Page 84 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: m4 r ~ 0 III 1!il u9 :-: 1Jnter-QJ:ollfyintr \ \ lJit11 WI1r Alimini£!trntiol1 Oflieial newspaper of Wlelltern Maryland College, published on Wednesday during Nrw£! '--- the academic year by tbe students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered 1111aecund-elass matter at the Westminster Postoffice. The Boston Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. FREEDOM '------ College debating team Although the President, Dr. AJbert wna awarded the unauimuus deetsion of Norman Ward, hns been confined to hls M:ANAGING STAFF In the midst of some gloriously pa- the judges ever the Randolph Macon bed for some Ume he sti11 maintains Editor-in-Chief. . .George S. Baker, '27 tr+ottc speech on freedom did you ever teem on the quesrton : "Resolved, Thnt able eontrol o\"er,all administrative mat- Managing Editor .. . .Carroll A. Royer, '27 sertoualy consider the spellker's words' the United Statell should cancel her ters. As nns a result of upon his eudenvcrs unprece- the coll1'ga Boston entered an Asst, Managing Editor. .. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 If you did, you immediately reali1.ed the Interalficd wnr side debts," the question. upheld dented era of peace and prosperity. negative of the his Business Manager ... . .. Arthur B. Cecil, '28 fallacy of Putting sentiment. There is no Vice-president McDaniel states !.hat it Into a plain state- freedom. Asst. Business Managers. WID. E. Hahn, '28 ment may shock you beyond words, but The Department. of Hygiene and while the administration has not been ..... { Alvin Albright, '28 Physleal Educs.tiou at Wellesley an- in ernumunlcnt.ion with Anunpolta ainee still I repeat, there is no freedom. We session, Ward's trip before Circulation Ma.nager.. ....... W. Edwin Warfield, '29 are nil sleves-c-to ourselves, to habih nounces Ilrs\' a sports from June to 22 be to July held Dr. opposition to the apprcpriution his illness, been no has for the time, or H. V. Scott, '30 Asst. Circulation Managers. ...... { Roy L. Robertson, '29 good willne\'er evil, and be free to our corupauioua. e, at Wellesley. During be giceu period in edu- mautfested. the This nt tempted insures the suc- almost in this We in all our lives, appropriation. cess of management, Art Editor. . ... , ... "Pete" Gomsak, '30 for (t('ath the we only fire freedom is death. under Even the in t eusivc instruction will of athletics, and 'flJis upproptintion, when added to the cational to be supposed ... {:n. Gertrud'e Ranck, '28 ill methods of coaching and eonducting Gcverucr ts budget, would enlarge west- Editors of Copy . guidance of some supreme being. When ern Maryland's income from state funds Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 we progress along the road to freedom various sports. b:l' $l{l,OaO. Under the prcseue budget REPORTORIAL STAFF we merely give up one master fer an- OOmpletion of the fund 01' ij;250,OOO, Western Maryland re~eil'es only $22" News Editors othe.r. When we break away froUi our for the erection of 11 tliologica.l l1lbora· 500. are L. K. Woodward, '27 - Blanche Ford, '27 friends lost. uud our 'Yc masters, alone. wc Inbred abso in tory as a memoria.l to tho late Pr~sident The student body, br its eomplete co- lute!y ure A~socia.teEditors nlan is a fixed leyalty to his ideals, ills W. Arnold Shanklin, and tentative plans operation with the administratiou hss l'!larian Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 God, hi$ masters, and the ones he loyes. for the bui.Jdin·g were made known on greatly aimplifiod ll.dministratil·O con- Virginia Wright, '27 ,Vllson K. Barnes, '28 }'ebru!\ry 19, by Dr. James Lueken! trol. Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 If by our Qwn egoism we ha VI' risen ;\[cOenaughy, President ef Wesleyan REPORTERS :1.bol'c Lhe common herd and demoEshed University, at the mid·winter alumni Miram Royer, '27 Ruth French, '28 tradition have by flY/tiled o"ertlll'owing our llothing. masters, We banquet in l"airweathet Hall, MOD MORNING, STAR we ollrsclves Dorothy Mellott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 :Ire"Cs, abject te that same Plans fer the building, which will be Gilmore Lippy, '27 'Mercia Rnyme, '27 CeUllllOn herd, standing awe of tiieir er~cted in ihe nenr future en Wesleynn Alarm clocks sonn(}el1 rCI'eille ill Ow' Charles Summers, '28 Curvin 1.1. Seitz, '29 all powerful w~apen, public opinion. plnce, betl\'een the Seott Laboratory of iugs 11u11 on ).rendlty morning long be· Hortense Pettit, '27 Kathedne Doyle, '29 The sum~ herd that we have discarded Physics and the liall Laboratory of fore the usual hour. AstrollOmi(lal en- clill Hubert Johnson, '28 Marvin Sterling, '30 "ith disgust still rule$. When -we break Ohemistry, Similar for to a that brick of and the marble thnsi,~sts jUlUped ant of bed, c.hemi· st,uetnre "Jap" Weisbeek, '30 ~Ia1'g[lret Murtignoni, '29 nwa)', finnlly and ::tbsolutely, 11'11 have rau out illtO the quadrangl~, and lifted George Salter, '29 :.el1'ie\·o& barbarism. If we do this tha try laboratory. thl'ir eager hung ryes the toward mll.rvelous the firmament. Ther~ mOf1ling le:mbings of the hlst two thousand star, nt Worthy opinion~' Model management~· 'Correct news. years ha,'C been fnlse. Yet, 1 had rath- of The medical sehool h'3s recently the University its Alex O'Leltr sllid he llaiL been al1m raised er be thc sla"e of my friends than lhe funds to $1,233,000 mark. The tu- ate!! with ~tars all of his life so he McDANIEL HALL ASSlTMES WHERE IS SHE ? master of my enemies. Sen'ice is the lal mnount to be raised is $3,Q50,000. poiuted alit the morning star to the be· lllost eflieiem rule. Among sOllle of the contributors, who wii(lcred group. 