Page 79 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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GOt • NEW STAR THEATER VARSITY DEBATE SOIENTIFIO MOVIES BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY MONDAY, MARCH 7 AUSPICES, SOIENCE CLUB SMITH HALL THURSDAY, 4.30 P. M. Vol. 4, No. 20 Mar. 2, 1927 LAST MINUTE NEWS Varsity Debators Win and Lose by Unan- aOLLEGE CALENDAR Dr. Ryan, of U.of M. Medical imous Decision on Pennsylvania Trip School,Addresses Local Club TERRORS RALLY WBDNESDAY, MARCH 2- Y. M. C. A., Y. W.C.A.,fi.30P.M. TO BEAT LOYOLA De-ole 7.00. Defeat Penn State on Modi- Western Maryland is TFJURSDAY, MAROH 3- "Science of Physiology" is Western Maryland Quint fication of Volstead Act. -Scientifiu Mllvies (4 reels) at Btar The Subject. Finishes Strong to Take Represented at Sludent Theater, 4.30 P. iM. Unanimous decisions mnrked the two Dr. Ryan, of the University of Mary- 33 - 29 Verdict. debates l:!st week in which the Western Conference in Baltimore .FRIDAY, MA!ROH4- lrunl Medical Sehool, gave au extremely Maryland vuraity divided honors with Inter-Oollegtate debate, George iutereatdng and highly educntionnl lee- "Romping through the seeend period Pennsylvania opponents. After losing Washington "S. W. M., in Wash· ture on, "The Boience of Phj'lSiology" like a juggernaut, the Western Mary- to Buckuel l on Prtday night, the team 'rite fourth Tri-Dioeesan Student con. ingtoll, D.IC., 9 P. M. at the meeting of the Science Club held land bnsketbnll quintet crushed its way composed of Johnson, G. Lippy, and re-enee of the Dioceses of Easton, Milit,1ry Ball given by Officers last Wednesday evening. to a 33·to·29 declslon over Loyola Col· Royer, eume back with R wallop on \\'flsllington and Maryland, was held Clllb in Gamma Beta Chi elub Dr. Ryan explained that the wcrk- lege here laat night. This ill the second Bnturday night and defeated th-o Penn ;I~jhe Pro Cathedral, University Park- room, 9 P. J,i. ings of the body make np the scope of Charles Stroot, Bnltimore, way and Yictory of the season that the Green ,State varsity, 3.0, at State College, Pn, Lecture Alumni Hall, 7.30 P. lIf. phyalulogy. This scope also includes Terrors have registered over the Baltd- At Lewisburg, Buckn~l1 upheld the ),101.,011Feurua.ry 25th, 26th, nnd 27th, SATURDAY, M.4.RCH 5- teaching a man to take care of himself, more cagera. utfh-mstivu side of the proposrtdon fOI' HJ27. Oo-ed Varsity Bn,skct1ball,"Vag:!.' . and to s of the paper marker. At WMhington, thl) ques· Smllh Uall. The Big Military Ball tion will be Allied Ward Debts; at ~~~ln~v~~ ~:, ~:hO~\:~~:O!:m~' tion on the way to Damascns, and is ~r:~l]$~;IOeke:Yli,~fce:,~'~~e:~e:n r::e~~a:~ home, the Repeal of the 18th Amend· ~hire, formerly Chaplain of Dartmouth :~~~;:::' s::~~n~!;' t:l~::~ceHi~f fi~~~ and nllowed to (lry. It was then a per· .Fina.I Plans Completed on Sa.turday ~~~l~~:~t:~I:nr:;'nii:d~et~!n~,~oD~:~::: :~~~;:~i:~feO~os~~.Vi~ea::e :~l ::::~ m~\t~~lt~~::!'ent wilh the tissue from The Officer's Club has announced MOTHERS OF TOWN STUDENTS Bion GrOIlJlCll,short pra.ver for Missions n frog's calf was recorded in the Sl).JJJC that the final plnns for the first Formal ENTERTAINED AT TEA BY 'lIItl the opening bnsiness meeting. to serYe. We should feel, as did Paul, way, only clpctrie shocks were sent that we ar-(l saved to help others find },Iilitnry Ball, to be held at Western DEANS O.F WOMEN After a delightful luncheon in the the SIlme snlvation, not to selfishly en t.hrough the muscle every 8econd. This .Mnrylantl, were completed on Saturday, P3rish House, the questiOn box was and everything is in readiness for the On Thursday (l..f~ernoon,February 24, eon(!ucted by Rev. Wllliam L. DeVries, joy our own. There is a dose rclation caused the Hlusele to work. After a Ibig event. Mias RO'bhlSOUIlud Mrs. Stover were D. D., Ph. D., Johns Jl'opkins, and between salvation and service. The minnte or so the working of the muscle 6rstillsubjcetive,thesecondisanob. A light uanquet will 'he prepared ill hostesses at a tea far all the town Clmncellor of W:U;hi.llgton Cathetlrnl. jeetive m.1nifestation of the fint. OUT became vcry .faint. tho Tea Shoppe below the ball room mothers. From four to five·thirty, 'The meetings of the committees fol· grntitu(]e te God ahou111make service a Tl1en Dr. Ryan sllowcd, by mcnns of and the ball rOOm itself is to be de· mothers of the town -students, in mO!;t lowed, lIlr. ;renkins being chairman of i!a~reil obliglltion. sli(]c~ alld dl.1rts, whillh were the reo eOnlt.edquiteartlstie:lll.Y. 