Page 65 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, Page Three I SPORTS \ Sophs, Leading In Cage Race [SPORTSi IN'l'ER-PLATOON LEAGUE THE STANDING OF THE CLUBS FRESH1Ifi:N WIN ONE; LOSE ONE BOYS' INTElt-CLASS BASKETBALL CO·EDS SCORE TWO VIOTORIES LEAGUE j n order to make tho military pre- W. L. Pcl. The Wc~t.Hn MnrylnlHl Freshmen 1'he LehanOll Valley sextet te met de gram more var-ied during the winter, Bophomore \YQntheir first vlefory of tho season, In n fast , well played game, tho Ben- fcnt at th(' hands of Western "Maryland the 11ilitllTY Department has arranged "F'reshm'''' Janu~r.\' J8, by a score of iotS Second 'J1~nlll defeated the Sopho- College co-eds twice within one we('k. tor a aerles of gamcstobe played be- Scuiot -"iQG )6·]3, the Blue Ridge College gvm- more Second Team hy a ecore of 19-]8. On Saturdny, Jannar.r 23, the game tween the two platoons of euch com- .Junior .000 naeaun nt. New Windsor, The genie The Seniors started the scQriug, bnt the pl:tJ'ed on Western Maryla.nd's court pany, nnd the band. The first of the Second Team Lengue : was "pry .fast. The Preshmen scored lend ~hange(l many times during the waa :1 walk-away for the home t~am games resulted in victaty for the two Freshman 1000 first 911d Wl.'relIever headed. Oook led game. At the cnd of the first half from start to fluish. The outcome of platoons of Company B. Senior 1000 the scoring for the Baby Terrors and the score stood 12-1~, while fit lhe close the gnme was doubtful at nil time. Ev- The gnme between the ewe First Sophomore 500 the rest of -, the team played a fine of the second hnlf the Sophs were lend ery plnYOrfor Western Maryland, Col Platoons resulted in It, 9·7 viet:orJ for Junior '.000 game. C. Engle and Slaughter played iug 18·17, when Benner mnde R field lege put forth efforts worthy of her Company B. The game was well played Thl) Seniors tied the Freshmen for best for the Blue Ridge Preshmen. goal from thc center. l'arsity position. Smith and Wheeler's and the victors were never headed. seecnd place honors by defeating the \\'.:'1[. C. Goals Fouls Points Senior's Seecnd guarding and Wilson's shooting were Ftrat Platoon year-lings in the "grill" hy the score Havl.'ns, R F. 1 1-3 3 'I'eam Goals Pcnle Points th~ outstallding features of the game. 00. B Goals Fouls Points of 16·9. Seitz, L.. F. 0 1-2 Woodward, L., R .P. 5 1·2 11 Score 39·8. Norris, R. F. o 2-3 The game was rough ani! poorly Cook, C. 2·2 Nichols, L. F. 1·1 The game on January 29, was staged Keen, L. F. 1 3-6 played. Gomnsk, R G. Umbarger, C. 0-3 On Lebanon's court and proved u trifle Mears, C. 0·0 Aftcr eight minntes of pia.\" Baker Lnll~_r, L. G. 1-1 Hannold, R. G. 0'1 more difficult for the Marj-land team. Kinhart, O. 00 broke the 0·0 tie bv dropping a field Smith, L. F. 0·0 ue, R. G. 0-0 There was a punling period dnring the Ports, R. G. 1-2 goal. Then Cook tied it up with n Bcnller, L. G. 1·1 first bnlf when Lebanon spectators were AIJ.