Page 64 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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Page Two The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. :-: ID4.r ~ n111 i u9 :-: lI11ter-Qlollegiate "BECAUSE!" Offieial newspaper of weatem Maryland College, published on wednesday during A S'OORY- the aeademie year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, NelU!l By ELIZABETH R. DAVIS, '28 Maryland. Entered as aeeond-elnaa matter at the Westminster Postof!iee. Subacription Price, $2.00 II; Year. ON aarxo mTERRUPTED . James 'Vard Packard of Warren, John noticed that Mary closed the OhiO, originator of the Pnekard motor elaaareom door rather decidedly. :MANAGING STAFF Do you realize that you are a thieH ear presented a gift of $1,000,000 fot· "l1IIay I ask just wh"t is tbe ma.t· .George S. Baker, '27 In what degree may matter not but the the ereetton of an etectrieal and ted"hesnid, as he walked beaide her, Managing Editor .. . Carroll A. Royer, '27 faet remains that you nrc a thief! This meeb nnicnl engineering laboratory at "Is it the weather' or did somebody Asst. Managing Editor. . .. W. B. Sanders, Jr., '30 means you-an.v ell you-all of yon. Lehigh University. The new building brenk ~'our 1I01U" from her heme town ' he was the You may not take the treasures, Blnee is designed to be one of the finest and Business Manager ... . .... Arthur B. Cecil, '28 valuables, of this life. but you steal, largest of its kind in the world, and hnd known her ever ainee she was plants Asst. Business Managers .. wm. E. Hahn, '28 consciously or unconsciously and that providing every modern facility for In- in kindergarten, Mary ignored the ... { Alviu .Albright, '28 puts you on Jl. Jevet with the lowest struction and research in the applied patrollizing manner that John always Circulation Manager .. . W. Edwin Warfield, '29 crhuinal fwd also with the highest in sciences. assumed townrd her. a great are many Asst, Circulation Managers. ,{lI. V. Scott, '30 the lllnd. What hnva you atolen-c-what don't "There understand," said Mary, things I in the Yon, when you with did you take' .. Roy L. Robertson, '29 The Alumni Council of Virginia has devil·may·eare easy, is a eon- Art Editor .. . "Pete" Gomsek, '30 yeur boisterous, breeze into the room called an educational ecnferenee to tones of one who one thab ' I never ex- "and veraation, attitude carelessly Editors of Copy. .. {1.:L Gertrude Ranck, '28 :lnd break into the earnest train of tnke place at Riehmond on Pebruary pees to understand is argumentationl'' Evelyn E. Pusey, '28 thought of someone else eoncentrating 9 and 10, for the purpose of diaeuasing "No," said John, in over-amazed on his or her work are' as surely stsaj- unaatlsfaetnrj- eondltdona in the e01- tcnea. REPORTORIAL STAFF ing as if you, with light fingered dex- Icgea and univeraitfes. One question of "Formal argumentation, I mean.?" News Editors terity abstracted money from Ul( wal importance that will be discussed wit! said the girl ieily. "I hate itl I L. K. Woodward, '27 Blanche Ford, '27 let. Yon do not realize it !lnd it is sure be the Jaek of financial support. This never could see the sense in debating. Associate Editors that if they know it they, out of re meeting promises to be one of the most !It's perfectly absurd to me to see six Marian Curling, '27 J. Paul Lambertson, '28 spect for you ,,-ill say nothing. But is important educational eonferen"Cesever grown-up men waxiug eloquent ovel Virginia Wright, '27 'Wilson K. Barnes, '28 this condition !nil" If you your held in the State. some subject, they don't eyen eare Elizabeth Norman, '28 William Bay, '28 guperior intellect cnn eope ond about; and ~o digllified aucl REPORTERS eonqucr your problem~ long before pompous about it. They seareh wiJdly 1\1iram Royer, '27 Ruth Frenell, '28 thOse more unfortunfl.te is it fair to ills· Dr. E(lwin C. Whittemore, o.u alum· through books, then rise- importantly Dorothy l\fellott, '28 Dorothy Gilligan, '28 regard their rights in your own deep ]lUS of Colby, of the 'elag~ of '79 and and ~ay, 'My deur sir, the speakllr ou Gilmore Lippy, '27 :Me.reia R.uymc, '27 . problem of having a good time' If a lucmber of the college board of trus- the negll·tive side said the colonel's Charles Summers, '28 Curvin 