Page 70 - TheGoldBug1926-27
P. 70
Page Fo!u' The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. l\lulnni Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN La ecrele francais :1. eta eouvoque W. W. had a delightful party in the Ask Ohartot.tu Wheeler why she pre- mereredi Ie ~ yeuslet. Beuucomp de club room Saturdny night, F'obruary the rers eonscme. Any news items concerning W. M. :Bes~je Core, '24, i~ teaching piano membres ctuterrt absents. Apres I' ap- 5th. They had ruustc, refresbmeuts, Alnmni will be gratefully received. in Il college in Ncetb Cnrolmn. "Tut" call of We'j'e pel nominal tout le monde a eunnro la nnd-c-eh well, "z! gener::!l good timel" shiftpositioll proud from s'idc-ceuter who to for· Madelon. Trois mem.fbres du ecrelc oa t ward ill :J. basketball gurue, and do Eula Johnson, '25, is doing splendid Superintendent of Wieomoci County prescnte nne peraoniflention da quelques ('.:cdit to both poait.lous. work in North East, Md., as the home Schools, Ju.mcs A. Bennott, '10, has just grands pereouagea francais. Dr. Bon BROWNING NOTES econcm.ics teneher. She is building up undergone 11 throat operation. »ctte a donne netu alitiea fr:mcaises. were in e.harge of The co-ed buskethall team felt quite till} high school Home Eeoncmiea De who The .Iuniora, Mlle. Davis a ete nomme the meeting of January, presented at home when ilining lit the. Gettysbnrg partment eonunendahly, and ccnse- Louis High, 'Z6, is the new principn l de commite pour In reuuion 16 Pev- Hotel, Saturday; the chinll.,wlIre baing quenuv is winning the epprovat of the of the high school at Clinton, Md. entitled ·'],[ellerdramer.'· program rier. Apres avoir chaute La. Maraerl- a The story was read !by Mlas Thelma a replica of t.ha ex-ehina-wate ar w. 11. people in the eomuiuuify. where "Bill" Sterling, '~5, ia teaching la.ise le ccrc!c p' cst adjourne. c. . science. Sltreiner while the eharnebers aeted ont Sue "Whaley, '26, is l'i~illg in the the c\·enh. The eust consisted of; in Chnpel last Monday moruing, Dr. world. At the last meeting of the Cha!'les Zep]), '97, and his wife, h!ld POETS' CLUB ·Miss IIeld, the Spanish student; Miss Ward eommended theSpeeehnnd1>:[usie IWieomieo High School .math tcaeher, H rnJhel' narr,ow esenpe recently, when V. Rielull{llld, the maidCll; Miss M. Depnrtmcnts upon the splendid program Sue, made sueh a splendid speech, aud thoy had to flee from th~ir hOllle ill The Poeh' Club will hold an open Wilson, the true-lo\'er; Miss Ranck, the rnullered 'by them in Smith linll, Fri Dr, North recbmmended it so highly to Fore8t PMk, BalUmore. Their homc meeting Thursday evening, J'ebru1lry maid; .Miss Reifsnider, the lJour; Miss day evening, Febru~ry fourth. TIe James A. Bennott, '10, was threat,cn6d 'with nrc, whieh com· 10, in MeD3IIie1 nail Parlor, at 7.45 P. Kyle, tlJe SUll; and tho. Mi~8es Bellllett Bpoke of tho I'alno and importanee of pletely destroyed a neigh'boring houM, M. und Love, the eurtain. The unusual sueh (In artistie entertninmcnt and ex made. Mr. Z~pp turned in the. alarm. The theme of the meeting will be ness of the presentation made it all pressed hill regrets that u. larger num' l~obert Burns and his poetry. Slides the more enjoyable. bar of the students were not present. 