Page 69 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three I SPORTS I Varsity Cagers Win Three In A Row I SPORTS I GREEN AND GOLD CAGEMEN SENTORS FORCED TO LIMIT TO WESTERN MARYLAND TROUNCES INDIVmUAL SCORES FOR THE TERROR CAGERS TROUNCE OVERWHELM SUSQUEHANNA BEAT JUNIORS GALLAUDET FmST FIVE GAMES LOYOLA First Team League UNIVERSITY FIVE all February 2, the Tenors sprung a In !1 fnst nud well-played game, the The bnskctbell team travelled to Junior 'basketball b'am forced the Sen- Wnshlugt.on on Pebrunry 5, to defea~ big surprise when they defeated t~H~ Continuing the typo of basketball iors tq the limit to win. It was,S{! fn r, Gallaudet, 39 to 29. Western MAry mueh-adcet-tised Loyola team, h.\' the that eua.bled them to defeat Loyola, the best game of the round. fund never relinquished the lead after score of .::;;to 24, on the Loyola tloor. the Terror basketball ran '.rlJe Juniors fil'8t, when Lyle they mads the rfirst score, when Mach The Tcrror~ took the lead when. BroIl rough-shod over their opponent Thurs· Qninn dropped ]H"etty field goal nmcr tipped one in. Sullh'an nud Brott Condon 0 7 1-2 made two fouls and M;)chamer and EI day night by the score of 34.-12. the basket. iSillin tied the each ndded several points to inereaae Sho'ckley F 6 2-5 lis each shot a basket from the floor. A field goal by Machamer started the count 'with Jl. rfiei{lgoal. Quinn netted the lead. Gallimdct, fighting desperate Qainn Jr F 7 0-1 Loyol.1 SUOlltook the lead wucu lIel scor-ing. Then "Otta" Broll, dropped ll.11ot.herfield goal anti Bay iucreuacd Iy, evened the score nt 13 nil, near the snu; s, O' 7 0·0 14 fr-ich and Rodgers mrlrle four baskets a two.pcrnter. Tho first score for the the load 'With 1~ foul. Silliu got his end of the first half, but tneyeoutd Lawson e- F 6 13 nud lU~de two fouls to make opponents was a. long shot by Dixon, second field guc I on a be(llltiful ahot not keep up the pace aud the half end Baker e- F 6 0-0 12 the score Brott, the "isiting center. The Green and from the foul line. Elliot-t'ga"e the Woodward Jr F 5 1-2 11 Van Buren Addell ten G-I)ldteam addcc] ton mor-e points to Senior cheerers leatl with a shot under :!,.::. t;u~~gi~h:VS~t:,:~ l~;~r'~:~~!:l~ Keen gnph F 3 1-3 7 their total while tho best the visitors the basket. But Quinn 'tied the count dot staged a slight rally to cut the Gomsnk l~l'oBh 0 3 1-3 During the aeeond half Western ]lrary' could do was to aeore six more points. jllstasihellillfended. &ore7-7. lead so\newhat, but th,e Terrors added Cook Frosh C 2-4 land steadily increased the lead as The Terrors soon score{l agnin and Mears ,Steored Iwicc hefore the Sen several more to their tutal to make the >Seitz P 1 3-4 Bl'oll, Ellis, and Van Buren continued ha(] (louble(l their scorc before the lON! were a.ble to s~ore in the see~nu final sa{)re 39·29. Machamer with 21 MeMs Jr a 2 1-1 to make baskets. Loyola made fre· visitors got their next fiel(\. Theil half, bnt SilEu with two field goals was easily the high l)oint seorer. Wcilllbe~k Frosll GIl-I quont substitutes durillg the aecona the'l'errors got fOllTmore before with 8 points was next. For Norris Soph G 1 half to keel) the score down, but Ihn tho visitors s~orcd t.heir ~:;:~~,~wi:l"\\~~~~AoU~hr~:in~e~~adg::l~ Gallandot, Cosgro\'e and Yoder plnyod Elliott Sr G 1·1 Terrors nen'r let up until the final P~ltoll gnve \\Testern M:uylaurl lasb gave tho Seniors their m~rgill of vie I.h(lbest game. Al'bright Jr G ° 1 whistle blew. Dudley, the high point point with a long shot just as the game tory. Theline·up: H. Smith Prosh G ~-2 0·0 S'eorer in the s.tato anti tho most fear~d ended. . The defense of t.he Juniors broke \Y.M. Gallaudet Bay Jr G 2-4 Loyola player, WM hela nlmost 8(\0,·e· '.rh(l Western ?bryl:ul(l t(lnm played dOlnl in tho last thl'oO minutes of pI:))" Broil R.F. Cosgrove less by the excellent gu~rding of ft good all-arollHd gume and ont.