1\1:. Seitz, '29 yon you!' hearl in Bh~mc I will toea, has written a Ilistory of the namB WIlS Smith, and in chapter two Hortense Pettitt, '27 KathEtrineDoyle, '29 you. IT IS NOT. A stu· school. This publica.tion will beplo.eed of this volume, his nilllie is written Hubert Johnson, '28 l\[al'vin Sterling, '30 dent is at the most a mirade and all in nil tbe ILbraries of :Maine so that 8m.ilhers, and"- "Jap" Weisbeck, '30 :I[arglll'et :lflll'tignoni, '29 specimens of this .nearly extinet type c\'ery illumnus may secure one. The "I nc,'s.r heard anybody rave like should be encouraged by proper eon· work will be eomplete and will consist thlLt in a debate," interrupted ,Tohn, sideration aud respeet of their rights. of about f011Thundred pages. "those Worthy opinion; Model management~· Correct news, O. L. MOR.RIB. haye to ndmit they're good." nnd you fellows work hnrd, "Thlly Ilren't," eontrndieto(l M;ary. ~ympnthize more lluturally with A gllteway of irou, with brick posts E.DITORIAL and be mOTe eontent to blink out PROGRESS ("apped with blills of Indimla limestone, "Well, I snppose they ure too--but have the funniest even good debaters existenee nmong: themj for then there that will eost approximl!.tely $5,000.00 way of things out. They SCHOLARSHIP AND DUMB-BELLS would be no 'oue t() object to his pretty We~tern 1Ilaryland hns aud is ullderconstruction at. the entrance ne\'er ao.y wlmt you expeet them to." theories. rorl!lerl.r truthfuUr, been the of Gareelon Field, Bates College. Tho "Is thnt auy reasou to suppose that lllost unprogressi,·e in'the east. strueiure is the gift of the clasa of A certain long-cared professor Itt THE NEW TYPE EXAMS This was obviously:( eondi ]910. thoir rensoning is faulty'" Asked the \Viseonsin reeently brayed to the neWl)' tionunc\dirinolittleevjJ thestaud- boy politely. papers that most college under-grad. \Ve think that the "true or false" ing of the school in the ores of the st.u· "Of course," answered .Mary, with 11ate8 ure dumb-bells. Perhnps they :lud "completion" type of eXf,minatioIl dents. At first progress towards Undetgradnate at "Ves easy assurance. are. Who knows~ Certailll~' the honor is II wise iutroduetion. We immensely the more liberal atlit.ulle was sloll', so le.YlIll UniverSity, eompul~ory at "Why'" asked the boy. uble g~ntleman doea_n't expect us to appreeitlte it. Sinee it takes na slow H$ not to be noted, but of lflte tendauee 'nt chapel, whieh recently "Bocausel" answered the girl, with lake hia word for it, lind yet he M.B more thaJl an hour and II or two there lms been a deeided advo.nee to- threntened to brenk out ill a strike, tIle nir of one who is snying the final presented no ev·idence--at least, none honrs to aomplcte a test of this type, wards the fundamental ideals of 0. lib· had an ulle;'(pected reperwssion whEfn. word on t.he subject. that is acceptnble to anyone but a col- we no longer feel, wben we entel' an eral arts coJleg~. This hilS shown it letters were received from the presi· The boy \\'as koenly interested in lege profl;'ssor. Like all too many of exnmination room, that we are about self in nwny ways, mental as well as dent of the college stating that all (lebating, aud to 'be on the debat -J.;i.s..J<.in4,Jiw-gentleman hilS \)neome so to UlldHgO a phy~ielll endurance test. aodal as well as financial. privileges of the stuilents attending iug toam some Mary's feminine neeustomed to going unehallenged in \\'e know that the old type of examina- )jnr.yla.nd i~ at the present ISnnday serders in downtown churches "Because," made long to shake the elassroom, that he thinks anything tion iU\'1l1'iably took the full three time ill a new eourses are given, rather thnn at the university chapel, ber. Instead he planned a reply thllt that passeE bis lips wi1l be taken o.t hours or more. \Ve feel,moreover,tbnt are sought, new buildings 'lI'ouW be co.ueeled. In\'estigations have wonld sho\\' her the ILbsurdity of her its face vnlue ever}"where. lIe forgeta the faculty should havo a good word are planned. A UfO"· ern is entered IIp' previOll~ly shown that man)' of t.he remarks 1311(1 her the propeT at- that he hus been strutting hiaerudi· for this new·type exam. It js certain· '". students llRd signed stutemenis in or; titude l1>'tof debllting. The tion before immature youths all his ly easier to correct than the old-type It is for us, the student body and der to nt.tend aowntown servieea and .girl, howover, wus in no mood to be life, and is surprisc.d und insulted when eXllm whieb dll-1i.berutely induced us til tile faeul!.y to deeide whether this boom, had gone to other places. The st.udents reasoned with-nt least, not until she 11 morc experie.nced public eaDs the "shoot a" By "sllOoting a line" thie new era, will snceeed or 1'nil. It edc1ently thought that tlli!