Page 74 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 74
Pags Four The Gold Bug, Western Maryland Oollege, Westminster, Md. i\lumul Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN At a me~ting of the IIOll}eEconomics The Sophomores, who had £lhnrge of ffoby Graton, 125, blluked and rub- Any news rteme concerning. W. M. Edun Russell Jordan, '(15, of Ca.m- Club on Tuesday, Fcbruary 8, it was the meeting of February seventh, pre- bed his eves as he stepped out of the bridge, ")[d., was the guest of Mr". deeidcd thut the Club should apply for sented a very interesting sketeh of tile door at George Wnshinl,rton Law Schnol Ajnmnt will be gratefully received. Ward and Miss T..ease lsst ,,·eek end. membership to the Maryland State (liffnent types of girls that pass Saturdfty, jU8t as the Co-ed basketball llome Economics Association. through a man's dreams. Miss Altie team walked by. Says Toby: ".A1ll I l.[rs. Doyle from Hutelera will gsve Brady impersonated the mau, :Miss aslecp, or am I seeiu ' tlrillgs!" News From tIle Class of 1918 Elorcuce Louden, '25, is teaching a fashion display on February e, in Dorothy Johnson announced the girls, Sculor Hall was again (lelightfully The girls of un8 still keep lu touch English 'in the Dununr Township High }JcDnnicl Reception Hall. Her epee- nnd }Jiss Elizabeth Diffendnl played enter talned when Evelyn Pusy W3.8aos- with each other by means of round School near Connellsville, Pn. Plorence, inlibles wjJl be the College. Gul.a' Bud- the piano accompaniment. The cast tess at l). "feed," weduesdny night. rollin letters which require about a year who nlrcndy has a "car of her own," get, and the New Spring Styles. Sev- consisted of the 1Iisses Anna Ely, the Good time' say." to make the complete round. Of the is making a success ill the teaching eral of the girls will act as models. The kindergarten girl; .Maude Lesher, the ".I'll fifteen girls, eight nrc marrted, six nrc prcfesslou. display will be bcneficial as well as en grammar school student ; Mildred Daub, w. )f. basketball fans join the co-ed teaebiug school, und one is a lady of terta.ining. -~-- the high school Preshmnn ; Catherine team in "Toddie" back to leisure. ilIarjorie Lewis, '06, is teaching this time, "Tod Aukency His Virginia die." \"a~ation sport of tennis; the urday gil"l.a' .Marjorie PHILO NOTES Close, the Sophomore \"amp..;Edith Case, the court, Better tory 'iVaynesboro, is Pa.; teacbing Evelyn Il\nsic in 'iVashillgton, D. C. the Last Sat- attended the 'bather; Elizabeth Wright, Holland l The I'.o·ed basketball lellnl was de· B"ughmlln IUnrri~c1Edwin Warfield and basketball game in Washi.ugton be· Philo conducted a short business the hiker; Mary EdnJl. Myers, the skat· lightfully ente.rtaincll by the George is living in Richmoud, Va., nnd Reba tween Grorg~ Washingt.on University lueeting 011. February seTent11. Plans Eli':abeth Wright, the high Washington tealll Saturday, a delight- .Erb is teaching in Union Bridge. Dor- and Western Mar)"land Col1ege. for the i.uler·societ), debate, to be held graduate; Helen Wheeler, the ful dinner, houoring St. Valentine, be- Harlllan is married und llUs two ouAlarch sc,-enth, were discussed. From trpicnl }~r~shm:J'.1 student, Dorothy ing served in Omar'.!! Tent. children. She' is living in Wc~t- theSe two society debatiug teams, will Grim, the collcga gradullte; Helcu Md. B~ulah Harria was ilia )[ary Warfi~ld, assistant lte chosen ihe m~mbers of tho inter·col· Smith, thp, dehutnIlle; and Ruth :Mark Surprise ~va$ registered whe.n "Sng" Ar~t olle of the group t.o be able to buyer ill the Juniot Department legiate team, whieh will hold its, first cr, the girl of his drellm~. Rarris, <,x-'!:!!