1,[11ryCorneJia BOllllll, '20, is teaching Kathleen Todd, '26, bettel' J{IlOWnn,. showing scencs from Burn~' lifo will be Next weak the Sophomores will ha\'e in ]\[orristown, N. J. After graduation is teaching in the high presented. elJarge of the program, NOTICE from WestElrn }'larylond ... },lary taught school Oordova, Md., where IIarry Special Scoteh musie l]1(s been ar· for three years in the high school of Bratt, '2;1, is principle. Toddy teaches I'lInged, and the program promises to ·Will wllOever borrowed the vi'etrola North East, Md. The following ye:lf Englisll, FrellelJ, .nnd music, and she be more thall usuully interesting. Ey DELTA SIGMA KAPPA from Alulllni Hall after the plays kind· she went to Porto Rico where she really lil{es her. po~itioll as a teacher. l'ryonc is invited to attend. If yon Detta Sigma Kapp:l tnkes greal ly return it to UosnJie Smith' taught for only olle yelll', returning She never fnils to inform her frienil~ aro interested in Seoteh poeb'S anrl pleasUI'e in UJlnouneing that Miss Clara then to the Unite(l Stutes. lhnt she is aetul111y teaching milSie- muaic!be present! 1£ SCOIl are interest· SOME NEW AILMENTS THAT THE "with II pitch·pip.:! und B\·el'ything." eil ill seoing a. little of what thll POllta' KatJlerhlO Grulll'bine of the Class of GIRLS HA VB CONTRAOTED Club of Western Maryllind College is 1929, has been reeo.ived into full mem last S]JI'illg, The -engagcment o.f Sarah Ethel doing, come to the open meeting Thny's bersLip. (i, 1I:lisse.sChar· 1-1I[uuy girls nl'e sufferiug with :lud i~ 110W ill a junior college :Markl'r, '2Z, and Wilfre{l ],[onroe Ou Sunday, Pebnmry dny night. "Quinsy." itt L\Il'ny, '1',1. Gilllly started ont IlS n Copenbal'er, '21, waB. allnonncerl Janu lotte Wheeler nud Dorothy JOhllSOll j ~--Othrl's h:l\'e thut "Ole' Ear" aehe. ths_ Shakc.spoa!·e two new members o.f the club, enter· 3---£ome hav(j. becn doing too mIlch llrt course of her ary 1. Fol' two years S:nah taught ,~t '~ll FRESHMEN ENTERTAIN AT Y. W. taLued tile Delts at a brenk fast in the "Eatin'." but 'when th!} days o.f OW11; the l'Ifl1rion Juui(}r Coll~ge, ill MarioH, 'WeTO Va., bllt now she ill tC'Lehilig in thrl ]'[e:Daniel B:lll kitchenette. The. menu 4----'Sever:11nrc afflictel1 witlJ "T. R" over, the eollege authorities illsist.eii The meeting of l~ojbruary 2 wus consiste(l -of baked apples, hot 5-0rhers llced a rest. by the "Boy." Woodbury High School fit Woodbury, entirely ill Ille hunds of the Pre~hillen coffee al1(l chocolutes. 'l'he 6-0ne would 1.>0all right if she hud that she renwin ns a permanent tea·ch N. J. Wilfred, wbo ohtained llis PII, She is tenchillg er. girls, who presented II very fine Dlu9ieal was delightfull.y plulllled and "Cook." and English, biology, l'reneh J D. from Yale in 1925, is te'lBh· Amcrienl\ and program. and lhe Delt.s hall another ona needs:l. new "Bakcl'." iug ill the UniVllrsity of Miss Nila ·Wall:tea opened the u,eet 8->Some just nced a "Day's" rest. Her acldress ia: 30 Bluc HoclJestor Hoehester, N. Y. The ing with a phmo 3010, which waa fol 9---1:\[nnd need ouly tIle roueh of a Ridge Ave., Luray, Va. home!; of both are in Westmillster, ~rd. lowed by a lovely vocal selectioll by Y. M,. C. A. NOTES "Good Hall!l." :lIfiss Daro'thy Hobbs. An exeeptionally lQ--Some ha\\c plaiu "nllrt" trouble. HOT BREAKFAST THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK fine quartet number ~"as rendered by On Fe.bruH.l'Y2, the Y. M. C. A. helJ 11-SOllle Jleed some "T';:oen"attention. THESE COLD MORNINGS OF WESTM.