>rigllt,R. G. 0·0 beautiful shot o,'cr his hend. But be- Total " 6-9'16 TJoolc~',L. G_. 0·0 sure tbat the "isitors were nt a loss on Stnek, L. G. 1-2 fore the half hnfI ended Buker scored B. R C. Gonls Fouls Points the strange eOllrt and that "t.hll red two more goals nlld Sillin rall the ~core BlIrnes, R. 1". 1 2-6 Tot,al 3·7 19 head forward" wasn't going to satia Total 1 7·13 to 8. Cook's foul shot W!lS the onl)' C. Engle, 1-,. F. 2·' Sophomores Goals }'o.ulsPoinh fy ('''peetations. Bnt Jinult Wilson Fir'oJar.,·landCol. 0·' Elliott, L. G. Seitz, R. F. 0-0 ,; Gomask, C. lege, Willinger, ,,'ord, ElIgle, Johnson. Shriver, C. 00 lln\'cns, L. F. ).] SmitlJ, R G. 0·0 Nuttall, L. G. 0·0 Total o 16 Cook, C. 3-5 .\[eyl8, L. G. 0·0 Westminster Stationery Store Freshmen GOll13Fouls Points 1-i:cen,R.G. 0:0 Total 1·5 'Gomsnk, R. P. o O· 0 Lally, L. G. 0·0 Totu! 5-9 15 BILLY DITMAN, Prop. Second Pliltoon Cook, L. F., C. 6 J unior~ COllis }'oulsPoints 00. A GOlllaFouls Points Seitz, L. F. 18 Woodward, E., R F. Kodaks Films Novelties C. Sc.itz, R F. 0 0·0 0 Stcq:nsoll, C. GettysbUrg Quinn, L. F. 1-1 \j Monlhy ana' Weekly 'Periodicai!- -- T. '(ingling, L. P. }·2 R. G. Collcgr Goals .£.'oulsPoints l!.ear~, C. 0·0 Quinn, C. 0·0 L. G. .\Lorllth, R. F. 1 0-2 1.1 Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr Cecil, n.. G. 0·0 Cook, R J<'., C. 0.2 Reed, R G. 0·0 Hildebrand, L. G. 0-0 Total Creinir, L. F. 0.1 Cecil, I,. G. 00 The Newest and Best Clf)thing Meyls, L. G. 0·0 The Sophomore-8~nior second team K!ingrr, C. 1-2 aIHI Furnishings. Brown, L. G. 0·0 game was forf(>itcd to the SOllhoUlOI'CS '\Id!illiun, H. G. 0.1 Total Goods for Young' Men. by the s~orc of ~-O. The Juniors Gulian, L. G. 2.4 Total 1-3 unable to put" team on the floor. Dr. A. J. Morrell 10 PeT r,e"t off 10 CollelJe StlldCl1ls Total 10 3·12 23 SCHEDULE FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TOURNA:M:ENT Score by half- CHIROPRACTOR First 'J'el!m Second 'fenm Gettysburg 1~-1l-23 Smith & Reifsnider Thnr., .Feb. 3 Sophomores V3. Juuiors Freshmen ,·S. Seniors W. ·M. C. 9-9-18 110 E. l\fain St. PhOlle 175. Mon., Feb. 7 Juniors V8. Seniers Fre.slllllf.'ll\'s. Sophomores Wed., Fob. 9 Freshmen ~-s.Sophomores Jnllior~ '·s. Sellior$ RUN TO 'When ex; LUMBER AND COAL Seeond Roun(l MITTEN'S PRESIDENT TAFT 1I.ton.,.Peb. 14 Seniors V8. Sophomores Freshmen ,-s. Juniors wanted a good Wed., Feb. 16 Freshmen ,·S. Juniors f:';eniors\'s. Sopholllon:$ for PHOTOGRAPH \VESTMIN'STER, 1I1ARYLAND :\'!Oll.,}'eb. 21 Freshmen ,·S. Seniors Bopholllores ys. Juniors ITot Bread, Rolls and Cakes. he sent for Wed., Feb. 23 Juniors \'s. Sophomores Seniors \'8. Pteshmell Specials for Pat·ties. Phones-:!27 and 297 )Jon., Feb. 28 Seniors \'~. JUlliors S(/pholHores \'Ii. Freshmen PHONE 24!J-R Sereck S. Wilson ',yed., Mnrcll 2 -Sophomores vs. }'reshmcn SCHiol'S,-so.Tnlliors DR. S. A. HARXER PREACHES IN 'relepliolle 55-R The Columbialewelry Co.,Inc. T. W. MATHER & SONS Attention W.M.Students eHAS. KROOP 54 W'EST 11A1J\' ST. Westminster's Leading Store -.for t.hose who we BAKER CHAPEL Leading Shoe Repair Shop don't know (Continued .from Page 1) 'I",ESTM.L'ISTER, }'~D. HERMAN'S ARMY SHOES are ill our new location for 25 E. Main St. ~.~- Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Westm.inster, Maryland. The Authorized Shoes for the Repair and Tailoring ficd with the. Illlluralistie interpretation youI' of condjtion~. The prrfcet explnnation Send slloes to Chllrles W.M.C. Finest Grade of Work. they (·omes only throug" JeSlls,-by walking Kroop by Parcel Post, da.y at will a, Ben Hurwitz the same he repaired in the path of .service Ilnd sacrifice. ========== R.. O. T. c. WESTMINSTER TAILOR The world is crying out in travsil. Is VC1'Y low cost. 86 E. Main Street it the anguish of death, or the nn· Give us !l. Trial. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Call C. & P. Tel. 225 Auto Service nouncement of a new world' How we OF WESTMINSTER THE our enthuaiasm and O\lr eonsecrntion to D. S. GEHR "\Yestminster, Mal'yland. Westminster Savings Bank Westminster Hardware Co. hear, see, !lnd interpret determin~ will tho eaUReof God. Tt will measnre the Capital .$125,000 CAPITAL ........... 550,000.00 ontput of our lives. l~rom 9 personal Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Sl1rplns and Profits .... $.150.000 Jobbers alH'!" Retail Dealcrs in Qoint of ,-iew, how we are going to Building Materials, Cutlery, SURPLUS "EARNED" ... 250,000.00 General Hardware meet the eonditiOll~ of life depends on Jacob J. 'Weavel', Jr., whether we are eu1tivating our sonls to Ammunition, Paints, Oils, Chairman of Board. F. Thomas Ba.bylon, President distinguish the {'onfnsed ,"oices of the Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, L. K. Woodward, President. Milton P. Myers, Vice President world from tne voice of God. ~eating and Plumbing Systems Iron and Steel Products. George R. Geln', Jaeob H. Handley, Treasurer Installed 'ilice-President, Cashier. (Established 1868) SECURITY SAVINGS SERVICE (Estimates Furnished) [HI!! save lvlil'1l Babylon & Lippy Company, l\Td. WIiH /1] 50% lII(1rc Iw~illU y(m YO/I" can c/oOles 25 b,l} l)/e(J1lc(1l]ndprcS$ed b!! "The Country's Best" PROSPERITY METHOD Just 'J{eceilleJ a :J(euJ Line of Gents' Suits Pre$S~,1 35e. FLORSHEIM SHOES Wm. F. Myers' Sons Gents' Suita Clelll1edand Pressed $1.00. Compacts - Bracelets - Pins - Knives Lu(lies' Couts und Dresses chomically Clfllned und Pressed $1.~5. STETSON HATS PORK PACKERS "Sa/ely lvitll V1tstol!l{lrs oppor/Jl is OIIT Rings - Charms - Letter Openers first eO"l!silkrn/i.lm" AND All have the W. M. Seal ADBERT "AB'EJ" TOZZI, SAUSAGE MANUFACTURERS Representntive of International Made-to-Measure Retail Groceries Phone 360 U, w, MILLER, Cleaner sJJ.dDyer. BONSACK'S "Herb" Elliot, spec.ilil Representative Suits Oflice & Plan1 Phone 361 Uberty & Green 510. a.t.LeYino Hall.
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