-played ennjIJlin~Lawson to score. The Juniors R.1~. Byonk Second Team League "\'iI'eigle,"Whoplayed a SlJlelldid defen tile visitors in C\·I.1rY of til(> playcd vory smoothly, 'but they still Sllllivan L.F. Byonk Wood'ward Sr F 14 1 29 sive g:UllC. Th(' Terror wa-8led by uced more team work: Smith B.yer Clark Soph F 8 Hi Broll", with J8 was easily the "OHs" BroIl, who seore-d six Tho score: :Mnchamer c. Yoder Shrivor Soph F 6 12 high scorer of gamo. llolfl'ieh of times fqlnl tlw fic!(l and bwice from Seniora (17) O'Lear C. Ni~holg St" F 3 9 Loyola, wns second with 12 points. By the field. "Mosll" Maehamer with fonr Goals Fouls Points R.G. Bilger RannoW Sr G 4 0 winlling this game 'Western Maryland field goals was the secollc1higheRt scor TJawson, Rl' 0-3 6 R.G. DeHaven Frosh F 3 stayed in the race fOr I.he State Cham er. The mall for man afJfen~e Baker, LF 0-0 2 VanBuren L.G. 1.1i1ler Stneh Frosh G S pionship. etl by Oollch "Barney" Speir, made Sillin, C 0·0 Lally IJ.G. SOllh G 2 'l'heliue-up: next to for tho visitors to Umbarger, 1-1 Beuver Sr G 1 W.1I[' get under ]<'Ol"Snsqllehallll.1 Elliott, LO R G 0-0 Sanders Frosh C 1 BroIl Dixon, Der",,~yar(l, Eastwood, played FRESHMEN LOSE CLOSE GAME TO Scott Frosl! ;P Ellis best. Tolala 1·4 17 WESTMINSTER HIGH Grover Frosh )' :Machamer l~odgers 'Theseore: Jr F 1 Weigle BUllring Juniors (11) On Tuesuay, February 1st, the ·West· Western Maryland (34) Goals Foula Points ern MarylaHd Freshmen lost to \Vest R.G. Bnright Goals Fouls Points 'Woodward, U}' 0 0-0 0 minster High School, by 1\ SC~!TO of 20 R. G. Tanuton Broil, RT 14 Quinn, L.F 18. The Freshmen got a quiek start INTER-CLASS BASKETBALL VanBuren L.G. Childs PeU-on, RF Roed, C 0·1 rolling up eight points before the LEAGUE JJ. G. Byrncs Sn1linln, LF Mears, C 0-0 ors sllored. At the end of the first half, 1Iallhamer, C B,ly, RG 1-3 the score was 12·12. Continu- First Team League SOPHS DEFEAT FROSH O'Lear, C Ceoil, LG 0·0 ing attack, the boys from West W. L. Pat. 'Weigle, RG Albright, L G' 0·0 minster stepped to the front. Toward 1,000 The SophOlllore second telllll routed .66; Woinstoek,RG the end of the last half the Viln Buren, LG TobIa II tied lIm score. 'With aLout ruillll Treshman .500 the Preshmall seeond team :!4·8. 'fhe Soph~ took the lead from the start (lnd-- .000 tea to go, H. Be!l~on, running guard, Jnnior weT('; no,'er headed. Shrh'er, ('lark, Tob)l 16 made a successful shot frolll near th(l Second Team League lind "Buck" stood Olll for SENIORS DEFEAT FRESHMEN Sl~squehaIlllaUniversity (12) center of the floor, and mnd6 tho final W. L. Pet. the victors, Sta~h wns the Freslj· Goals Fouls Points 'Thl) Senior·}·reshman game was a soor020·18. Seni'Or 1,000 ies high $COTeman. Dllrlu'rberger, HF 0 faree. plays nlmoBt caused the For the Freshmen, Cook nnd "AI" S-ophomore .667 The score: H~llry, R}' speetators go into hystorie~. The Smith led the attack. R Benson and 1~re8h)1)an .333 'Wnll, L}' score wus 33 to 7, in favor of the R. B(lnsoll were the star SCOT(lrsforthe Jnnior .000 Sophomore (24) Goals FOllIs Poinls Grae~, LF Seniors. "Lew" \\'ooclwl\rd 'was high IIigh -Bahoolteam. Sh,.i,-c,·, Rx; 0-0 Dixon, C scorer, ne~ting eighteen points; Han WestlninsterHigh Sellool :J. 3" 0-0 Eastwood, R GG nol.d with !line, WIISseeollrl, The Fresh· Goals Fouls Points TERRORS SWAMP SHOREMEN Oh.1mbel·s,LP 3 0·0 Clark, C De Tay, LG lll(lll points were seored by De Raven C. Brown, RF 0 4 Greth, R G Smaltz, LG Wooler, HF and Willis. W. Renson, LF (Continued from Page 1) Ne(ll, LG 0-0 Tolal 12 Seniors B. Brown, C Goals Fouls Points Total 12 0·1 2-l l\'ichols, R F Robinette, RG .3 wail. rather tlllll; tlisplay their nbility', Frosh (il) R. Benson, IJG Stal·tt~ Rl' between the iwlves. MILITARY LEAGUE W('ll, for the simple reason the first Goals Fouls Points Woodward, Ll{ ]8 Total 20 Seott, R .l<~ O-~ Won Lost Dooley, C . 