Page 73 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 73
The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I Terror Cagers Headed Toward State Championship I SPORTS I OO·EDS LOOSE TO GEORGE TERRo~ F'OOTBALL SQUAD TERRORS WIN THRILLER FRESHMEN ROUTED BY GETTYS- VARSITY CAGERS LOSE TO WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY BANQUETED IN BALTIMORE BURG FROSH GETTYSBURG LAST NIGHT (Continued from Page 1) The George Wai!'h'illgtou sext ette de- vtctors Roll up 51 Points • Gettys'bnrg defeated the Varsity rented the western lIaryland team on (COntinued from Page 1) and numbers were elnmoriug for stan(}: The Western '1Ilaryland }"l'osh went basketball team 36·23 Peobruary 10 in Saturday with n score of 22-19. The ing rOOI1l. There was not 11 nook or down to defeat before the Gettysburg a luoeely-played game, rnared by tHUlI· Washington basketeere gained a lead ,football men in the game were repre' corner that held a "iew of the game Frosh in the Pennsylvania city TIHIl'a· eroua routs. Gettysburg took the lead day in the I'arly part of the game and held ~~nte;el~~:Sl:;~~~~~~~eh~I'~:g~:l:w~,nil;!~~.~)::~:~~:t~~~II~:t i~:owded. EV~lnt~~ :~~!: by a 51·~2 score. The Battlefield in the first minute of play and retained it during the entire contest. bo)'s jumped into the lead and were it throughout >the contest, Gettysburg Over zealous refereeing made the ~~lt~~'Sb~~~~:~·~~:t,anl~,;:\~;!~n,:.a!la~:t one heard yells favorites of never threatened Iby the 10cIIl Pros·h. piled up n ten point lead which eculd gnme a slow one, and prevented both The score at half time '11'(15 28-8. Hn not be overcome aud seared ofton by tenms from doing their best. Evers ennftned strictly to only football men, )~:!ho~e:;;;:~ f;ri(l~~er:n';~;r~::sar:;e~~::~l; vena wns t.he star fer the yearlings, lout:' shots. Soon after the second half scored highest for George W{l.shington ~~~de~,~n;~,e~;~~~i~~~:elH:tn:=:el:~~O~\a~~' including the greater part of thnt stu nctthlg ten points, or one point less opened Moeham,er and [Broil were by making twelve points, 'While \Vilson interesting from the view point, Ot all dent body. As Bille Ridge appeared on than half of his tennis total points. fouled out of dhe game and their loss rolled the score for W. M. C. "Do" concerned. Indeed it was a great the fioor, cue might have thonght the GettysbuI'g's stars were Plenger, with was irreparable. The high scorer for Johnson was excellent as subattt.ute event. game was being played at the New seven field goals and four fouls, nud Gettysburg was Peduzai with twelve center. To start the affair, the Terror squad Windsor gym, s-o generous was the ap- Mnrath, with five field gods and three points. Broil with twolve points W:lS the Terrors high aeorur, W . .1f C. G. W. was placed as the center 0:1' attrnct.ion plnuse. But 'when the Terrors, led by fouls. The Peuuaylvania boys were :l in the middle of the room, in spite of Cllptaiu Broil, rus.hed onto the scene, well couched tenm. Gettys-burg Wilson R. F. Evers the AIl ...Americl'ln guests. Each Ilnd one .might have thought th~t he was W. M. Hayne L. 'F, Crumley GETTYSBURG FRESHlME'N (51) Broll R-. F. Cockley ,., Lauder C. Omwake every maIl felt his imlUcdiat.e import. seated in one of the huge Univers'ity Goals Fouls Points Smith L. F. Stumpf Stadiums. 'fhe 'old Maryland !)n<.:oas a liuk of the machine thnt mado yell, Rosenstock S. O. 