Page 63 - TheGoldBug1926-27
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GOt First Vanlft.~ Varsity Basketball Debate of S611Son TOfllOrrow Night Ge.orge WaJlhingtoR Uni.ver8ity At The ATmory Mondny, Pebruury 14 SUSQUEHANNA At Home UNlVERSITY Vol. 4, No. 16 Feb. 2, 1927 Juniors Score Big Hit COLLEG:t OALllNDAR Coach Harlow Lectures be- Last Minute News Experiments ofProf. Berlholf With One-Act Plays \VEDNESDAY, }'.ElD. 2- fore Science Clubon"Birds Arouse Nationallnteresl Scientific Modes at Star under QUARTET AND INSTR.UMENTAL· nnspiees of F,;~il'lICe C.1ub, 4.30 P. of Northwest Canada" S~ith Hall Audience Delight- M. ISTS ENTERTAIN TO·NIGHT Gives Several Demonstrat- ed with Interpretations of T~e Circle Franoaiae, 7.00 P. 11. Gives Vivid Account of 8th A tnnle qua-tee made up of Nichols, ions at Request of Scien- and "Nevertheless" and TlltrRSDAY, .rua. 3- in Gym: Annual Exploration Trip E. Lippy,~Ro?el", evening Wengly, is giving tific Bodies a1: the this II progralll Winfield baeketbull Inter-class "The Revolt". Sophs "1'8_ Juniors (Let; High Bchcol, of whicn W. U. Hawkins. Fmsh "S. S<>n;nrB (2nd team); The latest meeting of the Science '26, is principal. Shriver's sax and By RUTH ~RENOH Individual 'Acting of Leota Kolb and -UfJP.M. (1u\) wa~ Held .iiI Stnitlt Hall-to !I~eom· Baumgartner's bnlljo ,viII diversify the Mae M.illB Notable. W. '\1. C. vs. Busqucbnnua D., at modnt c the lnrge audience which came entertainment. All of us on the" Hill" know Prof. Armory, 8.15 P. M. II) hear our eouen, nick lhrlow, speak Lloyd ::\f. Berllwlf, hear] of tho Biology Un F'rldav, .Ianunry !'l, the Junior .I;'lnbAY, :E'EB_ -I--- 011 "Birds of Ncrthwcat Clllllldll." Department. Many of us have been Speech Department pleased an unusual- Bhakespcnre Recltul, Smith Hull, Tbrr~ lH"l heen some doubt, it seem- rORMER W. M_ STARS TO PLAY AT lueky euougn to be in bia classes, and ly large and appreciative audience in 1.301-' • .M. ell, enncerulng the topic of the lecture. ARMORY TO-NIGHT beeomB nequuinfed with him in the Smith Hall by its splendid and profes· SA TUl1bA'i:", Jo'EB. r_ It hurl ljeeu nnnouueed IlS "Birds Ot A number of figures that used to be eapneity of a very nblc und popular aicnnl presentaficn of two one-act Co-eds ]lIlly Di('killson lit Cllrli81e, the New England but laler, prominent on Terror quints will be eeeu teaeher. But few of us have an ade- plays. ~.30P. Ill. rumor had m~l1lillll('d of vsu-ious in action to-night at tllO Armor.\' on of him as a scientist. "Kevl'rtheloss," !t sketch socucna of Cniwd'L Mr'. J-InrlolV Het MONDAY, Flm. 7- the Ret'ail C0l11lllerci(l1 Cr{l(1it TeaiU, of slightest idea what he by Stuart WaTker, had only three per· tIed the questloll hllllself, by Ilnnoune- TntN-elns$ h:\sk~tball ill Gym: ing the lettur!! f1~ .!'Birda of NorlhwCBt B!lltimOl'e. "Ez" \Yilli/llns, "" does with his spnre time. Prof. Bertholf sons in the east of ehnrar,ters. Mabel Kinsey, Matthews ("Mattie"), Davis, is rather lllodelit about his aehieve· Wlml ns the Girl was naively proper, ~1~::~ors,_s~'SSO;;)~';li~~~\(1 C;;!1l1), 4_~~ Gnnadll." Renalds, and ],[eClay. menbs, !but it h:ls been mseovBred thHt oud the rort of the Boy who "hated P. ::\1. f'Dic!,') took hiB ,3udicllee with him he is noi only hard on the trail of his w(lrds," und "di{lu't lOvell W!lnt 1.0 ou\ to the \'~~t open spaces where. be- talk good English," WflS espl'cially well IleHth the ttickcriug and tlnring lighh doctor's dcgo'ee, but has in already made who (lone by Leota Kolb. The Burglnr nar· Evening with Shake- of the nllrora bOI'('nli~, "I(JO~C, ~aribOIl, Dr. S. A. Harker, Class It name for. himself the fielQ of tleeidll8 to Wlllk the "~traight and and nnlUeron~ small gnme wander in a seience,nnd bills fail' to become n wide· row part" nfter his fir~t nnsu(lcassfnl speare 10 be Presented 1/1>111 wll('re the ('r,1ek of the white of 1900, Preaches ly known Duthority on nis su'bject. att-empt at Qurglary was cleverly pre· IllHU'S rifle is s~lilo!rt la'ard. Wnlkillg in Baker Chapel Specialty is Bees sented by Ezra ROSl'nstock. The whole in Smith Hall by Seniors on ground that for rotl81lke was fI deLightfully clever performanee the edgr of :\ ":tHckl' un!! his Prof. Bertholf's spec-inlty is besociety of Zoologists, j]'lnd "lr. .rcssica-"Th~ 11er~hant thn~ grent trackless wish wlIstes feel should go of to chapel Harker serdee is Inst Sunday, of Januar~' elllsa 30. of vision. He has also demonstrate,] his to t1>1I.spllll ROlI('nstock lho~{" who til(' !:I m(>mber Dr. the before gl:Hi :'''/PROF RANCK. TO BE of_\"enirl'" northw~Bterll CUllIllurl seemed \'er~' grOlmd to ag:lin. be btlek apporntuB Experiments n'e societies. (1I) lhe olrl familinr Difficult of Mias AMONGLEADERS AT Prinee Arthur-"King Smith John" gl'imlller $Oll1Hl of the Ihe northern lights, enll, and The text used l,y Dr. llarker W!lS within "lilting wolf's concerning HOOD COLLEGE ::\liss Bemiller thr.'" nHl.'· lil'e lUuong nntlll"!ll surround· Jolm, 12-29: 30:-"The people visiou The inl'es'tign·tions nre extre1l]el~' intorest· eoIo. of bees flnd heard stood Miss 11 CONFERENCE Piano ",.ill duets be by ,.introd\leed Gesner to (md furnish Miss iUgJl U!ltou~hEil by mnn. lherefore, tllnt that thllndered: b)' olherSSllid,au it, ing, but somewhat difficult for the lay· said it for the program. SCIENTIFIC MOVIES TO BE SHOWN >lngcl spake to him. mnn to comprehend. Bees, snys Prof. bJ' ')1 Miss Margaret Wilson AT STAR TlUS AFTERNOON .Jesus answered and ~lIid, "This voice Bertholf, nnd arc green. relldily The~' stimlllnted 11'119 whitc respond Named Chairman AT 4.30 tallle uot becuuse of me, but for 'your readily to ,bInI', still less to yellow and ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PLANNING !:Iukes." '!'hesl' thre~ ,-nrieties of interpreta· violet, :111d hnrdly at all to red. Thi~ l"rom Feobl'unry 11, to 13, there will FOR GREAT MID-WINTER Science Chlb Auspices tion nBwl'lItopresent-da.veolldi. W(lS showD by puttiug seven>! hOlley be an interesting Y. W. and Y. ],1. ton BANQUET lions :lS did to that vhenomcnoH beea in a large eoyerell gl~ss !lish into ferenre al Uood Coll~ge, Frederick, The Reienee ('r"b w:ill sholl' four in .Tesus' Tha.t wn6 UI(! greateat