Page 75 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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COl BEAT MARYLAND Wlt.ESTLING MATCH IN GYM TONIGHT AT 7:30 F. M. TONIGHT Vol. 4, No. 19 Feb. 23, 1927 "Dick" Harlow Signs to Coach at Biblical Drama, Queen Western Maryland for Five Years Esther, to be Presented in Alumni Hall, ~lar. 16 Statement Made to Alumni and Visitors at Foot- Oriental Scenes of Luxury and ball Banquet Splendor will be Attempted For tll~ benefit of some fell' who mfl~' On Ual'ch ]0, ill Alunmi 11:111, "Es have failed to nctiee t1ml "Dick" Har- ther" wlii(-h prumlses to be the 101'e· low has signed a nve-ve»r eout.rnct, licst presented this yenr, will be stinting April 1, 1!)27, to coach at the S~niors of the Speech De, Western 1\f'H)1Jund, we would like to cnll nsslsturl by Juniors. Ali8~ their nttcutiou 10 rnc aame. Whnt more of an assurance as to the position west- en! ),Jarylnnd will hold in Hie Athletic World in the next fi\'cycnr9,could flny st.utlent, :IIU1l1ni Or friend wanl, thuu 10 heart'hi!! In fnct,:ll1of the Slate tenms crew a breath, whea they heard it. E"ery in the enst -ecogntees Coach Harlow's nbility, and indeed, every Western Marylander has 2nd LL Preston Grnec, U. S. A., of seen the proof of ii. the clnse of '26, is-reported recevering 'l'he announcement was mnde CoL from a recent operat.ion for appeudlel- Gill, Uhnirumn of the Athletic tua. He is sfutioned nt Presidio BBr· lee, nt the nununl Football Banquet, rack, San Praueiscc, Cal. nnd even though the Baltimore papers' PRESIDENT \YARD lauded. our wondorfu,l opportunity, we most unique and benuti- hna been confined to his home for over a. week with fecI t some who missed the announce- Varsity Debaters Meet fully-staged play gh'Cll here recently. II. 110\11'.)' cold. ment llIll)' be able to get the iufcrmation Elizabethtown on Allied tlrrough this column. Flapper is Unfitfor Mar- Ride Team is Making Rapid Get behind the man who is putting Debate Question COLLEGE CALENDAR 'We~.tern lIlar~'lalld on the map. Don't riage, Says Dr. Bevans Progress UnderCapt.Wooley wait for him to come to YOIl, go to him, WEDNESDAY, ]<'EBRUAHY 23- n nd talk things over. Speak to him ev Decision is Z-1 for Affirmative ucve ' Inter-Class Basketball, 4.30 inBaker ChapelSermon cry ebnuce ynu have, with a heart-felt 1'. J:lL Present Score Excells That of courtesy. He goes out (If l,is way to Upheld by Pennsylvanians Y. M. C. .A. and Y. W. C. A., speak to eycryoneand the 1ikeshould 6.30 P. M. W. M, Graduate Cites Essen- Last Year's Winning Team be expected or you. Think of our op· A vote of 2 to 1 for the afftruiutir e portunitles with "Dick" as our coach on inter-allied debt ea!lcelJntion was reo __ fnr .fl"1) ",nr~ le~r8- 'I'l]fnJlf'l.]lsifll'r what ~'~::>'"N! l."f:' we ha,·e--a !IIan c;lpable of being the Saturday night hetween Elizabethtown hend couch Ht auy College in the Ullited College nnd Western :Maryla:nd College States, nnd a Ulau who hns sacrificed at Elizabethtowu, Pcnnsyh·ania. The himself to coach your teams and help "'estern llal'~'lnnd tenlll, whiell upheld do,'elop the tenms, to represent your the uegnti,-e side of the question, WflS Alma }.fater for fh'e years. Think it composed ef Sterling, Roaenatock, and over seriously, TJambertsoll, all of whom nequilled thell1sQh'il~ wilu distinction in this inj· WESTERN MARYLAND RANKS unl cootest. Lambertson displayed un HIGH IN STATE BASKETBALL IIsnnl powers of ,'Hgumcntalion, especinl in reblltht!, ani!· was, by all odns, the debaler on the platform. The Very little pub\ieitr Ims been given Eliz.~bethto\\n team gn\'e evidence of the record of Ihe "Terror" hasketball team as far as the State (If Mnryland thoroughgolllg prcpaw.tion and present goes. It will be intere~ting t(l know cd a strong CIIs~ for the cancellation of tlwt Western ![arylaud has de.l'ented the inter·allied war ilebts. orery stnte opponcnt met to date, ill Th~ team made up will of Johnsou, G. eluding t\\'o defeats 11180 at the hands Lippy, und Royer. meet BUCKnell Uni"crsity and Penn S,tale College of state tCll.lllll, which were de.l'catedl at awu), trom home 011 Friday and Satuf a lnler engagement. d I~.r uighl s of th is week, respeetil'ely. To stilTt the State Campaign, Western At Bu~kll(oll the i$sue will be over tile Marylnnd lost II close gUllle to Blue proposed repeal of the 18th Amend Ridge, This defent, howc"cr, was more lhan forgo\tt'll when the "Terror" mell!; nt Ponn Stat~, a modification of LIVENED BY NATIONAL S(lund deeisiHly trolluced the sUllie team the Volstead Ad to permit light wines SONGS AND DANCES 39 to :!5 in Westmiuster. Fudh('r and beer wiil be discussed. lu both p'lnion is n question which shonld ro· triumph at the hands of Stnte quintets ea~cs, \\'estern Uarylalld has the 1H:ga· 011 Saturd"y, Webruary 1(), ut 7045 c"inl nl1l~h solemn ~uHI ~"riou8 thought. CillHe when Loyola was defcated in Bal· til·e. o',,-loek, _.