Page 77 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 77
The Gold Bug. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I Beat Maryland To-Night! I SPORTS I WESTERN MARYLAND FROSH BASEBALL SENIORS .DEFEAT SOPHOMORES LOSE TWO COAOH 'The \Y-e.stern 'Maryland baseball ago The Sophomores lost a hard fought :. Cook wiih anti a ,Juniors with it !beautiful the eas.'" \'ictillls for "Testern MllT}"' FROSH BADLY BEATEN c{)·ed b3sket(,el"8 fill Saturday. was 11-4. fi('ld goal. Greth a(ide(l a foul shot to the ROllh lotal, lInd Ked Shri,'er lnkhlg Football Banquet takes many of Frosh The gmue,playcrl all !lIe local court,w:ts The score: " reboulld tllCbn!l tlll·ough tho Players a ~3·21 "ietOry for Western .\lnr~·land First Platoon (11) ~ord8 for the points. "With fOllr of t.hc beat Frosh missing, College. The first half "·n~ intel·esting Norris r.f. Goals FOllla Points 'fhl! sr.ore: plH.yerS",with WilSQn the Western Maryla.nders were beat ....n and 1 0-2 Freshmen (16) The ~('(lre: bndly, 'Tuesdtly night. The Frosh "lid Patterson for the Ro~n 1. f. 0·0 Goals Fouls Points Sophomores (8) played good basket.ball the be· staging n. searing con· Mearse. Seitz r.f. 1 }·1 Gonls Fouls Points ended 2..·21) in iIlnl")" ginning of the seeollli half, whell1they land'a fa,·or. Steady und alert gUllrd· Stach c. 0·0 Cook Lf. 3 0·0 Rart r.r. 1 1·1 0·0 Ports r.g. "'C!lkened aud permitted the Blue ing by "Smitty" lind "Charlie" ehe~k· Albright l.g. 0·0 Staeh c. Shriyer 1. f. ~ Ridge 1<'rosh lo rall up twenty·four ('(1 their opponents and kept the Vaga Smith T.g. 0 0·2 (l.(l Gr€th ('. 1·1 1 ll:Q__ ........9 __ Wl'j~herl. Lg. The score: band~ (1""u Lv " BiHgI~ puint gain in Totals Second Platoon 1·4 (4) 11 0·0 0 the la~t half. Blue Ridge Freshmen (33) W. ).f. C. Vagabonds Goals iFouls Points Totals Seniors 2·4 16 Nuttal 0·0 Fouls Points Wilson R.}'.. Patterson Meredith r.f. 0·0 0 (10) Total 2·3 Wilkinson r.f. 7 2·2 IG Bnymo'. Bishop Grnver r.f. 0·0 0 Gouls Fouls Points Barnes r.l'. 9 Lander C. de Sumbourg Seott l.f. 0·1 Lawson r.f. 0·0 Jtmiors (7) BillIor e. 0·0 Rosenstock S.C. Corkran SI1Tiver C. 0·2 Bilker I. f. 0·0 Goals Ponls PoinB Engle T.g. 0·0 Wheeler L.G. Pines Orovetz t.g. 0·1 Sillill e. 0·0 Heilled,c r.f. 1·1 0-1 Um.b:lrgcr r.g. Fenley T.g. 00 Smith RG. Loss Nichols l.g. 0·0 Bl'~'ant I.f. 0·0 Lowe T.g. 0·0 0, w. ~\1. C, 8ubslitntcs: l~ord, Engle, Elliott l.g. 0·1 Rilia C. 0·0 IMartin .l.g. 0·0 Willinger, l'odHe" Wood~\'ard 5tar!"~d. gOals npieee. ROJIs,with six field goals N(ln'is O. nnil I..,·le QUinn disJlhly~d the best Illny played \lest for "Y" engel'S, and ClJ~:'rs C. STANDING OF THE TEAMS EInwkc. gllye th(' best c:xhilJitiou of de· Elliott '27 G. 1 inj'; for thc C'lass of '28. fellsil'e pIny. \\'eisbeek '30 G. 0 3 First Team Lea.gue The seore: The acore: R. ChaUlil('TS '~9 G 1 1 Won Lost Pd. E\lach '30 C. 1 1 Freshmen 0 1.000 FROOIT.MF.N (20) FROSH (~6) '28 G. 0 .Sopholliorcs 1.000 Goals FOllIs Totals Goals 1<'ouI8 Points C. 1 0 Juniors .000 Seitz r. r. ! 0·1 8 Havens r. f. 0 Albright '2S G. 0 1 Seniors .000 Uool< 1.f. 0·0 (,'b,.k 1.f.. Umbarger "2.7 G. Smith ~. 0·2 Cook e. Second Team League Second Team League Sten'U6ol1 e. O~O Janowski r.g. 4- Wood\\':trJ P. 49 SeHiors ,VOII Lost Pet. Gom.sok I·.g. 00 Gnilisoll l.g. 1 0 1,000 RlLrinr '29 F. 9. 19 SOl'homor('s J .500 Weisbuck l.g. Clark '~9 F. 8 0 IG 0·0 Juniors Totnl J3 Uannol(! C. Presll1Ilen .iiOO! l.g. .000 HANOV[;:R Y. M. C. A. (19) Ni~h(Jls F. '1'otl1l 2·5 B~l1ner ''27 G. 4 1 TEAM SOORING Gonls Pouls Points First Team Lea.gue JTh\TTORS (15) Rurlisillo r. f. 6 Deila'·CII '30 }'. Gnals POllls P011lta Ross I.f 12 Hurt '29 F. 3 1 Sophomores 27 ]1 li5 Goals Fouls Points BC11lillere. 0 C. ('hnml)ers '29 F.. 3 0 Sl'niors 29 \\'oodwnrd f.f ... 1·2 Whitmer r.g. Willis '30 C. Freshmen 24 14 " Quinn l.f. 3 0·1 48 Ffanh l.g. Greth '~9 C. Rl'ed ~. 0·0 R~inCtke ':!8 1:'. .JJ]lliol"s 21 G 48 00 Total l' Ports '29 G. }o'. 2 0 Second Tea.m League Points Ce"il 1". g. O~O Brrant Fouls Goala '28 Score by halves: l'eott '30 1". ] 0 Seniors 42 " AI'brigllt r.g. 0·0 lmskelblll1 teams that have "Hide sUEh Il W. )1. J8 " Sllnder~ '30 J,'. J 0 ISopholilores 27 " Bay l.g. wo"derful reeord for the past five or H. Y. l\l. C. A. 7 12 10 Gro,·cr '3D }'. 1 0 }'reshmen ]2 Totab J.ij 15 six yenr..'!. Referee--O 'Lear '\Iercdith '28 G. 1 0 JUnior8 6 J6
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