\ WllS one had said all ihat she had Oil her mind. pettest of hia theories just ordinary we mean, of eourse, devoting a par,,- i~ for lIS, alld us to monld this way of getting out of chapel, wi.thout "Allmell have a queer of rea- "bolonie" it can stop laughing graph Clrtwo to saying something thllt eollege into whnt it be ill time to h~ving an~c demerits imposed upon anyway," sbe said at him long enough to s~y something. could be exp!'essed in a single Sl'ntenee. eome. Our respensibility is enormous, them. "1 care 110'" brilliant they arc. -The honorable professor hns become so TI!erefore we say, "Bring en the new· the goo(l or evil thnt we CUll do in OUI :No,,,, to-day in class, we had Mill's enamoured of his 111eories that iuets type exams. We're good sports. We'd eollege life ;0 inestimable in it~ reo Dr. Herbert C. Libby, professor oi Canons"- no longer make any impression On him much rather guess than blnff." sultant influences of the eollege on In public apeaking nud eoaeh of the inter· "And you didn't know t.hOIll, and -wby should his peIfeetly goo!l theor- ture generations. Tt is our right to cotleg.iate debating teums of Colby, an' now you're mud about it," interrupted ies be disturbed by sueh silly things all RELATION TO gain nil kllOWlcdgllpossible here but we 1l0UUteSthat plans are nenrIy eomplet· the eanllid bnt unwise John. hu\"(> pQsolutely no right to p:redeter' AND ITS fllctS, anywuy' THE STATE MARYLAND COLLEGE lIJin~ the illfincnees, be they evil, of this 6(1 for the ~euson. The four proposi di~.~:!~til~'.kn~;~::e~~" t:~lidy~ar~~~~t WESTERN "Vhat this well-menning "professol' iust.itution on those yet to come. tionsehosenfol'de.bnfeeoneernphllses it." She beenme \'ohcmeut as she ap· .. mC'ant to say WHS that most eollege The Stllte of Mnr.ylnnd makes lin an· O. L. MORR[S. of present-day political life, nomely; uudergraduates outwardly more llualllpprepriation ef $22,700 to West· Soviet Runin, tl.e Direet Primary, proachedtheaubjeetoftllcreaJcal1se or less Ilko morons, whether they ae· ern Marylnnd College, for which th" Amendment of the Volstead Aet and of her eOlllplnilltnboutuebutes. "Wb ••E tuaUy aro or not, beenuse eollages put College is re(jllircd to prtn"ide the fol- OROSS SECTION OF FRESHlE'S the Thesis th"t the "DemO('ratie Ideal I said a.bout, t.he wlly men reason is true. instnllec, this lUorning Now, for n premium on th~t kiml of behavior. lowing: i. H MistDken SlIntiment." in class, the doetor !lsked me to say A notorious exumple of this fact is th~ 5(; 'Se n 11 tor i It I Seholn.rship~ one of the canons, and I kuew eveI'!" unreaSOlledndulationoffootballheroes (Board> Room, Laull(lry, (Continued from Pnge 4) and the dumb·show eelebrations aud itioll) Meh .... Tu The Photogr~lphing of tho iiltedor word of it. 'l'hon to illustrate it, he' demollstmtions that go with it, which @ $500 $28,000 I looke(l up in "Petit Larallsse-" ,'oc~1organs dllring normal speech, has "Suppose you saw me wearing a Me made the sine qua non of scbool 25 Tuition Scholarships for Cur- Oh, hOlYdo umn.ebas repradueet l)ecn aeeomplished for the first time, nt tnp in my elnssroom, ill my gar- two for roll County $125, ijpirit in Amerioa!! Colleges. As long each Election @ District.. 3,~50 "Grant, Lord, when;r from «hull Ohio State UniverSity, by Proi'. G. den, nnd so forth, what would you liS' And I said, of eourse, "I SUlllof" liS sueh ill~llities lire fostered and en- wake Oscar Russell of tho university phone· ;rhould ilSSllllletha.t you wora it all the CO\lr(lged by college exeeutives and tot,'!l r mlly of endless light partake-" ties Inboratory. Prof. Russell deelares seemed to r the mOll faculties, there is slight prospeet ot A Who wrote "1I[0it" Oh, merey me! lie is eonvineed, by results of fhe first time." '1'hol1 all the professor said, '01'i; ~ defieit of $8,550 This makes improving tho intelleebllll life of under- entricrl b.l- the College in providing for Ye poMe, ttl portes-Qh, Jet me see! photogrnphs, that U1allY pre,·iously· be amused, and I had graduates. Student.a are going to con- Stnte studellh. The Lcgis!atur6 has "Direct, control, suggest, tlJis day, coneeived theories regarding tho voice !lO, you should ~SSU!llethat II. bald head.'