--"STER the i\figses NordwaU, Strawbridge, F. Hs 'Weekly meeting, concluilted by of. 12-0j-llel's need a "LOng-" vaeation. ""0,1cstminstel', 1\f aryland. Jones, a~ld Gl!reelon. Miss Vugiuia Woodell. :Mr. lludgius, former Ilresi J3-l£: OllOshould die, she would neod. MARGARET'S Merrill rend the twenty·tJlird Psalm, dent of the "Y," a iuter' a "Harp." CapitaL .. $J25,000 while Miss Gleichman played a seJec. eatillg t.1lk on lic 14--'-'1.. trip to "Holland" is all that 8m'pltls fmd Profits. .$150,000 tion on the 1'101in. Miss Franees Rale. brought out the faet 'thut the pioneer· one w:wts. Life Insuran~e Jacob J. IVeaver, Jr., igh gR\'e a reading .from Edglll' A. ing days of Booue gOlle, .but sueh J5-'fhe doutorllas preseribecl a "Mor· Chairman of Board. -G~it" pOClllb. The entire program leaders are needed in every fi~ld nf rjg"ehairfol'some. BUCK CASH wllSvcry entertaining and slJ'(Iwed un life today. Pioueering is of 4 dUfur 16--8ome eould be (llired by money, L. K. Woodward, President. usual ability on the part of thoso 111 ent now, but· i.t still illvolvea dan perhaps by "Nichols." Westminster, Maryland George R. Gehl', c.harge. ger, aud aQ,'enture. lie 17-Many ncl'd to get Tlear beautiful Vice-President, Cashier. Next "Week, the Y. W. C. A. expects finally we.{(l Christ ~s "Sites." to have lfiss Louiso Rounds, a repre. OUr guide ill pioneel' work n$ well as 18--0llfl gil'l "\Vout{l be ellrcd Iby a Wehler & King sentntive of tlHl Studont Volunteer in regular life. After a prayer and a "Sterling" ring. WIlEN 1[OHment, to speak. E'I'er~'one is wGl BOHgtho meeting was ~cljollrned. 19-Although mnny are still ill, sOllie GRADUA'l'E PH.AR.~[ACISTS DOWN The meetillg was weU attemled and are Oll the "Trail" to rec(lveI'Y. The RexaU Store appreeiated. COllIe out and our Wcstminster,1\fd. TOWN new type meetings which fire abrt LIT SOCIETIES START RENOVAT. this week. ]"riss Hazel Brn.ttw:ls ealleil home thc S'l'OP A'l' ruG PROGRAM latter part of lust week, dne to the ill· nessofllcrlllother. Smith & Reifsnider "Pop" Shipley's The two girls' litenny societies have ELECTION OF OFFICERS IN HOME abandoned l1ebating and "liter· ECONOMICS CLUB .Mrs. Harvey llastiug.~ of Lalll'el, ary" occup:ltioDS to.lannch eleaning Del., $l'cut the week·cnd with lllir (Iau Light Lunches and Soft Drinks ~amP:llgn. Brooms and dusters are 0.. Jallunr.I' the 18th, the ghler, 1liss Vil'ghd!l l,!uslings. LUMBER AND COAL AT THE FORKS about to Ibe weilde:d in the society offiecr~ {If Home Economies Chlh Thc :Mi~es Kalhryn Close, Glaliys rooms 'by vielous hands. So, dear stn' '1"ere eleeted for Ihcaeeond term o.f the. Miles, and Sar:.!!! FreCIIl
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