'Gate snch !I gloriolls record during the paat individnals for that fighting team, and Marath r.f. 5 13 Ellis L. F. Petluzzi Smith R.. G. FaunsI'. season. But th., fact t\wt lJ.llybodyfelt fifteen rahs with It ~vhole darn team Oil Cremer l.f. 8 Pelton L. F. Wheeler L, G. Hastings con~picuous by in snell a disling- the end indicated the. support that the Doyla c. 0·0 10 l\{aehalller c. Shultz Su'bstitutes: 'Y. M. C. Johnson, ·Brown. \lishod oulfit, soon its prestige, and T~rOI'Shad. Even tho unbiased nudi· lloke r.g. 0·' O'Lenr c. Breaw the Wcst('rn Marylund ml'n took tbeir enee could not refrain aHd joined in Hofsten r,g. 0·0 Van Buren R G. -Spangler Weigle L. G. with the All-Amerienns when tho the yelling nil the gamc started. .Klinger r.g. SOPHOMORES PRACTICALLY WIN L. G. Ilubisnek was brought forth. A very ex' The Terrors took the lead ~t the TOURNAMENT dinner iIl(l."IORS(7) uuder Hatl(lW; 1...ou Little, of Ivas 1~-1l in favor of Wllsllington. At Freshmen ., .333 D; S.GEHR Goals Fouls Points of the U. of 1"0.,,11., were tlle !Hen hI the Ibegilllling of the second half the Junior .000 La.wson r.f. 1 1-4 speak. Bnongll illspiration was arons«! Western Maryland defonse broke and Seeond Team Standing Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Baker l.f, 0-0 inlilose-pl'escni to wiu a dozen foot- \V;ashington College stArted a S'aoring W. L. Pet. Building Materials, Cutlery, Sillin c. 0-2 ball games, Iilul eyen the old-timers pic streak to HIllass a ,total of 41 poillts. Senior 1.000 Umbarger r. g. 0 O·Q tilred ihemselws Oll the firing lil1e once Sophomore .66{l Ammunition, Paints, Oils, Elliott l.g. 0-0 mo!'l'_ Mr. Young stated that if the W.M. WAlSH. COL. .Freshmen .333 Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, real fn,·t wt:'l'e known, \Vestern .Mary· Broll R. F. Carroll Juniors .000 Iron a.nd Steel Products. Totals 1-6 hInd Imd one. of the best tctlms in UII' Ellis L. F. Dumsehott Score ,by halves: F:llst last rellr, lind it WIIS "Dick" Sullivan L. ..1:'. Geraitis AT THE STAR (Established 1868) Sophomores 10 10 20 Harlow flInt did the work. "Bill" Machamer C. .la.eobs Westminster, Md. Seniors 7 Wood was owardelj the ora1:ory badge Weigle R. G. Dtibson Wednesday- Referee--"Pete" Gomsok. unllnimously. His message w~s a r~1l1 Weillsto{;k R. G. "\\'i[},TNER O.F THE WILDERNESS" PROSPERITY METHOD (llle and in con~lnsion he. says, "'I'hank Yau Buren L. G. Cava.naugh The Mystery Pilot Inalndes a full line of machinery for SECOND ROm."'D God we ha\'e men wth ttillroge on a L. G. Carrillgtoll ThUnlday- Ghemically Cleaning, Dyiug, Steamiug, Standing of the League f(!otball t~all1, and not. the Ulen who "'NIE '!'AXI DANCE" Dyeing, Deodorizing aud Pressing. The W. r" Pet. !UlI'e liS their sloglln, Don't fight hui Westminster Stationery Store NEWS only proress that makes the gllrment Sophomores '1.000 sue." COME>DY-"Jerry the Grand" de~ll and sanitary, with1;lut fadiug or shrinking. JunioTl'1 .000 BILLY DITMAN, Prop. Friday- Ladies snd gentlemen will save from Freshmen .000 'I'hey say that most of the fire in a Kodaks Films Novelties "WOMAN'S WO'M.A..t'l'" 25 to 50% by ltaviIlg thair dresses, Seniors .000 modern girl's eye is quenched by the Monthy ana WeeJely 'Periodical~ Saturday- coats :wd suits chemically stenmffi, ",nier on her brain. Sooond Team League "KING OF TURF" de/l.ned or dyed by Prosperit)' 'Atethods. W. L. Pet. LET'S GO GIRLS FOR THAT FOR QUICK SERVICE "HOUSE W[lrIIOUT A KEY" .A..lJBERT"ABE" TOZZI, Juniors 1.000 Call At Monday and Tuesday- Representative. of SopllOflIores .000 FINE SANDWICH The Quality Shoe Sho~ "SOCIAL CELEBRITY" U. W. MILLER, Cleaner and DyCE. Seniors .000 HIMLER'S "Herb" Elliott, Representative of Fres-hmen ,000 J. D. KATZ Miss Blanche Ford, Organist LevineRall !
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