Page 71 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 71
RECITAL VARSITY BASKETBALL By Department of Music GOt At The Armory Smith Hall Gettyaburg College :Friday, 7.30 P. M. Thursday, 8.15 P. M. Vol. 4, No. 18 Feb. 16, 1927 Host of Alumni Attend Western Md. Wins 2 -1 Decision Over COLLEGE CALENDA:R. Coach·Harlow,as Ornothn- Annual Green and Gold George Washington in Opening Debate \\··ED0.TESD.AY- logist, Describes Expedition Banquet in Baltimore Inrrr-clllss !Basketball 4:30. to Brunswick, Canada 7:00 P."M. Ccrrle Praneuis Visitors Present Strong Case Conference of Christian TllURSDAY- for Modification of The Vursit.y B. B. \'S. Gehty.slJurg- Neither Presiden t Ward's Call Associations at Hood Armory 8:15 P. '),I. Entire Student Body Hears for $250,000 by July Nor Gen. Volstead Act. FRIDAY- Vivid Account at Wed- McArthur's Prediction of College Attracts Over a Luter- class Bnsket'bal1 4:30 P. If. nesday Assembly. 'l'heflrstdebateonthe1927sehednle, Future Wars Mitigated held in Smith Hall on Monday even Score of W.M.Students Reeitll.l~"p:lrtm(1nt of J,[nsic P.'}.f. 7:30 The Gayety of The ing, FebrlHlry 14, between George SA'l'URDAY- The entire college n$semblC(l on Washington University nud Western Wednesday, l-"(lbru"r~'!J, tc hear Conch Occasion. Maryland resulted in victory Prof. Ranck Headed Com- llnrlow tell about his trip through "PhI.' judges, Br-unswick, Dnnadn. The coach pie- By Marian Curling ?oJ>1r)"L. Oaugh." the Depnrtment of mission on International Lured his trip so vividly that the au- Western :\lal'ylnHd College, English ill Hood College, C. L. Cross, Relations. dinncc \V,IS transported to the 'inter- Pebruary ia, 1927. Prlncipa l of Hampst ead High School, esting region whieh he 'Was delieribiHg. Dear Everybody Who Di(]n't Go, and H. P. GQrS\!"h, president of the In Qunb(.'C,a bit of old Prause trans- You missed it, the ga)'cst lime, be- Westminster Rotary Club, returned the ferred into modern c\,·ili7.atiol\, the cause of sickness, otsteuee, indisposi- decision' two to one 111 fRvor of the spectator is tbrilled 1.0 stnnd 011 the em1)nrrns~mentJ ncgutive. An nuusually Inrge and in- bluff und pteture the famous battle be- or jwcnt)"-s;xth terested audience, including muny I"is twecn Wolfe nnd 'Monteahu. The bunh~,l d·,,c,, its ow" pur. llIust first lnlllseen{l the world." ::; lllil(Os,,1'Oiillil he wir..!~.r. ----- We~tern lII(I1")'lnnd College pennnnts, poses lwd Sllloons ha;-e gone into the I·eprcscllt·ing Western to en· The region is didded into seushore, fl.:l!;S,, eyergreen 1I'I'eatha,ferns, homes, that the l'resent cOIl(litions of The other addl'e~~ was at the Snndfl~' ter. The U. of ]~e!l1I. n mighty sprnce forest.s, and Ibogs. At tho ooa· silver e~l1dle sticks, Spring hypoerisy and In'l' ,";ol"tion must llc ontfit. Along with Na,'y tllcy shore, thllll waves sometimes sixty feet flowers, music. 'Vhile folk~ ",el'e remedic1"e been in the Intcr..collegiatu At :St. John's, thel'c is a rovcqihlc EOngelLinlfriends, Ke looked about for l.e):gllc sin~c its origin. f:llls. Here the percentage of fatali· fnmilinr faees and saw, on a_ raised ties. H!l10ug fishermen is higher than plntform, Dr. Rnd ;\[1"s."\Vnr(!,Dr. and To quote Dick Hadow himSQ.lf, he an:~n'i'heroelse. Vegctuble life js vcr Mrs. .\r~DlIniC'l,)Ir. lTarry Gilbert, :Ma says, "A nwtc.h with a strong te/un, tlant. Fishing is the e1lief industry. jor Gelleral hl.'l.c ArUmr, i\fis$ Turner, and lJeer i~ possihle. Two thousand yenrs ago a SUell ~s Penn will h.1vn 011the floor will Loi)aters nrc plellfifnl, seals are abuu- "Bob" Gill, and se.yeral others, strnnge to sanity und teml'ernn,'(!. The speak~ )!n" fouTH1"d II kingdom which \\".15 hclp develop a mighty st.rong team for dant and almost mcnaci.n.gbeeanse to U$. Then we spied, away oyer in n erB for the negative hased tlleir proof IHlst'd ou lo\'e. "Impossible," said the ne:-:Ire doing \"Cr~·well, consider- The e.oaeh hll.t1Clceasioll to travel ex- lins, E\·e!~'n Beatson, "Reds" Terrell, doubtedly in.iurious, thAt modificotion spread throughout the world. Christ ing, an,1 in another yC:lr 11'0 wi!! have "Em" Allnut, lind their n!tendant is ulleellstit.n!ion(ll and' legnlly impo~· chall~uges all to li,'e the "Imllossible a tcnm." 