-A~ if an.rbody wouldn't tinue to do the hllnmu thing, which is been Ilskell to Ulnke Ull allnu~1 appro All I de:;:ign,or flo, or say-" will hliVe to be mo.dified if not revolu- know tlwt if they a m~n wearing following the line of Jonst resistance, pri'ltion to the Coll()ge of to CIl.1pcl's over. Where'o the room tionized. nskulieaponceJ" S!.lW $32,700 until their professors quit and take care of the Seho!ar~hip3 required 'WllCre I'm to sit in all my gloom' gnnshing their teeth OYllrthe b," the State ana to provide $1,495 nd· OIl, here it is. I'm glad to see The boy Juughed. tion of unrlergraduuto stock, nnd start ditionnl for maintcnnnee. It seems oull' SO!ll~friends 10 share my nlisery. ani! it Illilkes me furious that "n isn't Eunu.}'," M,nry reminded making scholarship genuinely attrac· fair that the State should pay for Stnte Where is t'hc Prof, how long take. can reaS011things out so ea~ him. tive. Why should studellh pull and students just whnt all students I bet one dreadful mark I'll ily eHiI:nly!" "1 b~g your pardon," the boy other swent in the lJ.eadem.ietro.ces when the have to pay for Bonrd and Tuition. Ynre\\'ell eruel worlrl, here's the exam! "Gooe1!" exclnimed JOhll, admiring· qUickly, "but even if what you snid only Teward they are offered is tllllt The papers have H!lIlOlmeed that I'll hurry through, then more I'll ernm. l~-. "I ne'·er thought yon'd udmit it. was reusouu.ble-l meun although what elusivo something eRlIed seholarsllip, Governor Ritcllic ha's recommended in Now you'd better ehauge your miu!l you said. WlU! reasonable, perhaps it which seems to h(l,ve made "goofs" of his budget that the appropriation for 8UBSCR,IPTION BLANK nnd go to thedebnte tOllight." didn'j iIlustrnte the point that the pro. so many good people' WIly should Western Maryland College 1)13eontinll (Fill out Conpon and Muil) fessor wished it to." undergraduntes be blmned for rejeeting 1'(1at III his address to the "I don't see argued lfary. $2~,700. 'what appears to be nil UIIS!lVOQ· sehol· Legislature he seem~ to intimate that a Gold Bug, Western Marylnnd College, "We'll go then," said the nmazed "~'here's ouly one to Olle eanOll, lIstiedish,slIrved,as itis,frOlll dusty fino.l ~djuatment hag not beeJl !Hrived Westminster, .Maryland. John, "but I alw;lys thongbt you did lIud wh:\tI waspedeetly clear and j,its by sterile hands, whell a whole 'It. The friends of Westenl Maryland Enclosed find $1.00 for subseription n't like movies." reasouablc. '1'hoseoldcanonsareter. banquet of ellOice extra·eurrieular College call perform a signll! ~erviee t-o Gold Bug for the romainder of the Tible to learn. I'd like to tell John like them," ,·iands is spread before them' for the College nt this time by ealling college yenr 1926·1927. "bnt "I I'll don't likl> them to·night." sam Mary, Stnart Mill \\>hat I think of him." Bnt, after all, tilere (loubtless ~re t he !l~t elltion of their frien ds in the 130m", dumb-bell nndergraduates in Legislature to the important work that "\\Iny the sudden change of miudf" dmel'iean Colleges. Perhaps. it wonld "Vest.ern Marylllnd College is perform' (Name) inquired John. be well to isola!.e them by seientifie ing lor the State. A worll from them "Beeau~e I'm sure Johu Sf-uart Mill Sh~~r:m\:~;~:e~n;'iIt ai: n~:tb:::::!a,;; tests. If this is rloue, we would Ii/(e to the GOYl'rnor rtlso will Tho wouldu't approvel" unswered Mllry. to pr01)OSCthnt the hOllorabteprofessor Governor Ls fair·minded lind Il.p- (Street) "lIow do you know he IVOu)11n't'l" ~~~ ~:i:f~::o:n:.nal::: ;:SI~lt::f'I o;e~:~~ from \Yiseonsill, of dumb-bells, preeiale heariug from' the rriendll of pursued Joha. I'd in clalls to·dny thllt most gl'rla uon't be made their No one eQuId the College. (City and State) "Beeausel" said Mary. thiuk very logieally, and I'm no ex' f
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