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Page Fo1tr The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Class, Club, and Society Doings I ~ "lItItj. t '1\1 t I Alumni GILMORE LIPPY """nU :IlIiIllU ~ n Edited by DOROTHY GILLIGAN BROWNING .TOINT Y PARTY GREAT SUCCESS There WIIS a general exodus of stu- Browning 11l'ld its ,Juuior-ilcuior de 011 Snt.urdny evening, Jnuuary 22, dents over the week-end following AJiy news items concerning W. M. Mr. Phillip T. Small, the husband of hate at the mectlng of JunU.'l_ry 17. the Y. W. ·C. A. and Y. M. C. A. gave Alwnni will be gratefully received. Mrs. KeHie Sellman Small, '04, was The question waa: Resolved, That there a jOint party in McDanioJ Hall parlor. Mias Mirinm Dryden spent the week- killed in lin auto accident in New York should be a model eehool in cenueefion The whole affair from the. opening num· cnd at Annapolis, Md. Amy Bennett, '~l, of Sultsbury, Md., recently. with c\-cry school of educnttc». The ber, whieb was a big surprise, to the is teaching science in tll€ high school on the Among last seen those Hill :1fliinna'ti"e was upheld by the seniors, customary "Good Night Ladies" was Pro-fessor Beard and Dean Easton at Hngers~o\\"l1,'Md. week end are: _l]arge Reinicker, ex-'28, the Misses H. Blccmqulat, Bemiller, a hnge success. spent the week-end in Baltimore. Hilda Long, '22, has lately become "Ohi()f" Bender, '25, Lit Hollins, '24, :lnd Royer, while the juniors, represent- Messrs. John Umbarger and "Dave" I'd by the Mlsecs S!lreincr, Bull, and Price, ex.'27, were \'isitors on the Hill ~Ir!;. H. C. Ailkins. Mr. and Mrs. Ad- N~ll PUUOllS, '~4" "Puds" 'Varner, are li"ing in Snlisbury where Hil- '26. ':>.j, Frank Grippin, Rnuek, argued for the Ile'gll'tive. The DELTA SIGMA KAPPA kins !lIt still sings at the U. P. church. deeiaicn wua nwnrded to the negative. over the week-end. James Bennett, 'la, is t.he County Mrs. George S. Wills euterf.nlned the Misa Margaret Reinecker, e:x-'28, Louise Fishel', '21, has been busy as Buperiutcudent of wieormeo County PHILO NOTES Dena .Sigma Kappa girls at a waffle was the guest of 'Miss Dorothy Rober-ta a worker on the ChatHu{jua circuit. Schools. Although }fr. Bennett's home breakfast Oil Suuday morning, J'anunry for the past :few days. Louise, who llfls been a jnnior leader, is in Sharptoln1, Md., he is spending The meeting of January seventeenth rwenty-third. Some of the girls show' snld that she had loads of fun with the winter in Salisbury. His address There were a nnmber of the gtrls was a divergence trom the recent plan ed their art aloug eulinary lines by fortunate enough to attend the dance the children. is: Wicomico Hotel, Salisbury, Md. of hard work alollg the lines of debat helping to cook waffles, and ethera Saturday night. ing. As a piece of pleasant en1erbin showed their Western Maryland spirit ::\riss Rut.h Monroe, '11, is eonneeted Alice Killiam, '18, Irho formerly ment the program eommitte~ presente·l by consuming nnbeliev:lble quantities Miss Caroline Chesaer was the guest with the. Foxcroft School for Young taught in the Wicomico High School, Tho cheery diuing room '\Vns o:f them. n fashion show. Miss :Rnna ,Swann W,'S of the Miases Ruth Sartori~IS and Vir· Women at :lli(\dlei)urg, Va. She has is teaelling math now (It thc high school the proprietress of a Bm:trt shop ant! even cheerier, in cOlltrnst to the dark gilli: Merrill during tbe weelt-end. entire rharge. of the business office. in Berlin, ::\[d. )[1'. Shea is her prin6i- the Misses Durby, Mellott, '1llIl Martha weather, and the el'ts hnd the goo(l Ilal there, and, incidentally, her hns- We are glad that Miss Roselda Todd Ellgll1 the prospcctive purehasers. timo tlm't the.y always.havl3 at Gray is reeovering from an injury reeeived Gr~ec .R. Gerber, '15, has been do- bnnd. YOlllgee, it isn't Alice Killiain Gables,. 'l'hc dainty li'ttle model~, who displny- in the first ba~ketbnll gnme of the sea- ing some mighty notable work as an at- an,\' 101lgcr, but Mrs. Shea. I'd the I~t-est in milndr's faallionll were son, and hope that she will aoon be torney. One Olf her latest cases was the Misses Prench, R :Robinson, D. able to play on the team again. one inl'olving a snjt for dam· Dr. W. A. Wheaiton, '93, died re- Hobbs, Gunby, Barnhart, Voorhis, SHAKESPEARE CLUB Ilges, ju which represented the "enll)' at the home of his sister, Mrs. Hooper, Hui.ehe.ns, :llId Re..ynolds. 'Yilson K. Bames, n momber of the plaintiff. It is interesting to kuow Smith of N. J. For the past All St.UtlClIts (lr members o:f facuHy Junior Cl(ls&,wns called home suddenly that Miss Gerb()r grsduated at the head he been a practi()ing who desire to tlie Shnkcspen)'e last Tuesday, due to fhe death of his of her class from law school nnd is the in Atlantie City, N. J. Y. W. C. A. NOTES Club, kindly pay olle dollar fee II,S grandmother, :Mrs. 