Page 83 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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DEBATE TONIGHT DEBATE BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY MONDAY NIGHT, MAR. 14 SMITH HALL GOt ELIZABETHTOWN 8:15 P. M. COLLEGE Sterling-Rosenatock SMITH HALL, 8 o'clock Lambertson JollIulon-Lippy Roy" Vol. 4, No. 21 Mar. 9, 1927 Formal Military Ball Sponsored by W.M.Co-eds Schedule First COLLEGE OALENDAR Browning Wins Third Officers' Club is Unqualified Success Inter - collegiate Debate WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9- Consecutive Decision Y.. M. lind Y. W. C. A., 6.30 P. Over Philo in Debate May Establish Precedent One-Act Plays Repeated Will Meet Juniata 17th at Home, 11. Shakespeare Club, 6.45 P. )1. March at Meeting of Women's Debate: Bucknt'll 1'5. Western Judges Vote 2-1 for Negative Har.dand College. Smith Hall, Lou Young's Chateau Roof An inter-collegiate debate has been 8.15 P. "'1. on Philippine Question Orchestra Furnishes Music Club in McDaniel Hall scheduled between the women of .Juni· THURSDAY, :"'[ARCH 10~ eta College nud the women of Western Science Olub in CIlelllistry Lee- On '\londoy eveing, }Jareh seventh, '\[aryland College for Thursday even On Pr.iday e\-ening of March 4, 192i, B~ special request the two ecllege turn Room, 7.30 P. ?If the third annual Philomatheau-Brown- the Gamma Betn Chi Ball Room was plays, "Nevertheless" and "The Re· ing, "March17, in Smith Hall. Juniata iug Debate look ptaee, The question the scene of au euthusiasttc mobiliza- ,·olt," were repeated Tueado)' evening, wul nphold the affirmative and wester» SATUJW.AY, hl.AJWH L- was: "Rcsllj\·ed, That the Philippine tion of old MOllagonites anti present March J, at the of the Wom- Maryland will defend the negative uf Co·Ed Vllrsit.r Bnakctbnll-c-Y. W. Island should be given absolute inde- Wonlcj-ites, organized to participate in en's Club of westmtneter and their the question: "R.esoll'ed, that tho Gym, 3.00 P. 1\I. Philo upheld the nffirma- a close order drill by presenting arms guests in ].[cDaniel Hall. The business United States should cancel the allied V!trait.\" Boxing lIfntch-U. of P., Browning the uegnt.ive. to tile "sweet young things" and mark- debts." in Philadelphill, Pa. 'fhe judges were Mr. George R. Gehr, ing time to the jazzy eudcnee of Lou meeting was omitted, and the whole ev- Browning and Philo T~iterary Bccte- ;\LOND.\Y, ~LI..R.(lHl~- tllsllicr of tne First Nat icnnl Bank, ening was devoted to t.he especially ar YOUJlg's G'hatcau Roof Orchestra. ranged program. ties have each submitted two debnters, I,itcrar.'" Societies, Women, 6.30 Westminster; Mr. Wolf, principal of Considering that this was the initial Before the present.ation of the plays, fro-m whom the team and an alternate P. 1"1:.; Men, 7.30 P. '\.I.. New Windsor H.igh School, and Rev. effort of the Ofiieers' Club, composed of :\1rs. A. N. Ward, president of the club, will be elected. Philo's candidates are Vnrsitj- Debn!e,Etown College, Eldertlice, pastor of the Methodist .Joy Reillllluth and Virginia Shoekley, Smith n-n, 8.00 P. xr. Prntcstuut Church, Westminster. The !;e;t:~;~h o!~ee~:m:~lltl~~:~d~·t, T~t~~ :~I~keSi~:!~:~·nc:on~;r~~:g~i~~leeh;~:~!;: and Browning's are Elizabeth Bemiller eonstruet.ive speeches were to lie given surprising what success ""as accomplish· Movement, coneluding witll several per. and Thelma Shreiner. 'I'(JESDAY, ",rARCR 15- eight minutes elIch, tho rcbuttnl speech· cd. That it wus stridly a. military af- tinent remarks about Stuart 'iValkor and 'fhe scheduling of this debate wit.h Co··Ed Tntcr·Class. Basketba.ll, 4.00 C6four minutes each. 11r. Gilmore Lip· fair is nppllrent from n description of Ellis Parker Butle.r, ihe autho~s of Hie .Juniaia eullllinatea the efforts of those P. )1. py :lded as elwirlllnn, while .Miss l~ay· lhe formal setting. To begin with, you phlJ"s·presented. Following the plays, who for the past few years have been WEDI\'"E8DAY, }'!An.cU 113- 1IIe ulld .