'Vhell someone a~ked UNUSUAL CALM 010 is my sweet futllre spouse, ure not eouneeten the mourners' bench be- When it comes to the l'noney a $cnteuce. will 1ll3ke all invelulltary 'l'ho ease resulted in fellr Rar>ard .runior girls, Friday night, .Mnrch the eIlmll inlmbited, and the "strikes" You're "sweety and honey;" lisit to thl'! infirmary. srui!ellt-s :Ul(l ono ci1'ilian bcing sentenc· fourth, lit fiye·thirty, Se,'rral Juniers found that the o.l:.tlllpUS was apprOI'riate That's hew the young damsels get :>!ay the good Almight.y lla\"e mercy ed to ten days i11 j"il on charges of dis nnd Sephomores decided some time ago for strolls during "parlor." "yen." on him. ~o one eise will. the peace on the uighl of Feb· to hlll'e dinner tegothcr in the kitehen- rUMy Fines were nlso imposed, ette ouce a week. A prOgram was ar- The eld stone bench onee mere took And their figures, of which they ranging from $10 to $25. ranged whereby two girls each week \l'ill on a genial wir as a few boys eougregllt- proud, plan, prepa,re, lind sen'e the dinner. ed. there to hobnob and 10 smoke the (I scureely dare say it aloud) LOVE 1'he gift of $30,000 for the cudew· f:norite pipe. One needed only II little But the crooks ef th~ir knees mellt ef 111 r~scnrch professership in for bit of imagination to aee the ancient cst goils !It Cornell Unh'cuitr was an· Telephone 55-R tree in leaf and the hot 8nn shining Sho\\'n te us by the breeze I nm iu love. With whom' Why Arc noti~ed in mest of the crowd. 1I0ullcr militnristic o\'er Did you el'er realize ",llllt it W;lS to Safety with Customers Apparel :is our ]. D. KATZ portals of the Main Building, the past week·cud, because of the Var· be a 101'erf The wonders ef the world First Consideration. el·t'ning. Then the questioner iou~ eugagements of the Offieers' Club. are at .Iour feel. Fer you and yeu AIJBERT "ABE" 'l'OZZI, continue, "He's in her room now. I'll .'\. strlluger upon stepping into the College Representntiv-e inlroilu~.e yon." ~:ltred portnls of the demicile of the ~lonll is the gierioull sunset, the silent "Herb" Elliott, Special Representatil'tl" Dr. A. J. Morrell S('niors, en :I:'ridny or Saturday shiuml('r of the moonbellUls across the .llany were the reactions te this nn' Levine Hall CHmOPRACTOR hll"e thought he was entering a rippled ",uters, the infinite splendors of nouncement. Some girls, who were en- tury acndemy; for all the inhabitauts nntllra. The rest of the world must see tirely "tuken in," hurriedly asked, SUBSORIPTION BLANK no r, Thlain St.. Phone 175. "How oh1 is he'" or "Is he good, wcre "stepping out" in their unifQrm~ thl'ough Ihe lQver'a eyes. The crines (Fill ont CeupDu and Mail) lookingi" and promptly began to pow' which the tailors and "shines" had exciniUl ol'er the riot of eolors inter- Gold Bug, Western 'Maryland College, derlheirnosesor rearrauge their hair mnde spiff and span. mingled by the but yet will not Westminstor, Maryland. T. W. MATHER & SONS m~re hecomiugly. Other more wary ill' Why all the sudden chnnge to unio walk ns far as the to seethe Enclosed find $1.00 for subseri.ption dividunls belic"ed the brether to be a form, one might ask. Well the sceret same scene of nature. Only a lever's to Gold Bng fer the remainder of the Westminster's Leading Store b(lby or ai. least a amall boy. The of it all is that the Offieers' Club held eye(·llnintel"pre.tnaturc. college year 1926·1927, enriosity ei each girl, howel'er, was suf· their formal ball Friday night, and 'l'he great le\'ers ~re the great think· fitiently ar()used fo lead her to went to Wilson's studio Saturday morn· ers; they pOllder eyer the woes of the HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES "Sm(tlly's" room. 'rhere sitting be- ing to hal'e a picture of Ihe club taken, worl(l and they nre tIle ones who nrrive side the study table und rnading:l book ani! then LO make the weck-eudJ more The Authorized Shoes for the by the study lamp sat the same halld, compll'te, ~everal of the Senior~ journ at the solution, Others recei\'e the reo (Street) seme, life-Jike, pasteboard man, who a eyed to Baltimore, where they atteuded wartlj they care net for it. A lover is W.J.f.C. felv weeks age resided in tile allOW win- the R. O. '1'. C. daece gi"en at Johns the supr~mc creatioll of God. Reverent· R. O. T. O. dow of a dowll,tQwn store. Hopkins Unil'ersity, Saturday night. ly, soulfully thank God for 10,1'. (City and State)
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