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IN SMITH HALL C;Ol VARSITY DEBATERS VARSITY BASKETBALL MEET GEORGE WASHINGTON BLUE AT THE AR.1tl.ORY RIDGE COLLEGE FEBRUARY MONDAY, UNIVERSITY 14, T~SDAY, S.15 FEB~UARY Hi, P. M. Vol. 4, No. 17 Feb. 9, 1927 Debate with George Washington U. Officers' Club Organized Jesters' Management Promises High Will Open Varsity Forensic Season from R. O. T. C. Unit Grade Performance This Year Johnson, G. Lippy, and Royer Shakespearean Monologues U. G, Williams Elected Pres. Class of '27 lauded for Several Engagements Booked 10 ~~P;:s~~~i!~~'iOn Win Praise in Recital Attempt of Will be Made and to Form Chapter Accomplisbments of Rehearsals Have Begun "Seabbard Blade" College Career Smith Hall, Monday, February 14, Scenes from Both Comedies In II general discussion nlcng lMili· The firllt practice of the "Jes.ters" B.OO P. M. and Tragedies Presented tary lines in class Thnr~day, a desire was held last week under thc directlen by Seniors in Speech for forming all Officer ts Club was ex Subscribe First to Campaign of :Miss Dorat. 'Teu Iuen rea]loncta(l to The ~Ilitinl forensic contest of the pressed by several members of the gen. Fund; Start Women's tho cn]] fqr the quartet and chorus. season will be. held at wester» Mary- ior class. Aceordingly, tho drill period Debating and Course The funr twhu will eompose thc quartet land, Monday, February H., when one Lovers of Shakespearean drama 'weee was spent in organizing tbe club. are Nichols, Reyer, E. Lippy, and 0:1' our teams wil'l meet George Wash· delighted by tile pr(lgram offeredI' by The officers were ateeted na follows: in Journalism WI'Q_gly. Ingtcn Unh·cnity. The question for the Senior members of the Speech De- Prcsf deut-c-Captaiu-c-U. G. W'ilfinrna. Miss Esther Smith wi]] dir('('t the 4, ill debate is, "Hesolved, "'HIt the Volstead partment, Friday night, February dlrcc- Vice·Prcsidont-Captain - Georgo S. Discussions upon the coming" June short play which wili be given, :l!l(j Ad should be modified to permit tl,e Smith HaU. Under the capable Baker. Wcek" may aeeju to u few to oc quite Miss Dorst will have eharge of the sale of light wines and beor." tiou of Miss Smith, assistant professor Secretary-·l$); Lieut..-Joseph Y. out of order nt the present time, but rnusienl part of the progrnm. 'l'be taam r epresentiug Western Mllry· of Bpeeeh, the. Seuiora 'Worked hard, Umbn.rgcr. the proxtmf ty .of the aame is being fell All orchestra of five or six i.nstru- well bud will uphoM the negntlve aldc of and sbnuld feel reudinga. rewarded by the 'Trnaaurcr-c-Ief Lieut.-J. II. T. Law- by every -Senior (In the Bill to the full- ments has been pruct+ctng fOI" severnl aueeesa the question, uud 'will be composed of of their son. days on the latest musical hits. Carroll l~oyer, Gilmore Lippy, lind Hu The first group eousiated of scenes A commit tee composed of Owens, fr0111 "The Merchant of Venice." Miss Tho trip to the Enstern Share will bert Johnsoll. Hannold, and T. IJat.on Wf!8 appoiut ed be made during Spring V:leation, 'be· Brown gnve iOn ex-cellent iuterpretn.tion todra.wupaconstitution. 