Page 72 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: ill11r ~ nIII 1& ug :-: to willi ntteud, small but reunion~ were elsewhere. celebrating One. "ThUllk to you," General he snid, llie "and Arthlll' I just 111IItt1! IDI!l' who tctl that want most Interesting Jetter was from llgilmation between the soWler secnre the State Approprintion, mid issue. Hubert Johnson, '28 TI'fal'vinStel'lillg, '30 and the civilillll" whose paths in prevo thon lin additi(",,,l $125,000 U!ust 'he "Jap" V,Teisbeek,'30 !lfargaret JlIal'tignolli, '29 ious years hll"c foUowed lhe grelltest oi1taincd to seeurl' the sallie lImount CO~ERENCE ATTRACTS W. M. George Sn 1tcr, '29 divergence. The World \Vnr, he said, from the Rotkefeller FoundaLion. ITe (Contiuued STUDENTS Page 1) from ~howed the of such n scpamtiou sai(1 that when 110 gets this money ho Western illar,l"l:IHd College II'US well Worthy opinion~' Model management; Correct news, '!luI he wished choose this topic for enn easily use I); million more. He told at the CClufercuec 'fhe ijince literutura and litarnry his hearers that he kncw llIueh !\lore of th(' commi8siOll ou Interna· long since bceome ex· Hbont thrm tlwn they werc a"'url', lind A CORRECTION HOST OF ALUMNI ATTEND that he ,'onW' get. two millions th:!t lion!!1 HI.'i1lti(l!!s "'IIl! our ,'ery popular hausted for slIch purpost's. He had ANNUAL GREEN AND GOLD knowu of Western 1Iaryland College night if they would just gi,'c it to him. Profe;;sor ]~(lUck. aile of om oll'n stn· It is regretted tbat the i'ootl.l.1!l lnell (Somebody behhH1 mo whispered "Try Wil~OIl, lII.1do a. ,'ery BANQUET IN BALTIMORE .for ruany years. had indel'd commnnde(l of the Sophombrt' r.lass wcrt' blame{l Dnd iL") After his linal plea for ~hairHHln. Twcnty sOllle of ils graduates, and eonld nltest for being illlplicntcd in the h1l7jllg of we all slmg "Dear '\Vestern (hllegllres from Ihc Associntions oil the to their eJliei~n~y ill work for the bet· se"erlll of the Freshnil"n, which took (Continued from Page 1) agnin. Hill, and two froU) the Theological pla~{' reecnO.,·. It lms beeu learned Inment of the world. "Your stlldmlts, lIlr. Gilbert thell (leknowledged the Seminary mad" up th", \11. 1L C. group. !lUll, they wcre not anil an all' -"Ir. Gilbert, 11'ith their class, and instructors hal'emnrched work of 1fr. '1'. K. Harrison and ¥r. 'rhe hospitnlity of the BTudenls ant! olog)" is due thcm for a<;,cllsati{)ll. followed b~' "Alllm )'latn" by nwa.y to giye their lil'M for the U. S., F. Murruy BCnS(lll in their preparation fneu!1y of Ullod College llulH'cssed ('ach It is n great tcmptntioll to "ssist in w11ol<' eOlllpHny. cnll you uot picture the grundeur of for the banquet. D,·. McDll!liet, Vice nnd c\·~r~ wi111 a spirit of the of the Jo'rcshmen, but the me"l of EpieureHn perfection, ,!!u~h ads'f" Then l'e spoke of Willth· and tireless worker for the men who were exempt frOIll rulcs last rupted b~- s<)lIgs, spee<>lie8, 1'1C11sallt eon· ing" the eollege llIeu in the trcnahes, in of the college, \\":IS lilao $hould \.10 congratulnted for re "crsation, ~lld Innglltl'f. thedescrt, on weary marchc~, av· from part in the hnz We aang an "Alrun ~[atcr" to tIm er.ywher(' th~t n TImy go, and Qo)'a1ty, nnd ing year. tune of "llaryland, ~l~' ~Iarylalld," in lauded ile their spoke bral'er~', hearing snalches vnl of }~ollowi!!g ihe u~ual eustolll, the com· home ,Ire alike, he hoped the dclegstes of or, which Dr. Gilligan displnyed his abil- IWu)' aekuowletlged the members of the wanld feel ~t hQ!I1e at Uo~cy -- :A1:~TrI{J1l;', (J1iIEF CARPENTER L1y as a "sing master." The orehestra sflngs, manS of them dear to dasses graduating twenty·five n.nd fifty dirl. .1oInr.rlllnd Coll"ge, which he y{'ars ago. I think there was one reP' leadl'f iI!\"ited us 10 Bing the chorns of The co.uf('rcm"e It hns beon very uneomfortnble for "Bye, Bye Blackbird" after his drnm heard minglerl 'irith "he:nt songs" is· resentauve of the elnss of 1877, bllt I young peGple whQ wero us to sit in " e~rtaiu pew on the mer sang it ns a "er~' pleasing solo. from lip~ ~raeked with heat, dry saw seyernl, lit least' of the elass ell in the n(h"lHccment of ".ide of 'Baker ClUljJd, dnc to the Then we S'lng "S!!lilc~" :it the or half·frozen\\itheold."H of )!'IC.'