Page 81 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 81
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I .Int er -Class Series End Today I SPORTS I VARSITY OAGERS LOSE TO TERRORS BOW TO G. W. QUINT STANDING OF THE TEAMS SPRING ATHLETICS STARTED BOXING MATCH m GYM, MARYLAND On Fubruaey 25 the George -Washing· First Team League After au interview with Graduate -The varsity basketball team visited ton Unlveraity basketball team defeat- Won Lost PeL ~hllHlger Sp.-ir, it w:t~ fouml that plana the University of Maryland on Pebru- ed westem Maryland 31-28 in a game Preshmeu o 1.000 urc well under- W[lY for a full spring l~am will conduct in the 'ary 23, 'Where they lost by the eeere of marred !by medioere officiating. The Sophomores o 1.000 eard iu athlet.iea. G.Vln,011 afternoon, a saril'S 32·25. The Terrors took the lead in the G. IY. team got off to a good start by Seniors Bnecball line bceu aturt cd of exhibition bouts, including ever-y first minute of play when Van Buren rolling in seven point.s before the Ter Juniors .000 nud since Snt.urday, C03~h Barlow class 115 llC!undcrs up to tho made a foul. On the next few plays rora started. At the end of t he first Second Team League hna been working the 'billtery eaudi- class. Ellis and Brqll added a few fIeld goals half G. W. was leading 15-10. Won Lost Pcl. dates avery dny. 'fllis is thq first formal appearance to increase the lead. At the end of With the opening of the second half \Seniors ).000 Spring football will probably atn rt (If the boxiug' team this year, and ev- the first half Western Maryland was 'Western Maryland hit their sbrlde and Jan" Cook wus forced to wrestle came from behind to beat the St. JOhll FROSa Baker r. f. 3 1·1 the Sophomorc.~ n.nd Freshmen. Both twice. ITe won his first mlttch from Athletic Club cag;)ra TUllI!daynight in Law'son 1.f. 0-1 teams showed of practiee and or· Tom Brnun whom he pinned in seven a fust and well·played game, which The Seniors defeated the Freshmen Sillin e. 0-0 ganization. During most of the gnme minutes. Hershman, however, forced went five minutes extra to break the in 0. fast game last Wednesday after- Umbarger r.g. 1 0·0 luek seemed to be with the Frosh, !hut Cook to accept n draw after twelvc tie at lhe cnd of the game. noon. The seore at half time was 4·2 Elliott l.g. 0-0 the last few minutes of plny g1:l\'ethe minutes of wrest.ling. Robertson won The -visitors started the scoring and in favor of the Seniol'S. The score sce· '1. clllillCCt(l make the oue point from C. L. Bower.'! by the use of ~ ran their score to five before the Frosh sawed back and forth until WiOodward TotaJs }·2 brought them vietory ,dth a 9·S "full "elson" and ,\'alter Lally pinned con,ld score. A field goal was the first droppeil two field goals. IIannold aud senre. "Horse" Whitcraft in two nnd a. JlaH Prosh score. The baby Terrors scored 'Voodward starred for the.Seniors while Juniora (4) "Smiles" Pettit played be~t for the millules b~' IIHl nid of u "double arm again, making tile score 5·4. Then 'Stach nnd Grover played 'best for thc Goals Pauls Points Sophs, while Rnssell 1l11dStreett dis- loci,." "Fl'Clichy" De Raven ceded Lipps scored another :field goal making Yearlings. The final seore was 10·S. Quinn r.f. 0·3 played exceptional u'bilit? as guards llis match to "Speedy" WUrrcn, who the seore 7-4. Oh/HUe llavel1l1 then Seniors Albright 1. f. 0·0 for the Fresll!uan. "Iso used a "double arm lock"auccoss· "lcored a field goal and while he -WI~S Goals E'ouls Pointa Reeil l.f. 0·0 Sophomores l?l'cshmeu fully, ill foul' minutes The feature shooting was fouleil. He made both Woodward, R. F. 0·0 Mears e. 0·1 Bmdy :R.}'. 'Mitchell match of the eveniHg, betwe~n foul shots, putting the Yearlings ahead Nichols, L. F. 4 1 0-0 Bay r.g. ~O H. "'I\'heeler L.F. Prichard "Strangler" Bruehl und "Admiral" 8-7. A foul ahot by Lipps tied the Hannold, C. 0·0 Ceeill.g. Barnhardt C. F. Ward Simms, resulted in a draw after nine score. The visitors went ahead only Utz, R. G. 0-0 Con"way S. C. Garcelon minutes of exciting grnppling. to have the Frosh tic t-hem again. Be1lller,1.. G. 00 Total 0·' ~;r:s('e~; Cap1:ain "Jaek Baer" put the John· ~~ttit ;.~. There wns no evidence of profes· nie!! ahead with a field g('l'l.~ ,:j('ore D---------o=o---r(t-~lI~~J..g_~~,_"_,.,.-,~-,c-:--~~,_._o--"l
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