1'he !lebl1te. will ,be held in Smith FIall, :Ina it is hoped that the atudcllt· of POI'j,jj, whOJn she wns COllfront.c(l It has been the (lUatOlll for sovernl lIfO~~~,~i ~~rCI~::~r;l;ll! Oe[nd~~~~ will take all activo interest in it with her father's muthod of seleeting yell1'8 to have an Officer's Ia-cbeth." Miss Rein A committee, composed of Williams, will ,be touched upon at thig timc. Pocomoke City, S"lisbul"Y, DentOH, muth realistienlly p!"esented the Bau· Cambridge, Suo\\" and Harrillgton, George -"VashingtOll, at Washington, D. Lawson, Buker, Owens, "Ild 'Vooden, The Class of lrJ27 entered Western qnet SCene. The ghoat of J3aJlqno seOJI1l' wao!! appointed to formulate for Debwnre. This will be dctin· C. Oll Mareh '.I, at ·whi(l.h time the War Maryland as fI-~hl1len with n totnl of cd to be present, "lid pity for Macbeth a f!)rmal Military Ball, club itely completecl ill u short time. The Debts question will bl' debated. more thlln a hundred studeuts, bllt at WA.S nrOllscd throughout the entire read· llOpCS to gh'e some.J_ime in the nenr thr I'rell<;Df- tiwf'" ~"l1tfli~~ ~·,l:"."h,j,I"" nssistalltlUllll!.,gers,Huttingnud Koontz, 'ng. .M.Iii worthy of highf.\llt praise. vitnlity, class spirit, the nnd with as much Yapo.Rnh". Ulis 'mVl"nillg, 1I110wing II. M.iss Gesner and Miss Reyer varied Mr. George K. ,Mather, weJI·knO'wn eOop(lr~tion within claes or with 11('\\' excuse for I1on·participation iu var· the program by rendering very delight· citizen ann 'business mlln of -"Vestmill' as our pres<;,nt Se1lior (llnss George S. Bilker, Olle of 1-he most ious rC;'itatieus today. fully S6\'ernl of Brahm'l' Hungarian steT, vcry kindly e~nsentod to tllke the They have tnken a prominent and pOllulm' members of the WcU. for [I Clll11lge, th~ armory lookell Dan.ecs. pla'Ce (If Rev. Harr~' A. Price, of Pitts· Senior CIMs, has beell eleeted to the likl' a "clll one, with th~t crowd of peo Those who did not attend the enter· burgh, .who WIlS to havc been the speak· college. They Iwve IllstructorShip iu Zoology lle.xt y~ar "t pIe, and it suro was 1111 i{leal place to blinment t,ruly missed nu a.rthtic lIud er in Bilker Chapel on fhllldlly c-vening, bc~", as a c.hiss, either the winll<;,r or Dartmouth College, lhllover, New ~tage 'I bllttl(' that was exceeded hy none Fobrnnry 6. Mr. was pre\'ente(] rUllller·up in l)f;!~'s, UpOl1 whose deter· c,-('_f gaUwred in the !lame of uny fie problmns 011 a QneJ"'Ay street. laurels a:!'i a e!.~s$, they 1Ia\'e worked lego 'work, nlld llIet the nlilny responsi. ",ill:1.tion was nOticl'able: determination rollcge thnn you tonight who nrl! harc1to rnise thestandal"{l.'i of the col biliti()!!" imposed on him by the onbiOe with a "D". 'Vhether it. W3S Ule! in the cause oJ:' "a Greater aetivities in which he is ellgaged, that (Continued 011 Page 4) h'c lI'illmuke II success of the job. ~~~e supe;sl~fr~~:nn~l~te~l' ;;;:~tI:~:Cl~!': We~tern lhirylu.nd' '. COLLEGE CALENDAR sweat,ersilirts, the hetter firU1ucially snb· '1'he Gold "Bng Stn{f CfinI10t es~upe Blind Educator Brings Inspiring stnllti"tcc! underfook to wager their WED'J'i'l0SDA y- the l'~llnies, wllit'h is the rcnsen for tIli! ell ,'l feeling that ii, has hitherto fl1i]· 'Shakespeare