\liss Veh1l11Richmuud, the so werH forced to pass two (,adets on the }lr. Philip Royer, in his usual !lIasterly interested ill org!ll.izing women's inter "Queen Esther"-Alnmn.i Hnll. dely presiden[e, nrted ns timekeepers. first lunding presenting arms, nnd. upou way, played two selections on the via. collegiate dllbating. An elaborate sehed- 8.nO P. M. l-'or a time friends became foes, Alld entering the door of the ball-room you lin. ule willl)ot be attempted this year; but yells fillcd the the so· were eon.fronted by n distingnished reo The plays were presented as well as, it i~ probable that one or two more de- glared nt other. ceilUi;S~y, first spcllker for the afllrmatil'e, taries of the city of Westminster and thel~8~" threw themselves into their tleli,·orednsJllendldspeetll,substaneeof those l'ersonll.gc~direetJy connected with ports nnd ably and effectively ·Cll- Announces Cast for wll]ch centered about the rubber trade the college, ll/'lllely~Capt. and Mrs. H acted the whieh is a real, well- VARSITY DEBATERS LOSE TO ill the Miss Hull, first D. Wooley, Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Willa, written piece literature. "The He GEORGE WASlIINGTON "Queen Esther"· speaker fo, negatil·e, OUtlill~d"OUI· Mr. aud Mrs. J. P. Wantz, Dcan H. T. yolt," wllleh is morc of a lmmnrous 1JNIVERSITY nlition~1 poliey" \·Hy neeurately. Tllen Easton, and lIiss Caroline Wantz, Prof. sketch or burlesque, wns splendidly 11iss l'rances RaJeigh mad" It SCathing Rnnek aud MisBEmily W. Emmart, Ca- worked out Illid presented. The alldi- The West.ern lIfnryllnd Debating Several Juniors Will Assist denunciation nf the government which det Captain IT. G. Williams and friend, en~e was very responsive !lnd apprecia· Team lost the deeision of the .judges in In Production refused to grant independence to the Cadet Captain G. S. Baker and friend, a debate \\..;th George W:lshi.ngton Uni- Isln.nd. Then :Miss neld gave a detail- Cadet 1st Lt. .T. Y. Umbarger alld At ,he cunclusillo of the progrnm, de· ,.11 "p,·mmt of A1>ll'ripnn"iii in wil,ing_ friend, Oadet lst Lt. J. H. A. Lwwson licious' cakes aud punch were served, the versil~- in Wugningti1n, D. C., la~t 1:'ri The or the Senior Speech Ollt diseases nud aiding ill financial mAt· 1I11dfriend. student actresses assistjng in the servo tlny night. Deplirtment, assisted by 11r. LallliJert- ters . .Miss Shockley closed the affirma Ne~t your attention was- attracted by ing. The members lind gnests of tbe The subject of the debate was: "Re son, Mr. Royer, Miss Held, aud a group th·c tontention with a sweeping argll the wonderful decorations of the room. WOllllln'S Club mingled in II pleas.ant, soh'cd, That tIle inter·nllied war debts of chililren, will present "Queen Es- lll~nt that the retention of the I*lands should be eanceled." By the entranee was stntioned two mit informal social before their departure. The affirmati,e was dcfended by Cy. ther,·' in Alumni liall, 'iVednesd~y ev· was unconstitutiunal. in eloaing tllll clline guns, which afforded abundant rUB Hoagland, W. 1. ClCl'elam)., and elling,1lureh 16,atS ()'c1oek. argu!ll('ut :Miss Shreiner de- protection to the dancers. The sides of John Seymour, of George Washington, The play is Ii tovely arrallgcmcnt of the Plillillpiue Islllnds as "tht'" the roolll were ndorued witiJ "Old VAESITY TENNIS SCHEDULE IS the negative, by B. Sterliug, the e,·er bcautiful1;tery of Esther, the hinge to the door of the Orient." Glory" at various intervul$, while from MADE PUBLIO :ll1d 11. Je,,"i~h Maidcn, who, through her gen· The rehuttul specches were shorl and Bull. Rosenstick, ana J. P. Lambertson, the eeiling hung red, white und blue ot' Western Mnryland. tleness ~nd 10\"linesE,wins c,·en () crown. concise. 