'l'hedeeorll' cases eseorted 'by their daughters (the oue of the committees. In tho second place, "'e ~honld look suU of eX]Xlri.menh on labor('rs, the tiOll eommittep start~r1 work on :'1[0"- sons were too bashful to ma.k&their At 4.00 P. .M:. t.~n WIISserved in the !lpO!\this eharlce to sen'e as a glorions time of dny when work is dono most clay, 1Illd'from all report.s the hull will npp6llrU.llee)entered lIIcDaniel HRJl reo .loh~8 Hopkins Dormitories, 0111'Hoa· pril·ilege. Ii we arO trnly sacred we carelessly, w],en most neeident.s occur, be in tip· top ahape Ihy Frid:IY. o.leptien room, and 'Wero mest eor(liall.l' teS$ being Mrs. V~lnnenon, supervisor ~hrdl delight to ~rI'6. The fonr thing, ,111(1the efl'~~tof eert.1in kinds or work Young'" Chateau :Roof Orchestra will reeeiv.ed by the denns II.ndthe members of the Dormitories. This was followed that make Christian service not only on certoin people. TTecAlllni.lledhow, furnish the music, llnd this indeed reo IJf the facnlty. Tbe hall was made eo~.l' by din.ner in the parish house at 6.00 worthwhile, but pleasnnt, are; the one by the &. and Un:!. John INTER-COLLEGIATE DEBATE fellowship Ineeting and the conferCJJlle ~d su.fficientdiscouragement last Friday ball on a little mound and picked up a Bennett include tho~e represented lacul· SCHEDULE FOR REMAINDER. ended wit,h the regular 11.00 o'clock to all 'but two tyros of golfdom-Neflle hrassie. Swish! The giant end turned Iy, while CoL Rabert Gill, Col. Clsrence OF SEASON ~en-iee in the Pro Cathedral. and Clark. These two would,be golf, around three times, lost his blwanee, Deems, and daughter, und Maj. Rous· By M. JENKINS. ers deeided te play one mere hole. The and kissed mother earth wit'll hiB left ington include the more d.ista?-t guests. Priday, Mareh 4--George 'Yashing· illustrious "GreMY" prepared to drive ear. He llad missed by a foot. Everyone seema to be in very high ton University, at Washington. Qne~· off first. Four times this WallrepOllte!l. Each spirits for the oee8.l!ion,and jt indeed tion, CaneclbUon of War Debts. "Don't break that elub," admonish. time he swung with more determinll' wi1l !be the largest affair of its kind Wednl!!lda.y,March 9-Bneknell Uni· DR. BLOODGOOD cd Clark. tion; ench time he missed by eompara ever to be litaged near·by. versit,y, nt ·Westminster. Question, "Re· tively the same distanee; each time hu peal of Eighteenth Amendment. On Friday night, March 4, Dr. Blood· "Aw, don't worry ahout me, ki!l," . mani.fest-ed his amorons proclivities by Monday, Mareh H--.Elizabebhtov>'1l goo!l of the staff of ;fohns Hopkins replied "Greasy." "I'm an old· promiscuous osculation with mother FINAL GAME SCHEDULED Callege, at Westminster. Qnestion, Hospital will leeture in Alumni Hall, timer." ellrth. Modification of Volstead Act. Rt 7.30 P. M., on }~irst Aid. Afler Ulany IUllty swing'S, "Greasy" Bang! The lllst hasketball gt1me (If the sea· Saturday, :llareh 19---:A.merieanUni. Dr. Bloodgood is a graduate of Johna deehJ..cdthat hitting golf balls W8.l!not "The turf was torn for feet around, son will be played against U. of Dela I'er~ity, at ·Washington. Question, Re Hopkins Medical Sehool, in active as easy as eanying a pig-skin. Perse· where someone's brassie had hit the Wille, next Tnesday. Western Mary· peRJ of Eighteenth Aml!lldment. work in the medieal ,field, and one ()f veranee and Lady Luck are two con· gronnd." land is out to avenge the <1efeathand· .Friday, April 22-BO!lton College, at the great men o.f America to·day in genial Ilompanions, however, and "Well, that ends the game," said ed them at Newark earlier in the Ilea· Westminster. Qnestion, Cancellation of his line. We are fortunata in seeuring "Greasy" finally satisfied himself "GreIlaY" in!lignantly. "You broke War Debts. this splendid authority for a leeture. with a fifty·yard drive. our last club."
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