Page 68 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: ID11r ~ n1b i u9 :-: lInter-QJolll'!Jiutl' JIit1l Will' Offieial aewepeper of western Maryland College, published on Wednesday during 1\lIl11inistratiun the aea.demie year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Nl'lUS Marylnnd. Entered as aeccnd-claas mutter at the Westminster Postofflce. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. JUDGMENT If students at the cennecucnt Col. THE COLLEGE CATALOGUE . rege for -Womcn sleep eight honrs each UANAGING S'rAFF Every aile of y011 h the greutCl!t, night, eat three meals a day within an The gui( of college life is the Editor-in-Chief. .George S. Baker, '27 noblest person 011 enr th. 1."0\1 even hour of the regular time, spend an hour r.'-ollegeeutaloguc. In tho settlement of glasses of Managing Editor. . .. Carroll A. Royer, '27 admit it to yourself, nud education outdoors dully, drink aevcn every day, what course to tnkc, in tbe seleet.iou of of one's major, uud in the euleulation wutcr, and Asst. Managing Editor. ..... W. 13. Sanders, Jr., '30 euuvincea YOIl of it. No one hna a for bwenty-eight take a shower they will be expenses, the eatnlogue iii indispensible. days, right to rudely tenr the veil from your Business Manager ... . .Arthur B. Cecil, '28 eves b~' a reef ta.Hcn at yuur fnulta, un- credited with one Ilthlo.tie point under Therefore, t.hc pl!rf(}Ctillg of the cata- wm. E. Hahn, '28 rules gOl'ernillg "health" and methode logue should be nn important fllnetion Asst. Business Managers ... less he nteo gives the remedy. '1'0 rend . ... { Alvin Albright, '28 !hi~ \'cil is folly, for. you know thnt lie of train.lug, which have just gone into (If the ndmlniatru tion. Circulation Ma.nager .. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 is only a eoueetted ass so deep in tbe effect. been A grcnt dea l of vnlunble the work has improving in done college of his own folly that he ueeds quagmirn Asst. Circulation Managers. a. v Scott. '30 must drag l1S nl! in, in au effort to ex· Plans. for a far western trip, for the eatalcgue, but one thing has received ..... {Roy L. Robertson, '29 little attention. 'fhat thing is the triente himself. Such a person is a Boston Dniverslty debating tenm, are Art Editor . ....... "Pete" Gomsak,'30 supr(lllIe autocrat ... Ve are all :\uto· dal'eloped. The schedules of hath schedule. If 1 lIlay be so bold :IS to Editors of Copy ... .. {.1L Gertrud'e Ranck, '28 err,b to ourselves if to no one elM. In Oxfortl and Cambr.idge Universities in offer a snggestion, I suggest that in Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 the back of our minds there is the Englund are _filled, as far as American the settion of the cat~logue called, sllcaldllg sllspicion that we are the salt teu1ll3 nre concerncd, until the season "CourSOl; of Instruction," in wlueh the REPORTORIAL STAFF of the earth. ,Ve nil hrlVe it, we a,ll of 1929, A trip to Englantl has been conrses offered are im1ividuslly named News Editors should haye it, but we !!boulcl not set contempbted and iii all probabilities aud eXllla.ined, there should be, at the L. K. Woodward, '27 B1ancbe Ford, '27 ourselves up as judges to prove it. mny be arranged. end 'Of thc stntement:lll cxplann,tion of Associate Editors Loud mouthl'd snap j\ldgment, usually each course listed in the catalogue, the, Marian Curling, '27 J..Paul Lambertson, '28 baslld 011 renl or fnncied petty '\'Tongs, 'l'he undel'grnduntes of Tuft's Col hours elH~hwe('k that the 'Classes would Virginia Wright, '27 Wilson K. Barnes, '28 pl'oper thing for allY lege have set out to consrrllctively be heltl. For instance, "l\foderll Enrn· Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 less aile of theintej· criticize their <,ducation. All advauc.od l)cal\ sinee 181;;. Prorequisite, REPOR'l'ERS of this, or any other cou:ses fven in the libcral,arts school, Uistory or 3,-1. Clnsaes h('ld ou the Miram Royer, '27 Ruth French, '28 engllleerlllg school and Jackson College 6th Wed., 5th Fri., lind 2nd Sat." Dorothy Mellott, '28 DOl'otJ1YGilligan, '28 it is evi for women, will be mal'ked flnd (Iriti· Sueh n statement woultl enabl!) l\ stu Gilmore Lippy, '27 ilTP1'cillRarme, '27 in the \lizc(l by thll stutlent.s enrolled ill the dent to arnmge hi!! cOIll'ses !Iud his Charles Summers, '28 Cnrvill 'III. Seitz, '29 j,j.m, und we arc llleroly tt'ying to hide courses. Presic1cnt Johll A. CourSQlls schedille iu his Fre~lllll:lU your for the Hortense Pettitt, '27 Katherine Doyle, '28 onr guilt 'by 101l(1au,] Ilsualty fnlsc ac· \\'ill select:l grOllp of studcnts to muke remaining three ycars of hi$ stny at Hubert Jolmson, '28 "MarvinSterling, '30 cusfltio]l~. Sudl conduet ShO\lhl not be a study of t.ho entiro clIl'l'iculum of the eolleg-~. "Jap" '\Veisbeck, '30 ilhll'g:ll'ct1Ilill'tignoni, '29 tolerut,eil. When ~'our private apinions college. At -prcse;lt nrc 2,682 Sueh an llrr:.wgellleut 'Would mean a George Saultel', '29 nl'ousa the of the l'espact· stndents enrolled at tlle institution. greilt denl of wark for the faculty, or :bble element community, for the a committee of the faculty,i1.Jut I donbt Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. stille of pe,lee, find to save ~'()ur solf Alren[ly Broil as a "collnr nll'" (Strect) Jacob B. Handley, Treasurer WESTMINSTER TAILOR thiugs intended for girls very much Shorty Long personifying Charley younger than she. I left the npart· Chaplin' 86 E. Main Street p1ent with a mingled feeling of pity NEITHER OAN WE, (City aHd State) SECtJRITY SAVINGS SERVICE Cnll C. & P. Tel. 225 Au1;q ~QfVlce
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