Page 85 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 85
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminst-er, Md. Page Three [SPORTSi Sophs Retain Inter - Class Trophy ISPORTSi SENIORS Will SECOND TEAM SOPHOMORES RETAIN CUP WON -, CO-EnS VICTORIOUS TERROR BOXING TEAM MEETS TERRORS IN FINAL TILT..- CHAMPIONSHIP, LAST YEAR PENN SATURDAY DEFEAT tJNIVERSITY OF The "Vagabonds" re-visited the Hill DELAWARE CAGE"RS 'I'he Seniors defeated the .Tunior aee- ended the hopes Saturday, March 5, resolved to) "even Western :lIltlryllmd will send the first and team 12-6, ·Wednesday afternoon. Too much Shockley up" the d(!f~at they received from the uoxing team representing a Maryland in Thl! score at the end of the first half cr the class of 1930 to lift the cup held Western Maryland sesrctte carlier in College to oppo~c Univeraity of Penn- eeason the last final basketball game of the Western nigllt, Maryland It was Shock· by t he Sophomore team. was 2·~. ley who tied the score, put the Bophs in the season. They fought hard and syh'ania on Saiurday. Never before won O"er the Cnir-crsity of Delaware Nichols, Woodward and Hannold, earnestly, but were unable even to tie hus nll~' college in the state had a box with 2 field-goals apiece, were the stars the lead, and then proceeded to cJinch }'faryland's score at llny time. Will ing team to gO)forward in the Ilame of by a score of 35 10 :18. ,\Ithough tha the championship with two fonl gnnls. game start.ed out. as if it would be a of the Seniors, while Quinn starred for He seared three field goals and three inger lind Brown did splendid guarding that institntion, and eueounter such a cinch for the Terrors, the visitors tight the Juniors. for the local team and kept the visitors' foula. foe as Penu. cued up :1)1(1ga"e the Grenu ani! Gold SENIORS (H) After about thrCl) nlinutes of playing score down to a mere eight points until "Dick" Harlow h~s aunouneed tho supporters a senre for a while. 'I'he the last quarter of the game. Mary Pat- Goals Fouls Points Seita began the sccring by a foul shot. terson starred for the "Vagabonds," team that wil! take the floor against Terrurs started out by secring twelve Woodward, L. F. 2 ()..O "A short while later Condon scored the shooting 15 of their 18 points. Final Penn, and tn.nka that he will have a points before the visitors caged a bas Nichols, L. F. O·'{) 4 first Soph point from tila foul strip aud good ehnuce in Ihe of classes. keto but slowed up a littlc thereafter, Hannold, C. .0·0 followed t his by a field goal. BCore23 to 18. 'rhe men 10 represent are; )[nr),land and the half ended 19·12 in our favor. at 2.30 in Philadelpma w. u. C. Ute, R. 13. 0·0 Seitz put the Freshmen ahead in the wusc» Vagabonds In the second hnlf by a scnce of long Benner, L. G. 0·0 o second lralf willt a roui shot and field Rayme R.F. Patterson 115 pounds-Scott. shots Delaware came within one point goal. There followed a few minutes of L.F. Edwards 125pounds---';shotkley. of the Terrors at 22·:n, but thereafter Totals 0·0 12 alternating leading with Shockley re Luuder O. Dcgambourg 135ponn(ls-Llwdino. Western Xlnrvlnnd stepped out and was g:li.ning the lead for the Supba eaeh Rosenstock S.C. Corkran 145 pcunds-c-Norris. never again headed. J1JNIORS (6) time. ·With four minutes to play the \Villingcr R. G. Loss J(\O pounds-Johns. A.ll of the 'rl.'rrors played a fiue Goals Paula Poinh score was a tie. Shoc.kley broke the tie Brown L.G. Dick liS pounds-nlenobi~. heads·up game, "ith Captain Otis Broil Quinn, R. F. 0-0 4 with a long field goal and aoon nfter Substitutes; W. M. C.. Ford, Jnck- Hoa'·.\·welght...........Janowski. ugai\! showing he is ranked nlllong Reilleokc, L. F. 0·0 made the last score of tIle game with the best in Lhe Cap Weigle, play- Reed, C. 0-0 two foul shots. The Sophs retain their hjs lll~t game under Terror color!>, Goodhand, L. G. 00 eup hj' a final score of ].2 to 8. INTER-CLASS BASEBALL TO BE his llSlIill streHgth on the de· Ceail, L. G. ~O SENIORS DEFEATED BY ~ORS ARE.ANGED Peuse. SOPHOll.OR.ES (12) Totals 00 Goals Fouls Poinb The Junior class team defeated the "Barney" Speir annoU!wed that nf ShO)ckley,It F. 3 3·3 1) ter the regular eut of the Varsity bllKe· When ex- }t'lNAL STA1>.TDING ° S~nior team with a score of 17 to 7, ball sqnad, iuter·class loaseball will get PRESIDENT TAFT FrRST 'l'EAlIl LEAGUE Ortl.\'ctz, L. F. 0,2 last 'ruesday. The early part of the ullrloerW~.l'. He- expressed his deshe to wanted n. good Con!lon, C. Won Last Pet. Chnmbers, H. G. gllllle s()eme!lto indicate an easy walk· ~ec Illlother lively series carried 011, like PHOTOGRAPH Sophomores o away for Ihe Jun.iors when 1I[nble rhe Olle that the presenl. Seniors won h.e sent for Freshmen 1:~~~ Norris, L. G Barncs dropped twO)pretty field goals two reaTS ngo, Ilud from all pl'obability Sereck S. Wilson Seniors .333 Totals iu snccession. The Seniors did all of he will see it. Jnniors .000 12 their scoring in the last half. Barnes FRESHMEN (8) . played well tor tho J·nniors while Hast- SECOND TEAM LEAGUE ings ~nd Curling playcd best for the Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr A Full Selection of Goals Foall! Points Won Lost 1 SeniO)rs. Mandolins, Guitars Seniors o o 00 o Seniors .Tuniors 'l'ile Newest alld Best Clothing Sophomores 0-0 Pickett R.F. Barnea and Put'lliJ;;hings. and othef Stringed .luniors 0·0 Cross L.F. Goods for Young i\Ien . Instruments Young Fr~shillen ~l Curling C. Hutehjus 10 Pm' or,,! O)b' 10 Collego S!uri{.'71/s Smith, L. G. 0·0 ::: E.Warren S.C. Bryan INDIVIDUAL SCORING Hastings R.G Bevard Columbia Totals 8 Pettit L.G. Warde J. STONER GEIMAN SECOND TEAM LEAGUE Rcferee--Grant Williams. Riire to) arrange an ru;. The Only Barber and Bobber at elnwge with the Gold Bug. SECURITY SAVINGS SERVICE ment will be arranged. the Forks
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