'fhcir most pleasing aspect was trimmings to an immense, dimly lighted The judges were: )Ir . .Joseph Quin- The jlhly is of illtcrcst to everyone tIle la~k of sareasm which usunlly dOmi lantern ill the c~nter. On one side of In 11 fell' d~ys, a call will be issued ,,·ho ll]lprcekltl'S Biblical drama. The llat~s this type of spee<:!l. the room, opposite the receiving eom- for cll.ndidates for the tennis team, if lan, of tho Department of (JomlllerCej setting lS most picturesque and eolorful, After a minute the judges handed in mittee, was a. table holding many eups, the weather remain~ favorable. Sever- Mr. Smith, of Virginia ::lli.litary Inllti· tlle ehllr~ctcrs most aptly ehosen, and th~ir dfcisions. _,[r. Lippy opened tJlcse al of last season's vnrsity plays have tute, And a Professor of Ule Uni"ersit~· which w(!re won l)y Gcmpnny "C" at b~n keeping in practice in the gymnas- 01' Wisconsin. 'fhe deeision ,,"ll~ unaJli thelinesnndactiollarclllostt'"xpressi,·e f.mmpnll.'"with lliss Shockley and Oamp '\Icadr., HI:l6. Western Muryland molts for the affirmative. of Bible lands ill thl! oldcn times. in Alias Schuier. Browning wonl The I'·as an (lctive part of this Conlpa.ny. be /lnd it is hopod tlwl the conrts 1\";]1 Dnc to this being the twelfth debate 'J'1Icleading role, ESllier, is SI:l.oreWIU two to one in favor of the condition to ha,·e a work Ollt on '1'hen the grtUld parade started. Yon Ihem before Spring Va~/ltion. .Any new at George WaslllngtOll this year aud th~ ~lisll Richmltlldj tne King, negnth·e. would uel·er know tlwt there were Sl;l men interested in trying ont for the sixth on this questiol' the nudienee was u\sen:l1orrieeni, '\Jr. Rosenstockj mnny di,"ine daneers on aollege hill if team will give their name!! to L. K. composed of only twelve persons in a 1faglli, .\fr. l~o~'erj hleeshn ZCbcel, :\1iss you were to pass b~' and see the seem- HcilllllU\hj KOIISh,;\l.iSl! Bemiller; T:>:az· ALtrMNUS IS SPEAKER IN BAKER ingly quiet students. Many students 'iVoodw:ud. Eliminations will be staged hllli capable of seating nearly four ma, )Iiss Smith; The Lady Ozoena, CHAPEL were lueky enollgh to get danees with for berths on the t~nm, so that el'eryone hundred persons. 11i8$ .Perd; Jakoshu, ?I!iss Browuj aud I\S the best players will have a chance, Uleml)en of the faeulty, who had Mst will be picked to play in the ma.tches. the Princess Zcree~/l.. )!.1S8 Held. aside their profe!jsional dignity for An 'rhe sehedule for this spring is: SCIENCE OLUB TO SHOW MORE The llel'erend Lewis C. W:dnwl"ightl el'ening'!! enjoymeut with the stndents. April J.3-Blua Ridge--Home. . MOVIES EI·cry one who hilS seen ?ll.issSmith's '83, II rctirf:'d Presb.'·terion mini_ijt~rof After you had drilled for eight per pfcl"iOllsprogrllllls knows tllllt Ihe~· ;jfe Y:ienlln, Yirgiain., preached at lhe Ba· iods mcss (·all was sounded and fAll out April 15-(Pending)-.Away. ll]O~tworth while and more Hum enjoy ker ('hap\.'"! Snl"iec last Sun!lay e\"en- givl.'ll. Bccuu~e of the grent Ilumber of April J6-Bridgewater~Away. Four recls of scientific pictures were nhle. Queen Estuer not olll~· HVl'S up ;ng. His snhjeet was "The Morning guests, lunch WIiS served in three ahifts. April 33--lItarylnnd-llome. ShOll'll !It the New Stnr Theatre ln~t to this reputntiOl' but C\"Cll jJl"omise~to Stur." M(1)llWhilcthe orchestra furnished the April Z6-Bucknell-Hoillc. Wedne~day afternoon under the ~us surp>'.ss it. Dudor Waillwright·s sermoa was Ihe jazz, while the ones not Jum:hing eould April 29--Gettysburg (')~Away. pices of the Science Clnb. The tit1e1l F.keryt)Od~· is invited. .,\dmiss;oll ~e\"t'nth iu the l3aker C\.npel series of continua the march . .After th", excell· May 6--Ilm·erford-.Away. of the films were "Hoppers" und free. ~IU!lmiuddresSl's. Mn)~ 7-Dre),:el-~\way. ent lunch had been demolished, you fell !lay 13--Gettyaburg-Home. "Sulphur." The former showed the in for eight more periods of drill. .liay 14-B!ue Ridge--.Awuy. life and habih of gru~sllopper8, and it was ineom:eivable how thickly some roo State High Schools Produce Variety When taps