}, walked in the G. W. send pictures of the baby to the other of lllltzler Brothers' Store, Baltimore. home debate on )Iarc.11 ~e\"enteenth. Refreshments were served at the gym, SaturJa.l', at the game. She is )frs. Fritz now, and is made a socinl aud business visit ~~or two weeks Philo has beon un- (llose of the program. in Huntington Lane, HUllting· nUl last week end, a~sisting in able to render a program. Next week (1 ) Miss E,·a Lynch was the gues.t tOll, Margaret Knrn who received the fas]lioli show gi"1)ll 'Saturday e"en· the Freshmell will be on the program of Miss Janll Buchan, of Elk· ller uHlsten' degree at Columbia in ing. ·Her address is 141.l Bolton St., 1l001\Jnittce. BcttPr luck to you, Fresh· SHAKESPEARE CLUB ridge, rC(\Clltly. January is tcnching Science and }.rath Bllitimore, ?fnryland. men, than the other committees have Miss Thelmll Cross spent the in Sclllleetll.dy, N. Y. Aliee Killillin hadreeent1y. The Shakespeare Club held its regu· end nt her home in We~t Friend· is married to lfr. Shen lind is tcaching 1Jr. anit "Mrs. Leroy Carson havo an- lor meeting in )leDnniel Hall parlor on ship, lIld. -;.rath at Berlin, Md. Sophie Kerwin lI(lullcf'd thc cOllllllg marriage of lheiJ OPEN MEETING OF POET'S CLUB Wednesday, February 9, at 7.30 P. M. (3) 1I1is.sRuth Sehlillcke is ill lit !J~r is now )1,.s. Jones of Cambridge, Md., d'lllgltter, Elsie Lee Carson, ex·prep., The resignntioll of ]IJiss Dorothy Rob- hruno in Alexnndrm, Virgini:\. ,111(1 Ro~e I,anki'ord, the fint of the '::!~, to TIl\n1illg Parker 'I'nll, Jr. The The Poet·s Club held !In open llleet erts a~ secretary and treasurer was ac- group to be lIIlIrri<.>d,is Mrs. J. Shiv- weddiug will take pl&le lit 8 o'clock, ing on February tcuth ill honor of Rob· repted, and Miss :Margaret Martignone lilies l'usey was Ihe ers., of Pocomoke, Md. Dorotby Me Wednesday, Fobruary 23, at the Chureh crt Burns' memo,:!'. 'l'he program can· was ele<;tedin her st.ead. A letter from end guest )_!isll"AlUla Pro~lgh, Daniel who married Obet nerr, is HI' of the H(lly Apostlc iu Halethorpe, sisted of an address on poetry by Dr. tIlt' Natiollnl Shakespeare Aassociatioll at Elrleuburg, Md. iug ill, Md., and Margar- IIrnrylnnd. 'fhey willue 11t home after Stephens, "Flow Gently Sweet Afton" II·as read, which stated tllnt the Shakes- et Phillips, who lllarried Mr. Foard, is "'11ril 6, at Crisfield, )fd. by the orchestra, "I,addie", BUUgby • peare Club at Western "Maryland Col (5) Th~ ~Tisses ?\land Brow\I, Ruth li'ring lle'H Jnrl"c\ts,·i\le, :\fd. ?\fary 1llss Normun, lUI uceonnt of . Robert le~e will be the first clnb to become a£. JTubbell, aud Gladys Be·lI.n speut the Rathe]], tile of leis].lre, is living week end in Wnshinglon, D. C. ill Baltimorc her mother.' Sarnh Madge Hayman, '18, who lived ill :::t:~'~~~~reS~~lgb)~~~:;r.P~:eYR:~:n: ~~a~~1~:~:'~Iut~:~nn:~io~~~ the },[iss Dorothy Mellott spent the Smith has eome back to the Hill where Roc1leditati.on," played on the violin by moeting wus turned ol·er to Mr. end at her !tallie, Salisbnry, :Hd. she is teaching Chemistry and Eduea· marriage. to George F. Kil\.ley, '16, is Miss Gilligan, a reuding of Burns' R. Enrnes, Chairmull of the Program ~ion. Louise Tipton resi!"lled from her teaehiJlg General S~ience in the Cath- peem "Odo To A Mouse," by }'liss E. Committee. (7) The )fisscs ·Mary t,l.e\"nrd and as Lat.ill aud Math teacher at -{'(Iral Sellool, Washington. Mr. Kinley Dal"is, und lantern slides on the life The progr.~m consisted of a pnper by IIfnrtha :Eugle were the week end guests to work for her lllasters de- is l'onnee!c(l with the Bdgar "Morris Hutchins of ?fiss Laura at her hOllle and works of Robert Burns given by ~lr. Bernard 1. Banlcs entitled "Some greo Education fit Columbia. Oli,e ~:1lcs lind Mrs. Kiuley Dr. Stephells. Influellees at Work Durillg Shllk)!s- in Owiugs, .Md. Vincent i~ teaching }~rellcll ill Senford, Avenue, N. W., 'fhe program proved to be delightful peare's Time." Aft('r tho reading of (S) Dr. Surtorius 1)11(1son, Willinm, Del(l.wnrc. Wllshingtou, D. C. Iy entertainiug lUI well as instructive. th!) paper, the meeting wns thrown open of POCOmoke,)faryJand, were the guests The meeting closed after ilie serving of to discussion of questions aroused b)' ot Miss Rulli .Sartorius on Priday. BONSACK'S Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Illillllr...delieiOUS refreshments. it. Dr. ·Wills, lliss Dryden, nnd Dr. Stephens, chief partic.ipauts, eontrib- W<.