'fhis is the start, ac~ordillg tonsive-ly through the sprnce forcata Wilh:1 group of men studying tho nest· swnins, "Puda" Warner, "Chief" sible, thut economic lind sooial bencuts Life" which is honest, clean, friendly, to Dick, of n. real inter·eollegio.te ing liabits of the Cape May Wn.rblCJ·. l~entl(>r, 1Ilillard Hines, "01u.1rlc)'" fM outweigh t!'HlpOrllr:y(O,"iI8,11.11(1 that, nnd unaeJfisll-ubove nll, I, Christlike s\lhedule. Next yeAr he expects to It is (limcnlt to discover it~ hnbit,s be- Bish, and Prank Sillill. RH)"llloud:>':l.nt- mooifiemiOll would Il0t reduee lawless life. Im"e :I 1"cnlst·hcdnle of bont~, ami he thews was there with a lowly nese but rather cOlllpli('at.eenforce-me11L 'rhe general conference WIlS divided Ilromiscs S011lcfillohomc attractions. cnuse the !bird is so small liS to make it alnlo:st impOijsiblc to follow it. 'fhn whom sOl1wbocty whispered \\"~.!! A rebuttal, fj"c minutes in length, was into groups or COllllllissi-01l8.Enth was Thc mellwho ·will l)roba'bly tako tho fl~n{·ee. gil'en by eneh spcnkcr. Conrisl', logi~al assigllotl a definite topic npan which its ring for 'Vestern Marylan(l are: most effect wa~' of ijOC\lfing informa· The class of J[l06 "broke the iCC," rCHsoning was disp1~yed, both ill ron· fOllr·!lIlur d·iscnS$iOli WRS liase!!. The 115 poullds-1Shoekley or Scott. tion concerning t.his bird was found to (CoutinuCll 011 Bage ~) strueiive speechl.'8 oud hi rebnttllls, remainder of the lillie \\'RS spent in It (Continued on Page ~) (Continued frolll Page 2) though in 8m·eral ins!au~e~ the InUer generAl discussion of the T{lports of disensaion Of the Last Minute News degenerated into of H certnin statistieinns thcse Conllu.issiOU8,all{1the returns of Local R. O. T. C. Band is r('lntil'O merits th() findings committe". ulld !luthorities quotoo by eitliersidc. TERRORS wm THRILLER The debate, whi(;h opened forensic Enterprising Organization rel'l'tions between George Wadlington VOICE AND PIANO RECITAL WILL Defeat Blue Ridge Ba.sketeers by nnll "·ostern l'IJaJ"yland,wus ;) bri!1iunt BE GIVEN IN SMITH HALL Score. of 39-25 Although them is Buffieien{;.materiol The pel's()!lHelof the lillnd is lIS fol, beginning of "'cst.e!"n Maryland's sen- FRIDAY AT 7.30 P M. and ability on 'file Hill to forJII a 1'01- lows: .Before tho largest crowd of thn sen· son. Both ienms displayed grent pow- lege symphol1y orchestra, the Drum },.hjor-L1unbertson sou, the Gre-en Terrorn of Western er, and the question was thorough'ly aud On .Priday evening, }'ebruary J3, nt sieal OI'ganizatioHs now in. Trumpets-Harp, 110rgan, Day, G. W. Mar.vlan!! trinmphed over Blue R·idge ereditnbly argued Oil cadI side. Vietory 7.30 P. M., n recitnl will be gi,'cn in nre the b:md und the Bunday Scho\)l l'orts. laat Jlight by a score of 39-25. Though over so \\·[)rthy an opponent as George Smith HRU by the Dcpnrtment of orcbestrn. ('l"rillet-Wnlkins the aeore indicates a walk-over, it wa~ is ilulicAtke of uoteworthy )lnsic. Ad"Ruecd students in Voi,:e The lb:llld, which is at pre~ont a part l'iecalos-.E!isiek, Foutz. actually a fast and game, "bili!." Alllong Wester11 Mar~"- and Piano will tnke part. The progru1ll of t.he R. O. T. C., prac.tiees three Saxa1_lhones-Laly, 'Varfield, Kroll. with the Terrors at tllei: best in fight, lund debntcrs iUld shoul~ be productive is as folloll"s: tim€\! :l woek, dul"ing military drill. A 'l'll'ba-Wnrner. ani1 ibaske1Jball ~kill. of (1lllost successful $cas011. W"lt1. in C Slwrp Minor C',opin grMt denl of eredit for tho formation FI·ullch Horn-Dc H~,'en. The setting wa.a pnl"feet for such a Aliss Bromley of the Iband belongs to 'Vooly D"1Uns----Greth,:Morris, Wislanski. triumph! Long before the preliminary who has encOlll'aged nnd ill Cymbals----I(Jondllll. was over, the lost Be:lt haa Ibeen taken, UNIQUE PA:R.TY PLANNED FOR Cnrnal'al Srhnll13l1l1 (,\·eT)' f/ossilJle "'''.r, tltis H. Althongh tho .suoday Sel\Ool orches- (Continued on Poge 4) MissWanle Marie Donadn O. T. C. Thern is n. great denl of tn.l- tra !loes not ha,'e a ,'cry consistent McDANIEL HALL, SATU:R.DAY A Song ent alllong m~m'bers of {;.helinnd, nnd, p~rSOlillel, it has done very ',·ell thla Af)' L[),·e1.r Odin Lane Wilson yC:U', failing only twice to present a TERROR FOOTBALL SQUAD EVENrnG AIr. Readc as Prof. Bertholf, the director, (\X· speeial Humber on
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