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: ID4 .r ~ n III 1&u 9 :-:, SENIOR BOYS "STAG" PARLOR 3lntl'r-Qlo lll'giatl' MUSIO RECITAL BIG SUCCESS Last Sunday afternoon, shortly after The Recital Official newspaper of W\estern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during dillner, n fairly large detuehment of February 13,by gh'en Friday evening, !.headvaneedstadents the aeademie year by the students of Western Maryland Coll~e, Westminster, Senior, boys decided to "stag"·parlor. Nl'IDS of the i\Idsie Department was a big Maryland. Entered as eeecna.etaee matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. They selected Mission Parler ne head- euecess. Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Year. quarters, to the annoyance of some of Discovery of a supposedly new COlli' The program waa opened by Miss the more retiring "parlorites." et of the light magnitude, W!lS an- Bromley, who played>Chapin's "Waltz MANAGING STAFF The piano seemed to be the eenter of nounued at the Hlln-ard Obeervntory, iu C Sharp Minor." MiS3 Warde play- Editor-ill-Chief .. . .George S. Baker, '27 nttraetion. Soou the eharaeterlstically from the Astronomieal College house at cd "Carnaval" by Schumann. Managing Editor. . Carroll A. Royer, '27 sombre and restreinerl atmosphere of Ccpenhnguu. 'I'he diseoverv was made 11r. Reed Hang" A Night Song," and Asst. Managing Editor. . W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 "parlor" ill bnd weather was enlivened l)y Dr-. William Reid, all amateur as ('~ry Lovely Celia." MiS!!Gurling ee- lighted t.he uudience with two ~elee-tiolls by unaccustomed sounds of festivit~·.• t ronomer who already has the dlscov Business Manager .. . " Arthur B. Cecil, '28 By the time the boys got well "warmed err of SCI'cncomets to bis credit. This from "hladmne But.terfly," by Puc- Asst. Business Managers .. Win E Hahn '28 up," nnd the par lorites hail. "eome to" new comet known as Rcid's comet is "One }"ine Day," lind "Musottas . ... { Alvi~ .Albright, '28 sufficiently to wonder "whtlt it WtlSall not visible in the northern hemisphere. Song." U,s;, Ford sang the Circulation Manager .. .. "'V. Edwin Warfield, '29 about," the dean heard' the commotion. beautiful Serenade "Sing, Smile and by Gounod, accompanied on Slumber" He >lrrh'ed, entered, 'Ind the boys caine Dr. Roher-t Belle Burke, Deau of the Asst. Circulation Managers. II. V. Scott, '30 out. A few, however, lingered to exe College of the Ullil'ersit,y of Peunsyl- the violin by Mr. Carroll Royer. .. { Roy L. Robertson, '29 cute tho ooothing strains of "Good Miss Wright played Greig's "Darni Art Editor .. ........ "Pete" Gomsak, '30 Night, B.1ker" before retiriug. Eren· vanja and Professor of "I,atin, has rc- ,-al," and Miss Royer playcd "Etnde in EngUsh the first completed Editors of Copy . ... {]\f. Gertrud'c Ranck, '28 lually they, too, were suppressed. Peace of Roger Baeon's "Opus C Minor," by Lis1.t. Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 descended onee more on "parlor." Ma,ius.' , This translation, whieh reo Miss Smith sang "rn 1.Iy Garden," R.EPORTORIAL STAFF quired four years, was suggested by anit "1.'he Piper of Love;" and, Mr. a progrlllll with Xiehols closed the News Editors SNOWBALLING TO BE Dr. Newbold who pointed out that, splendid rendition of "The norn." L. K. Woodward, '27 Dlanche Ford, '27 REGULATED since Baeon's works arc becoming more II. study, there was no rea popular as Associate Editors In a meeting of the male slutlent· son why his "O}lUS Majus" should DR. WARD SICK Marian Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 boily of Western Nnrylan(1 College on not be trnuslatl'd. Tho general plnn of Virginia Wright, '27 Wilson K. Barnes, '28 MondllY,D~an Easton req\lested the eo· tIl{>two ,-olul1IIISof this work is are· Dr. Albert Norman W~rd, who has Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 opcration of everyone preaent to pre,·cnt sume Of lhe l~arning of the thirteenth oeml sick at his home s'n~e }'ebruary REPORTERS reckless snowballing. It was stated eelltury. elcvrl.,th, suffere(\ n relapse Munday Miram Royer, '27 Ruth French, '28 Ihal "inc hundred windows lire broken mornlng. Dorothy Mellott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 II .\'ear, the. majority of them during At Mount HOlyoke college history is 'fhe elltire student·bod.