\icDnuiel Hall WilS trnnsformed He outlined certnin definite idenls or COLLEGE CAR STRANDED IN timore 35 to 25, alld 'W'ashington Col· into n1l<11)' different countries, while at- ELIZABETHTOWN lege was defeated, 28 to ~4 ill Wcslmin· re· Formal MilitaryBall will-be tracti,·c peas:l11ts in nati,'C t'ostumes lellt stnnd~rds bI which young people should slcr. Washington holds n I·cry good "idd color to the lonly dallcea. The ellllca"or to mensure their Il"es. On Sundny llHlrllillg when the d4Jbat· cori! on their home tlMr against West· Sponsored Sy Officer's Club first seene \\"11S iu the sunny South, nnll The Ioung man of marriall'C lug ICll111. eOlll])o$ed of Lambertson, ern l\1nryland, amI it is thoughl.thatshe ohl-f!l5hiolled maidens, with flowering should be physieally morally Sterling, lInd Rosenstock, !lecoluJlIl.I1i~(t lI'il! do better against all stale tenms at MANY DIGNITARIES INVITED TO curls and hooped skirts danced' the st!'night, ulld finanei~lly able support by C. A. Royer. President of Debating iloUie. "llnppy Couple SehoUesehe" while II wile modestly, but eom.f(Htabl~'. If lie CQuucil, :Iud J. F. Wooden, )Janagcr of The rleeiding game will tHke plnee UNIQUE EVENT, MARCH 4th singing "Dixi~," accompanied by :Miss W'Ints to iln"e n renl home, he should thetcl11n,stnrtedfrom}:lizabethtoll'nto with the Uni"ersit~, of Maryland ou Forti ~ud assisted by n quintet of eo~" choo$e 1l sensible young womnll, und not WC$tmiuSle!', the,. \\'~re confronted with Wedues\l:ly nigilt. A detory over Mary· Plnns have just .~bout been completcd tumed singers. This dUllce waS' grace a. flapper. She should hU"e high ideal~, nnmerous sllow·d.rifts but continuell Un· land. would probably give Westew for the first _!;'ormul Military Ball e,'er {ul nud \'ery pretty. At its close the shuuldbe S'ymp!llhetic, should. pray, and til halted b.r ~e\'crnl C[I_J'S which were Mar.rlaud the undisputed Championship to be held at Western ~ar)'lllnd. The quintet aflug "Lo"e's Old Sweet Song" shonW ha frit'ndly with other girls. If stuek in ~ drift four miles from Eliza- o.l'),j_arylaud. Committee Iws pra~tically completed· nil in harnlOny. he determines to select a. flapper, lle bethtowll. ,"hell thc road waa finally ne~essary lmsineas truusacti(lUs, Il.nd 1'\'. 'l'he freedom llnd charming spirit of should at least try to hll\-~ a look at the for traffic the "college cur" i~ iu readiness for the molt orIginal without the pnillt and frills. starl. After repeated cfforts SENIORS START COACHING CLASS nIHI individual nffair \V~st'eru Italy were brought i.ntotheseeouddnnee. N.,,,I, it is very important tll:lt the by the O('!'UPllUts and a g.~rnga lllcchauit, by .hlnrylaud hns el'er put on. The om "'l'he Bella ROIlHtIlO," "0 Solo S{llllO pretty was young "'OUIIln have good he!llth. hlnuy il was towed ba(:.k to :Elizubethtown, Itflliuu girls, und Mio" A elMS, instructed by "Barney" eer'~ Club reports thnt besides being a sung by the i!uintet. an'rwise ha.ppy marriagtl has gone for rcp~irs. LfiulbertBOll, Sterling, and Speir, has bee.n rUllning ij;llee February strictly forlual e"ent, the progrnnl will Miss Josephine Wnrreu dId n solo on the rocks becnuse of ill helllth. Wooden rame by train to Littlestown 1, for all Senior boya intenstBd in be 1lrrnuged to go off entirely different. dauce in tho third scene-"The Jlllllp Finall~., the woman, 10 he II real COlU' nnd were brought to the "Rill" by coaching Uigh Sehool athletics. At from all)1hiug held neaT-by. pallion, should, be the intellectual flnd CI19pin Dsy, '26, late Sundny night. ing .Jucks Jubilee," und 11. quartet com· present prn~t.ieully evcry boy in theeJass Invitations have been extended to the socialeqllal of thernan. It is fail'ly Rosenstock nnd Royer arril'C(1 in West posed of t'he )'ieSllrs .. Lippy, Condon, is signed up, and the c1ass~s hal'c been Military Units nt Gettysburg, Hopkins, safe to suy that
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