Page 82 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 82
Page Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md, Alumui Nrw!i Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN The Phi Alpha :Un's gave a party (Jll The Shakespeare Club wishea to an- :Miss Blanche Ford spent the week- Ihe evening of February twenty-slxt.h nounce that all of its members have end at her home, Elkton, Md. Any news items concerning W. M. Miss Elizabeth Ward, '24, visited her iu houor of George and MlU"thawash- become l.d!iliated ",--iththe Bhakeepea re Alumni will be gra.tefully received. sister Prances, bat week-end. Last Miss E.sther La-wder spent the week- ingt.on. Colonial dnmes and powdered- Association of America. Tbis is tho end at her home, Havre de Grace, Md. ycar Elizabeth taugbt in tho Charles wigged gent lemcn mingled among the first local organization to become one Mias Virginia Bell, '25, who is teach- Carroll High School, but this year she moderns and gave the oeeastou a vcry hundred percent nafionul. The West- Miss Mary Dryden spent the week- jng B:ug1.ishand community elvlcs at is nearer home, teaching home eeoc- rceuve air. Everyone declared that ern Mar-ylnnd Oollege Club has brought end at the home of her parents at Glen tho €lmithburg High School, Smithburg, omtca in the Baden High School in .Md., has been coaching a two-act play George h.illlSCJfmust hnve been present, the .Mnryland membership up to second Burnie, Md. Prince Goorges County, Md. • so was thc whole evening. plnee, New York having :first place. entitled "Step Lively," whic.h was Misses Ellen Gnrecloc and Lneill e given last Friday and Saturda.y even MillSAnnie Hutchins, '08, is recover- Prosk}T were in Azmapolts, Md., over iugs. 'The play was a. real success, and ing from a fractnre 0:1'tbe leg which Y. M. C. A. NOTES BROWNING the week-end. the coach deserves high commendation is
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