\" wishes him Il. the winter mouths. Gilmore Lippy, '27 Mercia R.nyme, '27 Dean Easton suggested that snow· being tnught wm, the aid of motion speed.l'reeovcr)·. Charles Summers, '28 Curvin l\[. Seitz, '29 bnlling be restricted to certnin areas not pictures. Fifteen pietures- un Ameriean IIol'tense Pettit, '27 Katherine Doyle, '29 in to the buiJ[lings. It was History hll.vebeell presented to the col· Dr. A. J. Morrell Hubert JolInson, '28 },Iarvin Sterling, '30 lege and it is the pllm of the Hiator)' "Jap" Weisbeck, '30 l'ITargaret Martignoni, '29 adl"ocnted suowballs should not be Department tu lm,'e the pictures before CHIROPRACTOR George Salter, '29 thrown at the dormitory or at the class. These lcetures together with 1m)' windows. was also suggested other souree material will go to make 110 E. JUail) St. Phone 175. that. the faeulty and the deans of Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. spared during the "bombard'· up tho terlll gr!lcles: ment. "The Country's Besl" ti.m· Ol'er 100,000 acre~ of Florida DR. JAMES' WORK GIVEN mGH CO·EDS BATTLE ELEMENTS TO berlalld lta"e been sold for $2,000,000 Wm. F. Myers' Sons RECOGNITION ATTEND CHURCH Snowballing is now in vogue. The by Tufts eollege at "Medford,Yass. 'I'he University men ure quite profioie.nt, and PORK PACKERS The Poets' Club feels highly honored 'I'hree I'('uturesome co·eds faee,l the pr(\]lert~· was bequeathed to the oollege witli Dr. B. B. .Tmnes,-on6of its found· ie'y blasts Sun(lny morlli"g when they 11"00bi) to the unthinking fair ones who by an alumnus who died several years AND ers, in the IIplendid reeognition given his struggled through the snow lwd sleet to dure oppose the~ iuvulncrable marks· ago. The 1:md \\"as sold because of its SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS retent work, the operll, "The I3nn attend church. Arrllyed in sweaters, men. And, woe be to tho!)Crooms whose iucreased mlue. Tho proflt~ of the sale God," which hM bcen set to music b)' sliellers, galoshes, and oM hats, they windows are left i,witingly open. What will be un'ested in a Sellool of Interua Retail Groceries Phone 360 the noted composer, Hugo, lIud sponsor stumbled lmd "Ii(} dowu College Hill. better targct eould, be prcsenledf NOlle, tirmal Law and Diplonwcy Ht Tufts. ed by the Pau·Amerieall Uniou. The • Snowballs were tassed, eyebrows were uuless it be the broad IlnsuspceU.ngbaek of one's erstwhile asr;ailallt. Pan.Ameriean Union n"nOUllees.,"Pre· rtlised, ehildren's ehubby noses were 'fhe 1!l26·2i Bates catalog, .iust is· lud'es from the J.ames·Hugo Pcruvian mashed against frosted window panes, sued, gives an enrollment of six hund· Full selection of Opera, "The Sun God," will l)e given and epithets were hurled at the_daunt· W. M. C. EXCHANGE BUREAU red and fort.y·five students, with (,wo premier renil.itlon on the evening of less females ns they langhingly and de· hundre\l and sb;:ty·six at the summer MandolillS Guitars February 28th, being bruadeasted frum lil,lPralel~'jumped ill the deepest snow· 'rom Eaton 'wishes to cxehaHge bis session. Thcre are listed some forty· and "Uk:6S" the Ar1ingtoJl Station, Washington. The s~ ~e ~)05t sl~~ eurls for a good meal. dgll.t;' t.aCJllt:.Va.nd-thir· ~""""'nting·s~hodule in the program will be its feature and will Hill. They IIrrived in tillle to powder modest)" for a parlor date. the history of the college. Teams from THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK include the pur~ly orchestral portiolls, their noses and, eat the usual Sunday Billy Bay wants to Cl>chango hie fOIl\' differellt nations will be met, OF WESTIVr"-TSTER whieh, it is said, establishes a record Mrrtely, The Preludes to the Acts, whieh (linner. roommate for a bigger moustaehe. among Amerienn colleges. Within the "\Vestminstcl', Maryland. are three in llumber, beillg a departure B. 1. Barnes wants to exehnngc his Union this team is entertaining eight $125,000 for Graud Opera, instead of the Ulllla] good looks for love. diirerentstates . CnpituL .. . . .