Olub at 7.30 P. :AI. lllan~' haircuts, ample supplic~ of cigar· present ndequntely to )'011 the S~itnce Club at 'I.SO P. :M., Dr. Message at Wednesday Assembly ettes, U11(t new I)(loks :I.] on the ease for 'Western Maryland's oillcial .,v. R. MeDaniel will lecture ')11. campus toilny. wcekly neW8p~per. That explains "Astronomy." Then things 'beg-all to happeu in why .rOll han! reccin,-d a C(ll)Y of' the The entire eollega aaselll1:Jled in thCl' dcmoniltr:ltcd 11is Illusiml.l ability ellfu(>9"t. llosl! ~laehnlller demonstrRted THUR-SDA.Y- Sll)ith Hnll last Wednesday, Pehruary nt the conclusion of Ilia program, whrn paper touight. Look it OHr. We 3, H. to the shor.::men how we generally in- Poets' Club at ~ 45 P. M., in Me· to llear Mr. B. MeKee.u in his he sang to hi$ 011'11 aeeompnlli.lllent a l.wlie\·e the Alumni Xews alone will D1Jniel H'll~ Pu.rlor-"Bnrns' Iedure(1emonstrll(i.()n·of IIOW the blind most amltsing song medley. troduce OUr attnck, by gontly ll.ropping 011e ill from under the basket. Wash· sell thc paper to you. Nigllt." OI'crcoll\l'o·bst:teles. Mr. McKeen, him Dul"ing the eourse of the program, ingion soon retaliatod, howeVer, IIlld Varsity Basketball at Gettysburg, self cntertailJe(1 tho students o!.Jd Mrs. MeKeen who eaDle with het· hug· Ihen begun n scc·saw type of seoring The George Washington "Hat Pa., 8.00 P. M. faculty all the poise Illtd assur· bilIld, passed a llumber -of spaeimens of that made things more than interesting. thet" hns a \:irrulation of over th'!' FR,IDAY- allce of one without his h~ndieap. Mr. work made by bliud children throngll After I;.ix minutes of play, the loenl t!lOuaaud. 'rhe GOLD BUG hru; sea-reo' }.1icl-Winter Bnnquet at Emerson McKccn did ll(lt ask llis nudience for. the nU(liBuce. There were basket trltys boy~ lcd, l:!·S; an_d Washington's eoncll Iy 100 paid snbscribers. liotel, 6.30 P. M. sympnU,y; he t~lked in a straighU'or lined with butterflies, aproll.8 nlld s]Jrllng II nell" one, by an ~\'ard manner of the difficulties of the (1rcsses sewed with tiny stitehes, and entire fresh t<'m. Prom then en, ncith· -"Ye appeal to you to illerease this SATURDAY- bliud, and urged the students to make er team did much scoring, und the half nUl\,loer. /::limply .l5ign the coupon Varsity Basket'bnll, Wa,sh.iugtou the most of their ability to see. Bis crochet work. _M_t,s. MeK~en also dis endeel in the Terror's fal'or, 15-13. C(lllege at Chesfertown, 8.00 P. M. talk was full of humor, and 'with a tributed the little deviees wHh whicll 011 page 2 and mail with one dollar Even the juvenile basketball nrtists TUESDA.Y- fnnd of jokes he kept the s'(ndents 'blind ehitdrcu write in the dot system. caughl tile spIl"it of the gamc, alId, for io "T}1F; GOLO BVG " -"Y. M. C., laughing most of the time. Mr. 1tI~Keell at the sam~ time showed Varsity Bnsketball at Armory, il ~hangc, wne willi~lg to sit by, find -"Ve~tminsh-,r, .Md. Blue Ri,lge \"S. W . .M., 8.15 P. ],f. .}fr. McKeen nlso entertained his how the blillilehil(1rell write, nlJd how (Continued on Page 3) audience with a piano 8010. lie fnr· books for the blind are printed.
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