was sounded. you were dill- missed. Ne,·er in 'yO\lr career of mili· gions were populated with these pests tary ha!! that order beeu received with SENIOR OFFICERS ATTEND and !lestroycrs of the farmeu' crops. of Publications, Questionaire Reveals sueh regret. MILITARY DANCE 'l'he next two reels guve It detailed ~~. There was much tulk of the Ball sug- {lount of the mining and refining of sul- how much better it wonld have phur. Fourteen out ot sel·enteen )I:uyland timcij II ~·ear. Par two of the pajlers been had the dance b~eu gi"eD on the Ai the jm-iration of the SC/lbbard H W!JSdiscour!Jging to see 80 few stu· high sehools huying niue or more regu- t.his ill thcfirst,reilr of publication, the "Rill," that ail the students might and Blade of .Johns Hopkins Uni\"ersity, dell'ts preseat, (Inly thirty·three wer.e lllr h'(I.{,hcr~publish some kind of a {,'alollsyille hi·monthly, ,md the Eostern have the same opportunity to thorough· six of the student officers and two of in llttendanee. It i8 hoped that gchool paper, according to st1l.tisti~s re 1lI011thly(The l:;icribbl~r). The Western ly enjoy u real dunce. tne mC"!:nhersof the faculty of this col more will (Itteml the ne.""tseries of pic· ~ent1y compiled I'J Cnrroll Roycr from 'jllllrtt!rt.r and the City "Oriole" (six lege attended II. military dance in Balti- tures, whith will be shown on '.fhurstla~·, a questionnaire sellt out to these ~ehools. tillles 11 year) Are the oldest pllpers, more last SMurday night. 11arch Ii. The eommittee has expend- The high schools without a publieal"ioll bojh IUII·ingreo~hed their fifteenth yenr. w. M. IS PROGRESSIVE .\Iany acquaintances were renewed ed much effort 10 sconre intercsting aJld are Salisbury, Sparrows Point, and The H.\'atts,·ille bi·monthly is in its IImong students of the two institutions instructive pictures, and it is trust.ed Crisfield. Those publishing papers are eleventh )"(,lIr. Of the othcr fourteen are uot wanting of a pro· who were at Clllll.p-1flffide together last that more of the student body will at- Westminster, Freileriek, Frostburg, papers, this is the seeontLyear .for thrae, gressive spirit at Western M.a.ryland. summer. tend on March 17. Oumberland, Cambridge, Towson, Ca· the third for ene, the fourth rear for Inter-collegiate boxing is to be in(l.u· Tho musie by the .Johns Hopkins tOIl~\'il1e,R;Vllltsville, Hngerstown, Eas- three; and the sixth, sevellth, eighth, gurnted this week by a mateh with the "Black and Blue Jay" OrchC6tra WIIS t~rn (Bltitilllore), Western (Ba.lllmore), :md ninth years .for Olle pllper each. University of Pennsylvania. Inter·col exeeptioually good. During the inter- DOCTOR YCUNT IS ll.L Baltimore City College, Baltimore Poly- Ele\'en of the .papers are supported legiate debating for women will be in· mission, punch and ice cream were technic InStitllte, nnd Foreat Park (Bal- mn.inly by sllbscriptions Bnd advertise- itiated March 17, by a meeting \Vith ser\-ed. Doctor W. B. YOllnt, Hcad of theDe- timure). Western and City support two ments: three by subscriptions alene; .Juniata College. Something entireJy .Major Baltsington and the members partment of Clflssical Langllllgea !It publications one (City "Oriole") mainly by adver new in drnmatie& will be offered :Mareh or the Scabbard and Blade did every- Wcsteru Marsland, hilS beel! suffering Of the sixteen papeu only Olle is a tisements; and one (Cnmbridge) ehif- 16, when the Department of Speech pre thing possible to make the evening an from an attAck of grippe for se\-ernl weekly (For("st Park), three are isslIcd Iy by salell. The WlJSlminster quarter· sents the Biblical drama, "Queen enjoyable ooe, and they \\"ere very suc- wet'ks. His eondilton is said to be im- bi·weekly, !llree monthly, three bi ly (The Owl) is the only paper tlmt Esther." cessful in their effort. proving. monthly, five quarterly,· and one six (Continued on Page 3)
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