which enterea two different CO!Of<'U l.,- Mar.rlan!l. The eonferenee theme will Convention to be Held at Emerson rcel~ flf sl'icnUfi" pictures nt the StHr hour ill tbc spirijunl history of the benma of light. III trying to got oat be "Finding God iu Onr Mo,lern ·,'I","lr .. lhi. HflernoOll, J<'ebrunry 2, oUt worli1. For the strange soulld$ that of ll1e di~h the bees ran to the two Hotel, Baltimore, February 11 'Nodd." Tllis promises to be II help· 1.30. W('Te heard, enen had lti$ own interpre· spots "where the light b(!:1HlS cuterI'd. Olle of the pictures, n two·reel One, ful, inspiring topic for st.ndy, one thM tation. 'I'll some it brought no revela- ''phe number of times tlH~y 'bumped into 'rhe ,\Inllllli AS$ocillti(m of Wl'alern "Trees of. Tomorrow," is leused by the will prove "it(l11y inleresting t.o (>"1'1")" lion nt all, and wns explnineu liS thun tho glnas lit each spot indie~ted which delegate. '\larylnlld College is plalllling to hold of Agriculture. 11 shows (\I'f. 'l'{l', few i1\ the crowd who llad liglot I1a(l the stronger ('treet. l-'lowers \Yestcrn Maryland College is partir- th~ bigg~st convention and mid·winter iH tlon .B~sterll Stales. reurhed:. higher llwel of lludcwholesub.ieetis tht!lle 1I'0rhlJ.," eOIllJitiOIlS. 'fhe mnss of sponse fo light, are not machines, and conference ",m l)e worthwhile for !l.llY i",·ited Jl.nd h~s tentntively aeceptca. people are Ilpparcntly nnr(>sponsil'e to The Green Terror Foot BalJ '.Peam and will ehooBe nbsolute darkness ill prefer· student, nnd Westl'Tll 1oJar.yland should the manifestlltions arouud lhem, and it's eoach, Dick llarlaw, "'ho hU"e mll(le enee to light if honey is plneed ther~. 'be represented by a large dell'glltion. nre eOlltelit to ~taud by like those peo- Wl'$tern },[arylWld known throughout The pictnres shown hy the Sdellce t.he country will be present. Club Dc~elllber ].1. were Vl'ry much e.u ple of Jerus:uuII1, ther :Ire spiritually Prof. Bertholf Congratulated tion and bauquet a success. For further Distinguished speakers will address. joyed, ,md C1"er.r one interested in seien· rlull und IIlInnut hear the "oiee of God. We are prond of 'the work 'that Prof. information write F. Murray Benson, the various meetings. tifi(· pit:tnrcsshould not fail toaeethe They COllSl'quently put a llaturali~tie Berf]lolf hus done, and of the fact that Banquet Treasurer, 2 E. Lexington St., The iLim is to have 600 or mure per· pictUres this nfterlloon. interpretntiOl1 on spiritual t.hings. TIl(lJl he carries the nnme of -Western :llary Baltimore, Md., or '1'. K. Harrison, Ex- suns present: The priee is only $3.25 All of the students are urged to at there i~ the second group, a chnsm few l~nd with him. We want to eongratn eeutil'e See., 1000 Continental BuIld- per plat.e. El'ery one tllllt can is nrged fend. An adlll.iBBion .fce of ten cents wbo h"\'e more vision and are not satis- late him, and wisb him aU 8Uel'eSS in ing, Baltimore, Maryland. to be present to help the com·en· will be charged. (COntinued on 3) seelfting his degretl this summer.
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