'Vilson, of Pocomoke fll's't woman to be admitted to the soon as pOSl!ible. The elub wishea to 'city, Md. . )Ial'ylnl){l Bar. Dl'. William J-f. :Mikesell, '09, reeent The meeting of January nineteenth, become affili~ted with the National ly of the division of Pnblie Speaking unde.r the dire('.tion of Miss Margaret Soeiet~· immediately, in order that the Lewis B. Davis, '28, was taken to a NcWII from Wicomico High SChool ~t thc Uni'(>Tsity of TIlinois, has been Wilson, was eonducted for the purpose meetings llIi1y be of the most and hospital in Baltimore last week, after appointed Denn of the Oollege of Lib of answering qnestions on the l>Iilwuu- enjoyment to everyone. The may a sndden attack of appendicitis. We eral Arts and Scicnces in the Municipal kee Confore·nee. "l[isB Wilson explained be pnid to the treasnrer, Miss Dorothy wish him a speedy recovcry from his ~~:\~~;s~itY.of Wichita, at Wichita, lhe results obt(lined in the discnssion :Roberts. operation. i.()acht's h.istof)', "AI" Dnv- groups, an(l compared the resu1ts to The. S1lllkrspeafe Clnb will meet on voice, Ben Carroll, '21, those obtained by groups whieh dis '\"ednesdny evening, Febrnary at 'Those who read the Fobruary "Pop- teacher, 'T)TW!IOIi tecnth----one hundred twenty-secOJI,l !leut of Grounds at Western Maryland CLASS'NEWS Psalm, aft(>r which the honor system Collogc, has been qnit!) sick at his home James Lusk Sudborough died at his MOTHER HIMLER'S W(lSexplained to the new men and di~· since tho Christmas holidays. 'Ve are 'j'l1c Junior girls' orchestra is gain cussed by several of the upper-clnssmell. glad to know tllnt 1111 is improving, home, _Adri~n, 1IIi~higa.n, January 21st, an illness of two or three ing quite f1.repntation f(lr itself., Tha 'I'he llIain poiut brought out was th~t and will be able to resume his duties 1927, after :Mr. Sudborough was au Alum· WHEN months. girls gll\'e 1\ fine llcrformancc at the the success of this system depends ou on the Bill this week. College, /lnd was City .r),,' WiUI uniforms" 'n every- the individual himself. It was decided nus of Adrian Chomist of the Adrian DOWN Chemist snd The Senior boys wish to thank Miss to 110M n meeting on ,Tanuary 26 in "Sue" Boyer for the "eats" which Water Works at the time of his death. TOWN "he ~~r~shm:lllgirls nre going to have order to bre~k the monotony of the she seut to the "University" after her He was a :M~1!On,a membe.r of the n chllllce to show their ability next Exams and cheer the spirit of the stU" return from n week-end at home. Alpha. Tnu Omeg:t Fr(lternity, alld 11 s'rop A1' dents. week when the:r t'lkc ~h:trge of the mem'ber of the l\lethodist Chnreh. He Y. W. meeting. The meeting of Jallnary 26, wns well was married to Miss 'Winifred Step "Pop" Shipley's attended. B. Elliot led the devOliona) BUG BITES hens, former Instructor ill Modern Sophomores are ~till pc!l(lling direc service, which was followed by a pray· Lauguages at ''1e~tern lIIaryland Gol lories. h e"erybody sure that he haa er. After a aong the meeting was ad· Says Junior girl at the party- lege, in Bakel' Chapel, October 31st, Light Lunches and Soft Drinks onc' journ()d. "Professor Ranck play 'Because 1 1922, President Ward officiuting. 111,'. AT THE FORKS T_JOY6Yon.' " SudborOl1gh was 11 young man very SOME GEOGRAPmCAL BLUNDERS 22. The Euphrates and Tigris flow in'to Prof. Ranck-"Yes, we'll (\0 thnt esteemed, and jus't in the prima IN SOCIAL SCIENCE 1 the Doad Sea. little tlling." and will be greatly missed by EXAMINATION 23. The Ruplll'atC9 !lnc1its sister rh-or DflTwini~ts should bc glnd to le~rn of his many friends. He i$ survived by EAT-A- PLATE-A- DAY the Poe, flow iuto t,he Black Sen, 1lis wife, _Mrs.Sudborough, lIud two lit· on the ballkS'of the latter river is rhe new discoveries maile by professors tie childrell, }'raIlCCS and I-fBrbert, and 1. Londen is on the Tiber. Caleutbl. lit WestOfll Mar,)'lnnd during exnlllS. by his mother, MI·s. Sndborough, of ~EUM~ftl 2. Odessa1s on the Nile. Two of the~e >Ire (hilt ".Monk" IIns AdriUll, ~Ild n brother Richard. :Miss 3. The Columbia is the prineipnl two fClIliniue forms (1) Ape, (2) Lois R. Stephens lind Herbert R. Stop rh-e~ of Vll:ne~ueln. CROSS SECTION OF FRESHIE'B :lion];!.'y. wcnt ou to Adrinn aud will spena ICE CREAM 4 Till! Island of St. Helona is off t,he MIND DURmG E~,[ WEEK Dnring ()xams seHior educntiOH stu 1,f'US sister. Mrs. Suel· a week with their coa~t of Englnlld in the PaciRc ~TltE CREAMWITIITltE MOIIEISH 'ASTE~ Oe('.;)n. Good grief, there gO
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