!. Mr. Gilbert for tho and of God's kingdom. Through their thallhe bllCk isbrokcn. Will you at lrnder's snggestio!!, repeated omit· ii;SU(·has ~aid, "who carry class of 1927 a gootl b~' to smile to our neigh'bors; the L S., to all nations. No one who Tost('f Slll'icher, "?'funnie" will be felt on. i'he c~wpnses l)cuch by next Sunday night. . l'llI most.of the smileg.became has ~"er seen war CIires to look upon its Curling, "Em" J01I{'S, "Bess" Hay· 01' the eollcges r('prescnter). w('re reueh face agllin, yet war is in(" 'I'he mnn. 11aude Brown, Hortense Pe.ttit, ing. Some brilliant alumnus struek HOW CAN THE ALUMNI BE General asked that we do !lot \jlind our· Sill in, "B~t1y" Huhbell, npoll the iden of supplantiug "ha, ha, IN:rERESTED'? sch'es to the eauses for war which sur· l~o~'cr, "Ginia" Wl'ight, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ha," for the smiling. The result -was HnBs-ia, Nie(!ragua, ludirfOus; somebody snid he felt like ruund us in "Preddie" Ferguson, Nor~!Ie Everhart, OF WESTIVr.--~STER ~'he "Gold Bug" had Hhout three he h~d becn dropped in the midst of a ,mdindeed tlir world. "The Oeor~e BenllH, aud Emily Piekett. -' Westminster, Marylllnd. hundrod {,,,Ira eopies of the lust iJ;su~ group of lnughing hyemis, or an insane lund resounds to Jlrof~'Ssional pactifists, And then it \\'as "time to go home." printed IIn(l had planned to distribute aS~'lum; not very complimeutary, WlS broken" for he tonId assume 'lI'guments O,'er the~e prepara· 'V. M. C. be repaired the very low cost. tions hesliid Hogreatpolic.r('an (Continued from Page 1) the witllOut ha"i"g to seck a be ,yorkI'd out without frietiOll. He R. O. '1'. C. Give us a. Trial. lMs jJersoll nJloH wliolll to Illy be that ,of climbing the tallest trees closed hysaying 1hat "in the future H!!ylol'''ne. 1iel1'"n the PO!!itiOH uflcr and observiug the .6.ight of the Ibirds. snme American Gener,,1 would thallk Babylon & Lippy Company two ballols, he Sllid, the first bcing :1 Westminster Hardware Co. In a lew years many u('st-s \Vero fQUllU, GlIt! for whut the eountry is doing tic ,·ote between two eOlllllliite(,lllen, which made tbe Cape May Warbler's the se~ou(1 $CCllring hia el~tioH b~' one now." Jobbet·s and Rntoil Dealers in hubits well·knowli. "ote when the questioner withilrow. It Wnsu't tlml splendidT We were sit FLORSHEIM SHOES BI"cklan(ls, a Pl'_.,'lt peninsula, is il· was n great 1'lcaoml'e to preside at tlle ling Ilwn." baek in olle ('ornel', but J General Hardware lustrative o.f the hog region. The peat craned forwnrd 1101 10 miss a won'!. I STETSON HATS tweul~·-sixth meetiug of the ,\lumni, which resembles (lirt., 'will eithe.r float wllS inj_errnl't~d once, however, when I amid "pufume of flowers, joyous mu· or burn. The bo~ here is filled with hCl(!'(l u lad.,' ".Ilk a Senior if we st.ill Heating and Plumbing Systems ~ie, an<1 the f:lbCS of frienils." Flis numerous kinds of wild fowl. had J\:. O. B. 's nl Western MarJ·JllJld International Made-to-Measure Installed l'eeollocliou went tJll<;.k to eollege and he redewed tIre elements of College. Thiugs at college l!vhkntly do Suits (gslilllfltes Purnished) INTERCOLLEGIATE BOXING el'lI ~lar~·llllli!. College whieh make it lIOt chnngc ,-err rapidly. "a sl,lendid asset to the Sinte and the :Ui"s (t1l(1 a youug gentleman (Continued from Page 1) natiou." lie dosed with the wish that with n teno\' I'oice, I simply THE 123 pouuds-Warfield or Eelot. 1h(' sons And tI;mghlel\'! of his AlUlA eould hear his Imme, sang "Tea Attention W. M. Students 135 pounds-Warner or Mcredith. :\Intt'r llIny conlinue to d('vote them· fOI' Two," aud "~'he 13'lu(l Room," Westminster Savings Bank -for those WllO don't Imow we 145 ponncls--{Norris, Long or Lan(liuo. selves to the complC'x work of modern from "T);e Girl Friend." ]3oth dnets ](i0 ponnd~-.rohns or Chamber.!!. ILfr,and in nil things$lI]lport this MI· aud ac('or
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