0 Western Maryland FreBhmen half was O"Cf,and rcst was tak~n, t.he .Meyls, T,F 0·0 second half b('gan. Did you e\'er find First Platoon B 1,000 Utz, R G Goals Fouls Points rourself in H prediralllcnt, when you DeHaven, LF O-Z Second Platoon B 1,000 Hannold, L G Sant\ers, C 0-0 GO!l\snk,RF 1 wanted to l)nss.'I person who wus rom- First Plntoon A .000 Seitz, LF o ing ill the opposite direction, and he Willis,R-G 0·0 Second Platoon A .000 Freshmen Cook, C tlet'ided to tak(l the S~llIecourse ns you Gro,-cr, RO '1 0-1 Band .000 Goals Fonls Points • H. Smith, C Sta-eh, LG 0-1 The first pl,jt001\ of Company "B" Scott, RF Weis'beek,RG cle(ca.ted thc team rcpresenting the DellA"clI A. Smith, RG Ilnd in dCSI)erntion, 'rotnl band by a acore of 19 to.U. The first Willis, 0 go ah~ad!" half was hoUy conteateil witll tIle "B" hleyls, RG Totals 18 In this it was Washington who men leading, 7-0. Shortly nfter the Br,owH,I_G finlilly became despaired, and side· Dr. A. J. Morrell secoud hulf began Greth put the musi stepp~d for Mose :Machamer to cians Hheall. Their lead was short· Total SOPHOMORES DEFEAT JUNIORS finally drop two baskets to clineh CHIROPRACTOR lived, however. (lua to the hasket·*or the gUnie. ing abilit.r ~f "Joe" Keen and The Sophomore team defeated the Of eOllrSl',there wero seemiHgly row uo R i\r[lill St. Phone 1'75. "Dicky" Norris. Keen and Norris led CO-EDS MEET FmST ~EFEAT Juuiors in :-lle inter-elass basketball decisions by the referee, and it was a games last Thursday. The score was the aUaak of the iufantry men with 19 to 10. Tho Sophs took the lea11at shnme tlHlt Carroll dropped one ill "The Country's Best" four fielil.goals apiece. 'fhere were no '.rhe W.M. C. sextelte lower(l{lcolors with "Otts" Rroll ou his n(\(lk, Imd low's head, into the bleae.hers, ill an Wm. F. Myers' Sons individual stnrs in the blind's tealn. to lite Dickinson co-eds on Saturday the start and maiut"illed it throughol1t "Cnp". Weigl(l was thrown over a fel with tha score ~7-17. The game WAS,a the g:Ime. Condon, with four field First Platoon "B" fast alld interesting one with tIle score gonls, and Shoekle~', with three, led the honest endeu\'or·at. close guarding, bul Goals Fouls Points swiIlging' f:rom one ~ide to tho olher sroriu!; for the victOI·S. Quinn starreel PORK PACKERS Keen, RF , g throughout the first half. TllC Dickin· for the Juniors, netting three :field who will remember these" AND 'I'he fact renHlius tlmt we won t.he Norris, L.t' 8 son forwards "speeded up" in the last goals, two of which were in succession. game, :lni!. every fello\\' reany p13yed, SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS Mears, C f"w minlltes of pl~y and ill spite of Sophomores played and hattled for that game as Stach, C stt'ady and hurd playing the \Y. M. C. Goals Fouls Points hard as conld be expected-and conse- Retail Groceries Phone 360 Albright, C team was nnable to out,seore them. Kecn, RF qnently e"eryone is slltisfied, even my \VeislJeek, RG Both teams 'Were fairly well m~tehed ShocklQ,'",L1~ self. Office& Plan1Phone361 Lib~,ty& Green51•. J. POl'ts, LG :md it is hoped that Dickinson will Oondon, C conscnt to a rcturn game. La.uder and Chambers, R G 'Total Ros6nstock in the aenter were Western Norris, LG Jmt '7?eceived a N_ew Line 0/ Ba,nd Maryland's stars. Oravetz, T~G Goals Fonls Points W. J-.f. C. Dickinson Compacts - Bracelets - Pins - Knives 'Warfield, RF 4 Rayme L. F. Pateher Juniors Day, LF Ford R. F. Green Gonls Fonls Points Rings - Charms - Letter Openers DeH:wen, LF Lauder C. Hoover Woodward, E, R F 1 Groth, C Rosenstock 18.0. Ferris Quinn, LF 3 All have the W. M. Seal Essieh, C C. Wheeler L. G. Bell Mears, 0 Harp, RG Y. Smith R. G. Laird Reed, RG BONSACK'S \Vydanski, LG W. M. O. substitutes: Eugle for C(leil, LG Fon]; Rosenstoek for Engle; Brown for Total 11 Roslluatock. Total 10
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74