>stern )r"ryl.~nrl College sent 'rhe Newest and Best (J!uUring- utc(l interestiug bits of information, a lnrge number of delegates to GREETING CARDS and Furnishings. Y. M. C. A. NOTES ·Ilnd sllee.ceded in eleariug up most of conferenec at Ilood College, Frell· Goods for Young Men. the dispured points. erick, Maryland. Among those pr~sel1l /0' The meeting of the Y. M. C. A. 011 wore the Misses l{{'inmuth, Wils0I1, EVER Y- OCCASION 10 Per eM,t off 10 Collage Stualmls February 9, was conducLed by the Bnrnl'.S, K~'le, V. Richmond, Banks, Freshmen. W. G. Eaton read the DR. W. R. McDANIEL ADDRESSES R1Im·k, Lutz, Bringle,· and )1. C. \Var WIlEN Scripture lesson and B. H. Phillips led fiel(l, nnd the ~f~ssrs. Hannold. W. R. BELT & BELT in prayer. The speaker of the evening SCIENCE CLUB Smith, "\'"1"00(1011,L. Witch- DOWN was La~-ton C. King, superintenaent of cmft, Hownrd, Day, 'Salter, Grov· the Lutheran Slmday SchooL His top· The Seicnc.e Club met in Lewis Rec- Attractive February Specials Are On ic was "FaitL," aud his text frolll italion Hall lust \Vedn('sday evcning at er. First Corinthians 2.:5. Mr. King 7.30. After a short business ~ession (10) Miss p,'luline Leonard spent the W. Main and Penll. Ave. S'l'OP A'l' strcssed the fllct that God SIlW .fit to the speaker of the evening was intro- wel'.k end at her ho",c, 'Trappe, .Md. put a limit to our faculties, not ollly dnced. "Pop" Shipley's our sight aud hearing, but our mind. Dr. W. R. :'IlcDaniel, instrul'.tor· of (11) .:\1iss Roloer!a Selltill an was thl' Life Insurance We· cannot under~taild el'erything God AstrOll()lIl.'·, whell that seicncc was guest of hel" ai ,Icr hOllle in Light Lunches and Soft Drinks does, yet he is the unl)" safe person to taught on the Hill, spoke 011 th~t filS X<'rth E,\sJ, .01'e1"the week BUCK CASH end. seek in llloment~ of dispair. Th[! speok· dllflting snbject. Spenking of the in· AT THE FORKS er quoted a I'erse from Edgar A. Gueet ~piration these gle~ming bodies offord, Among Ihose \\"ho spellt the Westminster, Maryland telling how God kept our faith shillillg Dr. ?[cDaniel showed how likely we nrc ~nd in Baltimore wer~ the Miss· even in the glQom. With Ii short pray to err in judgiug the number of stars e5 Emily Bc!!S lla.l"llInn, Knth· (Orthe meeting was closed. l'isib1e to the naked eye. In the globe nr.'"n BrY'lII, }'rench, Anne LIJU Wehler & King EAT-A-PLATE-A-DAY The "Y" nleetings are indeed help IIbol'!'.~l1d belo\\" us, lhero nro onl.'" fiye der, Sue Bo:·er, Lou;se llughleUe, ?h.r· fnl undo inspiring, and it is Ulllt or six thonsnnd. Bnt with tho aid of tha l~ice, llortcllse Petit, ?tadelilleP(!· GHADUA~'Jj] PTTARilLACTSTS \Uore of thl' men will attElud week· the tel~scope Hll/l photography this tit, Sue Bromley, Alnm 'l'nylor, Virgi.n- The RexaU Store NEUMIINl ly meetings. \lumber is hlerMsed to hundreds of mil· in Wilson, ~[rr,';n Ra)"llle, Blnnehc Westmill.stee, Md. lions. Eacll of thl'se are S\lllS Illrge'· }~{)rd, l~osalie Smith, ReiCH Bntler, .than those which havo plauets rev01ving Elise Sarli :MISS :ROUNDS SPEAKS AT Y. W. (lround Ihem.The distance t.o the uear· Held, Preeman, lfnr.\" Ritehcotk, Dorothy ICE CREAM and .Mildred Cnmes cst star is so grra.t thn.t it ""1J5t be Robbs. . The Y. W. was extromel:r fortunate measurell in light yenrs,meaniug, how Smith & Reifsnider ~T11E CIiEAM WIT11T11EMOIIEISHTASTE~ in having RS the speaker lit the meet· llHlll~- years "it tool{ the light from tl,is We are glnd to WeleOlll\lHiss Ha?el ing of Febrnary ninth, Miss Louise pnrticular star to refl
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