$150.000 generalo\,crture. WARD HALL "SCENTS" LIM· Slu'plns and Profits. The Pan-Ameriean officials after tJle BURGER MYSTERY • sp~;:sP~:neH~~~::~l;a a:;er~~:l~:n~~ :~: Jacob J. \Veaver, Jr., first rehearsal, said thnt tbe orehestra library. Western }"Iarylallj! \lebnting team Chairman of Board. folk were vaSlly impressed with the There wn~ storming, both within and Mary Hulh Holt Wnllts to exchange will meut Boston College at "\Vestmin· II. K. Woodward, President. musie and were greatly enthusiastie. It without the stately portals of Ward her vietrola for something more affec· ster }'riil:i,r, April ~~, on tllIl Wnr is Baid that Hugo's musie for this opera Hall late Saturday night, whe" II. stu· tionate. Debts question. 'rhis will be OUt fea· George R. Gehr, will make musical hinory for Ameriea. dent, upon opeuing his d'oor, got both Eloise wants- to exchange anything tnredobntooftllcscnson. Vice-President, Cashier. Of eourse all Western Marylanders lungs full of n plltrcdillOU~ odor that for a little pence. and friends will listen in. Remember bsued forth from his r00111. Such an Peggy Barnhart wanta to exehange T. W. MATHER & SONS Telephone 55-R the date, February 28th, -Washington, oclor eould CODlefrom jll&t one thing- h~r /llnrm clock for moro t.illlo to sleep. CHAS. KROOP ,\rli"gtou Statio". We extend, too, ou.r Limburger Cheese. ][~le" Dennis wants t.o excllango her lieart}' congratulation to Dr. James for Without fnrther investigation, the ability to "[lnraet men for something Westminster's Leading Store Leading Shoe Repair Shop this well desen'cd reeognit,iOll. enraged student, his brow eorrngnted, JHOI'cusefu\' 25 E. Main St. his eyeS' fired witn maliee, stormed IIp HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES Westminster, Maryland. lind down the hall, depicting, ill a lang· AT THE. STAR SHAKESPEARE CLUB ANNOUNCES uage famili1tr to Il-.8 all, the person who The Authorized Shoes for the Send your shoes to Charles PROGRAM deposited the obnoxious limburger in Wednesday- W.M.C. 1\1'001' by Parcel Post, they at will the same The following prognLm will be given his rOOm. No onc wa~ needed to herald 'f'lm 'FTG.H:TL"\"GPEACE1J_ARER be repaired day II. vel'Y low eost. at'the next meeting of tho Shakespeare his coming. lie sent forth his ehal· Mystery Pilot R. O. T. C. Give us a Trial. Club, Mareh!.l, at 7.30 P."M. leuge to el"cryoue. They eould eome one Thursday alld I'rlday- ShakC!!peare,.The ?.llln, at Stratford tl.t 11 time or in groups. "FAUST" Babylon & Lippy Company and at T_ondou-MissM.-Warren. No one came forth to accept his ehal· PA'THE NEWiS a~ld COMBDY- Westminster Hardware Co. "Never W-cakeu" BrutuS" Second Speech, from "Juliua lenge, however, 80 the indignant ~tudent. Mrs. KoahiShaeffer at tbe organ. Cae$ar"-1Ifr. Roscnstoek. wcnt baek to Ilia rOOmto endure an iu· 35·2(iaud15e Jobbers and' Retail Dealers in Who is Sy!\;a'-Miss Norman. describable suffering. FLORSHEIM SHOES General Hardware On April 3, the elnb will give a public Saturday- ISLE OF RETRlBU'I'ION program 'in hOllor of Shakespeare's Robert Frazer and Lillian Rieh STETSON HATS birlliday. Griffin's Ronse "\Vith{llltIt Kay Heating and Plumbing Systems Goodie Shop Fable~ International Made-to-Measure Installed PROSPERITY METHOD Monda-y and Tuesday- Includes II full line of mllchiller~' for SODA, CANDY and TOBACCO GOOD A,i\l) :!\lJAUO-WI'Y Suits (Estimates fi'urnished) Chemically Cleuni"g, Dyeing, Steamiug, Poli Negri and 'l'om Moore Drying, Deodorizing and Pressing. The An Al Cook alld Kid Guard Comedy T1Jll onl)' proce5s that, makCll.the g:nment Attention W.M. Students dean and sanitary, without fading or Spring Hats Nusbaum & Jordan Westminster Savings Bank shrinking. -for those who don't know we La(lie~ and gentlemen will SIl"!)from OAPITAL .... $50,000.00 are in our new location for We show .vou ;ndividnality :!5 to 500/0 by having their dresses, oew eombi"nlion of- in the The Sf,ore of Gocd Serviee SURPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 eOllis and su.its ehemieally steamed, Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, cleaned or dJed b)' Prosperity Methods. Black and White The Home of Dependa'ble Merchandise F. Thomas Babylon, Presidllnt Repair and Tailoring ALBERT "ABE" TOZZI, Va·lencia and Blue Finest Grade of V{ ork. Representative of A Convcnient Shopping Plaee Milton P. Myers, Vice President U. W. MILLER, Clea.ner a.nd Dya-. T~ Jacob H.. Handley, Treasurer WESTMINSTER TAILOR "Herb" Elliott, RepteiICntative of THE HAT SHOP WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE 86 E. Main Street l.
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